OH GOD!!!!! [iWalk]



  • Reply 561 of 587
    Didn't know that PB G3 took his threads so seriously. Geeze.
  • Reply 562 of 587
    This thing could have been fabbed easily by someone with access to the right equipment. And I believe that the german dude who runs spymac does this sort of thing for a living.

    I bet someone with expertise in fabbing mock ups could do this in an afternoon.

    Alternatively, it could actually be a real Apple prototype, albeit non-working. If so this doesn't mean a thing, since Apple surely has tons of prototypes that never see the light of day. Ive's and his dept. make design mock-ups for a living, it's their job to have many designs to show execs, and then the execs choose the one that they like.

    It looks to me like this was fabbed by someone outside Apple. That large knob on the front is inconsistent with Apple's recent designs. Take the iPod as an example, it's controls are FLAT, so that it can fit in a pocket or a leather case. That knob is unncesscary, and surely if Ives had designed it, the controls would be flat, much like the iPod's controls that everyone has raved about.

    Spymac are full of sh!t. It will be fun to see their iWalk rumor disproven on Monday, and to see how they handle it.
  • Reply 563 of 587
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    Even if it most likely turns out to be complete crap, there's more evidence of the iWalk then there is of a G5.

    Sad but true.
  • Reply 564 of 587
    G5 evidence is from multiple sources. This iWalk is only supported by spymac, isn't it?

    [ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: Junkyard Dawg ]</p>
  • Reply 565 of 587
    k...time for me to chip in.

    I will not tell you if there will be an iwalk at SFMW or not, because like the rest of u, I realy dont know. But I will tell you how to do the iwalk movie, since there is a big discussion about it:

    First of all. This is very well done, and not just done by using photoshop and AE. It is done by people that work with CG, but it has not taken two persons more then one week to do (that is what it would take us if we shoul do it).

    Theese are the prefered applications to use:

    ...A 3D software with a good raytracing and radiocity rendering engine. (Can be Lightwave Softimage or Max but probably not Maya).

    ...a compositor application. In this case Commotion would be prefered instead of AE5 since it also has the tools for the "textwriting" part. And Commotions rotoscopeing is much better to layering up the fingers in the front of iwalk.

    ...Adobe Photoshop for making the material for the animation in the display. And for making the textures.

    ...either a cameramatchmoveingplugin to the 3D software or a stand alone application for it. (It can also be done manually, but it is very good in the movie so an application for it has been used).

    How to do it:

    1. Come up with the idea and draw out a storyboard for tha action and the shoot.

    2. Art Direction of the iwalk. This is the brilliant part of the movie. The person that draw up the iwalk is a skilled and very good industrialdesigner. No doubt about that. This part of the job also includes reasearch.

    Probably this has been growing in the back of somebodys mind for a long time, but i´d say about two days full time to draw all the sketches...

    2. Taking raw footage.

    Time for this is no more then 30 min for two persons...if storyboard is done previously

    The actor is holding a peace of wood that has the same size as the model if the iwalk will have, but it is painted green or blue.

    3. Modeling the iwalk

    3D soft for modeling and PSD for making textures. Total time for this is one day.

    4. Making the content of the display.

    Photoshop and Commotion during one day.

    PSD for making still images, and commotion for layering it al up together and give it some motion. There is a function in Commotion where u paint with a brush on multiple frames in realtime.

    That has been used to create the "writing effect"

    This is made with one eye at the raw footage all the time.....one day

    5. Texturing the iwalk. This includes slaping on the movie made in 4 on a plate inside the iwalk.

    This takes half a day...

    6. Camera Matchmovment.

    Means making the footage allign with 3d Enviroment. Alligning the 3D iwalk is easyer because of the green or blue woodpart decribed erlier...takes half a day

    7. Lighting and rendering a 3D layer...

    Press "render" and leave it for the night

    8. Back to Commotion for final Compositing.

    The fingers, hands and arms has to be rotoscoped out in a separete layer. This takes half a day. DONE!!!

    9. Sit back and follow a stupid thread in AI that never seems to end....time for that is weeks heheh.

    Q: So is it rocketsience?

    A: No, any postprod firm can do this easily.

    Q: Can a normal person that does not work in the CG industry pull this off?

    A: Yes, all the apps can easaly be found on warez servers, and if u have a burning interest off CG and been playing around with 3D and video for a year or two it should be possible but a bit harder.

    Q: I have just playd around and done some "burning text" in Photoshop. CanI do it?

    A: No! Not a chance...forget it....

