Star Wars Episode 3



  • Reply 41 of 224
    nebagakidnebagakid Posts: 2,692member
    For me, My qualm was that the love story was a little rough, and I half-liked how everything was explained in the universe. I was a little uncertain about the movie, but once the Jedi started to be killed off, it took a turn for the better. It was a much better movie after the child slaughtering. The end, when they transitioned to Episode 4, was very good, although I think the all of a sudden "Hey, everyone on the Star Destroyers looks like they are in 70's clothes and the ships have all the old buttons."

    I loved seeing all the old stuff in a new digital manor, the 70's ships and clothes, though. It was weird to see all the images from 4,5,6 and seeing those connections gave me an unsettling feeling. I think that was Lucas' goal, to give people an uneasy feeling and he succeded. It was sad to see Padmé die, although we knew from the beginning it was going to happen. It was sad to see Anakin go over to the dark side. And it was incredibly weird and made everyone want to watch 4,5,6 when the end came. It was the connection between Anankin and Luke. Overall, I liked the movie.

    I don't know how the movie should be viewed in the future, in what order. I mean, we have all experienced the movies in 4,5,6 and then 1,2,3. But I would be interested in seeing how the trilogy would be viewed in the order of 1,2,3,4,5,6.

    Also, why can't people spell fucking correctly?
  • Reply 42 of 224
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by Nebagakid

    Also, why can't people spell fucking correctly?

    I can spell that! The character names are tricky because no-one's seen them spelt. I think most of mine were right but be tolerant!
  • Reply 43 of 224
    nebagakidnebagakid Posts: 2,692member

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    I can spell that! The character names are tricky because no-one's seen them spelt. I think most of mine were right but be tolerant!

    No I didn't mean poor spelling, the character names are hard to spell. I was trying to point out people writing "f8cking" instead. It is not any mystery was the word is, why don't people just write it with the proper letters and not try to sugar coat it?

    Also, I guess if you are trying to make a whole fleet of star ships in no time flat, you have to go with 1970's buttons instead of 2000's LCD displays...
  • Reply 44 of 224

    Originally posted by aplnub

    [B]Lucas has said Star Wars is made up of 9 complete stories.

    ONCE. Maybe twice. In 1980. Ever since then, it's been six movies. It's the story of Darth Vader. With Vader dead, the story is pointless to continue.


    "Heir to the Empire" by Tim Z., starts 5 years after ROTJ and is a part of a 3 book trilogy. Although Lucas would never do Zaughn's books as movies, it would be nice if he did.

    Zahn's books don't stand up after the prequels. A lot of his "facts" are wrong, and conflict with estabished film continuity.
  • Reply 45 of 224
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by aplnub

    NO KIDDING!!! Check out the end of ROTJ and check it out for yourself! I about crapped my pants. I am glad I have the VHS Tapes!!

    fucking hell (there nebagakid you happy ??!!?) that is so wrong. it doesn't make sense. the 'sprits' at the end of the ROTJ are yoda, OLD obiwan and obviously it follows OLD Anakin, not HC Anakin ???? what an utterly pointless waste of special effects money ~ what a bloody cheap Lucas trick to link the old movies with the new ones by cutting and pasting young Anakin in there....


    if my dad's old Laserdisc player still worked.... and if i had the star wars ep. 4,5,6, laserdiscs, untouched by Lucas' digital molestations...
  • Reply 46 of 224
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by Nebagakid


    Also, I guess if you are trying to make a whole fleet of star ships in no time flat, you have to go with 1970's buttons instead of 2000's LCD displays...

    i know what your saying... but i like the transition from a more diverse, "democratic", elegant, Old Republic, to a brutal, ruthless, utilitarian Empire...

    remember that the 70s were a time of free love and freedom and anti-vietnam and all that ... but also a time when modernist, futurist, blocky buildings were all the rage in architecture... umm we'll that's all the art history i remember, so..... \
  • Reply 47 of 224
    nebagakidnebagakid Posts: 2,692member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    fucking hell (there nebagakid you happy ??!!?) that is so wrong. it doesn't make sense. the 'sprits' at the end of the ROTJ are yoda, OLD obiwan and obviously it follows OLD Anakin, not HC Anakin ???? what an utterly pointless waste of special effects money ~ what a bloody cheap Lucas trick to link the old movies with the new ones by cutting and pasting young Anakin in there....

