Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 3841 of 4650
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Your the only Mac dorks that give a crap about it.
  • Reply 3842 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Oh Heaven please help us. Now Marz has taken to posting actual Blu posters.

    His assesment is rather accurate and based on facts and analysis. He's far from a "Blu poster" but rather a reviewer from And if you bothered reading the article, which you probably didn't, you would have found that he wasn't alone in his reviews. So, yes indeed, heaven help us that I interjected facts, figures, and accurate statistics into the thread. Perhaps, I should have gone into an anti-Sony rant and all would be well?
  • Reply 3843 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Once again, you miss the point.

    I was talking about the big blue retailers POSTER with the "five reasons" listed.
  • Reply 3844 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    HAHAHA, s'cause he's ran out of stuff to post himself. I think of his 907 posts, 90% are in blu-ray vs hd-dvd

    Perhaps most of my posts are on this subject because, oh my gosh! interests me. I really have nothing to debate in the other threads, as I already think the world of Apple and most of their products are sweet.

    Furthermore, when have I stopped posting stuff myself? If you bother looking into it, most of my posts are very long winded, and many a time they are my direct thoughts and opinions, rather than supporting news articles. But your free to think anything you matter how weak your basis is.
  • Reply 3845 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Once again, you miss the point.

    I was talking about the big blue retailers POSTER with the "five reasons" listed.

    Then be specific. Nuff said. Once again, your vague, speak in generalities, and this leads to misinterpretation. I hope you can see this...point.
  • Reply 3846 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Are you sure it's only 90%?...

    I'm just curious why he does what he does. I think he deserves a free PS3 from Sony for all the leg work and the love he has for the product he doesn't even own. I do admire his enthusiasm, however.

    And do you own the product yet? You talk a bunch of crap yourself for a product you don't own either...where does this leave you? Frankly I don't care why you do what you do in regards to flaiming anything Blu-ray. My hunch is that you are attemping to justify your HD DVD player purchase...but I could be totally off the mark.

    Why am I so interested in Blu-ray? Well, I've made it well known many times, so this time, pay attention will you. I want Blu-ray in my Mac. I want to see them in Mac Pros, iMacs, MacBook Pros, etc, because IMO, it provides the latest and greatest, innovative opitical technology, which I think Apple is all about. I want the best format for the consumer (since I am just that, a consumer) possible, and this is provided via Blu-ray, not some half-baked, comprimised technological solution from Toshiba that found its way to the forefront through unethical means via the DVD Forum. Moreover, I want to see Blu-ray become successful from the standpoint of its mass industry support, as well as majority support from the consumer...I'm not one for seeing high-def become a niche market, and supporting Blu-ray, is the quicker means of potentially ensuring that high-def becomes embraced by the masses.

    But perhaps I ought to support a technologically inferior format, to stifle high-def adoption, and short-change myself, the consumer, with the less supported, less capable, and less durable format in HD DVD. Yeah, that sounds like a winner.
  • Reply 3847 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    The blu-ray gains are evolved around PS3's in the market. Therefore, death of the gaming console format would point to death of blu-ray HDM format as well in the long run. The result of viral marketing has already damned the HDM market as a whole, but this will continue.

    BTW.... are we getting HDM playback with Leopard?... Any word on this?

    So based on any type of substantial data other than hearsay, how do you conclude that the PS3 will be the death of Sony's gaming console? It is selling on par with the 360 in its first year (and you can look that one up yourself) and it is doing so at a much higher price point.

    Furthermore, the standalone percentages were in a less than 10% difference with HD DVD leading narrowly, again despite Blu-ray standalone's being much more in price all year long.
  • Reply 3848 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    As a Mac user, I would think that you would be able to understand that the team with the lesser percentile isn't forced to pack up and go home. So long as HD DVD maintains a 30% or greater share of the market, dual-format players will become the standard and no one will win.

    Source | - This isn't a presidential election; the guy with 49% doesn't "lose" anything significant.

