Star Wars Episode 3



  • Reply 121 of 224
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by BuonRotto

    Not to mention that Lucas is a huge fan of Kurosawa.

    Naturally, Hidden Fortress = A New Hope. It's crammed with Star Wars-inspiring details.

    Even the the logo for the Galactic Empire is from the back of the robe of the main baddie. You can see it clearly near the end.

    The 2 villagers that inspired R2/3PO are great too.

    Even the Death Star trench = the horse chase down the long path.

    Those movies are great on their own of course. Some are totally shocking and elegant.
  • Reply 122 of 224
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member
    It's interesting that people often criticize lucas for ripping off X,Y,Z, but then when someone like quentin tarantino does it he's a genius. I guess it comes down to how much lucas acknowledges the shoulders he stands on, but ultimately you know he's paid his dues and respect to those that he would imitate whether or not he publicly raves about it, so it's a pretty lame point imo.
  • Reply 123 of 224
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    It's interesting that people often criticize lucas for ripping off X,Y,Z, but then when someone like quentin tarantino does it he's a genius. I guess it comes down to how much lucas acknowledges the shoulders he stands on, but ultimately you know he's paid his dues and respect to those that he would imitate whether or not he publicly raves about it, so it's a pretty lame point imo.

    Did you mean me or just "people"?

    I delight in all the various things he draws on for inspiration. He's perfectly welcome, in my opinion, to make a mix of Westerns, Samurai, WW2, Buddhism, Tolkien, world myths/Joseph Campbell-ish attitudes and put a sci-fi Flash Gordon/Metropolis spin on things. Why the hell not? Somebody ought to. And at least he does his homework more than the myriad other true hacks. *cough* Battlefield Earth*cough*

    If nothing else, he exposed me to countless other fields of interest that I wouldn't have otherwise explored. Seeing various influences rolled into Star Wars just makes me smile when I see them.

    Only a fool is going to get all anal and bitchy about him utilizing all this stuff. That's just jealousy.
  • Reply 124 of 224
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member
    Definitely not you, but I do hear such criticism fairly regularly when people start discussing the merits of star wars and more specifically lucas' skills as a filmmaker.
  • Reply 125 of 224
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    Definitely not you, but I do hear such criticism fairly regularly when people start discussing the merits of star wars and more specifically lucas' skills as a filmmaker.

    Yeah that binary attitude is too boring to bear. He doesn't suck, nor is he a god.
  • Reply 126 of 224
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member
    Bear with me while I play around/toss around my Star Wars/Chakras theory...(Note Campbell is deeply into Hinduism and Lucas isn't at all ignorant of the subjects)...

    A quick sketch:

    (Crown Chakra/Sahasrara: n/a; not always included with the others; Chakras is "six wheels" anyway) six episodes!

    Chakra VI: Ajna

    Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

    (Light/Lightning white; mind)

    [Death Star 2]

    Command, balance of powers/energies, liberation, wisdom

    Chakra V: Vishuddha

    Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back


    [Space/Asteroid belt and Bespin]

    Space and Bespin; psychic energy, clarevoyence, speech without words

    Chakra IV: Anahata

    Episode IV: A New Hope


    [Death Star (hey, it *is* just a bubble of air in space)

    Male and Female united (Luke and Leia)

    Chakra III: Manipura

    Episode III: Revenge of the Sith


    [Mustafar, burning Jedi Temple]

    Immortality, power, selfishness, betrayal (Palpatine is immortal, Anakin/Vader and Palpatine rise to power, Anakin betrays Jedi and Obi-Wan), personal power

    Petals: 1 spiritual ignorance; 2 thirst; 3jealousy; 4 treachery; 5 shame; 6 fear; 7 disgust; 8 delusion; 9 foolishness; 10 sadness

    Chakra II: Swadhisthanna

    Episode II: Attack of the Clones


    [Kamino/Naboo lakes region]

    Creation (Clone armies and Anakin & Padme concieve the twins), sexuality

    Chakra I: Muludhara

    Episode I: The Phantom Menace



    Greed (Jabba, Watto, Neimoidians, Palpatine), security

    Anyway, that's just for fun. Probably a coincidence. It's just neat when it does come close.

    But we must avoid becoming like this gentleman:
  • Reply 127 of 224
    Maybe Lucas is also a fan of the excellent B movie 'Samurai assassin', which has the tagline of 'It's impossible to keep a bodycount'. Outrageous amount of dismemberment I seem to recall. Not quite in the same league as Kurosawa though.

    There was a story in the paper a couple of days ago about two people who were in a wood playing with a homemade lightsabre. Only this was a fluorescent strip light tube, which they filled with petrol and then lit. Unsurprisingly, it exploded. One bloke now in hospital with 40% burns.

    Had forgotten that part-built DS2 in ep6 was meant to be operational. Didn't look in best shape for pressurising the inside though. And how did they get gravity inside a DS? Some kind of flangy 'gravity generator' I guess, as I don't think I saw a DS spin.
  • Reply 128 of 224
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by brandnewfatboy

    ..... And how did they get gravity inside a DS? Some kind of flangy 'gravity generator' I guess, as I don't think I saw a DS spin.

    eh? wtf..? all ships in starwars have gravity generators... from naboo cruisers to general grevious' ship to corellian transports to the millenium falcon

    'gravity plating' for something that destroys a planet is easy-peasy
  • Reply 129 of 224
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    eh? wtf..? all ships in starwars have gravity generators... from naboo cruisers to general grevious' ship to corellian transports to the millenium falcon

    'gravity plating' for something that destroys a planet is easy-peasy

    Particularly needed on a death star.

