Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 2481 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Given what Warner is doing with 300 I'm not so hot on web-enabled features anymore.

    The last thing I want is for studios to try to sell me ring tones and wallpapers through my movie discs. Wanna bet some studio ends up doing ads or something DURING the movie at some point? Shades of TiVO's interactive advertising...

    Sucks for either BR or HD-DVD.


    I'm sure every feature can be abused if any studio plans to. Even excluding these web-enabled features of the HiDef discs, some SD-DVD has previews of movies and such showing prior to the disc menu. Some of the disc only allows fast forwarding instead of forward skip during such playback.

    So, I'm not much surprised at how quickly studios are trying to benefit from these newly enabled interactive features as free advertisement opportunities. It was only matter of when and how severely these studios will abuse these features. I guess some will benefit more than others when it comes to added interactive features on the HiDef format discs and some of the benefactors will also be the studios as much as the consumers. Just like old times.....
  • Reply 2482 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Once again, Toshiba HD-A2 is being offered at $199 shipped. The ValueElectronics is one of the reputable retailers sponsoring avsforum.

    BTW. this deal also includes free HDMI cable. Also, I believe 5 Free HD-DVD offer is still good until 7/31.....
  • Reply 2483 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Therefore, PS3 will no longer retain it's value as a BD player unless PS3 price drops to $199 in the next 6 months.

    Either way, the prices of these newer BD players will be still too high for the holidays, but HD-DVD players are in a lot better price point to lure in even the upconverting SD-DVD player seekers. The price war winner will be the winner out of the HiDef format War.

    Are you on crack, seriously...ok, I'm not serious, but are you honestly claiming the PS3 out of the blue needs to drop to $199 in the next 6 months? Really, according to what analysis and reason, and not the pure conjecture of an HD DVD proponent. The Xbox 360 isn't even that low, and the Elite version that does a little bit better job of comparing to the PS3 is $479. Are you saying the Xbox 360 Elite is going to need to go down to $199 as well (especially considering it does NOT have a HD DVD drive)? Puuhlease.

    "The price war winner will be the winner out of the HiDef format war"...hmm, can't say this is a real original argument. Price conquers all in your mind...right? Well, in the high def market reality, this is not necessarily so...

    HD DVD standalone player sales stand at 55% vs 45% for Blu-Ray in NA


    According to NPG figures presented today by Toshiba, HD DVD hardware sales are well ahead of Blu-ray with 55 per cent of sales to date in the USA and over 70 per cent in Europe.

    Wow. With all the complaining by some about how high Blu-ray player prices are, it seems their only 10% behind in standalone market share in North America according to NPG...what could cause the standalone argument for HD DVD proponents to be so close?...huhhh, maybe content? Hmmhmm. Maybe support, hmmhmm. Maybe more brand names, hmmhmm. Maybe better marketing, yuppers. Maybe better durability of disc, yup important to some. Wow...there really is more variables to the blind tunnel vision of the price conquers all argument. Go figure. And this doesn't even take into account the hundreds of thousands of PS3s being used as Blu-ray players. Look for HD DVD's standalone argument to slowly dissapear as the year progresses.

    Write that down...

    --Van Wilder
  • Reply 2484 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Are you on crack, seriously...ok, I'm not serious, but are you honestly claiming the PS3 out of the blue needs to drop to $199 in the next 6 months? Really, according to what analysis and reason, and not the pure conjecture of an HD DVD proponent. The Xbox 360 isn't even that low, and the Elite version that does a little bit better job of comparing to the PS3 is $479. Are you saying the Xbox 360 Elite is going to need to go down to $199 as well (especially considering it does NOT have a HD DVD drive)? Puuhlease.

    --Van Wilder

    I wonder..... Why would anyone with right mind spend $199 on a HD-DVD add on when you can buy a Standalone HD-DVD player for the same amount.

