Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 3321 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Yeah, but ask Sony whether we can rip movies from Blu-Ray discs onto the hard drive!.

    No...which is why its a 200 disc jukebox.

    No media center PC is legally allowed to rip DVDs (and presumably HD-DVD and Blu-Ray) to the HDD. Which is why the uber expensive one got sued out of existance by the MPAA which was a crock because they specifically asked how to be legal.

    In any case, even with todays HDDs a 6-10TB server is hefty (200 x 30-50GB). Assuming you want access to your entire Blu-Ray library then the 200 disc jukebox is likely a good way to go for a few years.
  • Reply 3322 of 4650
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    OK, fair enough. But where are you getting those figures exactly?

    From very rough interpolation of the available online data:
  • Reply 3323 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member

    Real Chinese HD-DVD players are coming.




    Tsinghua Tongfang
  • Reply 3324 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Paramount to the rescue?

    Nielsen/VideoScan Numbers ending September 2nd

    WE: BD-56% HDD-44% YTD: BD-66% HDD-34% SI: BD-61% HDD-39%

    ^^^The figures are in, and even with Paramount on board with HD DVD and no Blu-ray titles released this week, HD DVD still can't overtake Blu-ray in sales. This seemed like their best shot IMO given the discs for sale for the week in question were...

    August 28, 2007 - HD DVD

    Blades of Glory (Paramount)

    Dawn of the Dead (2004) (Universal)

    Heroes: Season One (Universal)

    The Hurricane (2000) (Universal)

    Notting Hill (Universal)

    August 28, 2007 - Blu-ray

  • Reply 3325 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Correction: Toshiba made some announcements. Still waiting for other CE vendors to make some for HD DVD, other than the old news about Samsung's universal player. (Unless you consider a Star Trek phaser remote control to be big news.)

    Forget the players. I'll take the babe just right of center. Just wrap her up and I'll take her to go.

    Set your phasers to..."crap."
  • Reply 3326 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member

    ^^^Wow, even with 5 new releases, 2 of which were huge day and date releases, HD DVD still couldn't hold a candle to BD. Heroes and Blades of Glory still couldn't even supplant a 4 week old title in 300. And notice all the other Blu-ray movies still truckin along in terms of sales for the top 10.

    Definitely a huge sign that even with Paramount, HD DVD still will be trounced come the holidays. To me, this was HD DVDs best shot, and they still came up short.
  • Reply 3327 of 4650
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Which is why the uber expensive one got sued out of existance by the MPAA

    1.) They weren't sued by the MPAA. They were sued by the DVD Copy Control Association for breach of contract.

    2.) They were not "sued out of existence", because they won.

    The company is called Kaleidescape.

    Also, Flip4Mac are still shipping Drive In, although it's still not out of beta.
  • Reply 3328 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post


    Real Chinese HD-DVD players are coming.




    Tsinghua Tongfang

    Correction: Only Haier and TT showed HD DVD players. The other two showed CH DVD players. Little hint for you: they're worthless on these shores. Tsinghua probably will never be a big player here. Americans being the monolingual xenophobes that they are, they won't buy anything from a company with a name they can't make heads or tails of. It's part of the reason there are only Panasonic products rather than Matsushita around here. People can't pronounce Matsushita ("Matt-Sue-She-Ta?") and they can't distinguish it from Mitsubishi.
  • Reply 3329 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Correction: Only Haier and TT showed HD DVD players. The other two showed CH DVD players. Little hint for you: they're worthless on these shores. Tsinghua probably will never be a big player here. Americans being the monolingual xenophobes that they are, they won't buy anything from a company with a name they can't make heads or tails of. It's part of the reason there are only Panasonic products rather than Matsushita around here. People can't pronounce Matsushita ("Matt-Sue-She-Ta?") and they can't distinguish it from Mitsubishi.

    Talk about missing the point.

    These Chinese-manufactured mechanisms will obviously be mass-produced and sold to CE companies worldwide for sale in NA under familiar brand names.

    That's how the world works these days. That's how we get our Macs as well.
  • Reply 3330 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,021member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    From very rough interpolation of the available online data:

    Gee, thanks for clearing that up. Apparently you can just pick numbers that will convince you.
  • Reply 3331 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    1.) They weren't sued by the MPAA. They were sued by the DVD Copy Control Association for breach of contract.

    2.) They were not "sued out of existence", because they won.

    The company is called Kaleidescape.

    Also, Flip4Mac are still shipping Drive In, although it's still not out of beta.

    I stand corrected. Good for them. Although how the heck is their ripper legal but other software DVD rippers not? I thought 123 got axed way back when?
  • Reply 3332 of 4650
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    I stand corrected. Good for them. Although how the heck is their ripper legal but other software DVD rippers not? I thought 123 got axed way back when?

    I do believe that the legality of software such as Handbrake has not been tested in a court of law.

    Handbrake removes CSS, Macrovision and region coding, but it is easy to argue that these can all be necessary for "fair use". The DMCA allows for fair use.
  • Reply 3333 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Yeah, but ask Sony whether we can rip movies from Blu-Ray discs onto the hard drive!.

    Actually, the most interesting part of that article for me was that Toshiba was using the ethernet port to enable a free upgrade of earlier HD-DVD models to 1080p.

    I remember Murch being in a squabble with someone over the 1080i limit a few (hundred!) pages back, and when he said the mandatory ethernet port on HD-DVD allowed for this he was scoffed at.

