Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 2141 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,432member
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    Roger dodger captain. Your wish is but my command.

    That's more like it Dave

    Come on, I dished it...Walter busted my chops on my gaffe and I took it in stride. Life's too short to be offended by poor typist and spellers. Let's bury the hatchet and move on.

    Let's get this back on topic. How quickly does everyone think the finalization of BD+ will have on new movie releases? I'll be totally honest with you...the big announcement last week to me wasn't Blockbuster but BD+ being ready. If it can withstand hacking attempts (and I think it will) Blu-ray will have an unbeatable advantage. Like or or not..DRM is playing a vital part in the delivery of content onto new medium.
  • Reply 2142 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Marzetta7 and I have had brief offline discussion and I know that of anyone in this thread he and I are most alike. So if what I say to him publically seems harsh it's really only because I know he's a stubborn SoB like I am and I respect that. He knows this .....just like he knows HD DVD is the chosen format <heheheheh>

    Pffft! Chosen............for ME TO POOP ON!

    You guys can bust my balls all you want, but like Superman, their impenetrable, much like Blu-ray proponents arguments.
  • Reply 2143 of 4650
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    That's more like it Dave Come on, I dished it...Walter busted my chops on my gaffe and I took it in stride. Life's too short to be offended by poor typist and spellers. Let's bury the hatchet and move on.

    No need to bury it... and besides one of use will most likely been needing it again..

    I really don't take this stuff too seriously ... unless I've been knock-en em back and then I **usually** try to avoid the net since it always gets me into trouble... my beer muscles are gargantuan. No lie!
  • Reply 2144 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,432member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Pffft! Chosen............for ME TO POOP ON!

    You guys can bust my balls all you want, but like Superman, their impenetrable, much like Blu-ray proponents arguments.

    I don't think ANY of us wants to think about your balls LOL. But considering the context it's clear you have Blue Balls <Ba Dump Bump>

    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    No need to bury it... and besides one of use will most likely been needing it again..

    I really don't take this stuff too seriously ... unless I've been knock-en em back and then I **usually** try to avoid the net since it always gets me into trouble... my beer muscles are gargantuan. No lie!

    Those muscles should always be kept fit (slides a Stella Artois over to Dave)

    Ok many of you will consider buying a HD player for a loved one this Christmas? And if so what's your price?

    I'd buy a couple of players as gifts if they go on sale for 149.99.
  • Reply 2145 of 4650
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Walter...I like you man! I took a calculated risk. My thought process went like this.

    Merit ....antonym "demerit" ...etc.

    Dang! I really thought I had deleted that before anyone seen it (posted it and deleted it within about 5 mins.. but then the board have been a tad funny recently) I did think it was a tad too harsh to post, but it made me chuckle at the time, when I went to check it in the dictionary and it wasnt there (given your prior post on spelling )

    And yeah I knew disty was distribution I was just joshin ya (which I hope you got from the smilies)

    This thread is FULL of grammatical and spelling mistakes, of which I'm sure I'm guilty of many, so I don't think posters should get too anal retentive about it we all seem to be anal enough about format pluses and minuses.
  • Reply 2146 of 4650
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    It is what it is. Leave the wit and sarcasm to those on the boards that do it better. When we want dry drab and boring we'll call on you.

    "FLAME ON!"
  • Reply 2147 of 4650
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Pffft! Chosen............for ME TO POOP ON!

    You guys can bust my balls all you want, but like Superman, their impenetrable, much like Blu-ray proponents arguments.

    Ahh.. didn't Supes get beat up by a trucker in the second film?

    Hey murch, done any trucking lately?
  • Reply 2148 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Low Cost Funai Blu-ray Player This Fall


    The first low cost Blu-ray player will hit US shelves this fall from Funai, according to reports from Japan. As we reported earlier, Funai makes low costs electronics which are then sold under brand names such as Sylvania, Emerson, and Magnavox. While no pricing or specs have yet been released, expect pricing to be lower than players from top manufacturers, which are expected to drop to around $400 for the holiday season.

    At this year's CES, HD DVD announced that they would leverage cheap players from China to reach a wider marketplace. Since then, the camp has been very quite as to when these players would actually show up. It appears that Blu-ray may match their claim, or even beat it, effectively nullifying any pricing advantage this important holiday season.

  • Reply 2149 of 4650
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Let's get this back on topic. How quickly does everyone think the finalization of BD+ will have on new movie releases?

    The FOX announcement of 22 releases after a comparative dearth would be BD+ related IMO would you agree??
  • Reply 2150 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    One Year Anniversary Day 5: Biggest Accomplishment/Disappointment


    As we wrap up our week long celebration for the one year anniversary of Blu-ray, we are going to take a look at what forum users and our staff felt was the biggest accomplishment during the first year, and what was the biggest disappointment. While we recognize that some exciting things happened over the past year, we also recognize that some things could have gone better.


    Biggest Accomplishment: Surpassing HD DVD in Sales

    During the first six months of the format war, HD DVD proved to be the stronger of the two competing formats. Launching first and flooding the market with cheap players and hot titles ensured they would hold the lead while Blu-ray fumbled with non-existent players and questionable titles.

    The PlayStation 3 was launched in November, and in a few short weeks Blu-ray, for the first time, surpassed HD DVD in disc sales on a weekly basis. More importantly, the gap continued to grow, until Blu-ray achieved a 69% market share on a weekly basis which it continues to hold today.

    Success on a week by week basis meant that eventually, Blu-ray would eclipse the total disc sales of HD DVD. Less than three months after surpassing HD DVD in weekly sales, Blu-ray became the overall sales leader in mid-February. Blu-ray now accounts for nearly 60% of the high definition disc market and continues to expand their lead with strong sales.

