Last Minute Predictions



  • Reply 121 of 131
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member

    Originally posted by RnSK

    Look people, Apple isn't going to make a G5 for less than a grand with PCI Slot/Slots for you to swap stuff in and out of.

    Who said anything about slots and expandability?

    But hey, it's all fun and conjecture here. Frankly, it could go either way. Perhaps it's wishful thinking on my part. But for Apple to even make a dent in the consumer space, they badly need to hit a homerun with this 3rd gen iMac.

    Otherwise, it's another year of iPod this and iPod that!
  • Reply 122 of 131
    cougarcougar Posts: 55member
    Haha. Macosrumors makes me laugh.


    We think that Apple will either not announce an iMac G5 at Paris Expo this week, or the Powerbook update will come later in the year -- probably not sooner than November, but also not later than February.

    How can they not be certain that there will be iMacs tomorrow?
  • Reply 123 of 131
    For any doubters out there about the cpu being behind the screen and the rest of the guts with it, it will certainly all be behind the monitor. Certified and true.
  • Reply 124 of 131

    Originally posted by ArticulatedArm

    Is this your first time on the internet?

    What's with the attitude? I just asked him why he wanted one so badly. I don't get the whole tablet idea. Might be good for the medical field but how would the average user benefit?
  • Reply 125 of 131
    rnskrnsk Posts: 35member

    Originally posted by TWinbrook46636

    What's with the attitude? I just asked him why he wanted one so badly. I don't get the whole tablet idea. Might be good for the medical field but how would the average user benefit?

    Well, I think a 'thin client wireless screen' could be nice, but if Apple makes it, its gonna be *waaaay* too good for most folks. Somebody dis a like an iPod dock screen mockup thingee. That's about the only way i could see Apple implementing it (really thin and light) so it would be at least $600 with no compute power.

    That's probably more tham most would pay for a 12" screen tho.

    As for a full blown tablet pc tho? Naaaaaah

  • Reply 126 of 131
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by TWinbrook46636

    What's with the attitude? I just asked him why he wanted one so badly. I don't get the whole tablet idea. Might be good for the medical field but how would the average user benefit?

    That's like saying "Why would anyone need a keyboard? Might be good for the legal field but how would the average user benefit?". Pretending the clipboard way of holding a computer and pen based input are too complex for normal users is like saying typing is too complex. It's a false assumption. it's just that so many tablets have been too bulky, poorly implemented and poorly marketed.

    Holding a tablet (if light enough) like a pad of paper and writing directly onscreen feels very natural. It is far more mobile. Average users would love it so long as the input method is at least as "flawless" as the keyboard and mouse are. Plus tablets could snap on to a stand and be used as mere displays too, old style, so you could use a mouse and keyboard.

    There were plenty of crummy MP3 players on the market prior to the iPod. But Apple took the idea and ran with it and exploded the market. I think Apple could do the same for a tablet form factor. There is nothing inherently wrong with it, just that prior implementations were lacking. Apple should do to the tablet what Palm did to the Newton...refine, redesign, and market the hell out of it as a new thing, to hell with what came before. (As Apple is doing with iPod).
  • Reply 127 of 131
    eaoneaon Posts: 3member

    Originally posted by johnq

    That's like saying "Why would anyone need a keyboard? Might be good for the legal field but how would the average user benefit?". Pretending the clipboard way of holding a computer and pen based input are too complex for normal users is like saying typing is too complex. It's a false assumption. it's just that so many tablets have been too bulky, poorly implemented and poorly marketed.

    If by poorly marketed you mean too darn expensive, then you've hit the nail on the head. Everyone I've ever talked to about them says "Oh, that'd be so cool, just hold it like a clipboard. I'm sorry, it costs how much? Forget it, I'll use a keyboard". I know two people with tablets. They both won them in contests (my friends are far luckier than I ever am). People always mention the medical industry because a) that's what the major media always say, and b) doctors can afford them.

    The other side of the marketing thing, from a personal point of view, is if they can get the handwriting recognition to work right, make sure the world knows that. I'm so jaded by Graffiti I don't ever want to touch a "handwriting recognition" piece of hardware ever again.
  • Reply 128 of 131
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by RnSK

    Ah but you haven't, least until we see what happens tomorrow...

    because those calls are for folks that want to speculate on stock, at least coming from Apple. They really don't use them as "Roadmaps" like other companies do...nor could they anyway.

    The *record* speaks volumes tho...or like the old folks say:

    "actions speak louder than words."

    If Apple sphincters a $999 AIO G5 iMac I got no problem coming back here and saying "I was wrong...sooo wrong. I couldn't have been more wrong if my name was Wrongy Wrongenstein!" (Man I love Penn Gillette...heheh)

    Somehow tho'...I'm thinking it just won't be an issue...Apple will come thru with a kicazz AIO thats just about $300 - $400 more than "the Gallery" would like


    go ahead. change your story. it's what AI members do best.
  • Reply 129 of 131
    Here's mine

    The Qube (cube) is back!!!

    100 button mouse with click wheel!!!

    iWife for sad un-attached Apple users

    and one more thang there is SJ resigns...
  • Reply 130 of 131
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member

    Originally posted by Eaon

    The other side of the marketing thing, from a personal point of view, is if they can get the handwriting recognition to work right, make sure the world knows that. I'm so jaded by Graffiti I don't ever want to touch a "handwriting recognition" piece of hardware ever again.

    It must work and be convenient otherwise users will prefer their current input methods. In the tablet's case, usually a pen is replacing both mouse and keyboard so it has to kick ass.

    Remember the Newton and how eventually they made eMates with a built-in keyboard. Think about Palm who is now releasing keyboard-equipped PDAs.

    Right now I guarantee that most tablets stay in laptop mode as long as that's an option.
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