Ladies and Gents My iBook has died!!!!!



  • Reply 101 of 123
  • Reply 102 of 123
    fellowshipfellowship Posts: 5,038member

    Originally posted by The General

    See, his addication is wearing off now..But I think it is funny that the guy loved his machine so much, he had it in his screen name, suddenly it breaks, and all of the sudden its a POS.. I hope you arent that way with God.


    Just when I thought I had seen it all! I laughed out loud when I read this.

    Number one: God never breaks...

    Number two: I would never have feelings towards God that I have towards Apple computer.

    I hope that was helpful....

    back to the comic value of the latest postings I want to thank you all for a nice laugh that I needed

  • Reply 103 of 123

    Originally posted by FellowshipChurch iBook


    Just when I thought I had seen it all! I laughed out loud when I read this.

    Number one: God never breaks...

    Number two: I would never have feelings towards God that I have towards Apple computer.

    I hope that was helpful....

    back to the comic value of the latest postings I want to thank you all for a nice laugh that I needed


    Actually that is why I posted it. for humor only. I know God never breaks, but some people who love him do turn around and hate em when things dont go there way.. \
  • Reply 104 of 123
    fellowshipfellowship Posts: 5,038member

    Originally posted by The General

    Actually that is why I posted it. for humor only. I know God never breaks, but some people who love him do turn around and hate em when things dont go there way.. \

    You are right about that.. Sad when folks do such things. I want things to go God's way.

  • Reply 105 of 123
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member

    Sweet jesus, keep this stuff in AO or it goes in my box.
  • Reply 106 of 123

    Originally posted by murbot

    Sweet jesus, keep this stuff in AO or it goes in my box.

  • Reply 107 of 123
    fellowshipfellowship Posts: 5,038member
    Well,,, reporting back to you all on my iBook.

    I went ahead and purchased Applecare to get another 2 years coverage on the equip as I do not trust it will last that long without further trouble.

    Here is the bottom line:

    I got it back and it is scratched to hell.

    They said they could send it back. I just don't want to wait another 2 weeks to get it back all over again. They got some deep scratches on the outside shell of the LCD. It looks awful. I wish apple could do better. I would think that apple would respect that their customers don't want to be without their computers time after time. So far the only other issue is that upon boot up there is a new blip with a folder with a question mark in it then it goes about business as usual.

  • Reply 108 of 123
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    Err... I'd be mad too if my iBook got scratched up bad like that. That's too bad Dale. \
  • Reply 109 of 123
    rodukroduk Posts: 706member
    Hmm, you do make me smile sometimes Fellowship.

    First it was:

    After spending what I have on my apple toys including the iPod and Airport etc. I hope apple will take care of me by providing the AppleCare for 2 more years.

    If they don't I will sell the iBook and be done with apple.

    Now its:

    I went ahead and purchased Applecare to get another 2 years coverage on the equip as I do not trust it will last that long without further trouble.

    You've bought the AppleCare yourself and seem intent on keeping the iBook for another 2 years.

    First it was:

    You guys are a laugh sometimes. The funny part now is that I really don't miss the iBook at this point. My Sony Vaio is doing a great job.

    Now its:

    They said they could send it back. I just don't want to wait another 2 weeks to get it back all over again.

  • Reply 110 of 123
    rodukroduk Posts: 706member
    Well, I think I may have found the guilty party as far as the scratches go.

  • Reply 111 of 123
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    to get rid of the blinking question mark.

    go to your system preferences folder. they select "startup disk" and they pick the OSX 10.2.x folder.

    i would guess they had your iBook booting off another drive before, your machine is doing a breif search for a bootable drive when that question mark is blinking. selecting the startup folder will remove this.
  • Reply 112 of 123
    fellowshipfellowship Posts: 5,038member

    Originally posted by alcimedes

    to get rid of the blinking question mark.

    go to your system preferences folder. they select "startup disk" and they pick the OSX 10.2.x folder.

    i would guess they had your iBook booting off another drive before, your machine is doing a breif search for a bootable drive when that question mark is blinking. selecting the startup folder will remove this.

    Thanks much alcimedes, issue resolved!