    As I remember the Proprietary HD-DVD fanatics shooting down the PS3 when it had a firmware update.

    But you would have us pity a fool only if it suits you?


    Boy did I have some major internet probs like you wouldn't believe, didja miss me?
  • Reply 3334 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    As I remember the Proprietary HD-DVD fanatics shooting down the PS3 when it had a firmware update.

    There are plenty of reasons to despise Sony and its wayward PS3, but I can't see a garden variety firmware update being one of them. Apple sends out updates like they're birthday cards. Can I see a link on that one please?
  • Reply 3335 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,021member
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    I do believe that the legality of software such as Handbrake has not been tested in a court of law.

    Handbrake removes CSS, Macrovision and region coding, but it is easy to argue that these can all be necessary for "fair use". The DMCA allows for fair use.

    Well, Handbrake is a bit different in that it's encoding the movie as opposed to copying the Video_TS folder while removing the CSS. I don't know exactly, but I assume that it's just pulling the info from playback and encoding it on the fly. That's different than copying the entire contents of the disc while removing the copy protection. Or so I would think. Also, it can't be easy to use the file created by handbrake to actually copy the disc. Can it?
  • Reply 3336 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    There are plenty of reasons to despise Sony and its wayward PS3, but I can't see a garden variety firmware update being one of them. Apple sends out updates like they're birthday cards. Can I see a link on that one please?

    Must I REALLY bother searching through the last 20 odd pages of this thread??

    I see the silliness is no better from I left.

    Snipes paradise!
  • Reply 3337 of 4650
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Well, Handbrake is a bit different in that it's encoding the movie as opposed to copying the Video_TS folder while removing the CSS. I don't know exactly, but I assume that it's just pulling the info from playback and encoding it on the fly. That's different than copying the entire contents of the disc while removing the copy protection. Or so I would think. Also, it can't be easy to use the file created by handbrake to actually copy the disc. Can it?

    You are right that it's different from just copying the Video_TS folder. The reason the Kaleidescape system has no issues whatsoever as far as the DMCA is concerned, is that it doesn't remove the CSS. It copies everything from the DVD and saves it to an HDD. On playback, the content still needs to be unscrambled, and Kaleidescape are licensees of CSS so it's all O.K. The DVD Copy Control Association got all upset because they thought their license stipulated that the physical media had to be present for playback, but it turns out they worded the license poorly and that's not what it actually says!

    Getting back to Handbrake: it doesn't "pull info from playback and [encode] it on the fly". It gets the data off the disk, DeCSSes it, then converts the MPEG2 to a target format such as MPEG-4 part 2 or part 10. It is possible to rip in faster than realtime if you've a fast enough drive and CPU. So to answer your question, no, you can't use Handbrake to make a precise (sans copy protection) "copy" of your DVD.
  • Reply 3338 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,021member
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    You are right that it's different from just copying the Video_TS folder. The reason the Kaleidescape system has no issues whatsoever as far as the DMCA is concerned, is that it doesn't remove the CSS. It copies everything from the DVD and saves it to an HDD. On playback, the content still needs to be unscrambled, and Kaleidescape are licensees of CSS so it's all O.K. The DVD Copy Control Association got all upset because they thought their license stipulated that the physical media had to be present for playback, but it turns out they worded the license poorly and that's not what it actually says!

    Getting back to Handbrake: it doesn't "pull info from playback and [encode] it on the fly". It gets the data off the disk, DeCSSes it, then converts the MPEG2 to a target format such as MPEG-4 part 2 or part 10. It is possible to rip in faster than realtime if you've a fast enough drive and CPU. So to answer your question, no, you can't use Handbrake to make a precise (sans copy protection) "copy" of your DVD.

    That's what I thought. For that, you really need MTR or another similar utility. BTW, Handbrake is way faster if you can copy the files to your HDD, then encode from there. I'm talking like 20fps vs. 120fps.
  • Reply 3339 of 4650
    I guess no HD-DVD fans here will trumpet the BIGGER SIZE that this means, seeing as they already said "size doesn't matter" in regard to BD

    but then it wouldn't be the first time someone did a U-Turn around here (you know who they are )
  • Reply 3340 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Talk about missing the point.

    These Chinese-manufactured mechanisms will obviously be mass-produced and sold to CE companies worldwide for sale in NA under familiar brand names.

    That's how the world works these days. That's how we get our Macs as well.

    Gee, and all this time, I thought the point Bitemymac was making was "Look! Four more manufacturers of HD DVD!" What could I possibly have been thinking when someone writes, "Real Chinese HD-DVD players are coming," then lists four names? Funny, I had the impression most of our Mac parts were made in Japan and elsewhere, and only assembled in Taiwan and China. And if the mechanisms will all be identical Chinese-made ones, then why are Japanese DVD players still more expensive than, say, Funai models?

    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    I guess no HD-DVD fans here will trumpet the BIGGER SIZE that this means, seeing as they already said "size doesn't matter" in regard to BD

    but then it wouldn't be the first time someone did a U-Turn around here (you know who they are )

    The big question is whether current players support the third layer. Nobody's been able to answer that question, including Murch and BiteMe. Wouldn't that be a hoot if they didn't? So much for all the jeering about "Ha! All your pre-profile 1.1 BD players will be obsolete as soon as BD-J is finalized!"
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