Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 2221 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,021member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Without better interactivity there's not much of a point of moving to HD

    Last night I played Equilibrium on my Sharp upscaled to 1080i and it looked damn good.

    If HD DVD and Blu-ray want to charge $27 a movie they better be working on some nice "wow" stuff regarding interactivity. Even if someone doesn't want or care for it needs to be there at this pricing.

    I may buy Blood Diamond just to test out the online featues on HD DVD

    You know, I have to agree with that. The prices need to come down at some point or there better be some serious wow factor on each side. Right now, my motivation for Blu-Ray is picture quality. But frankly, a really nice transfer on DVD looks pretty damn good on my Panasonic 1080i plasma. For me it's worth it, but not so for everyone I would imagine. I rent Blu-Ray far more than I buy.
  • Reply 2222 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Guartho View Post

    Another thing that isn't helping is the poor demonstration of the technology. For instance, I've just now seen Blu-ray mentioned for the first time at my local Wal-Mart. (The only place to buy electronics here) It was on a tiny little 17-19" LCD panel over the PS3 display. There was a clip from "A Night's Tale" being played with a split screen showing DVD quality on one side and Blu-ray quality on the other. Guess what... I, a video professional with a broadcasting degree, couldn't see an appreciable difference. There's no way Joseph Shmoe would have.

    I didn't check the panel specs, but I'm betting it was a standard-def LCD TV. Of course, even if it had shown an actual HD picture there are no Blu-ray titles on the shelves to buy and no players besides the PS3.

    Did you say walmart?..... Even the most electronic stores fail to display either formats properly and have very poorly trained sales staff on the matter. So, I'm not bit surprised at how these super stores would handle these products for the time being. I live close to LA and we have about 5 or 6 walmart stores within 15 miles radius, but only one store carries HiDef format movies. So, it's obvious that walmart is still testing the water. But I keep wondering how these superstores expect to sell any nextgen movies when they price most of the movies at $25+ next to $7,99 & $4.99 sales rack. At walmart, $25 worth a lot more. I bought a 4 to 1 analog 5.1 audio switch for $19.99 and it works better than $199 switch I had tested.

    Bottom line is that the retail price has to come down. I've got 60+ HD-DVD movies, but I've only bought 3 or 4 at the retail store. Most were purchased at Amazon with 10% discount and free tax&shipping, which is about $17.99 shipped per movie.
  • Reply 2223 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    You see, this is precisely the hypocrisy I don't get. When the HD-DVD side did this, you were first in line saying how it pointed to "desperation" within their camp.

    You see, this is precisely the same regurgitated, accusatory response you gave me when I posted something last time about a promotion--albeit about Panny's disc promotion... allow me to refresh your memory and remind you (and others now it appears) that I never was "first in line saying how it pointed to 'desperation'" for HD DVD in regards to their disc promotion whatsoever. Never stated it. You are simply attempting to pin me to a generalization that was never stated by me. Someone else might have stated this, but it wasn't me, and thus the accusations of hypocrisy are getting quite old.

    In anything, I realize that these types of promotions are needed in attempting to kick start mass consumer adoption of any given format. And, quite honestly, it is nothing new in terms of marketing DVDs, VHS, or any other format. Just take the pounding HD DVD is taking like a man......and leave the false hypocrisy labels for those who don't know how to defend themselves.
  • Reply 2224 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Does that mean it won't work with other brands of HD DVD players? Oh, wait. That's right. There aren't any others.

    Just curious what was the purpose for this reply?... I do ignore many posts here, but sometimes it just can't be overlooked by condescending posts like this.

    BTW, anyone with HTPC with HD-DVD drive or even xbox360 add on.... oh and the LG combo player can take benefit from the software. I believe you can even play it on PS3 if anyone has turned it into a linux HTPC..... take your head out your arse.... it should help you with your vision.

    thanks for letting me scoop down to your level....
  • Reply 2225 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member

    Just to liven the thread up a bit, here is a YouTube video about the format war...amazingly accurate...

    ^^^Courtesy of Eye-Ray over at
  • Reply 2226 of 4650
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    For the freakin MILLIONTH time

    So it IS true then, you DO exaggerate numbers
  • Reply 2227 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    take your head out your arse.... it should help you with your vision.