    I'm sure $199 add on would have been a good deal when the players were $399/499, but times have changed. At least, it has changed for HD-DVD, and $199 can now provide a whole player instead of just the external drive.
  • Reply 2485 of 4650
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Are you on crack, seriously...ok, I'm not serious, but are you honestly claiming the PS3 out of the blue needs to drop to $199 in the next 6 months? Really, according to what analysis and reason, and not the pure conjecture of an HD DVD proponent. The Xbox 360 isn't even that low, and the Elite version that does a little bit better job of comparing to the PS3 is $479. Are you saying the Xbox 360 Elite is going to need to go down to $199 as well (especially considering it does NOT have a HD DVD drive)? Puuhlease.

    I don't think you understand what he's saying. I think he's saying that basing the PS3 on it's merits as a Blu-ray player alone (pretending it does nothing but play movies) that in half a year, it would have to be 199 in order to compete with a standalone hd dvd player.

    Basically, when people say "the ps3 is one of the cheapest next gen disc players, that alone makes it worth it." Well that shouldn't be true in half a year's time. In half a year almost all next gen dvd players should be less, making the ps3 expensive comparatively. Which means no one will continue to buy it if they only want a movie player. Just like how now no one buys an Xbox 360 because they want a standard definition DVD player.
  • Reply 2486 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Instead of putting in extras (web-enabled and otherwise) that people aren't clamoring for, the studios really should take out what people really hate. Does anyone really think the FBI warning makes any pirate realize the error of his ways? Yet there they are for 15 or 30 seconds that you just can't fast forward through, doing nothing but annoying people who probably bought the disc legally.

    TBH it makes me want to go round to the studio head and shoot them. I'll give them breaking the law!

    I LOATH these on DVDs, but it doesnt seem to be too bad on BD, that is to say I havent noticed it.. YET!
  • Reply 2487 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Either way, the prices of these newer BD players will be still too high for the holidays, but HD-DVD players are in a lot better price point to lure in even the upconverting SD-DVD player seekers. The price war winner will be the winner out of the HiDef format War.

    With all this talk of half years, the above quote sounds a lot like murch half a year ago.. AND BEYOND...
  • Reply 2488 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    They even seem to be arguing with each other. "HD DVD will win because of price!" "HD DVD will win because of IME!" Stop, you're both wrong.
  • Reply 2489 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    They even seem to be arguing with each other. "HD DVD will win because of price!" "HD DVD will win because of IME!" Stop, you're both wrong.

    yeah, its all speculation anyway

    Some day in the future there will be robots.
  • Reply 2490 of 4650
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    HD DVD folks make me laugh...They're always in denial...Each day it keeps on getting worse, from new studios annoucing support for Blu-ray, the one thing they clig on which is standalone players selling better than Blu-ray is diminishing for them, the price factor they have is also dissapearing...What else do they have to look forward to....
  • Reply 2491 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Well, you're definitely a small percentage of the PS3 owners and you may be the ideal customer Sony would like to clone x(gazillions). Sony would probably want you to enjoy BD movies during the time of PS3 game drought and start buying games once available.

    Soon, there will be a time where PS3 influence in the BD supporting will be very small once cheaper BD Standalone players roles out. It is actually already happening and you can now find Standalone BD players below PS3 prices. This would also trigger steep decrease in PS3 popularity because PS3 becomes less favorable as BD Players even at the price point/features. PS3 has already failed/or failed to succeed as a nextgen gaming console at the price point, so that's that....

    Anyway, your points are well taken, but over 90% of PS3 owners bought it solely for gaming. All in all, it's a lot better using PS3 as a BD Player than just a door stop and every HiDef movie purchases count to support HiDef market as whole. So, keep up the good work, we need all the HiDef movie support right now to compete with SD-DVD's.

    OK, first you argue that people are not using the PS3 as a movie machine. Then, in the next paragraph, you argue that the impact/influence...which you just claimed didn't exist...will be negated buy cheaper BD players. Then, you state a made up stat on the usage of PS3s.

