G5 - The truth



  • Reply 141 of 489
    hh Posts: 16member
    I've got some info that you might find interesting. A close friend who works at Arla (www.arla.se) (the company that Motorola has outsourced its G4 development to) has told me this:

    The "Happy Mac" icon that appears when the Mac starts up will be replaced by a "Happy Steve" icon. In sleep mode, the only available screen saver will be "Sleeping Steve".

    Rumors are also that Dell is developing new laptops that will display "Angry Steve" and then set themselves on fire on bootup.
  • Reply 142 of 489
    Long time lurker, first time poster (here).

    My .02 on the Dorsel M thread.

    Comment 1:

    After reading Dorsel's posts and the Register story, as well as the discussions here, it seems to me that the whole G5 discussion may be marketing smoke and mirrors. I know there are people who know chip design and are sure that a G5 must be 64bit and a 85xx processor, but isn't it possible that the "G5" to be announced is really a 7640 with substantial motherboard modifications, and that Marketing says "Well, that's good enough to call a G5". If the cpu comes in at 1.2, 1.4 and 1.6 ghz, isn't that what Dorsel M was predicting??

    Comment 2:

    Dorsel mentioned the future of connecting iPod-type devices, and suggested some kind of "docking" port. I agree with those that think a slot for an iPod is unlikely. But Dorsel did say "Future personal devices from Apple will have more of an intimate relationship with Apple's desktop hardware, and to a point an integral relationship." Could this be protents of some type of seemless, wireless integration of the OS with the iThingees? or am I hopelessly trying to read something into the tea leaves.

    An aside: Sweet sig, Amorph. Have you checked out <a href="http://www.crackerweb.f9.co.uk/"; target="_blank">http://www.crackerweb.f9.co.uk/</a>; for all of you CVBgoodness?
  • Reply 143 of 489
    North Bridge!! Oh snaps gotta be careful might get shot for saying that.

    Aywayz, I'm siting here eating a piece of pizza from Papa John's right. My brother works at Papa Johns so he came over with a whole pepperoni pizza he got. He told me that earlier in the week he delivered to a guy, and the guy told him to come into the house for a minute while he got his wallet to pay for the pizza. He said the home was pretty nice and he noticed a new computer in the living room that he'd never seen before. He recognized it as a Mac though, and was curious. The guy seemed to be taking his time and yelled "Just a second I think I left it upstairs". So my brother goes over to the computer. The computer had Mac OS X on it so he went to the system profiler. The computer was listed as a 1 GHz G5 with a 400 MHz bus. The ram listed was 512 MB DDR. He noticed Gauge Pro on the machine and quickly opened it. Seemed to be a newer version, and listed the processor as a PowerPC 8500 (G5) and again the bus at 400 MHz. The Gauge Pro showed the memory as being DDR, but not what type. The drive inside the machine was the Pionner DVR-AO3 and the graphics were a GeForce 3. He then heard the man's voice behind him. The man went "Oh, that's top secret. I just got a hold of it this week. It's not in stores yet. Are you familiar with Macs?". My brother then asked him if this was indeed a G5 and the man told him yes and that Apple was getting ready for a major surprise come January. Then he asked the man how he received the machine, and the man said that he was John Rubenstein's college room mate!
  • Reply 144 of 489
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:

    <strong>Quit hatin on my nigga Dorsal yo.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Are you white by any chance?
  • Reply 145 of 489
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:

    <strong>bring back the 680x0!!!!!!!

    WOOHOO, retro computing!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    NO doubt! I just bought a SE/30 a few months back. It's fun as hell to have a computer that once cost $4000 for $20!!! :eek:
  • Reply 146 of 489
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:

    <strong>North Bridge!! Oh snaps gotta be careful might get shot for saying that.

    Aywayz, I'm siting here eating a piece of pizza from Papa John's right. My brother works at Papa Johns so he came over with a whole pepperoni pizza he got. He told me that earlier in the week he delivered to a guy, and the guy told him to come into the house for a minute while he got his wallet to pay for the pizza. He said the home was pretty nice and he noticed a new computer in the living room that he'd never seen before. He recognized it as a Mac though, and was curious. The guy seemed to be taking his time and yelled "Just a second I think I left it upstairs". So my brother goes over to the computer. The computer had Mac OS X on it so he went to the system profiler. The computer was listed as a 1 GHz G5 with a 400 MHz bus. The ram listed was 512 MB DDR. He noticed Gauge Pro on the machine and quickly opened it. Seemed to be a newer version, and listed the processor as a PowerPC 8500 (G5) and again the bus at 400 MHz. The Gauge Pro showed the memory as being DDR, but not what type. The drive inside the machine was the Pionner DVR-AO3 and the graphics were a GeForce 3. He then heard the man's voice behind him. The man went "Oh, that's top secret. I just got a hold of it this week. It's not in stores yet. Are you familiar with Macs?". My brother then asked him if this was indeed a G5 and the man told him yes and that Apple was getting ready for a major surprise come January. Then he asked the man how he received the machine, and the man said that he was John Rubenstein's college room mate!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Why do you bullshit us like this? Quite creative though.
  • Reply 147 of 489
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    And Gauge Pro was never ported to OS X by NewerTech.
  • Reply 148 of 489
    Let's get back on topic. Okay Dorsal M tell us what Gigawire is and describe what the 800Mb and 1600Mb FireWire connections look like. Is one of them optical?

