Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 2261 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Top 10 hidef sellers

    1 (1) Ghost Rider BD 100.00

    2 (-) Bridge to Terabithia BD 84.65

    3 (8) Casino Royale BD 59.46

    4 (2) Planet Earth HD 43.03

    5 (4) Apocalypto BD 35.65

    6 (5) PotC DMC BD 34.14

    7 (6) Planet Earth BD 33.51

    8 (7) PotC CBP BD 28.53

    9 (-) Open Season BD 23.10

    10 (3) Breach 22.71

    Hmm, I wonder with all those HD DVD players flying off the shelves and all--since their soooo cheap--why HD DVD isn't fairing so well in regards to titles sold....? You even have here a resurgance of Casino Royale and Open Season that have been out for quite a while.

    Next weeks' numbers should favor HD DVD given the massive discrepancy in the releases for this week, but man, if they can't even muster a 50/50 I really do think HD DVD is a dead format walkin...or crawlin...or inching...or whatever suits your mental picture needs.
  • Reply 2262 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    To me, the worst enemy for the HiDef format is those on the sideline trying their hardest to dissuade others from joining into the same or the competing format by constantly stating FUD.

    Hmm, I have to disagree. The worst enemy IMHO would be those claiming/executing to be format neutral--as they are perpetuating the confusion. Pick a with it, I say.
  • Reply 2263 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Warner Delays Launch of Total HD Until 2008

    Pfew! Glad this POS concept has gotten canned for the time being. It is about as helpful to the market as those who are format neutral.
  • Reply 2264 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Hmm, I have to disagree. The worst enemy IMHO would be those claiming/executing to be format neutral--as they are perpetuating the confusion. Pick a with it, I say.

    hm... so, supporting a format only with lip service and FUD is a good thing.......

    Hm, I didn't know many of the early adopters/movie enthusiasts were killing both formats by supporting both.....

    what the hell was I thinking....

    I better go buy tons of SD-DVD movies from now on. Maybe, I can kill the SD-DVD format if I buy enough of them.

    Anyway, HD-DVD is gaining traction again......

    Toshiba lowering hardware price once again, and those chinese players at $99 seems to be coming along.

    Now, I just hope the software price would go down and that should seal the deal.... cheap players and movies........ will win J6P and the format war.

    BTW, is FOX still supporting Blu-Ray? Haven't seen any new releases since April.

    One more thing......

    How long would it take for iPhone to outsell PS3 in the states?.... Less or more than 1 month?
  • Reply 2265 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Keep hoping. I guess it springs eternal. All the Chinese players are coming along? Link, please. Because there sure isn't any evidence of that anywhere else.

    As for Fox supporting Blu-ray, I guess to you it means nothing that they were the first studio to pounce on BD+ as soon as it was finalized two days ago.


    Mike Dunn, President Worldwide, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment commented, "Fox has vigorously fought against piracy for years and the adoption of BD+ as part of the Blu-ray Disc specification, and an enhancement over and above AACS, was a key factor in our decision to publish on the format. This added layer of content protection gives Blu-ray yet another distinct competitive advantage."

    And why are you comparing the iPhone to the PS3? It is such an inappropriate comparison that only a troll or an idiot would make it. What does a portable SD communications device with a tiny screen have to do with a housebound HD media and gaming device? Are you telling me that the iPhone will have all your vaunted IME extras?

    Why would anyone post for the sake of arguing, indeed. It seems that's all you ever seem to do. Not to mention your opening argument was the worst attempt at reductio ad absurdum that I've seen in quite a while. It's like you have no idea what anyone's talking about. Everyone says a format war is slowing adoption, except you and Murch.
  • Reply 2266 of 4650
    atomichamatomicham Posts: 185member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post


    HD DVD Replication

    Single Layer15GB

    Dual Layer 30GB

    5,000 Discs $1.69 ea$1.99 ea

    10,000 Discs $1.55 ea$1.85 ea

    25,000 Discs $1.45 ea$1.69 ea

    100,000 Discs$1.35 ea$1.55 ea

    Almost a year later Blu-ray Dual Layer replication is the stuff of dreams


    Blu-Ray DVD Replication

    Single Layer 25GB

    5,000 Discs$1.99 ea

    10,000 Discs$1.79 ea

    25,000 Discs$1.59 ea

    100,000 Discs$1.49 ea

    Why spend more and get less?