  • Reply 2228 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,436member
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    Perhaps not for someone watching movies on a 32" or 37" TV.

    JLL you can say anything you want about me...but I'm gonna have to ask you nicely not to speak ill on my 32" Sharp
  • Reply 2229 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,436member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    You see, this is precisely the hypocrisy I don't get. When the HD-DVD side did this, you were first in line saying how it pointed to "desperation" within their camp.

    That's true...I'm hearing crickets chirp from all the Blu-ray fans running around calling the Toshiba deal "Desperation" or a "Fire Sale"

    Some of you have sold your soul to Blu-ray.

    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Does that mean it won't work with other brands of HD DVD players? Oh, wait. That's right. There aren't any others.

    That's news for HP.

    And who the f*ck cares. I got my HD DVD player for$249..what'd you pay for your Blu-ray? Lowest price wins Biotch :P
  • Reply 2230 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    That's news for HP.

    And who the f*ck cares. I got my HD DVD player for$249..what'd you pay for your Blu-ray? Lowest price wins Biotch :P

    Really? Nice twisting of things here. So now HD DVD "players" need a separate CPU and a good HDCP-capable display card? Just when I thought I couldn't take you any less seriously, out comes this ridiculous twisting of "player" and the swear words.

    And didn't you already get taken to the cleaners for your constant harping against Marzetta about "what'd you pay for your Blu-ray?" I see you're no longer trying to disguise your raw animosity toward Blu-ray, first at AVSforum and now here. So much for Mr. H. "I don't really care who wins" Murchison.
  • Reply 2231 of 4650
    kupan787kupan787 Posts: 586member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    So now HD DVD "players" need a separate CPU and a good HDCP-capable display card?.

    Just to be fair, blu-ray drives for the PC require this as well. Well, actually not so much the drive as the "shitty" software. PowerDVD and WinDVD have gone ahead and basicly locked down otherwise fully capable machines, for no real reason. The image constraint token (which limits your resolution if not played over an HDCP complaint connection) has not been flipped on for a single release to-date. Yet both companies insit on your having a "full hdcp setup from monitor to graphics card". A lot of times, rather than just down rex the video, the software wont allow you to watch the movie at all. Throw in the fact that both programs are buggy as hell, and crash a lot, hd movies on the PC is not even close to here yet.

    Ironically, if you use certain "tools" to backup your disks, they will then play just fine in said players (or in svn'd mplayer)...
  • Reply 2232 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    I see you're no longer trying to disguise your raw animosity toward Blu-ray...

    Most of the "raw animosity" that is seen as being toward Blu-Ray is really directed toward Sony.

    It would be a good thing to go my whole life and never see Sony win another media format battle. Ever.

    There are very few companies that care so little for their own customers rights.
  • Reply 2233 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,436member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Really? Nice twisting of things here. So now HD DVD "players" need a separate CPU and a good HDCP-capable display card? Just when I thought I couldn't take you any less seriously, out comes this ridiculous twisting of "player" and the swear words.

    And didn't you already get taken to the cleaners for your constant harping against Marzetta about "what'd you pay for your Blu-ray?" I see you're no longer trying to disguise your raw animosity toward Blu-ray, first at AVSforum and now here. So much for Mr. H. "I don't really care who wins" Murchison.

    Maybe you should be more specific in your commentary. You said "Does that mean it won't work with other brands of HD DVD players? Oh, wait. That's right. There aren't any others."

    Yet now you want me to assume that you're talking about standalone players which means the HP100 and Xbox add on don't count. Who's "really" twisting things here. I'm no here to be taken in any way..just giving my opinions with a little fun. How much was your Blu-ray player?
  • Reply 2234 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,436member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    And didn't you already get taken to the cleaners for your constant harping against Marzetta about "what'd you pay for your Blu-ray?" I see you're no longer trying to disguise your raw animosity toward Blu-ray, first at AVSforum and now here. So much for Mr. H. "I don't really care who wins" Murchison.

    Nope. I feel like supporting a format that delivers less functionality and more DRM is an anethema to consumer rights. However, apathy reigns supreme. There's a feeling of incredulity here amongst HD DVD proponents.

    Blu-ray buyers are getting less hardware, paying more dollars and being more restricted in content.

    Originally Posted by Henry Mencken

    No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."