    Actually, for the first time in seven years, I am actually happy. I think, according to the whole line at the end of III, it makes no sense for any of them to be there and for Luke to be able to see them. Luke should have to do some training to see them, I thought.

    Either way, it just shows how Lucas can do whatever he wants now. IF he wanted, he could digitally isolate every object in that movie, and redo the whole thing with the same actors but different backgrounds.... that would be incredible.
  • Reply 48 of 224
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member

    Originally posted by Fireball1244

    Zahn's books don't stand up after the prequels. A lot of his "facts" are wrong, and conflict with estabished film continuity.

    You could argue that Lucas conflicted with continuity in EP 1 a lot.

    Zahn's books are good reads for sure, and would make great movies with some polishing. I never liked how he used 'kilometers as a unit of distance in the books.

    9 stories, you gotta believe man!! it is not pointless!! Plus, he won't do it because he is getting to old.
  • Reply 49 of 224
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member
    The image a Jedi would project would be entirely arbitrary. It would be up to a Jedi himself to choose what appearance they give off in that spirit form.

    It makes sense to see old Yoda and Obi Wan, since they were always "good".

    I could see and argue that Anakin might want to show himself as he looked pre-Vader. The only bad part to me is it wrecks that arc of the character, that even post-bcoming Vader, the true Anakin was a good person, who did bring balance to the force and did destroy the emperor and the Empire.

    Him being an old man trapped in a prison of his own making but giving hope to his son made the old man image more compelling.

    But I can 'spin' the argument that Anakin wanted to show himself as he was pre-Dark Side.

    It's not the same caliber of tragedy as Han shooting second.
  • Reply 50 of 224
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member
    My notes:

    Got a real grin and slight tear from Chewie helping to protect Yoda. Doesn't get better than that. Cuter than a puppy licking a kitten.

    Okay. Anakin really is the best pilot in the galaxy.

    Buddhism galore! Okay, they fuck it up a bit, but not bad. I'll be happy if it helps people look into Buddhism in earnest.

    Frankenstein part. Well, we knew it was coming. His stiffness is acceptable considering he's walking for the first time. Wasn't quite the Orson Wells room destroying rampage I was hoping for though.

    Nowhere near enough of post-mask Vader. Oh well. I was hoping for a 5 minute montage of the spread of the empire.

    I like the Tie fighter cockpit for Anakin's fighter.

    Obi-Wan truly is Gandalf-like, in a good way.

    Luke's saber: "Your father wanted you to have this" MY ASS. More like "I stole this from your dad after I cut his arm and legs off and left him to burn to death." JESUS.
  • Reply 51 of 224
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member

    Originally posted by johnq

    My notes:

    Luke's saber: "Your father wanted you to have this" MY ASS. More like "I stole this from your dad after I cut his arm and legs off and left him to burn to death." JESUS.

    hahahahahahahahahaha yeah, that was a bit of a stretch or just plain missed during many of GL's digital edits.
  • Reply 52 of 224
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member
    I haven't seen ep3 yet, but one thing I'm finding lame is this:

    That stupid ass Midichlorian thing from ep1.

    If Anakin is getting all hacked to bits, and the amount of scabies or whatever in your blood determines your force power, how does he get more badass as he loses actual body mass?

    /me is perplexed.

    I would fully support Lucas completely canning ep 1 & 2 and reshooting them to be proper movies.
  • Reply 53 of 224
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by rageous

    I haven't seen ep3 yet, but one thing I'm finding lame is this:

    That stupid ass Midichlorian thing from ep1.

    If Anakin is getting all hacked to bits, and the amount of scabies or whatever in your blood determines your force power, how does he get more badass as he loses actual body mass?

    /me is perplexed.

    I would fully support Lucas completely canning ep 1 & 2 and reshooting them to be proper movies.