    Hmmm, I'm not sure how you support that final statement. First off, I could care less who wins, I own neither and won't for quite a while.

    Okay, let's look at the prices above. You quote the HD-DVD prices for 15 & 30GB discs. If we apply a simple linear interpolation to 25GB for HD-DVD, we would get the following prices to compare with Blu-Ray. The second column is the percentage difference between Blu-ray (with Blu-ray advantage in parentheses):


    HD DVD Replication

    Theoretical 25GB

    5,000 Discs $1.89 5%

    10,000 Discs $1.75 2%

    25,000 Discs $1.61 (1%)

    100,000 Discs $1.48 0.7%

    Basically, Blu-Ray seems to be very consistent with the HD-DVD prices, following almost precisely on the line between the price points.

    Maybe I don't understand your point, murch?

    Once I get around to getting a HD screen, then maybe I'll worry about a player. Meh, I just can't get excited about it. I do get a sick, perverse pleasure scanning this thread every couple of weeks...
  • Reply 2267 of 4650
    Originally Posted by atomicham View Post

    I do get a sick, perverse pleasure scanning this thread every couple of weeks...

    Thats what keeps a lot of us coming back I reckon
  • Reply 2268 of 4650
    It's like a train wreak I just can't seem to look away!

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    When faced with this presently incontrovertible data most Blu-ray fans:
    • Make like an ostrich and stick their head in the sand

    • Hop on the river Denial claiming such features are useless.

    • Deride me claiming my format is going to die.

    • Whip out the tired "Content is King" lemming mantra

    couldnt that also be ..When faced with reality most HD-DVD fans..
    • Make like an ostrich and stick their head in the sand

    • Hop on the river Denial claiming such sales figures are useless.

    • Deride "me" claiming "my" format is SONY ONLY.

    • Whip out the tired "Joe 6 Pack only buys cheap players" lemming mantra

    • Shout about non existant Chinese players "COMING SOON"!!!11!!!

    • Cry a river about DRM to the point where one is made to wonder if they are just the owner of a DVD pirating mob funded cartel

    • Say the PS3 doesnt count

    • Say if it WASNT for the PS3 that BD sales would be low

    • Say the PS3 doesnt count AGAIN just to be sure

    • Ignore the FACTS of ACTUAL sales and a 70% 30% split of sales in BDs favour

    • Say they are format neutral/NO IM NOT!/YES I AM/NO IM NOT!!

    • Cannot and will not look at the writing on the wall

    Quick bitemymac, I have listed more features that ALL readers of this thread will be able to see from day one!!11! This isnt just a post for new readers that will only come into effect once version of the update to this thread comes into effect!!11! therefore I must (by your logic) WIN!1!!!

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I work hard for my money and..

    ..Why spend more and get less?

    Why work harder for less money?

    Why mention how hard you work? Do I care? would that make me more likely to believe you if you work hard?

    I work hard too, so.. what does that mean? nothing I guess.

    As the Australians might say "STREWTH!"
  • Reply 2269 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Another HD DVD myth goes down in flames: AVS Forum poll on combo discs

    Some here have repeatedly argued that combo discs are a huge advantage for HD DVD. That does not seem to be the consensus or even the majority opinion among HD DVD buyers at AVS. The vast majority think it's a poor idea that costs them more by forcing them to buy SD layers they never wanted, just as I wrote.
  • Reply 2270 of 4650
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    BTW, is FOX still supporting Blu-Ray? Haven't seen any new releases since April.

    Didn't they just announce 22 releases for France, several of which are unreleased in the rest of the world currently.

