R.I.P. - New Orleans, August 29, 2005??



  • Reply 261 of 268

    Originally posted by Bronxite

    I don't give a shit if it makes sense to you. The only quality that you have shown in the last week is that you have no fucking sense.

    Obvoulsy you are very angry. I'm sorry if I angered you. I appologize for my comments. My position does make sence, though. I put the suffering of people above the suffering of animals. That's just how I feel about. That's my opinion. In this enormous human exodus I don't think it's unreasonable to leave pets behind because, if they tried to also deal with all the pets, then it would slow the already slow evacuation of people.

    I understand your point of view. Pets are very important to you.

    I appolgoze if I angered you. Not my intention. We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.
  • Reply 262 of 268
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    Let's just come to the agreement that we humans should do what we can to save the animals. Obviously we people come first, but if there are ANY resources that we can devote to the animals without impeding saving human lives, then we should do so.

    Sending money to the ASPCA isn't going to harm the Coast Guard helicopter saving someone off a roof. If people need bottled water, they'll get it whether or not Person A gives money to the Red Cross.

    Fair enough. Moving on...
  • Reply 263 of 268

    Originally posted by PBook12

    I put the suffering of people above the suffering of animals. That's just how I feel about. That's my opinion.

    I appolgoze if I angered you. Not my intention. We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.


    How can that possible be one of the worst pictures you seen? You've seen pictures of dozens of dead bodies in the city and you choose this picture of a dog to move you? I guess the babies limp in their mothers' arms rank lower for you than a dog.

    1. I never said I put the suffering of animals above people

    2. You are changing your tune

    3. What did you intend to do other than anger me and piss me off? You tried to say my emotions and reactions were wrong and that yours were right.

    Clearly your comments ring hollow to many people around since you are admittingly getting your ass ripped everywhere. Why don't you just shut up already?
  • Reply 264 of 268
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    Drop it, both of you.
  • Reply 265 of 268
    Look I've tried to be nice and apologize. Why don't you just accept my apology and shut up yourself?
  • Reply 266 of 268

    Originally posted by PBook12

    Look I've tried to be nice and apologize. Why don't you just accept my apology and shut up yourself?

    because you wrongly accuse me of something I never said and then hide it behind a weak apology.
  • Reply 267 of 268
    I'm sorry if I did that. It was wrong of me. I guess I misunderstood you. Please accept my unconditional apology.
  • Reply 268 of 268
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member

    This petty bickering is done with. I will kill both of your famlies if you continue this stupid crap anywhere else.
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