    Coming from behind is never easy, but with the support of PlayStation 3, Blu-ray was able to become the market and consumer leader.

    Runner Up: PlayStation 3


    Biggest Disappointment: Universal Still HD DVD Exclusive

    After Warner Brothers and Paramount pulled their exclusive support for HD DVD, Universal Studios was left as the only big studio exclusively supporting the rival format. As Blu-ray gained momentum in the market place, rumored swirled as to why they would ignore compiled sales data and sit firmly in the losing camp. Do they have contractual obligations to HD DVD? Is Microsoft subsidizing Universal releases? Are egos getting in the way of going neutral?

    The real reason for Universal's exclusivity remains a secret, but one thing we do know is that consumers are hurting from the decision. It is widely regarded that if Universal were to announce neutrality, HD DVD would fail and the war would be over. This, of course, would be the best scenario for consumers, many of which are awaiting a victor before purchasing either format.

    The switch would also be beneficial to Universal. Neilson VideoScan numbers confirm that Blu-ray and format-neutral studios are selling many more titles than HD DVD studios. In fact, even though Universal Studios is one of the bigger studios, they have no title in the Top 20 High Definition Discs for unit sales. Going neutral would open their releases to much larger audience and sales increases would undoubtedly benefit many times over.

    Consumers can only wait and hope that this war will end soon so that high definition movies can reach mass adoption within the market place. We don't know how this war will end, but do know that Universal plays a big part in it continuing.

    Runner Up: Format War Continues

  • Reply 2151 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Annnnnnd in case you all were wondering, the results are in and Blu-ray is steady maintiaining its sales lead for the week ending June 17th...

    Nieslsen/VideoScan Numbers ending June 17th

    WE: BD-64% HDD-36% YTD: BD-67% HDD-33% SI: BD-59% HDD-41%
  • Reply 2152 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,432member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Dang! I really thought I had deleted that before anyone seen it (posted it and deleted it within about 5 mins.. but then the board have been a tad funny recently) I did think it was a tad too harsh to post, but it made me chuckle at the time, when I went to check it in the dictionary and it wasnt there (given your prior post on spelling )

    And yeah I knew disty was distribution I was just joshin ya (which I hope you got from the smilies)

    This thread is FULL of grammatical and spelling mistakes, of which I'm sure I'm guilty of many, so I don't think posters should get too anal retentive about it we all seem to be anal enough about format pluses and minuses.

    Walter I don't take myself that seriously. Someone ignoring blatant misspelling is like the "friend" that doesn't tell you about the nasty booger in your nose out of politeness. Hell man don't let me walk around like this. Momentary embarrasement amongst friends is better than the same around strangers.

    Looking forward to seeing what Fox brings out. More HD releases are better than less IMO even if it's on the "other" platform.
  • Reply 2153 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,432member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Annnnnnd in case you all were wondering, the results are in and Blu-ray is steady maintiaining its sales lead for the week ending June 17th...

    Nieslsen/VideoScan Numbers ending June 17th

    WE: BD-64% HDD-36% YTD: BD-67% HDD-33% SI: BD-59% HDD-41%

    There you go again...treading on my dreams.
  • Reply 2154 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    There you go again...treading on my dreams.

    Reminds me of a great song, Don't Tread on Me by 311.

    All time favorite band of mine--311. I'd love to hear them on a pumped up Blu-ray audio disc or something. So here's a question for you all, what band would you like to hear on one of the nex gen formats?
  • Reply 2155 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,432member
    Sigur Ros in surround sound !
  • Reply 2156 of 4650
    kupan787kupan787 Posts: 586member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Reminds me of a great song, Don't Tread on Me by 311.

    Funny, I think of the Metallica song by the same name. However, the quote by murch was from Equilibrium I believe.

    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    All time favorite band of mine--311. I'd love to hear them on a pumped up Blu-ray audio disc or something. So here's a question for you all, what band would you like to hear on one of the nex gen formats?

    You mean SACD or like a Blu-ray CD? I think that would flop faster than SACD...
  • Reply 2157 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,432member
    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    Funny, I think of the Metallica song by the same name. However, the quote by murch was from Equilibrium I believe.

    "That, Mr. kupan787, is the right answer"

    "I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams"

    WB Yeates as popularized by Equilibrium.

    Here's another uniquely placed quote

    "A bird will fall frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself"
  • Reply 2158 of 4650
    kupan787kupan787 Posts: 586member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    "That, Mr. kupan787, is the right answer"

    "I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams"

    WB Yeates as popularized by Equilibrium.

    For awhile, you could come by Equilibrium for HD DVD, but only as an import (Japan, maybe?)...but thanks to no region control, this is no problem! I remember reading on AVS at the time, that it was nearly impossible to pickup (continuously sold out). I wonder if it is easier to get today, or if it is still run limited...
  • Reply 2159 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    For awhile, you could come by Equilibrium for HD DVD, but only as an import (Japan, maybe?)...but thanks to no region control, this is no problem! I remember reading on AVS at the time, that it was nearly impossible to pickup (continuously sold out). I wonder if it is easier to get today, or if it is still run limited...

    It was a limited print at the time, but it's available now.
  • Reply 2160 of 4650
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    So here's a question for you all, what band would you like to hear on one of the nex gen formats?

    I Always wanted to get into SACD but the discs were too expensive for me at the time in comparison to CDs never mind the prices of most of the players! But if BD takes off (and considering my PS3 has a SACD logo on it) I would love to get some classical music in 5.1 some Tchaikovsky mainly appeals to me and a smattering of Mozart would be lovely.
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