Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 2241 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Murch said "apathy reigns supreme" not that he "had apathy" .

    It's also telling that you went for the personal attacks, rather than address his chief complaint that "Blu-ray buyers are getting less hardware, paying more dollars and being more restricted in content."

    That's not his chief complaint. His chief complaint is that it's not the format he backs. If you were to do a search on his posts, you'll find plenty of times when he claims to be not really anti-Blu-ray and that he expects to buy a player and some BD movies in the next year or so to fill out his collection. That has proven to be a bald-faced lie now that he's been caught saying he absolutely refuses to buy Blu-ray. It would be a personal attack if anything I wrote was untrue. But it's all true. It's also telling that you don't take him to task for his continual "How much did you pay for your Blu-ray?" That's the mark of someone desperately trying to defend the format he bought into, hoping it won't die and show everyone he backed the wrong horse.
  • Reply 2242 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    wow.... why would anyone post for the sake of arguing?.... why trying to pick a fight online?... If you need a friend, you just need to ask nicely...

    kiding aside and back on topic, it seems that this summer is a great opportunity for those on the side line to jump in. With such promotions and further price drops on the hardwares, the entry cost has reduce significantly from last year. Well... this is for those who already owns HDTV of course or those who already owns HDCP complaint HTPC.

    To me, the worst enemy for the HiDef format is those on the sideline trying their hardest to dissuade others from joining into the same or the competing format by constantly stating FUD.

    If both format does not gain traction by holiday season this year..... this HiDef optical format will become another niche or even a dying niche market, just like SACD vs. DVD-A.
  • Reply 2243 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    wow.... why would anyone post for the sake of arguing?....

    murch has stated many times over these threads that he likes to argue, more or less just for the sake of it. so your point is?

    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    it seems that this summer is a great opportunity for those on the side line to jump in. With such promotions and further price drops on the hardwares, the entry cost has reduce significantly from last year.


    But then you go and ruin it with the following

    First you say

    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    To me, the worst enemy for the HiDef format is those on the sideline trying their hardest to dissuade others from joining into the same or the competing format by constantly stating FUD.

    which is opinion and I have no problem with peoples opinions when they differ from mine, but you actually follow it up with this.

    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    If both format does not gain traction by holiday season this year..... this HiDef optical format will become another niche or even a dying niche market, just like SACD vs. DVD-A.

    And if the BOLD text isnt FUD (FEAR, UNCERTAINTY and a pinch of DOUBT) then I don't know what is!

    At least TRY and make sense
  • Reply 2244 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,436member
    Anybody knows a drive is not a player. A drive does not play. It reads and sometimes writes data. Keep saying "How much was your Blu-ray player?" I'll remember that when I keep asking in years to come, "How much was your HD DVD doorstop?" [/QUOTE]

    I'll reply that "it's cheaper than whatever Blu-ray player you could have purchased". What you consider a "player" and not a "player" is coming from your own point of view. The context of your post was in regard to where I'd play my homegrown discs beside Toshiba players. When I point out other options you devolve into semantic arguments. FYI HD DVD could die today and I still have access to hundreds of movies, millions of DVDS and the ability to playback my own HD content. It'll NEVER be a doorstop.

    Originally Posted by Kolchak

    More BS. You don't have apathy. You have antipathy plain and simple. P.S. If you want to use big words, it's "anathema." HD DVD proponents here? You mean all two of you? Misery loves company, I guess.

    Congrats you won the AI 1st Annual Spelling Bee. I know how to spell "anethema" castigate me all you want for my poor typing. I sense a bit of frustration in you. Meh...C'est La Guerre. I enjoy my HD DVD player and if you enjoy your Blu-ray player (mythical or not) then I'm happy for you.

    I will not support Blu-ray while it continues to charge me more, give me less and is loaded with DRM. Other than those foibles it's a fine platform.
  • Reply 2245 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,436member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    That's not his chief complaint. His chief complaint is that it's not the format he backs. If you were to do a search on his posts, you'll find plenty of times when he claims to be not really anti-Blu-ray and that he expects to buy a player and some BD movies in the next year or so to fill out his collection. That has proven to be a bald-faced lie now that he's been caught saying he absolutely refuses to buy Blu-ray. It would be a personal attack if anything I wrote was untrue. But it's all true. It's also telling that you don't take him to task for his continual "How much did you pay for your Blu-ray?" That's the mark of someone desperately trying to defend the format he bought into, hoping it won't die and show everyone he backed the wrong horse.