    Strewth. Just thought I'd throw that in
  • Reply 2271 of 4650
    dudditsduddits Posts: 260member
    One thing Blu-ray has going for it that HD DVD doesn't is a cool name. A really cool name. Never underestimate the value of a really cool name.
  • Reply 2272 of 4650
    i think that in the end blu ray will be the winner. its going to be a painful battle. with the cheaper hd dvd players coming out there numbers will go up. studios will support both sides soon probably, except sony. the thing that will pull for blu-ray is that this sony exclusives, larger size and scratch resistance. after people realize that watching directors commentary and the movie at the same time is gay, or interacting with your movie is just a thing thats fun 10 times. i just want to watch the movie.
  • Reply 2273 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,436member

    Quote: will begin selling high-definition independent films in the HD DVD format through its on-demand DVD printing service, the company said late Sunday.

    The Seattle online retailer said it will waive processing fees for the first 1,000 films it accepts for production by its CustomFlix Labs subsidiary.

    Microsoft will supply the VC1 high-def video-encoding software and the HDi program used to package the film and extra features on the disk.

    Amir Majidimehr, Microsoft corporate vice president for the consumer media technology group, said 90 percent of high-definition DVDs use Microsoft's encoding and interactive programs, and that Amazon's support could help extend the format's reach.

    With CustomFlix, when a customer buys a movie, an automated process copies the film onto a disk and assembles the packaging on the spot.

    Amazon gave no number of customers who have used CustomFlix to buy on-demand DVDs, or said how much such a DVD might cost.

    Amazon said it will offer Sundance Channel's "Big Ideas for a Small Planet" series via the on-demand service.

    The Web retailer currently has more than 300 HD DVD titles for sale, and more than 400 that use the rival Blu-ray DVD format championed by Sony.

    The two formats have been duking it out since last year. Blu-ray and HD DVD formats are incompatible, and neither type of disk can play on a regular DVD player.

    Sweet deal. I'm looking at enjoying A LOT more indie films. Now that affordable HD cameras can be had all the way up to 4K Cinema cameras it's time to see what movies can be made when they aren't pandering to the lowest common denominator.
  • Reply 2274 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,436member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Another HD DVD myth goes down in flames: AVS Forum poll on combo discs

    Some here have repeatedly argued that combo discs are a huge advantage for HD DVD. That does not seem to be the consensus or even the majority opinion among HD DVD buyers at AVS. The vast majority think it's a poor idea that costs them more by forcing them to buy SD layers they never wanted, just as I wrote.

    I agree...Combos are a poor idea. They shouldn't cost more. You're not giving more value to the person that "only" cares about the HD DVD. That was a serious gaffe in the HD DVD PRG and studio logic. Twin Format could be a rousing success if they can deliver it as the same cost. For those that don't know Twin Format is taking a disc and making a HD layer and SD layer all on one side so you can play the disc everywhere. The only limitation is that you have 3 total layers so you could do 15GB for HD and 9.4GB for SD or 30GB HD and 4.7GB for SD. The first NA Twin Format disc is the Animation disc called Freedom. I'll likely give it a rent.

    Originally Posted by polarissucks View Post

    i think that in the end blu ray will be the winner. its going to be a painful battle. with the cheaper hd dvd players coming out there numbers will go up. studios will support both sides soon probably, except sony. the thing that will pull for blu-ray is that this sony exclusives, larger size and scratch resistance. after people realize that watching directors commentary and the movie at the same time is gay, or interacting with your movie is just a thing thats fun 10 times. i just want to watch the movie.

    The only way Blu-ray wins is if they keep Disney and Fox exclusive. Period. Consumers don't give a rip about storage size and they don't understand the scratch resistance. The IME (in the move experience) is cool. Even if I didn't think it was cool I'd still want it just in case I ever wanted to view it. If someone just wants to play a movie then HD DVD is going to win on price and Blu-ray is going to win on content.
  • Reply 2275 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I agree...Combos are a poor idea. They shouldn't cost more. You're not giving more value to the person that "only" cares about the HD DVD. That was a serious gaffe in the HD DVD PRG and studio logic. Twin Format could be a rousing success if they can deliver it as the same cost. For those that don't know Twin Format is taking a disc and making a HD layer and SD layer all on one side so you can play the disc everywhere. The only limitation is that you have 3 total layers so you could do 15GB for HD and 9.4GB for SD or 30GB HD and 4.7GB for SD. The first NA Twin Format disc is the Animation disc called Freedom. I'll likely give it a rent.