    As long as Americans can get in their gas guzzling SUV, will Starbucks or their favorite beer and watch 5hrs of TV a day life is good. Now I myself partake in some of those events and they aren't evil but it's easy to see the level of apathy in America. If we don't even care about the voting process then caring about Fair Use and the appropriate administration of Copyright protection is certainly low man on the Totem pole.

    With Blu-ray ...don't give me a shit sandwich and expect me to say it taste great. Blu-ray will likely win but it won't do so from meritorious action but from the kind of business ethics that we are supposed to abhor.

    I'm willing to lose a bit of money to defend what I believe in. I'm a dying breed I suppose.
  • Reply 2235 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    Just to be fair, blu-ray drives for the PC require this as well. Well, actually not so much the drive as the "shitty" software. PowerDVD and WinDVD have gone ahead and basicly locked down otherwise fully capable machines, for no real reason. The image constraint token (which limits your resolution if not played over an HDCP complaint connection) has not been flipped on for a single release to-date. Yet both companies insit on your having a "full hdcp setup from monitor to graphics card". A lot of times, rather than just down rex the video, the software wont allow you to watch the movie at all. Throw in the fact that both programs are buggy as hell, and crash a lot, hd movies on the PC is not even close to here yet.

    Ironically, if you use certain "tools" to backup your disks, they will then play just fine in said players (or in svn'd mplayer)...

    I've heard that new update 2911 for PowerDVD Ultra fixes many of the playback problems. I do have the software, but I just don't have the drive to test it....

    However, if anyone one is using a system w/out HDCP compliance, there is a software called " AnyDVD" which supposed to ignore HDCP and let you play HiDef contents as long as your system can handle processing it.

    BTW, you can now get a Nvidia 8500 HDCP compliant video card for around $80 if you look around. The Nvidia 8500/8600 models are the hidef content decoding champions. Which means that you may be able to playback HD contents w/out full blown CPU specs required.
  • Reply 2236 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Maybe you should be more specific in your commentary. You said "Does that mean it won't work with other brands of HD DVD players? Oh, wait. That's right. There aren't any others."

    Yet now you want me to assume that you're talking about standalone players which means the HP100 and Xbox add on don't count. Who's "really" twisting things here. I'm no here to be taken in any way..just giving my opinions with a little fun. How much was your Blu-ray player?

    Anybody knows a drive is not a player. A drive does not play. It reads and sometimes writes data. Keep saying "How much was your Blu-ray player?" I'll remember that when I keep asking in years to come, "How much was your HD DVD doorstop?"

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Nope. I feel like supporting a format that delivers less functionality and more DRM is an anethema to consumer rights. However, apathy reigns supreme. There's a feeling of incredulity here amongst HD DVD proponents.

    More BS. You don't have apathy. You have antipathy plain and simple. P.S. If you want to use big words, it's "anathema." HD DVD proponents here? You mean all two of you? Misery loves company, I guess.

    And everyone seems to be onto your game now. I notice over at AVS Forum somebody else noting:


    Only because it will save you the pain of having to buy a Blu-ray player, despite how often you've feigned neutrality at various sites over the last 12 months.

  • Reply 2237 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    More BS. You don't have apathy. You have antipathy plain and simple. P.S. If you want to use big words, it's "anathema." HD DVD proponents here? You mean all two of you? Misery loves company, I guess.

    Murch said "apathy reigns supreme" not that he "had apathy" .

    It's also telling that you went for the personal attacks, rather than address his chief complaint that "Blu-ray buyers are getting less hardware, paying more dollars and being more restricted in content."
  • Reply 2238 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,021member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post


    Just to liven the thread up a bit, here is a YouTube video about the format war...amazingly accurate...

    ^^^Courtesy of Eye-Ray over at

  • Reply 2239 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,021member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post


    Just to liven the thread up a bit, here is a YouTube video about the format war...amazingly accurate...

    ^^^Courtesy of Eye-Ray over at

  • Reply 2240 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    You see, this is precisely the hypocrisy I don't get. When the HD-DVD side did this, you were first in line saying how it pointed to "desperation" within their camp.

    I'm one of those who called Toshiba desperate, but that was when they launched the $100 instant rebate and two free movies with the purchase of The Matrix - not the original 5 free movies.
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