    The point is that the PS3 had a major impact on the hidef wars. Until the launch of the PS3, bd was not keeping up. They had higher prices and the Samsung player shipped with a glitch right out of the gate. Now, it's a whole new ball game. Even if the PS3's impact does become mitigated, the damage to HD-DVD is done.
  • Reply 2492 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    This holds true for last 6 months when PS3 was the cheapest/most complied BD Player. During next 6 months, there are plans of better BD players with full BD profile compliance and HQV(SD & HD) playback. Also, most new players will incuding hardware audio decoding capabilities for the HD-audio. But most importantly, the prices are getting cheaper even below PS3.

    Another AV-enthusiast favorable feature of these new BD players would inlcude universal format playback, including both BD & HD-DVD and the SD-DVD as well. LG already have such player and Samsung has plans for universal format player for the holidays and many will follow. Therefore, PS3 will no longer retain it's value as a BD player unless PS3 price drops to $199 in the next 6 months.

    Either way, the prices of these newer BD players will be still too high for the holidays, but HD-DVD players are in a lot better price point to lure in even the upconverting SD-DVD player seekers. The price war winner will be the winner out of the HiDef format War.

    Speculation. You sound like hmurchison. It's already been shown that people are buying the PS3 for movies and games. But beyond that, the price is not the only thing here. Even at twice the price, brd is winning. I frankly don't think the price war is going to do anything but cause HD-DVD to go down the crapper even faster. They can't get much beyond $100, and they do that they will push BRD low enough to hurt HD-DVD even more.

    And let's say this now: If Universal releases their titles on blu-ray, it's game over.
  • Reply 2493 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
  • Reply 2494 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Questar Goes Blu-ray Exclusive


    Questar, Inc. has announced that they will be supporting Blu-ray exclusively, beginning with their first high definition releases scheduled to debut this fall. The titles include 'Rudy Maxa's Europe to the Max', 'The Enchanted Pacific to the Max' and a yet to be announced PBS nature series title. No specs have been given at this time.

    Razor Digital Exclusively Blu-ray


    Razor Digital has announced that they will be supporting Blu-ray exclusively, and will release four IMAX titles for Blu-ray on November 13th. Those titles include 'Africa: The Serengeti', 'Alaska: Spirit of the Wild', 'Australia: Land Beyond Time' and 'Antarctica: An Adventure of a Different Nature'. More titles are promised if these sell well.

    No specs have been announced at this time. Mitch Perliss, Razor Digital EVP stated that his company picked Blu-ray because of the household penetration of Blu-ray by way of the PlayStation 3.

    And the hits just keep on comin'
  • Reply 2495 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Speculation. You sound like hmurchison. It's already been shown that people are buying the PS3 for movies and games. But beyond that, the price is not the only thing here. Even at twice the price, brd is winning. I frankly don't think the price war is going to do anything but cause HD-DVD to go down the crapper even faster. They can't get much beyond $100, and they do that they will push BRD low enough to hurt HD-DVD even more.

    And let's say this now: If Universal releases their titles on blu-ray, it's game over.

    and what's wrong with my speculations?.... if it's okay for BD supporters to do the same, including yourself.

    Any time we quote something to happen in the future, which this topic seems to be about, it's all speculations, no?

    Anyway, your last speculation really makes no sense to me. Lower pricing will quickly ruin a technology?.... Please explain how so?... It's been a while since I've taken Economics 101, but I can still remember some stuff that involves common sense.

    BTW, if I do sound like Murch, then you should listen to Murch more often.
  • Reply 2496 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Denon Goes Blu-ray...

    Yikes.... $2000 BD player.....

    I actually like Denon and I do own Denon 2900 universal player which was $999 few years back. It's definitely a great PR for Blu-Ray, but I wonder if it will have any real world impact in the format war. Most people have hard time spending $499 on a PS3 and $2000 price tag will not help these crowds.

    It's still a great effort by BD/Sony, and I will look forward to checking this out when availble.
  • Reply 2497 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    and what's wrong with my speculations?.... if it's okay for BD supporters to do the same, including yourself.

