Apple introduces two-button mouse [MERGED]



  • Reply 61 of 239

    Originally posted by kim kap sol

    Some people are saying that Apple may have been misleading telling us there are no buttons. They're saying that the mouse is almost identical to the current single-button mouse that ships with Macs (but has sensors and the Scroll Ball). They're saying the whole shell may click down mechanically...but will register as a left-click or a right-click depending on which side the finger is clicking.

    This mouse would essentially is the best of both can use it as a single-button mouse (with a Scroll Ball) or a 4-button mouse (with a Scroll Ball).

    The only thing that isn't completely clear (and has been mentioned by at least one other person in this thread) is that I normally rest my index finger on the left-button and middle finger on the right-button. If I don't lift at least one finger up, how will the sensors react? Will it register as a left-click? Or will I accidently trigger context menus. I have no intention of lifting fingers up to left-click or right-click.

    I read all the material at Apple's site and it would seem that the act of pressing with the left finger, despite the right finger resting on the mouse, will trigger the correct left click vs. right click. It's the way the sensors "see" more pressure with one finger vs. the other.
  • Reply 62 of 239
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member

    Originally posted by danielctull

    1. Yes I'm doing that now - hopefully I'll still be able to on the Mighty Mouse.

    2. I love your idea; the squeezing of the mouse would be totally natural to picking up a window and moving it. You can select to launch applications, which means this mouse should be AppleScriptable... Although, there really wouldn't be much point in scripting a move command in the past, I'm sure it must be possible.

    I would imagine that you would have to press down with some pressure to activate it. It shouldn't be any worse than pressing down on an actual button.

    I wish this was usable as a trackball. I don't like moving mice around. I prefer the Logitech or MS trackballs with the thumb activated balls. The MS Trackball Optical, which is my main unit, has four buttons and a clickable scroll-wheel.

    By the way, one can scroll horizontally now with a regular scroll-wheel by pressing the "shift" key while scrolling. By pressing the "option" key, one can scroll three times as fast, and by pressing both, can scroll three times as fast horizontally. There are other tricks as well.
  • Reply 63 of 239
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member

    Originally posted by kim kap sol

    ...the whole shell may click down mechanically...but will register as a left-click or a right-click depending on which side the finger is clicking.

    I'd prefer that, but the speaker's inclusion to make the sounds of clicking and scrolling makes me think the only moving part on the mouse is the scroll ball.
  • Reply 64 of 239
    Was there not a story on AI years ago about a mouse (or a patent for a device) with a 360 degree trackwheel in place of the mouse middle button. I have searched the archives, but cannot find this.

    (It may even have been a two button mouse with a small trackpad for 4 plane scrolling...)

    I'm sure it was from a patent submission, as the general concenious at the time was that the concept was never actually intened far a mouse, but rather evolved into the iPod scrollwheel.

    This is still an interesting read from 5 years ago. What took them so long???
  • Reply 65 of 239
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member

    Originally posted by clonenode

    I read all the material at Apple's site and it would seem that the act of pressing with the left finger, despite the right finger resting on the mouse, will trigger the correct left click vs. right click. It's the way the sensors "see" more pressure with one finger vs. the other.

    geez, if that's the case, they will have really outdone themselves. i am with kks et al. on this: i rest my middle finger on the right mouse button, and then press when necessary. my middle finger would cramp up in a single morning of use. then how would i signal my displeasure to other new orleans drivers on my ride home?!?!?

  • Reply 66 of 239
    It looks nice but I dont think its enough to stray from my MX500 just yet.
  • Reply 67 of 239
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    Well, two on the way through the EdStore. I'm cheap, though, so I'm taking the free shipping option.

