Apple introduces two-button mouse [MERGED]



  • Reply 41 of 239

    Originally posted by ijerry

    ...I am also speculating that they have done some testing with it as well to have me not be soo concerned with this...

    Ah yes, something I still need to get used to in the Apple World - a company that actually thinks about how their products will be used before releasing them! Although, I have to say that I've never paid much attention to how other people use their mice, so I hope I'm not alone in this finger-resting.
  • Reply 42 of 239
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by kenaustus

    "Mighty Mouse © Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved." That is what royalties are for and you can be sure Apple has taken care of that one - the name is just too good to pass up. No way would Viacom pass up the money!

    well, a nice big ass company that decided to play ball with apple. how refreshing
  • Reply 43 of 239
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Please put this stuff in the correct forum. The mightmouse has been announced so it should be in Current Hardware.
  • Reply 44 of 239
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    Looks really cool, and priced nicely compared to other "high-end" mice--but I'd have to know just exactly HOW the left-right sensors work. Could I adapt? Would I even have to?

    I don't want to have to lift one finger AWAY from the mouse before clicking down, to make sure the other finger is the one detected.

    I think the chances of Apple not having thought this through are low But Apple takes risks in leading people to new ways of working. The price of innovation is that some risks don't work out so well in practice--or not the first time.

    And for some common games you need to be able to click the other button while one button is already down. Is there a way that can work with this mouse? Not clear. (I don't thing squeeze or ball would make an deal alt-fire.)

    So I'll have to head to the Apple Store and try one

    And then I'll await a rechargeable BT version--one without a charger, please. Just a USB cord you use when you need to.

    The ball is an utterly obvious solution. How does Apple manage to be first with obvious solutions so much? (But again, I'd have to judge it in person. No tactile feedback, just a speaker? I like the clicks I can feel in my current wheel.)
  • Reply 45 of 239
    chris vchris v Posts: 460member

    Originally posted by Anders

    WTF indeed.

    EDIT: And now look. In 10.5 the menu bar will be on top of the windows, not the screen

    You hush your mouth.
  • Reply 46 of 239
    tchwojkotchwojko Posts: 139member
    It seems kind of odd. How does a novice user know that they can click left or right? There are no visual cues, and as far as I can tell, no physical ones either.

    I can already hear all the calls from parents and grandparents asking what's going on, because when they click they sometimes get a menu and sometimes it acts normally.

    That's not to say I dislike it though.

    Will this mouse become standard with new Macs?
  • Reply 47 of 239
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member

    Originally posted by CrazyWingman


    It looks like the sides are programmable as much as anything else, at least it looks like that from the options shown in the gif on this page:

    Using the sides to lift your mouse and come down again is pretty common practice, and is what the side panels were originally designed for in the Apple Pro Mouse. (What's better than Pro? Mighty!) Normally, I would also be concerned about this, however, this being Apple, they usually anticipate this stuff well and usually design this stuff just right. I would look at the iPod and its click wheel as an example. Still, it would be best to try this out at the store first.

    I'm surprised people aren't throwing a real fit here about the touch-sensitive non-button buttons and the little speaker sounds for clicking and scrolling. There's a lot of that complaint going on at Ars right now, but I don't think they realize what they're in for, Just look at the iPod for what we're probably getting. It's nice to see some of the design of the iPod informing the design of Mac hardware in a substantial way, and I would imagine that this would be a good selling angle for Macs as the exchange continues.

    Oh, and you will find Expose incredibly useful, CrazyWingman. I can't tell you how much I miss it here at work. I currently have my middle button set to Expose all windows at home, and I'm always clicking my middle mouse button at work and sighing when I realize just what a PITA it is to dig through windows without it.

    [edit]It's fun to watch Anders being dragged kicking and screaming into the new century.
  • Reply 48 of 239
    sandausandau Posts: 1,230member
    gotta love how apple works...of course there is only a USB corded version currently. That way all the early adopters run off and buy the new mouse....3 weeks later, voila! Blue tooth version, now the early adopters go buy ANOTHER mouse. Makes sense. Why sell one when you can sell two? haha.
  • Reply 49 of 239
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member

    Originally posted by sandau

    gotta love how apple works...of course there is only a USB corded version currently. That way all the early adopters run off and buy the new mouse....3 weeks later, voila! Blue tooth version, now the early adopters go buy ANOTHER mouse. Makes sense. Why sell one when you can sell two? haha.

    tad bit cyncial, wouldn't you say? how about the fact that an internal speaker firing for every click and roll and laser would eat batteries for lunch.
  • Reply 50 of 239
    amac4meamac4me Posts: 282member
    Another move by Apple to attract more Switchers

    I suspect this move by Apple is to make the Switch To A Mac easier for those Windows users who were unhappy with a single button mouse.

