Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 3301 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Fox/MGM Sets 'Red Dawn' Blu-ray Date


    Fox/MGM Home Entertainment have set a November street date for the Blu-ray release of the '80s teen military thriller 'Red Dawn.'

    Although 'Red Dawn' was included in a list of nearly thirty Q4 next-gen releases from Fox/MGM (including such hits as 'Live Free or Die Hard' and 'Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer'), the '80s cult favorite had not yet been issued a confirmed street date.

    Today however, Fox/MGM set a November 6 arrival for the title, promising the studio's usual 1080p video and DTS-HD Lossless Master Audio 5.1 Surround audio. Supplemental details remain TBA.

    Retail will list for a suggested $39.98 MSRP.

    You'll find the latest disc details and box art for 'Red Dawn' linked from our Blu-ray Release Schedule, where it is indexed under November 6. Stay tuned for final specs to be added in the coming days.


    Love this movie. Great classic. I heard Optimus Prime can't even hold Patrick Swayze's jock. JK!
  • Reply 3302 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    You're just hopeless. How many people has Sony bought off in this war?

    At the very least, you and the rest of the BR troupe who went ballistic over the Paramount deal should now have the decency to apologize for spreading FUD about Microsoft's involvement and the ridiculous "control the market through downloads" conspiracy crap.

    Hmm. So Microsoft gives the HD DVD group money to write the check but don't personally write the check and somehow they are not involved? Mmm-kay, you can believe that if you'd like to.

    BTW, I think your missing the point. I'm sure incentives exist on both sides. It just so happens that Paramount did it at the exclusion of the more popular format base they actually released movies on, whereas the other studios might have taken incentives at the exclusion of the less popular format which THEY NEVER RELEASED ON.

    There's the rub. Paramount's decision was clearly pay-off driven rather than consumer driven. Paramount ought to be the one their consumers. I'm not worried though, they will eventually realize the mistake they made, or hopefully they have one helluva loop-hole in their agreement with the HD DVD group.
  • Reply 3303 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Um...why? I believe MS gave money to the HD-DVD camp (no citation so its just a belief at the moment).

    Nah.... Money came from hundreds of thousands of HD-DVD supporters with higher software attach rates buying up all those cheaper HD-DVD players. Tell them to stop buying damn HD-DVD players, perhaps, the check may bounce.

    stop kicking, horse's dead already!....
  • Reply 3304 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    BTW, I think your missing the point. I'm sure incentives exist on both sides. It just so happens that Paramount did it at the exclusion of the more popular format base they actually released movies on, whereas the other studios might have taken incentives at the exclusion of the less popular format which THEY NEVER RELEASED ON.

    So you're okay with 'consumer-driven bribery' as long as Sony does it. Right.
  • Reply 3305 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    What's it say? Remember if you're not a Blu-ray fanatic with foam frothing from the mouth you're likely banned from

    The post itself is entertaining, but the following replies from the BD troops are even funnier.


    TONIGHT Is The Night To Email Your State's Attorney General


    Tonight we got confirmation that Toshiba paid Paramount to not release on the Blu-ray format anymore. Seems like this may possibly be an illegal act by both companies.

    I am going to email my State Attorney General's office tonight with excerpts from the article and try to get a legal clarification about the legalities of this "deal." I do feel we the consumers were the victims of a "bait and switch" type business scheme on the part of Paramount. Paramount made official announcements and participated in active marketing of Blu-ray products and then just suddenly pulled the plug. It can be understandable that many people bought Blu-ray products based on the promises of Paramount.

    I encourage you guys to email your State Attorney Generals as well with questions about the legalities of this "deal."


  • Reply 3306 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Sony is obviously full of shit. If Blu-ray isn't close on Amazon I doubt it's being sold in better numbers at retail where the price differential is the same or often larger.

    Oh, you're looking at ranks again. The same ranks that put the HD DVD version of Planet Earth on top for months, and now we know it only sold 50,000 copies in total.

  • Reply 3307 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    Oh, you're looking at ranks again. The same ranks that put the HD DVD version of Planet Earth on top for months, and now we know it only sold 50,000 copies in total.

    Sad truth is that 50K of 4 disc set is not a bad sales figure among other HDM already available. What's interesting is that Blu-Ray copies sold even less than HD-DVD.
  • Reply 3308 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Sad truth is that 50K of 4 disc set is not a bad sales figure among other HDM already available.

    At Amazon it was ahead of PoTC and Casino Royale which sold more. You can't use those ranks for anything!

    Remember that 'murch was saying that it was the best selling title EVAR!
  • Reply 3309 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Bill Hunt did NOT take back these FACTS--that Paramount was paid off. Nor has many news outlets. This is what Bill stated...

    Bought off, pure and simple. No speculation necessary. WSJ and NYT also confirmed it. The only speculation here is yours in trying to paint the HD DVD group as some innocent bunny...about as innocent as Boingo...

    Talking about being bought off..... $ony & Bill go way back.... Yup, it's all about FACT$.

  • Reply 3310 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Asus backs Blu-ray

    Anyone else gettin the "Rollin" song from Limp Bizkit in their head with all these Blu-ray announcements?...