    The outer onion-like surface shells have a planet like gravity, pointing to the center, but internal levels are vertically stacked along the axis. At some point there need to be gravity transition zones.

    Not unlike the millennium falcon's 3 gravity zones:

    Han and Luke standing vertically on the Falcon's horizontal floor. But then Han goes up the tube to the gun port and now gravity is at a 45 degree (I think) angle.

    And Luke goes down his tube and his gravity is also rotated.

  • Reply 130 of 224
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member
    Gravity gaffes are one of the things I'm very quick to allow in sci-fi. That said, Babylon 5 rules!
  • Reply 131 of 224
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    Gravity gaffes are one of the things I'm very quick to allow in sci-fi. That said, Babylon 5 rules!

    because it actually spins?

    and the inside is way cool

    when you are on the inside gardens you can see all the other stuff like around you and above you

    best use of gravity in a sci-fi story ever...!!
  • Reply 132 of 224
    hardheadhardhead Posts: 644member
    Let's not forget; best movie tie-in to mass/crass/commercialism...

    Mmm, Burger King and Star Wars were made for each other.
  • Reply 133 of 224
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member
    I just got back from seeing Episode 3 again. It was even better this time than the first time. I really enjoyed it. Even some of the cheesier lines and moments were forgivable because I saw them coming and could zone out accordingly.

    I'm shocked to say this, but... RotS might become my favorite star wars movie(next to a new hope that is)

    I have to watch the original trilogy again though, it's been too long.
  • Reply 134 of 224
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    because it actually spins?

    and the inside is way cool

    when you are on the inside gardens you can see all the other stuff like around you and above you

    best use of gravity in a sci-fi story ever...!!

    Yup, I love B5, such an amazing series. I was just thinking about watching one of the made-for-tv movies for it actually.
  • Reply 135 of 224
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    Yup, I love B5, such an amazing series. I was just thinking about watching one of the made-for-tv movies for it actually.

    yup, visual effects are not necessarily "cinema quality" but shows you what you can really do with good writing and LightWave3D.

    also one of the few sci-fi things, besides the gravity issue, is looking at space combat where inertia is actually a factor...

    oh and unlike the star trek universe where every bloody alien is from an earth-like environment and can all meet and talk face to face in the same room, aliens require different environments

    oh and also one of the few sci-fi series where you can actually "wait" in hyperspace" .... yes star trek has shown stuff happening while "at warp" but they are still considered to be in the current 'dimensional space', in babylon 5 hyperspacing - involves accessing different? multi-dimensional spaces wherein point a to b is shorter... i think hyperspace was Red in colour in babylon5 if IIRC -- again, not just stars streaking by.

    oh and much better use of psy-powers in babylon5, instead of bloody deannaTroi in sttng with "i'm feeling something is not right" well of course something is not right if not there wouldn't be an episode about whatever the hell was not right...!! as a teenager i was probably mainly just checking out here b**bs... before sevenOfNine took a more 'fulfilling' role in Voyager... bleah... hated voyager, again, i was probably mainly just checking out seven's b**bies

    well, hmm i might have started a nerd war here if the trekkies get onto this
  • Reply 136 of 224
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member
    So anyway, star wars and junk.
  • Reply 137 of 224
    hardheadhardhead Posts: 644member
    <yodavoice>Must go to Burger King, order Double Whopper you will. first you must see Star Burger Wars King...hmmm. Make Lucas richer, you will.</yodavoice>

  • Reply 138 of 224
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by hardhead

    <yodavoice>Must go to Burger King, order Double Whopper you will. first you must see Star Burger Wars King...hmmm. Make Lucas richer, you will.</yodavoice>


    buy episode 4,5,6 , you also will. price matters not, dvd will you see.


    so what are y'all ideas on how many clone troopers are still operating in episode 4, 5, 6? can we tell?

    i know there are a lot of regular joes who signed up to the Empire and all, but like the hardcore snow troopers that stormed the Hoth base with vader for example, they could be elite clones still...?

    just when i thought i knew everything (and gave up) on star wars,

    episode 3 at least salvages the whole thing for me

    well, hope lives

  • Reply 139 of 224
    hardheadhardhead Posts: 644member
  • Reply 140 of 224
    the cool gutthe cool gut Posts: 1,714member

    Originally posted by brandnewfatboy

    And how did they get gravity inside a DS? Some kind of flangy 'gravity generator' I guess, as I don't think I saw a DS spin.

    Well, depending on how big it actually is, it could have enough mass for it's own gravity feild.


    Remember in the opening sequence when the ship R2 was on and the ship tipped on it's side? Why in the HELL did everything fall down sideways? The gravity generator should keep everything falling towards the ground, and if it failed, then everything would start floating because they are in outer space. Simply inexcusable dumb filmaking.

    And by the way, Lucas is a pretty shitty director/writer/filmaker. The only reason the original trilogy was so good, was because of the hot shit animators / designers that worked on it. Do you think Lucas designed darth vador? Do you think he coreographed the falcon flying through asteroids. No. The guy has made a shit load of money, and has accomplished a lot. He is no film maker, and the complete right offs that episode 1 and 2 where proves it.
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