R.I.P. - New Orleans, August 29, 2005??



  • Reply 141 of 268
    I am seriously tired of hearing cries about racism when TODAY Jessie Jackson drove to the convention center with his bus & entorage to survey the situation then left without picking up a single person from the convention center area and then had the nerve to critisize the president for surveying the situation and actually said on the radio here that "if they can bring these media trucks in they can bring people out".

    It's truely a shame that the system failed our citizens but it boils down to a lack of money and no definitive plan from anyone higher than the mayer (who is a truely great man btw). Stop all the crying about racism. New Orleans population is 67% black and that is why almost all of the people you are seeing at the superdome are black. I love this city and the majority of the people are genuinely great people but the fact of the matter is that the system failed us here. The country is learning a huge leson at our expense.

    Further more I can assure you that aid is coming in and out like crazy...I personally saw TODAY a C-130 cargo plane and at least 40 hellicopters flying back and fourth from Baton Rouge to New Orleans. Unfortunatly the confusion, delays, extreme lack of federal funding up until the last few days, and lack of definitive athority on a higher level has only made the situation that much worse. Please stop crying racism. My personal experience here is that this is much more of a situation of incompitence and lack of federal funding than anything else....and all of this starts far below the authority of the president.
  • Reply 142 of 268
    NO was a city that was on it's heals before the hurricane. Like any city it's had a gang problem. Add to that the malignant police corruption. They had/have gang members on the police force. It demoralized all the good cops. Add water and mix... When the Mayor initially said that looting was okay he gave teh green light to the armed thugs. 1/3 of the cops just walking away from they city. Can you imagine that happening in New York, Chicago or Boston? The mayor is responsible for his citizens. They were living in a bowl surrounded by water. Anyone without a car had no chance of making it out in time. Who's fault it is? The Mayor's.
  • Reply 143 of 268

    Originally posted by Playmaker

    I am seriously tired of hearing cries about racism when

    Who cares about Jesse Jackson. The Tsunami victims got aid 2 fucking days after the disaster- and that's in poor countries. AND no one saw the Tsunami coming. Katrina was spotted WELL before it hit, and everyone new it was going to be bad. 5 days without ANYTHING. It is obviously because a)population is black or b) population is poor.

    Do you think if the "Big one" hit L.A., that this would be the response? Do you honestly think it would be this pathetic?
  • Reply 144 of 268
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member
    Not to mention that Lt. Gen. Honore has now disproven that BS about it being too dangerous to bring in aid.
  • Reply 145 of 268
    aries 1baries 1b Posts: 1,009member

    Originally posted by rok

    not to defend it, but remember they need drivers for thos ebuses, and the mayor had told everyone to get the hell out of town.

    i hope this disaster teaches a lesson that there must be a plan to get out those who cannot get themselves out, or even those who do not wish to leave. fuck this whole "people have a right to stay." um, no. we try to keep people form committing suicide. at some point, staying for a cat 5 hurricane to hit new orleans can be considered suicide, and they should be hauled out kicking and screaming if necessary, lock down the city until all clear sounds, then let everyone back in orderly fashion.

    but hindsight is always 20/20.

    I think that I would have pretty much figured out how to make it go, if it were me. Granted, there'd be no paint left on the side [Edit: both sides, the front, the back, AND the top, what with low hanging debris], and the transmission would be 'a hopeless pile o' jonk' (yes, I do miss Scotty), but I'd be someplace dry by now and so would everyone else on 'my' bus.

    My hindsight is always 20/400+.


    Aries 1B
  • Reply 146 of 268
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member

    Originally posted by giant

    Not to mention that Lt. Gen. Honore has now disproven that BS about it being too dangerous to bring in aid.

    Honore seems to kick ass and take names.
  • Reply 147 of 268
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by the cool gut

    Who cares about Jesse Jackson. The Tsunami victims got aid 2 fucking days after the disaster- and that's in poor countries. AND no one saw the Tsunami coming. Katrina was spotted WELL before it hit, and everyone new it was going to be bad. 5 days without ANYTHING. It is obviously because a)population is black or b) population is poor.

    Do you think if the "Big one" hit L.A., that this would be the response? Do you honestly think it would be this pathetic?

    It took 6 days to get help to the worst hit areas during the tsunami, look it up.

    There has been rescue efforts by all agencies from day one. Wake up.
  • Reply 148 of 268
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by midwinter

    Honore seems to kick ass and take names.