    Q: Will Steve roll out on stage on a Segway at SFMW?

    A: Yepp, he will....

    ps. the stuff with the flickering light on the backside of the iwalk is because the person that textured the iwalk forgott to parent the textureplacement node to the iwalk body...

    ps2. forgive me for my sloppy english..
  • Reply 566 of 587
    I would after another look at this product say that the Industial Designer is a genius!!!! If it is just one person....

    When I look at it again im starting to feel a bit unsecure about the fakefactor on this one. Even if it is possible to fake the video, the design is just to good to be a one man job...

  • Reply 567 of 587
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by Minguez:

    <strong>I would after another look at this product say that the Industial Designer is a genius!!!! If it is just one person....

    When I look at it again im starting to feel a bit unsecure about the fakefactor on this one. Even if it is possible to fake the video, the design is just to good to be a one man job...

    THATS IT! I HAVE DECIDED TO BELIVE IN iwalk!!!!!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    ::and so it goes::

  • Reply 568 of 587
    thentrothentro Posts: 231member
    [quote]Originally posted by Minguez:

    <strong>k...time for me to chip in.

    I will not tell you if there will be an iwalk at SFMW or not, because like the rest of u, I realy dont know. But I will tell you how to do the iwalk movie, since there is a big discussion about it:

    First of all. This is very well done, and not just done by using photoshop and AE. It is done by people that work with CG, but it has not taken two persons more then one week to do (that is what it would take us if we shoul do it).

    Theese are the prefered applications to use:

    ...A 3D software with a good raytracing and radiocity rendering engine. (Can be Lightwave Softimage or Max but probably not Maya).

    ...a compositor application. In this case Commotion would be prefered instead of AE5 since it also has the tools for the "textwriting" part. And Commotions rotoscopeing is much better to layering up the fingers in the front of iwalk.

    ...Adobe Photoshop for making the material for the animation in the display. And for making the textures.

    ...either a cameramatchmoveingplugin to the 3D software or a stand alone application for it. (It can also be done manually, but it is very good in the movie so an application for it has been used).

    How to do it:

    1. Come up with the idea and draw out a storyboard for tha action and the shoot.

    2. Art Direction of the iwalk. This is the brilliant part of the movie. The person that draw up the iwalk is a skilled and very good industrialdesigner. No doubt about that. This part of the job also includes reasearch.

    Probably this has been growing in the back of somebodys mind for a long time, but i´d say about two days full time to draw all the sketches...

    2. Taking raw footage.

    Time for this is no more then 30 min for two persons...if storyboard is done previously

    The actor is holding a peace of wood that has the same size as the model if the iwalk will have, but it is painted green or blue.

    3. Modeling the iwalk

    3D soft for modeling and PSD for making textures. Total time for this is one day.

    4. Making the content of the display.

    Photoshop and Commotion during one day.

    PSD for making still images, and commotion for layering it al up together and give it some motion. There is a function in Commotion where u paint with a brush on multiple frames in realtime.

    That has been used to create the "writing effect"

    This is made with one eye at the raw footage all the time.....one day

    5. Texturing the iwalk. This includes slaping on the movie made in 4 on a plate inside the iwalk.

    This takes half a day...

    6. Camera Matchmovment.

    Means making the footage allign with 3d Enviroment. Alligning the 3D iwalk is easyer because of the green or blue woodpart decribed erlier...takes half a day

    7. Lighting and rendering a 3D layer...

    Press "render" and leave it for the night

    8. Back to Commotion for final Compositing.

    The fingers, hands and arms has to be rotoscoped out in a separete layer. This takes half a day. DONE!!!

    9. Sit back and follow a stupid thread in AI that never seems to end....time for that is weeks heheh.

    Q: So is it rocketsience?

    A: No, any postprod firm can do this easily.

    Q: Can a normal person that does not work in the CG industry pull this off?

    A: Yes, all the apps can easaly be found on warez servers, and if u have a burning interest off CG and been playing around with 3D and video for a year or two it should be possible but a bit harder.

    Q: I have just playd around and done some "burning text" in Photoshop. CanI do it?

    A: No! Not a chance...forget it....

    Q: Will Steve roll out on stage on a Segway at SFMW?

    A: Yepp, he will....

    ps. the stuff with the flickering light on the backside of the iwalk is because the person that textured the iwalk forgott to parent the textureplacement node to the iwalk body...

    ps2. forgive me for my sloppy english..</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I dare any one to do this and not get CRAP!!!