    Am looking forward to the wireless version, but the tail-tethered version is fine on the office desk! I do kind of wish I had not just bought the BLUETAKE Bluetooth Mouse for my PowerBook, though.... Can wireless be far behind?
  • Reply 68 of 239
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member

    Originally posted by CosmoNut

    The design of the hardware is cool and the scroll wheel is a GREAT idea, but I think Apple missed the boat on the software for this little guy. You can't use the two side buttons independently of each other? What about clicking back and forward while Web browsing? I'm interested to see what's available under "Other..." in the drop-down menu.

    How long do you think it'll take until a third party releases software to make this sucker fully functional for 10.4.1 and below and to maximize the use of all the buttons?

    I don't know. Apple says that there are four programmable buttons. To me that means that all four can be used independently. But the quote is confusing.

    "programability of a four-button mouse in a single-button design. Click, roll, squeeze and scroll."

    This sounds like you need BOTH side buttons at once:

    "Change the side buttons from displaying all windows in Exposé to displaying only the windows in the current application."

    But this doesn't:

    "Launch any application you choose from any button on Mighty Mouse:"

    So, maybe the mouse ball is the forth button.

    Pretty soon. And maybe functions Apple doesn't have.
  • Reply 69 of 239
    kasperkasper Posts: 941member, administrator
    Here is what the thing looks like. It's very light. I'm going to take it for a spin right now:


  • Reply 70 of 239
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member

    Originally posted by Kasper

    Here is what the thing looks like. It's very light. I'm going to take it for a spin right now:



    Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
  • Reply 71 of 239
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member

    Originally posted by AppleInsider

    As first predicted by AppleInsider in March, Apple today introduced Mighty Mouse, its next generation mouse with multiple buttons and a scroll ball.


    Mighty Mouse is compatible with either USB 1.1 or USB 2.0 ports.
    [ View this article at ]

    Not that I understand you rumor sites have to pat yourselves on the back a lot and all, but a few remarks:[list=a][*]People have been predicting a multi-button mouse from Apple for years (I thought I remember the original G5s would have one, let alone last year's updates).[*]Your prediction was for a two-button mouse, not a multi-button or three/four button mouse[*]No mention was made of a scroll-wheel or scroll-ball or anything else.[*]You stated it would be wireless, not wired[*]You had the price at $69 (but I'll give you that, as you thought it was wireless)[*]You said "Insiders warned that anticipation may continue to build for months as the company perfects the product", unfortunately I don't recall any anticipation building for this (maybe there was, but usually anticipation is shown whenever apple updates something, there's the requisite "But where's my Powerbook G5!" or the like). Then again, I'll give you this one as it was what 'insiders' predicted, and no one can really know what's going to get the general populace all excited in anticipation.[/list=a]

    BTW, I'm not too sure on that scroll ball thingy. Mouse balls were removed from mice and laptops because they kept crudding up the rollers and would get stuck and such. I think a pointing device (like those on the IBM thinkpads) would be a better mover than a roller-ball. At least you wouldn't have to pull out an Xacto knife to clean the gunk out.
  • Reply 72 of 239
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    "squeezing" is an interesting idea for a mouse action, if they pull it off well. i can imagine emulate a "click and hold" or "click and lock" function to the side buttons. then you hover over a file on the desktop, squeeze will click on the item and hold it. press down on scroll ball to activate expose - all windows. drag item over expose'd (sp?) window, and when it double-blinks, let it go.
  • Reply 73 of 239
    VERY COOL...

    Apple is once again revealing their plans for "World Domination" and this little squeeker proves that the future for Apple is going to be incredible. Ever the innovator, Apple is looking far into the future and I like it!

    Jump aboard you PC smucks or forever be left behind!

    On the horizon:

    New iPod Phone - will BLOW-U-AWAY!!!!!

    "Think Alike... BE Different!"
  • Reply 74 of 239
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    This scroll configuration sounds great for Photoshop users, but I'd like to scroll straight down a page instead of careening side to side, thank you very much.
  • Reply 75 of 239
    This left-right-diagonal scrolling is silly. How often do you actually scroll left or right, much less diagonally? 99% of all scrolling is up-down, when reading web pages, scrolling through finder windows, font lists, whatever.