    I think that majority of HD-DVD supporters do not see the benefit in Combo format. I have also expressed my dissatisfaction on numerous times. I'm just glad there are only few titles released as Combos and I've bought about 6 titles which makes up roughly 10% of my HD-DVD collection. Out of those 6, the Ant Bully and the Happy Feet gets full use as a Combo either in the car or in the play room. So, there maybe some out there who will still find the need for that extra compatibility.

    The similar case with the SACD vs. DVD-A is that when I can find a Hybrid disc on SACD of a same album also available on DVD-A, I get the Hybrid SACD over the DVD-A, so I can rip it to my iPOD. There are free software you can convert DVD-A to wave format files, but it just takes extra efforts while Hybrid SACD can be ripped right away. On that note, the combo, Hybrid, or Twin Format may be favorable in compatibility but the extra cost should not be applied if the studios really want the format to be better accepted.
  • Reply 2276 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,021member


    The only way Blu-ray wins is if they keep Disney and Fox exclusive. Period. Consumers don't give a rip about storage size and they don't understand the scratch resistance. The IME (in the move experience) is cool. Even if I didn't think it was cool I'd still want it just in case I ever wanted to view it. If someone just wants to play a movie then HD DVD is going to win on price and Blu-ray is going to win on content.

    Ahh...some of that murch RDF. The only way? There is nothing to support this assertion. Nothing. The news keeps getting worse for HD-DVD by the day.
  • Reply 2277 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,436member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post


    Ahh...some of that murch RDF. The only way? There is nothing to support this assertion. Nothing. The news keeps getting worse for HD-DVD by the day.

    Well one does have to have an element of common sense here. admonished me for failure to support my assertions and then did the same thing to end your statement. Gotta love that irony.

    Product A= $299 it plays movies. It has all the support of the popular studios and titles.

    Product B- $499 it plays movies. It has all the suppor to the popular studios and titles. It offers no additional functionality over Product A.

    Which product is going to sell more?

    If I'm wrong please explain how Blu-ray wins if Fox and Disney are gone. It certainly isn't going to be because of the quality. Both formats are as close to parity in PQ as you can get. Ditto for AQ.

    HD DVD already has superior interactivity with networking functionality now. I await your well reasoned rebuttal.
  • Reply 2278 of 4650
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    If I'm wrong please explain how Blu-ray wins if Fox and Disney are gone. It certainly isn't going to be because of the quality. Both formats are as close to parity in PQ as you can get. Ditto for AQ.

    Sweet Holy Socks!

    Now your using the same sort of argument you used at the start of last year, or possibly even 2005.

    Would someone with more time to spare than I, care to dig out one of his many posts from last year (early) where he STATED AS FACT that HD-DVD had "BETTER" PQ and AQ.

    Of course that was before he had gotten his hands on a player or read reviews, mind you, it was still FUD shovelling and biased overzealous crap talking.
  • Reply 2279 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,436member can't win this. I never said HD DVD is the end all and be all of PQ and AQ and that shall remain in stone.

    The quality of the formats is going to change over time as new stellarly encoded discs are delivered. Late last year the movie landscape didn't have The Prestige or PotC series or Happy Feet or the other top notch movies and thus my comments were appropriate for the time. Unless a person speaks "absolutely" one cannot assume that comments are meant to be taken in perpetuity.

    Blu-ray launched with MPEG2 and 25GB discs and the quality suffered. Now we have top notch discs in VC-1 and AVC codecs.

    Yes please would someone find my comments and make sure that I also said "..and HD DVD will ALWAYS look better"

    You can't win debates by building straw men. No who wants to refute my post "today" which is

    If all things were equal in content...what format would win this war? What if we had equal content and pricing? There are plenty of discussion topics in these areas.
  • Reply 2280 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    He's right, Walter. You can't win this. Murch shifts his stance like sand on the dunes, and he knows how hard it is to find postings on this forum, harder than finding a needle in a haystack. Notice how he's changed in the last 12 months from "HD DVD pwns Blu-ray. Hahahaha!" to "If all things were equal, which would win?" He's laying the groundwork for his eventual claim that he never said HD DVD would win and that it only lost because all things weren't equal.
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