    Minguez this goes for you x2 because you say you know what you are talking about.

    Just make a movie of an "ibox" and have it say "thentro, you are wrong and this proves you are a dumb smiznit"
  • Reply 569 of 587
    erbiumerbium Posts: 354member
    Yo PBG3... It's over.

    The iWalk is fake. We all see that you have one of the largest threads on the AI forums. Congrats. But it's time to move on.
  • Reply 570 of 587
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    Not until I've added something....uh...I've been sick and missed the last two days...uh...

    It's a fake!

    Actually the thing that bothered me about the movies was not from pixel by pixel analysis, but from the general feel of "orchestration" that it has. It is almost too clear. That could be a function of genuine post-production to clean up raw footage, but it doesn't have the awkwardness of real homemade video.

    I would vote for a similar device from Apple AND a thin client LCD device as well and they WOULD make money. The salvation of Apple is no longer in its GUI, Windows is just barely good enough. The salvation of Apple is in the "hub" and every hub needs spokes...lots of spokes, to make each device more value-added. The secret of Sony's success is keep makin' spokes (devices) until you have enough of them in people's houses that they think of you for cameras and TV's and computers, etc.

    So even if we get 1.5+gig dual processor G5's, the big news that will put Apple where no PC has gone before will be the spokes - either Apple branded or partnered with someone else.


    PS It would be great if everyone also stopped taking the Apple website teasers so literally. They smack of marketing wonks, not tech nerds.
  • Reply 571 of 587
    The videos are posted at this site:

    <a href="http://homepage.mac.com/iwalkisfake/"; target="_blank">http://homepage.mac.com/iwalkisfake/</a>;
  • Reply 572 of 587
    <a href="http://homepage.mac.com/a_holck/say_hallo_to_iJerk.mov"; target="_blank">Check this movie out!</a>
  • Reply 573 of 587
    david rdavid r Posts: 135member
    [quote]Originally posted by a holck:

    <strong><a href="http://homepage.mac.com/a_holck/say_hallo_to_iJerk.mov"; target="_blank">Check this movie out!</a></strong><hr></blockquote>

    That's too funny. Thanks!
  • Reply 574 of 587
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    well, like i said, what, three pages back... it might be a fake, but i WANTED to believe, and sometimes that's all that matters.
  • Reply 575 of 587
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    Excellent a holk!!!!
  • Reply 576 of 587
    ferroferro Posts: 453member

    Im keeping that one... a holck..




  • Reply 577 of 587
    odinn5odinn5 Posts: 107member
    I am in awe a holck.

    Like O My Gosh

    How did you get your hands on another iWalk!!!!

    Wow. Thanks for proving it can be faked.

    [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Odinn5 ]</p>
  • Reply 578 of 587
    nebrienebrie Posts: 483member
    [quote]Originally posted by admactanium:


    uhh, hmm, the last time i used photoshop, it wasn't able to pull a moving matte or rotoscope a hand out of a 8 second video clip. maybe your version of photoshop has those functions, if so, let me at that beta. seriously, photoshop? if you had said final cut and after effects or commotion, maybe i'd believe you, because you'd be right. but photoshop can't do any of these things we've been discussing except for the stills.

    what you're talking about is video that has been comped and tracked into a video clip while maintaining the reflective properties of the backplate (usually by creating another desauturated layer of the backplate and multiplying it's lightness value). and all the while it's doing that, it's rotoscoping a hand out of this "phantom screen" while animating handwriting recognition that resembled extremely closely the handwriting recognition of my mp130.

    get real. it may not be real, but it's not something you just pull of in a couple of days with an inkjet printer. did you notice that the casing is actually clear plastic or lexan? do you think he just whipped up a scrollwheel on his inkjet printer that is amazingly able to print 3d objects like a $50k plastics modeler? hmm?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    gee, 14 pages and you *still* haven't managed to figure out that no one doubts that the casing is an undisputed physical object?

    It's an empty case at that. No chroma-key paint, no 3d plastics modeler, or any crap like that.

    Look at the iJerk movie for a quick demo of how quickly a fake can be whipped up to at least semi-believability. Had the artist spent a little more time making a better case, they would have another iWalk.
  • Reply 579 of 587
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    Has anyone here checked out the Zapruder film?
  • Reply 580 of 587
    glurxglurx Posts: 1,031member
    That people here are spending all this time discussing what we (nearly)all agree is a fake illustrates just how effective Apple has been at shutting down leaks. We don't have a clue what's coming Monday.
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