    That's incorrect. I really don't give much of a damn about either platform. I just want the HD movies but in point of fact there is a limit to what I'll accept regarding DRM.

    I'm not a Sony hater. I'd buy one of their nice HDCAMS without a complaint. I do dislike products with a preponderance of DRM and Sony has indeed been on the wrong side of DRM battles which killed products. I remember Pro DAT machines with SCMS (Serial Copy Management System) WTF?

    Copyright does not exist to allow people to profit from their inventions in perpetuity. It allows you to profit within a specified timeframe and then your work becomes Public Domain. Well, that's how it used to be. We know have the encryption tools to lock digital data down in amazing ways but that warrants a return to discussion topics on just what is Fair Use. I'm not doing this for me I'm doing this for my son who has to grow up in a different and more stringent time than I have had to.

    The rule of thumb regarding civics and political strategy is to fight for the upcoming generations. So every area that I capitulate in without regard to the effect on progeny is basically me living in ignorant bliss.

    The Blu-ray vs HD DVD battle is more than just two formats. It's about what consumers will accept. History shows us that consumers abhor "pay as you go" video as witnessed by the death of Divx (of which Fox and Disney loved). The next battle was trying to lock down audio with SACD/DVDA which both are on life support. This is the 3rd battle...DVD encryption wasn't good enough so Sony is back with Gladiator style DRM. Toshiba and the HD DVD PRG have taken the lighter approach (no region control and relatively light DRM)

    The overarching theme of this battle isn't really content vs price but Heavy DRM vs Light DRM. Which group will win? Well if Blu-ray wins consumers will indeed lose because the blueprint for locking down content will have been complete.

    When I say Apathy reigns supreme I say it from the perspective that consumers have no idea about what their Fair Use rights should be. They are unwilling to to look at content for what it is..a malleable force that can be changed or repurposed. And they are unwilling to correlate what Heavy DRM effects will be placed on the industry at large.

    Isn't it a bit odd that the protection of movie content is more stout than the protection of every US Citizens Social Security number?
  • Reply 2246 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    wow.... why would anyone post for the sake of arguing?.... why trying to pick a fight online?... If you need a friend, you just need to ask nicely...

    kiding aside and back on topic, it seems that this summer is a great opportunity for those on the side line to jump in. With such promotions and further price drops on the hardwares, the entry cost has reduce significantly from last year. Well... this is for those who already owns HDTV of course or those who already owns HDCP complaint HTPC.

    To me, the worst enemy for the HiDef format is those on the sideline trying their hardest to dissuade others from joining into the same or the competing format by constantly stating FUD.

    If both format does not gain traction by holiday season this year..... this HiDef optical format will become another niche or even a dying niche market, just like SACD vs. DVD-A.

    There are some nice deals coming up in July. I know I succumbed to the 5 free BD disc offer with the Panasonic 10a. However, if you're really looking for a great deal and have the willpower to wait, then November and December should be fantastic, as both formats should be bordering on desperation by then.

    Nope, the worst enemy of HD formats is the format war. One of them needs to go away or become so marginalized that it doesn't count. Studios also aren't helping any with their slow rate of release of in demand titles.

    I give HD formats until next year to make it but only if a clear winner or a perception of a clear winner emerges by year end 2007.
  • Reply 2247 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,436member
    Cheap Chinese Players under way 70k players sold during Rebate


    The steering committee of the DVD Forum has approved the final draft of a memorandum of understanding with the leading Chinese developer of optical discs, paving the way for the creation of a Chinese HD DVD format.

    The deal, with China?s Optical Memory National Engineering Research Center, marks the first time China is participating in a standardization process for content within a global entity, the DVD Forum, which also gives its stamp of approval to standard DVD.

    While a Chinese HD DVD format would have some differences from the global HD DVD format, backers maintain similarities in manufacturing would make it easy for Chinese consumer electronics companies to then also produce HD DVD players for a worldwide market, including the United States.

    Nice. Bring the pain!
  • Reply 2248 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    murch has stated many times over these threads that he likes to argue, more or less just for the sake of it. so your point is?


    But then you go and ruin it with the following

    First you say

    which is opinion and I have no problem with peoples opinions when they differ from mine, but you actually follow it up with this.

    And if the BOLD text isnt FUD (FEAR, UNCERTAINTY and a pinch of DOUBT) then I don't know what is!

