Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 2441 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    .. according to a few posters here, it already has reached that level

    Today's Future Shop flyer has Toshiba's HD-DVD at CAN$349.99 with 3 titles.
  • Reply 2442 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Hmm, you gotta have that, since you're a tech geek...well, it seems you've change your tune because a year ago you stated this...

    What happened...? Keep losing talking points?...I think so Murchy. Why, now all of a sudden is interactivity soooo important to the HD DVD format when a year ago, you're basically dismissing it. Moreover, what is to happen when Blu-ray implements PIP more often (which is really the only real interactive thing that HD DVD offers that Blu-ray doesn't in most movies)? This will happen later this year. Will the talking point--interactivity--revert back to not mattering then. I won't be suprised if it will.

    One post talks about what he wants, the other about consumers in general. Seems straightforward to me.
  • Reply 2443 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    One post talks about what he wants, the other about consumers in general. Seems straightforward to me.

    He followed with this...

    Originally Posted by hmurchison

    I don't need interactive games...I need good A/V.

  • Reply 2444 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    One post talks about what he wants, the other about consumers in general. Seems straightforward to me.

    About as straightforward as a corkscrew. If that's what he admits consumers in general want, then why does he scream bloody murder when Blu-ray gives consumers all that but not the IMEs he himself wants? He talks up extras like it's absolutely essential to success. Remember what he wrote about "300" only a couple of months ago? He "guaranteed" that the HD DVD version would outsell the Blu-ray version by the truckful, all because it has those wonderful features, like the game testing your "battle-hardened strategy" (I wasn't aware I'd ever gone into battle), the ability to shuffle scenes into the order you like and downloads to your mobile phone. Of course, the reality has been different from his guarantee. Except for the first few days, the Blu-ray version has consistently outranked the HD DVD on Amazon, which we all know from Nielsen usually underplays the difference in sales in the entire marketplace. (Despite Planet Earth selling better on HD DVD on Amazon, its total unit sales are still significantly less than Blu-ray copies.)
  • Reply 2445 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Frank777 is spot on but then again his motive isn't to demolish my post.

    Would you consider the average consumer a Tech Geek? Probably not thus one could reasonably infer that when I speak of myself as a Tech Geek I'm certainly not talking about the desires the rank and file consumer.

    Even with the superior interactivity of HD DVD I still think most consumers will run their players like DVD players....insert disc..hit play.

    However it's nice to have the option to "geek out" why do you think I'm bitchin about Blu-ray not having these features yet? It's because they are important to "me"

    Originally Posted by Kolchak

    (Despite Planet Earth selling better on HD DVD on Amazon, its total unit sales are still significantly less than Blu-ray copies.)

    Oh really? Significantly huh?

    it was still a close race, with the Blu-ray version selling 95 copies to every 100 of the HD DVD version.

    Please provide the information that shows that in the last month and a half Blu-ray has suddenly surged forward and not only erased the deficit but pushed forward to a significant lead. That will substantiate your claim nicely.
  • Reply 2446 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Jesus. It won't end the war, at least not in a way you want it to come out. Universal players aren't going to solve things, because you're not going to see two competeting next-gen DVD standards indefinitely. One is going to win. I mean, you can't honestly see a sustainable situation where we have some blu-ray, some HD-DVD and some hybrid players (an computer drives), can you? You think the whole thing is confusing to the average Joe Sixpack now? Just wait.

    Actually....... YES! for the time being.

    It will take at least a year or more for J6P to become the marching soldiers for neither format. They're currently siding with SD-DVD as you know. Hence, the J6P contributions to the current HiDef formats is not an issue for the time being. Therefore, the popularity vote of the AV enthusiasts are much needed and the compatibility options for all formats will win the interest of the enthusiasts. So, for the time being, I'm looking forward to see Universal players or hybrid computer drives as the temporary solution to the format war for those enthusiasts. This is the only solution to keep HiDef movies formats(both Blu-Ray & HD-DVD) alive/or to expand within the enthusiast circle.