    I don't understand this one. What's the point of a Blu-Ray drive in a PC if it can't burn discs?
  • Reply 3311 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    One more thing. While Marz spams the forum with every press release Sony prints, it seems even the hard-core HD-DVD fans on this board have lives outside the TV room. No-one has yet mentioned any HD-DVD news from the convention, leading people to say there was none.

    I was just surfing a few links (ironically starting from the ones in Marz' posts) and came across the fact that HD-DVD did make some announcements at this show.

    Here's the link.
  • Reply 3312 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    I don't understand this one. What's the point of a Blu-Ray drive in a PC if it can't burn discs?

    The same as the majority of HD-DVD drives in a PC that can't burn discs. To watch movies. At least there are some Blu-Ray burners out there on the street unlike the impossible to get Toshiba burner if you aren't an OEM.
  • Reply 3313 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    One more thing. While Marz spams the forum with every press release Sony prints, it seems even the hard-core HD-DVD fans on this board have lives outside the TV room. No-one has yet mentioned any HD-DVD news from the convention, leading people to say there was none.

    I was just surfing a few links (ironically starting from the ones in Marz' posts) and came across the fact that HD-DVD did make some announcements at this show.

    Here's the link.

    Heh...they talk about Toshiba giving away movies and new machines but then that Sony one-upped them with the HES-V1000 media server...
  • Reply 3314 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    I was just surfing a few links (ironically starting from the ones in Marz' posts) and came across the fact that HD-DVD did make some announcements at this show.

    Here's the link.

    Correction: Toshiba made some announcements. Still waiting for other CE vendors to make some for HD DVD, other than the old news about Samsung's universal player. (Unless you consider a Star Trek phaser remote control to be big news.)

    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Forget the players. I'll take the babe just right of center. Just wrap her up and I'll take her to go.
  • Reply 3315 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,021member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Actually, the figure you're noting seems to be just a speculation because people ,even Bill Hunt, has taken back these claims at later time. I guess few phone calls by lawyers would do that to a man. (I personally don't care who paid who. We know Sony also paid many others to keep them exlcusive and this isn't a big surprise even if it turns out to be true.)

    If you personally feel attach rate does not matter, then it must not matter. I can't really say much about that.

    Since the HDM rental activity is more popular via online services for now, I'll doubt the amount of purchase volume will be significant by Neftflix and Blockbuster together. The Hidef Market still being a niche, the solftware volume consumed by these online rental stores will be very limited. You have the right idea, but it's too early to make that assumption.

    The 2:1 or even 3:1 sales ratio at current volume level of 100k - 200K of a blockbuster movie title means very little when the mass market is capable of consuming 7.1 million units over frist three weeks, in the case of "300". Perhaps, the sales ratio may be even less significant than the attach rate at the current HDM market size.

    Let me ask you: Is there ANY point where you will admit it's not going well for HD-DVD? It doesn't seem to matter how much bad news comes down the pike, you and murch have an excuse and/or justification for it.
  • Reply 3316 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,021member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    So you're okay with 'consumer-driven bribery' as long as Sony does it. Right.

    I would like to see the Sony figures, then. Hmmm?
  • Reply 3317 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    The same as the majority of HD-DVD drives in a PC that can't burn discs. To watch movies.

    I understand that rationale for a laptop. But that looked to me like a desktop drive. Do people really watch HD movies on their desktops? I have watched movies on my laptop, but never on my desktop.

    Maybe it's just me, but if I'm spending good money on an HD drive for my workstation, it had better be able to burn movies and files to disk.
  • Reply 3318 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Heh...they talk about Toshiba giving away movies and new machines but then that Sony one-upped them with the HES-V1000 media server...

    Yeah, but ask Sony whether we can rip movies from Blu-Ray discs onto the hard drive!.

    Actually, the most interesting part of that article for me was that Toshiba was using the ethernet port to enable a free upgrade of earlier HD-DVD models to 1080p.

    I remember Murch being in a squabble with someone over the 1080i limit a few (hundred!) pages back, and when he said the mandatory ethernet port on HD-DVD allowed for this he was scoffed at.
  • Reply 3319 of 4650
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Let me ask you: Is there ANY point where you will admit it's not going well for HD-DVD? It doesn't seem to matter how much bad news comes down the pike, you and murch have an excuse and/or justification for it.

    yes.... when:

    1) The HDM market matures with sustaining 2:1 to 3:1 software sales ratio in favor of Blu-Ray. The maturity point being when HDM makes up 10 to 15% of optical movie disc sales. which is when blockbuster movie title like 300 reaching sales figure around 1 million copies.

    2) When HDM market fails to establish 10% to 15% market share within a year or two.

    3) If PS3/standalone price drops to $200 and below within next 6 months. (this may be bad for HD-DVD, but good for the consumers).
  • Reply 3320 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,021member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    yes.... when:

    1) The HDM market matures with sustaining 2:1 to 3:1 software sales ratio in favor of Blu-Ray. The maturity point being when HDM makes up 10 to 15% of optical movie disc sales. which is when blockbuster movie title like 300 reaching sales figure around 1 million copies.

    2) When HDM market fails to establish 10% to 15% market share within a year or two.

    3) If PS3/standalone price drops to $200 and below within next 6 months. (this may be bad for HD-DVD, but good for the consumers).

    OK, fair enough. But where are you getting those figures exactly?
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