    At least TRY and make sense

    You're right... that was indeed a FUD... LOL

    Alright, I'll correct my statment. What I wanted to say was that I do not want this hidef optical format leading towards SACD & DVD-A direction.

    thanks for pointing that out, btw.
  • Reply 2249 of 4650
    julesjules Posts: 149member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I will not support Blu-ray while it continues to charge me more, give me less and is loaded with DRM. Other than those foibles it's a fine platform.

    Give you less than what? HD-DVD?

    So you can spell but you can't count.
  • Reply 2250 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Cheap Chinese Players under way 70k players sold during Rebate

    Nice. Bring the pain!

    Wow.... if $99 HD-DVD player hits US market by time for the holidays.... the real format war will officially begin for HD-DVD vs. SD-DVD.

    The lower price will win over any FUD from the PS3 movie fomat supporters....
  • Reply 2251 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    BlockBuster in trouble for supporting PS3 movie format?... Why are they closing 282 stores in US? I wonder if Blockbuster will be even able to expand PS3 format movies at all ....

    Format war over?....

    Haha... don't I sound like the PS3 movie format supporter? I'm just trying have a little fun... Okay, I'll stop.
  • Reply 2252 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    double post,..... sorry
  • Reply 2253 of 4650
    tomjtomj Posts: 120member
    yeah, blockbuster is really good about building stores right next to mom and pop video stores and driving them out of business, because the homegrown store can't keep up with the price cuts then, those stores close...i wouldn't be surprised if there were that many of them this year. That's just how they work.

    Even if it was a sign of them losing out for choosing the wrong HD format, couldn't we just assume those were the stores left with HDDVD supplies? I mean, am i right, or am i right?
  • Reply 2254 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by tomj View Post

    yeah, blockbuster is really good about building stores right next to mom and pop video stores and driving them out of business, because the homegrown store can't keep up with the price cuts then, those stores close...i wouldn't be surprised if there were that many of them this year. That's just how they work.

    Even if it was a sign of them losing out for choosing the wrong HD format, couldn't we just assume those were the stores left with HDDVD supplies? I mean, am i right, or am i right?

    I was just trying to have fun.... acting like the other guy. I really don't see how Blockbuster's decision can influence anything on the format war for the time being, other than scare off small number of fence sitters.

    I'm actually ready to go neutral as soon as the cheap combo drive is available for $99 for my HTPC or when $99 can buy me a PS3/Blu-Ray player. Even when Blu-Ray loses the war.
  • Reply 2255 of 4650
    tomjtomj Posts: 120member
    yeah. it's really just like everything else. one gets the mileage of diesel, one has he reliability of gasoline.

    Really, we should boycott the whole thing cause they couldn't just get together and make one format happen.

    I'll be the first to admit that HD content is amazing, it is just not worth it for either hd or br.
  • Reply 2256 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,436member
    Originally Posted by Jules View Post

    Give you less than what? HD-DVD?

    So you can spell but you can't count.'re going to hurt me feelings carrying on like that.

    Blu-ray gives me storage at 50GB a disc. However today it's pretty clear to those who are unbiased that HD DVD was and is today the more mature platform featurewise.

    If I wasn't into computers I wouldn't be on these boards and thus network (ethernet) ports should never be missing on a platform that claims it's ready for the next decade. Puhleeze a decade ago consumers weren't running wireless technology and look at today.

    I said HDi was a superior interactive tool and people said "you fool...look at what Java can do" and the BDA promptly had to change the Java spec and at best will never obtain %99 support for all players/titles. That's pathetic. At the same time Toshiba delivers a 1.6 firmware update that brings Network access to their 1st generation hardware.

    Warner's 300 will have a IME presentation about how green screen technology works to build the image. The Blu-ray version won't have this because the first platform specification doesn't mandate dual audio and video decoders so Warner jettisoned the support.

    When faced with this presently incontrovertible data most Blu-ray fans:
    • Make like an ostrich and stick their head in the sand

    • Hop on the river Denial claiming such features are useless.

    • Deride me claiming my format is going to die.

    • Whip out the tired "Content is King" lemming mantra

    I work hard for my money and frankly I don't like the idea of a superior platform that is actually cheaper for consumers getting bamboozled because of BS politics.