  • Reply 149 of 489
    "And Gauge Pro was never ported to OS X by NewerTech."

    Says who? It was a newer version.
  • Reply 150 of 489
    I'm afraid I have been kept out of the loop. In fact most of our department has been kept out. While we have been working on G4 based Macs, some of our colleagues ahve not only had access to advanced machines but intimate knowledge of them. I only came to find out about then recently. It has been abnormally secretive.The good news is that the machines are VASTLY superior to the ones we have in our possesion. I believe they are based on the MPC8500 processor we know as the G5 and the speeds are nothing short of breakthrough (in Apple terms). The documentation I saw detailed machines in the 1.2, 1.4 and 1.6GHz range. I have yet to see the cases. But it may be that this week they will have to let us in on it as our department will eventually be dealing exclusively with them. Talk to you soon.
  • Reply 151 of 489
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member

  • Reply 152 of 489
    OK. Speculation time.

    Maybe Apple packaged up the internals of the new iMac (w/o case and display) in beige towers and sent these to some developers. Others received the real G5 towers, also in beige towers. This would explain the conflicting reports we've been hearing...
  • Reply 153 of 489
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member
    Not sure if anyone recalls this but after MWNY it was quietly announced by Apple that they were discontinuing their outsourced hardware testing program or something along those lines. It was my assumption that after the pics of the Quicksilver tower were leaked they made this decision.
  • Reply 154 of 489
    cindercinder Posts: 381member
    ?Oh! Ahh. Just kidding! There really are G5s!?

  • Reply 155 of 489
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member
    [quote]Originally posted by cinder:

    <strong>?Oh! Ahh. Just kidding! There really are G5s!?


  • Reply 156 of 489
    [quote]Originally posted by Dorsal M:

    <strong>I'm afraid I have been kept out of the loop


    Talk to you soon.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    All I can say is I know Scheiß the moment I step in it.

  • Reply 157 of 489
    Hi, I lurk.

    I've been reading this forum for about 10 months now, and never found anything quite as humorous as this thread.

    Here's just a little theory as to this whole Dorsal M thing:

    What would happen if AI used the Dorsal moniker to increase traffic on this BB? This would explain the Mod/Admin secretive nature about how this new Dorsal M series of posts is "known" to be the "real" Dorsal. Are they attempting to increase traffic in hopes of attracting new banner advertisers? Or is there another motive for this line of thinking? Or am I totally off my nut?

    Know what? Who cares. Apple is going to introduce whatever hardware they introduce at MWSF. We can't control it. We get what we get. If we don't get what YOU think we should, let Apple know after the show. Simple as that. Squabbling about it isn't going to solve anything; it's only going to serve to heighten your disappointment when the dust has settled.

    I don't give two poostix what we get, because whatever it is, it's better than what I've got now. And it's better than what you've got now. Are you going to buy a Wintel box b/c they have a slightly faster CPU? No, you use a Mac b/c it's a more intuitive system. So why bitch?


    If it wasn't for disappointment, I wouldn't have any appointment.
  • Reply 158 of 489
    cindercinder Posts: 381member
    DOOD!!! POD!!!!

    Personally, I could never imagine being bored enough to create stuff like this.

    well, unless I had a way to profit off of it . . .

    <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
  • Reply 159 of 489
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    The only way to verify whether or not this is the original Dorsal (which still odesn't prove whether he was legit or not in the first place) is for the Mods to tell us how they verified that this was dorsal. They don't have to tell us where or who he is, just how they confirmed that this and the last were indeed the same.

    I got a PM saying basically "we can't tell you how, but trust us." hmm... I'm not sure AI would go through the trouble of a cloak and dagger conspiracy.
  • Reply 160 of 489
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Fact is no matter what the mods say some will have their doubts... Dorsal could come right out and say where s/he works and then get fired and it even makes the evening news and people would still have their doubts... People are funny that way. Point to the sky and tell em it's blue and they still want proof...

    You have a few choices here...

    Believe or Don't Believe

    My simple request that has gone totally ignored (you know who you are) is to please cut down on the personal attacks and the nasty and/or rude comments.

    The Future Hardware forum has (as of this posting) 197 different topics... If you don't like or believe what Dorsal has to say just move on to a better/different topic.

    If every time Dorsal posts and the same handful of people chime in to cut him and/or his reporting down (and maybe drives him/her away) you are doing a great diservice to those who want to hear what s/he has to say.

    I still don't know how I feel about Dorsal, I do know s/he called the 2001 MWSF PowerMac's (to a tee) back in the FALL of 2000 (october/november posts)... As for the MWNY PowerMacs... Well the speeds were right but not much more...


    P.S. Dorsal I sent you a private message...

    [ 12-13-2001: Message edited by: DaveGee ]</p>
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