OH GOD!!!!! [iWalk]



  • Reply 521 of 587
    nebrienebrie Posts: 483member
    [quote]Originally posted by Jay:

    <strong>This fakery stuff is too much. I had to finally register to comment on this. Who in the world would waste so much time creating this as a red herring? To get some email addresses to sell? To get a CG job? PLEASE! Anyone remember the "Mac OS X 1.0 secret post-release speedup download?" Did we learn nothing? Whatever we saw in that video was as real as the day is long. Whether Apple releases it or not, no sane person would spend as much time creating a CGI fakery as those here have critiquing it. It may not be a soon-to-be-released Apple product, but give me a break!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The idiot who made this does this type of crap for a living. People have hobbies and ways of wasting time. Some people like to draw, some people like to pull hoaxes. If you've never seen a hoax before or don't understand why there seem to be so many of them, go back into your hole and never come back out again. sheesh
  • Reply 522 of 587
    nebrienebrie Posts: 483member
    [quote]Originally posted by admactanium:


    probably true lucky. i suppose i could figure out how to do something like this in a fairly short order of time. but, that said, the physicality of the object is very real. there's no way they cg'ed that wheel on. i stepped through that "mysterious 45 degree jump" and could figure that the finger was moving before it touched the wheel and then finally touched the wheel and moved it at a fast pace. the camera and the compression following could easily have made it look like some sort of jump.

    not to mention what has been posted before about the wheel being there in all the scenes, including the turnaround movie. now, someone could have created the whole thing out of lexan, but that's a whole lot of work. so yeah, it's possible that someone spent a TON of time doing that.

    as far as the "floating text" is concerned, it actually looks tracked onto the image to me. it does move in a funny way in comparison to the object, but remember that this is video that has been compressed and probably frame reduced. if you've ever done a super for television, you'd know that things that are one-pixel tall get moved around A LOT (they look like they're dancing around, sorta like a moire) because of the screen resolution not being able to properly display something so small. what i'm saying is that i've seen things that looked as strange as that (which isn't that strange) that i was also present to watch being filmed so could easily verify its physicality.

    i'm not sure if the device is a real apple device, but it's something very real for sure. my bet is on it being real or at least a prototype.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You do realize that those videos weren't rocket science right? No hollywood technology that you seem to insist on using was needed to create this. Just an empty shell, a inkjet printer, vid cam with tripod and computer with photoshop - that's it. And many of the errors can not be attributed to video compression or do not match characteristics of compression.
  • Reply 523 of 587
    mithrasmithras Posts: 165member
    funny how they've put up some pathetic little explanations to work around everyone's objections...

    ...except they still haven't explained why their "top secret source" happened to have pointed the web browser to THEIR website, to a page apparently specifically written FOR that test.

    Hmm, did their top-secret operative really call them up and say, "Hey, this is the top-secret operative from Apple, sitting alone in Germany with an incredibly secret prototype, and a video camera. Can you write a little web page for me to test it out on? Apple isn't sure whether the browser can read tables."

    And nevermind As The Apple Turn's evidence that this guy has made lots of mock-ups before.

    I don't know why we (or I) even let them take us this far, or are still talking about them. It's just attention-seeking behavior, probably could look it up in the DSM-IV.
  • Reply 524 of 587
    macsrgood4umacsrgood4u Posts: 3,007member
    If the videos were real how did they get the iWalk logo (the man in silhouette) on the desktop? If that was faked so could all the other stuff on the desktop.
  • Reply 525 of 587
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    [quote]Originally posted by Nebrie:


    You do realize that those videos weren't rocket science right? No hollywood technology that you seem to insist on using was needed to create this. Just an empty shell, a inkjet printer, vid cam with tripod and computer with photoshop - that's it. And many of the errors can not be attributed to video compression or do not match characteristics of compression.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    you have got to be kidding. Photoshop? Jeez...

    The damn thing is real ferchrissake. Prob a prototype... but still.
  • Reply 526 of 587
    Well, I'm afraid to say this, but "To go where no PC has gone before" and the whole rest of the hype would fit perfectly on the iWalk:

    "Backstage pass to the future" hints at a future where computers have become so small, you can bring them with you every where.

    Also, "Way beond the rumour sites". That was posted before the spymac videos was released. At that time no rumour sites was suggesting a PDA (..sorry "super compact mac" )

    Apple would not consider it a PDA, but instead a "full" PC, and thus you have a super portable, that can go where no other pc, not even laptops, can...(eg. in your pocket)

    I am very sceptical about the videos, but the plot thickens...

    [ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: Power Apple ]</p>
  • Reply 527 of 587
    tmatma Posts: 76member
    Here's an idea...

    Could someone else make a mirror with the iWalk pictures and movies? Then spread the word on AI, MacNN and other forums - make sure it gets around. Maybe someone could even 'tip off' Apple?

    Then we'll see if Apple legal come along and ask for it to be removed. spymac.com dont have much credibility for me but i'm sure there are plently of respected people around here that we could trust with this.

    Although I suppose Apple could demand it be removed just for the Apple logo on the rear.

    What do you think?

    [ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: TMA ]</p>
  • Reply 528 of 587
    Also, if the iWalk turns out to be real, I will really really HATE the bastards at spymac.com for destroying my anticipation for the show.

    I was so looking forward to a surprise on monday. It's like being told what your christmas presents are on advance. No fun!

    I hope Apple sues them to hell!!! And find the slimy creature who leaked this and break his legs! (I'm sure Steve will put a contract on his head for detroying his big show) :eek:

    ...ahem...oh, well, maybe they should just sue him too... <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />

    EDIT: need to add, however, that if it turns out to be a hoax, then I think they are way cool!