    For the rest of market?....... you have wait or become an AV enthusiast yourself. Sony definitely tried this tactic by trying to turn every PS3 owners into AV enthusiast.... Of course, it wasn't very successfully, but was well worth a try. At least Blu-Ray is now saving PS3 , ironically......
  • Reply 2447 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Today's Future Shop flyer has Toshiba's HD-DVD at CAN$349.99 with 3 titles.

    Well great news, you gonna spring for one at that price?

    I dont keep a great track of exactly who says exactly what on this thread, but within about the last 5 pages, I believe (and I don't mind being corrected) bitemymac says one of the Tosh players is $199 (of course thats likely US dollars) and then theres the special promo where it was being dumped off for $99. I couldnt really be bothered trawling for it, but its there
  • Reply 2448 of 4650
    Hey murchy baby, checkin out those F.I.N.E. sales rankins at n yoo kno what?

    dem threehunerds filmz is topz maaan yeah

    an the blu wonz iz at sixes an the redd wonz is at like elevenzz thaz not so goodz maaan.

    jus sayin is all cos i kno how you luvz ya sales rankz

  • Reply 2449 of 4650
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison

    it was still a close race, with the Blu-ray version selling 95 copies to every 100 of the HD DVD version.

    Please provide the information that shows that in the last month and a half Blu-ray has suddenly surged forward and not only erased the deficit but pushed forward to a significant lead. That will substantiate your claim nicely.

    Keep fiddling, your majesty. The city will burn for some time yet.
  • Reply 2450 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Frank777 is spot on but then again his motive isn't to demolish my post.

    Would you consider the average consumer a Tech Geek? Probably not thus one could reasonably infer that when I speak of myself as a Tech Geek I'm certainly not talking about the desires the rank and file consumer.

    Even with the superior interactivity of HD DVD I still think most consumers will run their players like DVD players....insert disc..hit play.

    However it's nice to have the option to "geek out" why do you think I'm bitchin about Blu-ray not having these features yet? It's because they are important to "me"

    Oh really? Significantly huh?

    it was still a close race, with the Blu-ray version selling 95 copies to every 100 of the HD DVD version.

    Please provide the information that shows that in the last month and a half Blu-ray has suddenly surged forward and not only erased the deficit but pushed forward to a significant lead. That will substantiate your claim nicely.

    That's all a great spin and all but you can't quite spin that well when you state with the first person pronouns...


    I don't need interactive games...I need good A/V.

    You said it within that same post when you were speaking for the HD DVD community as a whole as well.

    Moreover, you keep stating that HD DVD interactivity is superior...what makes it so? Because you can do a PIP during a movie? BD-J can do everything HDi can and then some.

    Plus, there have already been movies released with PIP in Blu-ray, like Dragon's Lair, so I don't know where you're getting this superiority complex from. Regardless, I just find it interesting how your arguments shift (more like doing 180s) when it suits your HD DVD talking points.
  • Reply 2451 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    it was still a close race, with the Blu-ray version selling 95 copies to every 100 of the HD DVD version.

    Please provide the information that shows that in the last month and a half Blu-ray has suddenly surged forward and not only erased the deficit but pushed forward to a significant lead.

    Month and a half? The article you cite is over three months old! I know I've seen figures more recent that say Blu-ray pulled ahead, although I can't find them now. Before you laugh about how I can't produce proof, I remind you that you can't find more recent information in support of your argument, either.

    And who cares what you want? You don't singlehandedly decide the format war. If you personally say that the public just wants to watch a movie, then accept that Blu-ray satisfies that criterion and stop writing that since you want otherwise, HD DVD will win.

    Meanwhile, I notice on page after page in this forum, you steadfastly refuse to address your "guarantee" that 300 would sell more on HD DVD. Every time somebody brings it up, you just ignore it completely, hoping that everyone will forget you ever wrote it. So much for "I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong." Not only are you unwilling to admit it, you lie about being willing to admit it, just like on so many other things. You swore that once HD DVD breached the $300 barrier, it would be game over. HD DVD did and the game isn't, but you won't own up to your prediction.
  • Reply 2452 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Totally agree...couple in Warner's fabulous brain child of THD, you have a recipe for a niche market due to confusion...but probably just what Microsoft wants in order to capitalize on their VOD plans.