    Also, as a Mac user, I would think that you would be able to grasp the concept of not winning a single week in sales for ALL of 2007...not just this week. This is the whole point. If HD DVD was such a driving force as some of you attempt to claim, then they should have slaughtered Blu-ray, hands down with such a huge blockbuster like Transformers. But obviously they didn't, and obviously HD DVD isn't as strong as some of you think. I think more 70:30 or even 80:20 weeks are in store for the weeks ahead in favor of Blu-ray given the future slate of high def content on the horizon.

    So 30% is the majic number is it? I think you you need to preface or post state "IMO" on that my opinion. And considering the history of CE markets, dual-format players won't fly for movie watching, but your free to think such if it makes you feel better.
  • Reply 3849 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by nowayout11 View Post

    What I've found most funny is the drama queen dialog.

    Apparently HD-DVD experiences "devastating blows" every other week. Not to mention the semi-frequent creation of new make-or-break sales "benchmarks" they have to meet, less they bear yet another crushing catastrophe in the face of Blu-ray's awesome path of destruction, sending HD-DVD into life support (again and again). Reaching a new verge of extinction with every Nielsen report... each one proving they're SO obviously close to death... any second now they'll croak. I swear. No, really they will.

    Then when the "dust clears" and it's obvious that nothing has really changed, they move onto the next "test". They can't commit to or point to any actual signs of HD-DVD death, so they just indefinitely proclaim one big victory after another, week to week, imaginary benchmark after imaginary benchmark, press release after press release, feeding their self-fulfilling prophecy and living for the day when they hope to finally see a sign of an ACTUAL chink in the armor so they can finally proclaim, "Ah ha! See, I was right all along!"

    They should just put up the "Mission Accomplished" banner already so we can move on with reality... Or don't, because this has been pretty funny.

    You couldn't be more right. It is obvious that nothing has really changed...Blu-ray has dominated all of 2007, thanks for pointing this out. I swear. No, really, thanks.
  • Reply 3850 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Well it looks like Apple will likely have HD DVD/Blu-Ray support in Mac Pro by next summer.

    The next significant Intel chipset update is Eastlake and it has these features.

    • Q2'2008 Intel Eaglelake chipset family breakdown

      Yorkfield & Wolfdale Support


      DDR3 1333 or DDR2 800

      Intel® Clear Video technology

      HD-DVD/Blu-Ray support

      Integ HDMI/DVI /DisplayPort

      ICH10 Family

    I'm assuming that AACS and BD+ support will be added in but most likely in software. I really think Apple is going to hold off and procure the right Universal player. The laptops will be another story.
  • Reply 3851 of 4650
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    You couldn't be more right. It is obvious that nothing has really changed...Blu-ray has dominated all of 2007, thanks for pointing this out. I swear. No, really, thanks.

    As long as BRD and HD-DVD are fighting over just a combined 5% of the marketplace, using such descriptions as "dominating" anything is pretty weak (and hilarious), and exemplifies the point of the post (the use of over-dramatic hyperbole). So thanks again for making the case.
  • Reply 3852 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by nowayout11 View Post

    As long as BRD and HD-DVD are fighting over just a combined 5% of the marketplace, using such descriptions as "dominating" anything is pretty weak (and hilarious), and exemplifies the point of the post (the use of over-dramatic hyperbole). So thanks again for making the case.

    What is weak is your sarcasm meter, and your statement here exemplifies how one will distort what the term "marketplace" really is. I'm talking about the high-def market in a Blu-ray vs. HD DVD thread, you? Nope, you are attempting to broaden the marketplace to include DVD to lay credence to your argument and strip away any type of significance in the clear winner of the high-def format wars at this point, which is Blu-ray. Do both have a ways to go to catch DVD? Absolutely. Do the current figures clearly show who the clear winner is in the high-def wars? I'd say owning 3.5% of that 5% high-def market is pretty clear. Are you attempting to downplay either's existance vs DVD for some reason? I'm sure other attempts were made when DVD was supplanting VHS, but you see where we are now don't you? Momentum is momentum, and from what we see in CE history, fomats change. We all fully realize we are in the early stages of the high-def market, but the ability to dominate a potentially lucrative high-def maket this early in the game is quite significant, make no mistake, otherwise this many vendors wouldn't be clamoring over the PR wire and marketing high-def so rabidly.