    Good Job Apple
  • Reply 51 of 239

    Originally posted by rok

    tad bit cyncial, wouldn't you say? how about the fact that an internal speaker firing for every click and roll and laser would eat batteries for lunch.

    I wonder if a mouse with a dock is coming soon
  • Reply 52 of 239
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    I'm amazed about this whole ordeal. Apple has actually amazed me with this mouse. Would I purchase one? Maybe. .

    I'm sure the multbutton sensors have been tested to no ends. I wouldn't expect the unexpected from these mice.

    Great show apple!
  • Reply 53 of 239
    No more 'we need a mutlibutton mouse from Apple' fora!
  • Reply 54 of 239
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member

    Originally posted by Matthew Yohe

    I wonder if a mouse with a dock is coming soon

    Apple doesn't like to rush things, so I wouldn't wait for either a Bluetooth version, or one with a dock. Jeesh, it took them 21 years just to get to more than one button!
  • Reply 55 of 239
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member

    Originally posted by i-am-an-elf

    ... built in speaker

    Apparently, I missed that one.

    While we all know a bluetooth model is in the works, who knows how it will operate. I find it funny that in one corner Apple champions rechargeable batteries for your iPod but for their mouse and keyboard use AAs.
  • Reply 56 of 239

    Originally posted by CrazyWingman

    First, I'm a little leery about the left vs. right touch sensors. When I hold my mouse, I usually rest my first two fingers on each of the buttons. Is it going to sense this and get confused? Is there still a mechanical button that you have to click, and the touchpad only says which finger pushed that button?

    Second, I'm actually sort of disappointed in the options available for the squeeze buttons. I really can't see myself using them to launch applications that much. I don't have a Mac yet, so I'm not sure if I'd like the Dashboard or Expose available on my mouse. BUT, the first use that popped into my head was allowing me to move the window I'm currently using without grabbing the title bar. I think I would find it incredibly useful to just aim anywhere in the window I want to move, squeeze, and move. It even seems intuitive to me. However, I don't see any indication that this will be an option. They seem to only talk about Dashboard, Expose, and application launching. Anyone know anything different?

    1. Yes I'm doing that now - hopefully I'll still be able to on the Mighty Mouse.

    2. I love your idea; the squeezing of the mouse would be totally natural to picking up a window and moving it. You can select to launch applications, which means this mouse should be AppleScriptable... Although, there really wouldn't be much point in scripting a move command in the past, I'm sure it must be possible.
  • Reply 57 of 239
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    The design of the hardware is cool and the scroll wheel is a GREAT idea, but I think Apple missed the boat on the software for this little guy. You can't use the two side buttons independently of each other? What about clicking back and forward while Web browsing? I'm interested to see what's available under "Other..." in the drop-down menu.

    How long do you think it'll take until a third party releases software to make this sucker fully functional for 10.4.1 and below and to maximize the use of all the buttons?
  • Reply 58 of 239
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member

    Originally posted by BuonRotto

    I'm surprised people aren't throwing a real fit here about the touch-sensitive non-button buttons and the little speaker sounds for clicking and scrolling. There's a lot of that complaint going on at Ars right now, but I don't think they realize what they're in for, Just look at the iPod for what we're probably getting. It's nice to see some of the design of the iPod informing the design of Mac hardware in a substantial way, and I would imagine that this would be a good selling angle for Macs as the exchange continues.

    Some people are saying that Apple may have been misleading telling us there are no buttons. They're saying that the mouse is almost identical to the current single-button mouse that ships with Macs (but has sensors and the Scroll Ball). They're saying the whole shell may click down mechanically...but will register as a left-click or a right-click depending on which side the finger is clicking.

    This mouse would essentially is the best of both can use it as a single-button mouse (with a Scroll Ball) or a 4-button mouse (with a Scroll Ball).

    The only thing that isn't completely clear (and has been mentioned by at least one other person in this thread) is that I normally rest my index finger on the left-button and middle finger on the right-button. If I don't lift at least one finger up, how will the sensors react? Will it register as a left-click? Or will I accidently trigger context menus. I have no intention of lifting fingers up to left-click or right-click.
  • Reply 59 of 239
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    It's just like my MX510, but for $15 more, with lower tracking accuracy, less buttons, and a white shell that will collect fingerprints and dirt ten times more easily!

    Go Apple!

    This is, however, good, good, good, good news. Apple has woken up.
  • Reply 60 of 239
    I still like the Microsoft Mouses, far more ergonomic.
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