    Well, do you know what Murch's formula is to end the confusion? Single format players fall by the wayside and we all get combo players. Meanwhile, every disc is TotalHD. There you go: TotalHD on combo players. Never be confused again. You can play either side on any player! How can it get any easier? A blind man could do it.
  • Reply 2453 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by gloss View Post

    Keep fiddling, your majesty. The city will burn for some time yet.

    What? Sparta will burn to the ground?

    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    That's all a great spin and all but you can't quite spin that well when you state with the first person pronouns...

    You said it within that same post when you were speaking for the HD DVD community as a whole as well.

    Moreover, you keep stating that HD DVD interactivity is superior...what makes it so? Because you can do a PIP during a movie? BD-J can do everything HDi can and then some.

    Plus, there have already been movies released with PIP in Blu-ray, like Dragon's Lair, so I don't know where you're getting this superiority complex from. Regardless, I just find it interesting how your arguments shift (more like doing 180s) when it suits your HD DVD talking points.

    Yet BD-j cannot be consistent across all players when HDi can. The Descent and a few other movies have "fake" pip where there's a second encode of the movie. Nay...BD-J sucks compared to HDi yet you wouldn't know cuz you don't have either a BD player or a HD DVD player. You're flying blind her friend.

    I'm not seeing where my arguments shift. When I'm talking about myself I state that..when I'm positing about general consumers usually it's quite clear.
  • Reply 2454 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    "chaky baby. 300 is just now shipping. Give it some time.
  • Reply 2455 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Well great news, you gonna spring for one at that price?

    What's the point? I don't have a Hi Def TV yet. I was just passing along pricing info.

    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    I dont keep a great track of exactly who says exactly what on this thread...

    Nobody does, man. Nobody.
  • Reply 2456 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Yet BD-j cannot be consistent across all players when HDi can.

    Every Blu-ray player has to support BD-J 100%.
  • Reply 2457 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    Every Blu-ray player has to support BD-J 100%.

    This is true. Hence, most Standalone players will play BD-J supplement games that comes with the disc. However, the profile 1.1/2.0 interactivity will not run under BD-J environment due lack of hardware implementation, which can be said about all the current Standalone Blu-Ray players on the market.

    Anyway, it's been covered many times on this thread. Most people refer BD profile 1.1/2.0 as BD-J 1.1/2.0 since the profile spec has to run in the BD-J environment as the added interactive feature as known as "In Movie Experience" (IME).

    Therefore, if Murch was referring to BD profile 1.1/2.0 as a BD-J, he is correct and 0% of Standalone Blu-Ray players on the market has hardware to support it.
  • Reply 2458 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Its always nice to go back to original source and see the quote in its entirety and not cherry picked by highdefdigest:

    "Though the Blu-ray format led overall in market share for the week (60% to HD DVD’s 40% of sales), the HD DVD version of Planet Earth took the top title spot, perhaps due to fewer title options for HD DVD buyers.

    The Blu-ray version of Planet Earth wasn’t far behind, selling 95 copies to every 100 of the HD DVD version."

    Mkay. And I wouldn't be terribly surprised that things have changed from March.

    As far as BD 1.1 I thought there was a hardware player out now.

  • Reply 2459 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    What's the point? I don't have a Hi Def TV yet. I was just passing along pricing info.

    Ahh! no probs man thats pretty cheap for CA pricing though!
  • Reply 2460 of 4650
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    The Descent and a few other movies have "fake" pip where there's a second encode of the movie.

    and IF that was the way HD-DVD did it, I bet he would call the BD way of doing it (assuming it would be different) "fake" anyway.

    The thing is, if there is a PiP option on the menu and it WORKS is it fake? mmm hard to tell really
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