    This has long been argued on the fan sites but basically body mass doesn't matter.

    Otherwise a Jedi could just sit around eating Twinkies all day and get more powerful the closer they get to Jabba size.

    Midi-chlorian count is counted on a per-cell basis. Midi-chlorian "concentration" is key, not "total". You might have 27,000 Midi-chlorians per cell if you are Vader and 17,000 if you are Yoda.

    But size matters not.

    And by the way, Midi-chlorians is not a cop-out. It only adds realism to the otherwise mystical/magical-only Force. In real life, "mitochondria" and "chloroplast" fulfill the same role essentially. Throw in some Buddhism, and you are as close to the Force as you can get in this galaxy.

    (Read "The Quantum and the Lotus" and "Being Dharma"...highly recommended.)
  • Reply 54 of 224
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member
    Well size does matter in that the bigger you are the more blood actually exists in your body. In addition, when your legs get hacked off you lose a signifacant amount of cell producing bone marrow.

    But I reeeeeeeeally don't want to get into a technicality laden nerdwar so I'll accept your explanation with a smile.
  • Reply 55 of 224
    nebagakidnebagakid Posts: 2,692member

    Originally posted by rageous

    I would fully support Lucas completely canning ep 1 & 2 and reshooting them to be proper movies.

    Dude, that would be soooo cool.
  • Reply 56 of 224
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by rageous

    Well size does matter in that the bigger you are the more blood actually exists in your body. In addition, when your legs get hacked off you lose a signifacant amount of cell producing bone marrow.

    But I reeeeeeeeally don't want to get into a technicality laden nerdwar so I'll accept your explanation with a smile.

    Sure. But note that concentration and volume are not the same thing.

    "Midichlorian count" isn't cumulative. It's importance is per-cell only.

    It's like each cell has an energy potential or strength. What is it's limit per cell.

    Each cell has a strength or Force potential (whatever you want to call it) of "x".

    You don't then add up the number of cells. That is irrelevant.

    No nerdwar, just shootin' the shit with fellow Star Wars geeks on an Apple rumor Forum. AND I have a girlfriend.
  • Reply 57 of 224
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member
    I would love to belive Lucas put that much thought into it, but I'm inclined to believe the real secret is that your force potential is only limited by the power of the CGI rendering machines.
  • Reply 58 of 224
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by rageous

    I would love to belive Lucas put that much thought into it, but I'm inclined to believe the real secret is that your force potential is only limited by the power of the CGI rendering machines.

    There's no doubt that Lucas didn't bother with any of the more esoteric details in the original trilogy, they were too busy having fun and blowing things up.

    But in keeping with Joseph Campbell's influences (he was a deep admirer of Buddhism in particular) it's not likely that he "just made this up one afternoon" during writing (if I can call it that) Phantom Menace. I'm sure he had a sketch of how he wanted a contemplative kind of Buddhism-lite for the Jedi, mixed with a tangible acknowledgment of the physical properties that do indeed make up life.

    The world has gotten smarter about DNA/quantum physics etc. since the original trilogy, and adding this reference is only a nod to how the Force isn't merely abstract hocus pocus, but it has physical manifestations/implications, in the same way that Buddhism (for example) doesn't deny the physical (it's not mere nihilism) so much as it teaches you to reach beyond preconceptions to get closer to the true nature of things as they are, through first hand experience and investigation.

    Lucas is eternally indebted to Tolkein, Campbell, Kurosawa (Peace Be Upon Them). Lucas did his homework on the myth stuff, I can't believe he just plopped the midi-chlorian thing in nilly-willy. It does strike a blow against this being a pure fantasy and makes it more science fiction-ish. But really there should be a balance between the physical and metaphysical. Otherwise it's just pure Fantasy with a capital EFF and we wouldn't need the spaceships.
  • Reply 59 of 224
    fenominal movie... few slow parts, but it picked back up... the fight between anikan and obi-wan was fenominal... one of the best light saber fights i've seen... it has my liking...
  • Reply 60 of 224
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member
    Qui-gon/Obi-Wan vs. Darth Maul still is my favorite. Just really tightly done and powerful.
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