  • Reply 113 of 123
    I would have them take it back if it is scratched up that bad..

  • Reply 114 of 123
    rogue27rogue27 Posts: 607member

    Originally posted by FellowshipChurch iBook

    I have not had my iBook even a year I believe. It has died! my iBook was my first ever Apple Purchase and I have spent a bit of money around the system. Air Port etc. It has Died. Last night I was using it as usual and the screen started to jumble and the OS locked up completely. Everything froze. Then the screen would go black and back on scrambled and would continue to scramble as I watched it. I wonder if the Motherboard has a fracture in it? or if the Video card is dead? It is still dead. Today I tried to use it and the screen jumbled up again and the system froze. I guess it is time to go to apple. What are your suggestions?

    I just can not believe the thing is broke after such a short period of time. It really has me wondering about the "quality" of apple.

    I also forget the warranty period on the iBook with apple do any of you know? I know I did not buy applecare and now I am concerned about my situation.

    Any suggestions? I am on my PC asking you...


    [ 03-15-2003: Message edited by: FellowshipChurch iBook ]</p>

    My school issued about 300 iBooks to the art students here. I work part time at the school's helpdesk. I have seen at least 6 failures like that in the last 8 months, and several of my co-workers have also seen that happen a lot. A guy I work with at my other job also had that happen to his iBook after owning it for just a few months.

    This problem is definitely common on at least the last two revisions of the iBook.
  • Reply 115 of 123
    fellowshipfellowship Posts: 5,038member

    Originally posted by rogue27

    My school issued about 300 iBooks to the art students here. I work part time at the school's helpdesk. I have seen at least 6 failures like that in the last 8 months, and several of my co-workers have also seen that happen a lot. A guy I work with at my other job also had that happen to his iBook after owning it for just a few months.

    This problem is definitely common on at least the last two revisions of the iBook.

    How long has your school had the iBooks? I had mine 9 months when this happened. I am curious if there will continue to be more at your school wind up with the problem that have not broken so far.


  • Reply 116 of 123
    rogue27rogue27 Posts: 607member

    Originally posted by FellowshipChurch iBook

    How long has your school had the iBooks? I had mine 9 months when this happened. I am curious if there will continue to be more at your school wind up with the problem that have not broken so far.



    We got them around July, so we've had them for about 8 months. Maybe the plant was putting out a bad batch or something. I don't know.

    As for your scratched screen, did you put a soft cloth between the keyboard and screen? You probably should have. I know they normally ship with plastic on the screen to keep scratches off of it.
  • Reply 117 of 123
    Damnit the same sh!t has happend to me tonight!!! DAMNIT DAMINT DAMNIT. I posted in another tread but some dude has a different problem than me so I will let him have his space. Anyway, looks as though I have the same problem as Fellowship.

    Here are some pics of the damn thing. BA$TARD little laptop!

    Crappy ibook

    Fellowship is this what yours looked like?
  • Reply 118 of 123
    fellowshipfellowship Posts: 5,038member

    Originally posted by trailmaster308

    Damnit the same sh!t has happend to me tonight!!! DAMNIT DAMINT DAMNIT. I posted in another tread but some dude has a different problem than me so I will let him have his space. Anyway, looks as though I have the same problem as Fellowship.

    Here are some pics of the damn thing. BA$TARD little laptop!

    Crappy ibook

    Fellowship is this what yours looked like?

    Mine looked EXACTLY like that and believe it or not even worse if you can believe that.

    I see apple has a problem with the ibooks... Just LOOK at how many here on the AI boards has had this happen with their iBooks....


    I am sorry this has happened to yours trailmaster308.

    How old is your iBook?????????

  • Reply 119 of 123
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    maybe it has something to do with this? (stolen, leaky capacitors on MB's)
  • Reply 120 of 123
    overhopeoverhope Posts: 1,123member
    Very interesting...

    I have to say, I find this whole "my machine (which was my entire reason for living) has developed a fault and is now the worst piece of crap ever created" vibe going on round here absolutely hilarious.

    The language is much as the same as if your girlfriends had dumped you with extreme prejudice...
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