    Any time we quote something to happen in the future, which this topic seems to be about, it's all speculations, no?

    Anyway, your last speculation really makes no sense to me. Lower pricing will quickly ruin a technology?.... Please explain how so?... It's been a while since I've taken Economics 101, but I can still remember some stuff that involves common sense.

    BTW, if I do sound like Murch, then you should listen to Murch more often.

    Because your speculation is unbelievably unlikely. But you're entitled to your opinion.

    As for price: Low price is not always good. It's often a sign of desperation, which is exactly what I think is happening with HD-DVD. Ask yourself...why is HD-DVD coming down in price so much more quickly and dramatically? It's because they have to. It's getting it's ass kicked in content 2 and 3 to 1 every week, no matter what they throw at it...from better interactive features, to lower price, to the kitchen sink. Nothing is helping. The sales trend has been the same for months. More and more tech folks (reviewers, pundits, etc) are calling for it to end. Sure, Toshiba and Universal can throw millions at it and drag it out for another two or three years, but why? It would be better at this point if they just surrendered. It would be better for all of us.

    Let me ask you: What is the best possible outcome in all of this for HD-DVD? You don't really see it "winning" do you?
  • Reply 2498 of 4650
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Because your speculation is unbelievably unlikely. But you're entitled to your opinion.

    As for price: Low price is not always good. It's often a sign of desperation, which is exactly what I think is happening with HD-DVD. Ask yourself...why is HD-DVD coming down in price so much more quickly and dramatically? It's because they have to. It's getting it's ass kicked in content 2 and 3 to 1 every week, no matter what they throw at it...from better interactive features, to lower price, to the kitchen sink. Nothing is helping. The sales trend has been the same for months. More and more tech folks (reviewers, pundits, etc) are calling for it to end. Sure, Toshiba and Universal can throw millions at it and drag it out for another two or three years, but why? It would be better at this point if they just surrendered. It would be better for all of us.

    Let me ask you: What is the best possible outcome in all of this for HD-DVD? You don't really see it "winning" do you?

    Even the HD DVD fans themselves have given up on HD DVD winning, they now want HD DVD to co exist with Blu-ray through dual format players which is their hope now...
  • Reply 2499 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Because your speculation is unbelievably unlikely. But you're entitled to your opinion.

    As for price: Low price is not always good. It's often a sign of desperation, which is exactly what I think is happening with HD-DVD. Ask yourself...why is HD-DVD coming down in price so much more quickly and dramatically? It's because they have to. It's getting it's ass kicked in content 2 and 3 to 1 every week, no matter what they throw at it...from better interactive features, to lower price, to the kitchen sink. Nothing is helping. The sales trend has been the same for months. More and more tech folks (reviewers, pundits, etc) are calling for it to end. Sure, Toshiba and Universal can throw millions at it and drag it out for another two or three years, but why? It would be better at this point if they just surrendered. It would be better for all of us.

    Let me ask you: What is the best possible outcome in all of this for HD-DVD? You don't really see it "winning" do you?

    LOL.... You're so pro-blue(I'm sure you're not alone)..... you can only see what you would want to see and I can respect the fact that you're entitled to you own speculations, once again....

    As for your last question, I do see greater chance for HD-DVD to win now than begining of this year. Especially with current hardware price drop breaking the $200 barrier, I see format war heating up even more and I would expect HD-DVD to come out on top by the year end. Off course, $199 PS3 may turn the table, but I really don't see such suicide promotions by the year end from Sony.

    So, yes... I really see HD-DVD having stronger chance of winning with latest momentum. Of course, this is my personal view right now. Well.... If Sony, all of a sudden, rolls out a secret $199 Blu-Ray player within a month or two, then I would re-evaluate the my speculations.......... let me know when they do.
  • Reply 2500 of 4650
    Sorry to interupt the usual fighting, but I just got an eyeful of some AV p0rn - oh so many sockets

    The New Sony AV amp

    Further reading here

    6 HDMI inputs, surely enough for everyone here? time to raid the piggy bank I think
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