    HD DVD Replication

    Single Layer15GB

    Dual Layer 30GB

    5,000 Discs $1.69 ea$1.99 ea

    10,000 Discs $1.55 ea$1.85 ea

    25,000 Discs $1.45 ea$1.69 ea

    100,000 Discs$1.35 ea$1.55 ea

    Almost a year later Blu-ray Dual Layer replication is the stuff of dreams


    Blu-Ray DVD Replication

    Single Layer 25GB

    5,000 Discs$1.99 ea

    10,000 Discs$1.79 ea

    25,000 Discs$1.59 ea

    100,000 Discs$1.49 ea

    Why spend more and get less?
  • Reply 2257 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,436member


    You have equipped QOL for HD DVD. How do you see the format war evolving?

    We remain cool-headed because we do not know which of HD DVD or Blu-ray will win. At this early stage in the game, it is critical for us to be able to amortize the heavy investment in next-generation replication lines. HD DVD lines enable us to press standard DVDs as well, something we do for 80% of the time. A Blu-ray line, already more expensive than an HD DVD line, can only be used for Blu-ray discs. The risk is just not the same.

    Also, Blu-ray disc?s larger capacity may not be such a unique selling point in Europe where most films would fit on a single-layer HD DVD. And expensively produced HD extras are unlikely to be a widespread feature of most titles.

    Wow..common sense.


    So far, Sony DADC does not help us, does not give us the key to the format strategy, no information or training is provided. To date there is not even the possibility to invest in a dual-layer BD system.

    Also, AACS is compulsory on Blu-ray, but optional on HD DVD. We are AACS registered, but we do not pass the cost of our AACS (expensive) license to publishers who do not wish to include the copy-protection system in their HD DVD title. That makes a difference for small to medium-size European publishers. if you're a small publisher that wants to deliver your disc sans AACS you CAN'T on Blu-ray which means you're eating the licensing costs regardless.
  • Reply 2258 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post


    HD DVD Replication

    Single Layer15GB

    Dual Layer 30GB

    5,000 Discs $1.69 ea$1.99 ea

    10,000 Discs $1.55 ea$1.85 ea

    25,000 Discs $1.45 ea$1.69 ea

    100,000 Discs$1.35 ea$1.55 ea

    Almost a year later Blu-ray Dual Layer replication is the stuff of dreams


    Blu-Ray DVD Replication

    Single Layer 25GB

    5,000 Discs$1.99 ea

    10,000 Discs$1.79 ea

    25,000 Discs$1.59 ea

    100,000 Discs$1.49 ea

    Why spend more and get less?

    And yet, for some reason, this doesn't translate to higher prices for Blu-ray disc buyers. I guess that's why itty-bitty companies like Magnolia Home Entertainment are avoiding Blu-ray. Oh, wait, they're not. Gee, I wonder why. Maybe it's those mythical "Sony subsidies for everyone for now." More likely, it's that "HD DVD gives you the exclusive combo disc. Even if you don't want it, you have to pay extra for the DVD layer."

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post


    Also, Blu-ray disc’s larger capacity may not be such a unique selling point in Europe where most films would fit on a single-layer HD DVD. And expensively produced HD extras are unlikely to be a widespread feature of most titles.

    Wow..common sense.

    Wait, so on the one hand you're arguing that HD extras are the big thing for HD DVD, then when somebody says they're unlikely to be widespread, you say it's common sense. Somebody's a little schizo here.
  • Reply 2259 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Marz, you're slipping. Where are the Nielsen numbers you're supposed to post like clockwork? Oh, well, I suppose if I want something done, I have to do it myself.

    Nieslsen/VideoScan Numbers ending June 24th

    WE: BD-70% HDD-30% YTD: BD-67% HDD-33% SI: BD-59% HDD-41%[/QUOTE]
  • Reply 2260 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Marz, you're slipping. Where are the Nielsen numbers you're supposed to post like clockwork? Oh, well, I suppose if I want something done, I have to do it myself.

    Nieslsen/VideoScan Numbers ending June 24th

    WE: BD-70% HDD-30% YTD: BD-67% HDD-33% SI: BD-59% HDD-41%

    Sahweet. Sorry man, had a baby dude...okay, not me silly, but my wife.

    70%...awesome. Flies in the face of ol Murchies ramblings I see. BTW, thanks Murch for posting the costs of manufacturing, but we all know it is the cost to the consumer that counts--and we all know, that on average, Blu-ray is cheaper biatch. Just playin, man...
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