    Compare that to the Mayor...
  • Reply 149 of 268
    Yup, looks like the Bush administration is going to be facing some tough questions later:

  • Reply 150 of 268
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by the cool gut

    Yup, looks like the Bush administration is going to face some tough questions later:


    Yup and he'll fair fine. I would be worried about the Mayor of NOLA and the LA Governor have some even more serious questions to answer, IMO.
  • Reply 151 of 268
    Jeeez - even Tucker Carlson is on air right now saying "It's obvious that the Federal Government, and President Bush, failed here."

    I guess you'd consider him a lefty-left liberal, maybe?

    Your continued denials of the facts only make you look delusional.
  • Reply 152 of 268
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by Bronxite

    [NaplesX,] I don't understand why the only thing you feel strongly about is Bush. Nothing and no one else.

    Bears repeating.
  • Reply 153 of 268
    Looks like they couldn't have been more prepared - proof of a complete failure at the Federal level:


    "Computer models developed at Louisiana State University and other institutions made detailed projections of what would happen if water flowed over the levees protecting the city or if they failed."

    here is a beauty-

    "In comments on Thursday, President Bush said, "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees.""

    WHAT!??! Do they have a fucking monkey feeding this guy his lines?

    "Several experts also believe the decision to make FEMA a part of the Department of Homeland Security, created after the Sept. 11 attacks, was a major mistake. Rubin said FEMA functioned well in the 1990s as a small, independent agency.

    "Under DHS, it was downgraded, buried in a couple of layers of bureaucracy, and terrorism prevention got all the attention and most of the funds," she said.

    Former FEMA director James Lee Witt testified to Congress in March 2004: "I am extremely concerned that the ability of our nation to prepare for and respond to disasters has been sharply eroded."
  • Reply 154 of 268
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by FormerLurker

    Jeeez - even Tucker Carlson is on air right now saying "It's obvious that the Federal Government, and President Bush, failed here."

    I guess you'd consider him a lefty-left liberal, maybe?

    Your continued denials of the facts only make you look delusional.

    The federal government is always making mistakes and taking to long to do certain things. But that's a side effect of beurocracy.

    But you are then projecting fault to Bush, it's silly.
  • Reply 155 of 268

    Originally posted by NaplesX

    But you are then projecting fault to Bush, it's silly.

    And one of the most partisan right-wingers in the media is quoted above as directly disagreeing with you.

    Now THAT'S silly!

  • Reply 156 of 268
    What I heard was that the governor failed to call up the national guard before the storm. Failed to pull the "disaster area" trigger soon enough after the storm. That trigger starts the federal reaction. The mayor doesn't even know where people need to be rescued from. Why such a failure at a local level?
  • Reply 157 of 268

    Originally posted by NaplesX

    The federal government is always making mistakes and taking to long to do certain things. But that's a side effect of beurocracy.

    Ah, the old "shit happens, it's not really anyone's fault" defense.... good one.

    I guess it was a good call for Bush to go on TV and announce that the Gulf Coast was facing "a storm of historic proportions" and then continue his vacation/PR tour for 5 more days. And that anyone who says otherwise is an obvious Bush-hater.
  • Reply 158 of 268

    Originally posted by PBook12

    What I heard was that the governor failed to call up the national guard before the storm. Failed to pull the "disaster area" trigger soon enough after the storm. That trigger starts the federal reaction.

    Your first statement is suspect at best. Can you substantiate it with something better than "what I heard?"

    Can you explain how both the Louisiana and the Mississippi governor (a Republican with closer ties to Bush than most) made the same procedural mistake?


    The mayor doesn't even know where people need to be rescued from.

    That statement is completely false. I'd enjoy seeing you try to back it up, though.

    Oh yeah, and welcome to Political Outsider...
  • Reply 159 of 268
    naplesxnaplesx Posts: 3,743member

    Originally posted by FormerLurker

    And one of the most partisan right-wingers in the media is quoted above as directly disagreeing with you.

    Now THAT'S silly!

    I don't agree with him and why should I?
  • Reply 160 of 268

    Originally posted by FormerLurker

    Your first statement is suspect at best. Can you substantiate it with something better than "what I heard?"

    Can you explain how both the Louisiana and the Mississippi governor (a Republican with closer ties to Bush than most) made the same procedural mistake?

    That statement is completely false. I'd enjoy seeing you try to back it up, though.

    Oh yeah, and welcome to Political Outsider...

    Why is it that people are told to the convention center and then ... days later we learn that people are stranded at the convention center? How come no one knew they were waiting there?

    Obviously the national guard was not ready. Why not? Why did the governor fail so badly?

    This isn't political outsider. I stay out of that forum. Maybe I'll stay out of this one.
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