    [ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: Power Apple ]</p>
  • Reply 529 of 587
    macsrgood4umacsrgood4u Posts: 3,007member
    Wired, as of this morning at least, has the videos available in Quicktime.
  • Reply 530 of 587
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    yes, wired site has the images...let see what happens to them...i also noted when i first read that spymac took down their photos that the wording was werid:

    By legal request, we have removed all iWalk footage from our server. Sorry everyone, but we held out as long as we could

    everywhere else, when apple asks/demands that an image be removed, it is written: At "Apples request"...or "Apple demands"...or "Apple Legal requests: etc.... Spymac didn't mention apple....maybe because apple didn't request them too?....does anybody know if spymac could get in legal trouble if they say that Apple told them to take something down when Apple didn't...ie, is it illegal to say that someone has threaten legal action when they haven't??? is this too confusing?? i would also agree that mostly likely spymac took the pictures down for one of two reasons....to pretend that apple is coming after them to make the iWalk look more real...or because the bandwidth hits got them in trouble with their server....g
  • Reply 531 of 587
    Before they posted this message, I visited a site (interface.com/iwalk???) that used to host the stff, but it's gone.. So was another one. The only one left that I know of is Wired..
  • Reply 532 of 587
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by Power Apple:

    <strong>Also, if the iWalk turns out to be real, I will really really HATE the bastards at spymac.com for destroying my anticipation for the show.

    I was so looking forward to a surprise on monday. It's like being told what your christmas presents are on advance. No fun!

    I hope Apple sues them to hell!!! And find the slimy creature who leaked this and break his legs! (I'm sure Steve will put a contract on his head for detroying his big show) :eek:

    ...ahem...oh, well, maybe they should just sue him too... <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />

    EDIT: need to add, however, that if it turns out to be a hoax, then I think they are way cool!

    [ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: Power Apple ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Ummm then why would you hang out on a rumors related message board? Since after all this *is* exactly what we try to do... Figure out what Apple is gonna do next...

    Just took the wrong exit on the super highway did ya?

  • Reply 533 of 587
    For all you beleivers out there who say who would fake such a thing...and how could they.

    It's called Plexiglass folks. It's cheap and easily formed. My little brother could make an iWalk replica in about 6 hours.

    For around $30 I could fashion it from 1/16" sheet plexiglass and <a href="http://www.permacol.nl/clear_adhesives.htm"; target="_blank">Permapur 5192</a> (a Plexiglass Adhesive)

    As for the jog dial... 1/4" Plexi block on a lathe for about 20 min. and you have yourself a jog dial. A simple punch stamp on some adhesive foil and you have your Apple logo.

    Total spending so far? ~$20-30

    Spend some time rendering some UI stuff in Photoshop, making sure to maintain a consistancy in your various screenshots.

    It's so obvious, I'm ashamed you guys STILL buy into their Bull!

    Mac Guru
  • Reply 534 of 587
    thentrothentro Posts: 231member
    yea power apple what are you doing here in "future hardware" if you dont want to know what Future Hardware will be??? <img src="confused.gif" border="0">

    [ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: thentro ]</p>
  • Reply 535 of 587
    [quote]Originally posted by DaveGee:


    Ummm then why would you hang out on a rumors related message board? Since after all this *is* exactly what we try to do... Figure out what Apple is gonna do next...

    Just took the wrong exit on the super highway did ya?


    OK, ok, ok, damn it...I have a somewhat bad temper :o , and I really didn't think the real thing would be revealed.

    The wild speculation about 2 GHz G5's, Apple branded space stations (or satellites or whatever!) and the like is fun to participate in, but when the truth is revealed then the fun is gone...see what I mean?


    [ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: Power Apple ]</p>
  • Reply 536 of 587
    [quote]Originally posted by Power Apple:


    OK, ok, ok, damn it...I have a somewhat bad temper :o , and I really didn't think the real thing would be revealed.

    The wild speculation about 2 GHz G5's, Apple branded space stations (or satellites or whatever!) and the like is fun to participate in, but when the truth is revealed then the fun is gone...see what I mean?


    [ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: Power Apple ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    In that case, you're plenty safe here talking about the iWalk. You've seen all you will see of it (for the next week, at least), because Steve will not be showing any iWalk as MWSF.

    I can't believe we're still talking about this. There's nothing to see here people. Move on. Move on.
  • Reply 537 of 587
    [quote]Originally posted by LuckyJno:


    In that case, you're plenty safe here talking about the iWalk. You've seen all you will see of it (for the next week, at least), because Steve will not be showing any iWalk as MWSF.

    I can't believe we're still talking about this. There's nothing to see here people. Move on. Move on.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I hope you are right about that, and that we all will be surprised (pleasantly) on monday...but I fear it will be a disappointment. There is no way Apple can live up to it's own hype. Not even the very best PDA in world would do that.
  • Reply 538 of 587
    nebrienebrie Posts: 483member
    [quote]Originally posted by ZO:


    you have got to be kidding. Photoshop? Jeez...

    The damn thing is real ferchrissake. Prob a prototype... but still.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Pleeze... go use Photoshop before you make this kind of comment.
  • Reply 539 of 587
    maskermasker Posts: 451member
    double post

    [ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: Masker ]</p>
  • Reply 540 of 587
    [quote]Originally posted by Power Apple:


    I hope you are right about that, and that we all will be surprised (pleasantly) on monday...but I fear it will be a disappointment. There is no way Apple can live up to it's own hype. Not even the very best PDA in world would do that.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Naw... I am planning on being pleasantly surprised on Monday. I'm still excited. But not about an iWalk. I'm hoping for a new direction: like how the iMac was a new direction after years and years of beigedom.

    'Snot PDAs tho. I'm guessing it's a clustering technology. Why not?
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