    I have a Logitech mouse with the tiltable scroll wheel that basically clicks to the left or right (Microsoft mice have it too) and I've set it to switch between tabs in Safari or Firefox. It's the greatest thing, and I can't stop using it.

    Also, back and forward buttons (especially the "back" button) are amazingly important to have on the mouse, in browsers as well as the finder. And shift-click (open in new window or new tab) is also hugely helpful as a mouse button when browsing.

    Apple should consider the purposes of multiple buttons and scroll wheels before just coming up with whiz-bang technology. The biggest reason for extra functions on a mouse is to keep you from having to mouse all over the screen to perform basic actions. Activating Expose could be a good use... I hope it activates F9 (all windows) and the fancy little ball then allows you to quickly scroll to the window you want.

    I'm curious to see this thing, but I can't imagine it'll wow me. However, they should start including it with all new Macs immediately. While it may not be the best ever multi-button mouse, it's sure better than their wheel-less single button mouse.

  • Reply 76 of 239
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by Carson O'Genic

    No more 'we need a mutlibutton mouse from Apple' fora!

    Wanna bet?

    Instead, we're going to see the "It should be the default!" whining.

    Oh wait, it just started...

  • Reply 77 of 239

    Originally posted by Kasper

    Here is what the thing looks like. It's very light. I'm going to take it for a spin right now:



    Can you please include the length of the cord in your report??

  • Reply 78 of 239
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member

    Originally posted by dak splunder

    This left-right-diagonal scrolling is silly. How often do you actually scroll left or right, much less diagonally? 99% of all scrolling is up-down, when reading web pages, scrolling through finder windows, font lists, whatever.

    I have a Logitech mouse with the tiltable scroll wheel that basically clicks to the left or right (Microsoft mice have it too) and I've set it to switch between tabs in Safari or Firefox. It's the greatest thing, and I can't stop using it.

    Also, back and forward buttons (especially the "back" button) are amazingly important to have on the mouse, in browsers as well as the finder. And shift-click (open in new window or new tab) is also hugely helpful as a mouse button when browsing.

    Apple should consider the purposes of multiple buttons and scroll wheels before just coming up with whiz-bang technology. The biggest reason for extra functions on a mouse is to keep you from having to mouse all over the screen to perform basic actions. Activating Expose could be a good use... I hope it activates F9 (all windows) and the fancy little ball then allows you to quickly scroll to the window you want.

    I'm curious to see this thing, but I can't imagine it'll wow me. However, they should start including it with all new Macs immediately. While it may not be the best ever multi-button mouse, it's sure better than their wheel-less single button mouse.


    Remember what Macs are often used for. When in Photoshop, FCP, or any publishing program, I find horizontal scrolling with the "shift-scroll" combination to be an invaluble time saver. This should be even easier, though, along with Placebo, I wonder if I can scroll straight ahead, or with wavy lines. But I use a trackball anyway so...
  • Reply 79 of 239
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member
    Well look at it this way...a webpage or text document that doesn't spill over horizontally will only scroll up and down no matter how you roll the ball. What do you care if you're not scrolling straight down or up if your image file has vertical and horizontal scrollbars?

    99% of scrolling might be vertical but for those 1% times, it's nice to have horizontal scrolling without the need to hold down a keyboard key. can disable horizontal scrolling within the Mouse preference pane.

    PS: back/forward buttons on a mouse is a stupid idea. Multi-button mice have had these buttons for a long time but they're definitely not important buttons to have unless you spend your entire days browsing the web. Buttons are better used for oft-used system-wide functions. And per-app button programming (other than perhaps games) can be problematic.
  • Reply 80 of 239
    just bought a wireless mouse from apple about two months ago for $59...not very happy...guess ill be taking a trip to the apple store to test and perhaps buy a mighty mouse...DAMN YOU APPLE!
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