    So the only hilarious thing to me here is your inability to stay on task in what is clearly a high-def thread. Your welcome to make such comparisons if you'd like, but a potentially billion dollar market is anything but weak or hilarious to those companies involved in this format war, and early traction is defintely the name of the game, whether you fail to realize this or not.
  • Reply 3853 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    This is the direction Sony will push the market to.... or atleast will try. It's obvious PS3 is not gaining traction in the gaming console market and that would only point to death of the format, and will try to drag the competitior down with it.

    How the F**K can you keep up with the FUD?

    The PS3 is AT WORST selling at the same rate as the 360. so I suppose the 360 has no traction either then?

  • Reply 3854 of 4650
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    What is weak is your sarcasm meter, and your statement here exemplifies how one will distort what the term "marketplace" really is. I'm talking about the high-def market in a Blu-ray vs. HD DVD thread, you? Nope, you are attempting to broaden the marketplace to include DVD to lay credence to your argument and strip away any type of significance in the clear winner of the high-def format wars at this point, which is Blu-ray. Do both have a ways to go to catch DVD? Absolutely. Do the current figures clearly show who the clear winner is in the high-def wars? I'd say owning 3.5% of that 5% high-def market is pretty clear. Are you attempting to downplay either's existance vs DVD for some reason? I'm sure other attempts were made when DVD was supplanting VHS, but you see where we are now don't you? Momentum is momentum, and from what we see in CE history, fomats change. We all fully realize we are in the early stages of the high-def market, but the ability to dominate a potentially lucrative high-def maket this early in the game is quite significant, make no mistake, otherwise this many vendors wouldn't be clamoring over the PR wire and marketing high-def so rabidly.

    Significance, winner, momentum, dominate, rabidly. LOL, stop you're killing me.


    So the only hilarious thing to me here is your inability to stay on task in what is clearly a high-def thread. Your welcome to make such comparisons if you'd like, but a potentially billion dollar market is anything but weak or hilarious to those companies involved in this format war, and early traction is defintely the name of the game, whether you fail to realize this or not.

    Excellent! Thanks for the permission, finally, after all that other talk.
  • Reply 3855 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    I'd say owning 3.5% of that 5% high-def market is pretty clear.

  • Reply 3856 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by nowayout11 View Post

    Significance, winner, momentum, dominate, rabidly. LOL, stop you're killing me.

    Now, I think your killing all of us with this limp rebuttal, as you've failed to weigh in on the subject at hand due to the weak logical basis of your earlier statements and have thus turned to the critiquing of my usage of nouns, verbs, and adverbs. Classic troll garbage.


    Excellent! Thanks for the permission, finally, after all that other talk.

    I'm not giving you permission to anything, I'm simply stating the obvious,...that you are entitled to your opinion, however flawed I might think it to be.

    Question for you, Frank, and bitemymac...if HD DVD had won the Transformer's week in sales, would it have mattered? I don't think for one second that you all wouldn't be on the boards here trumpeting HD DVD's "comeback" as a format. So why all the excuses in their inability to take a week of sales? Why the claims of insignificance, when in reality, if HD DVD had won last week, I'd think we'd all be hearing how significant an event HD DVD taking a week in sales would've been? Do you honesty think HD DVD is close to even winning at this point? Give me your reasoning.
  • Reply 3857 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    So based on any type of substantial data other than hearsay, how do you conclude that the PS3 will be the death of Sony's gaming console? It is selling on par with the 360 in its first year (and you can look that one up yourself) and it is doing so at a much higher price point.

    Furthermore, the standalone percentages were in a less than 10% difference with HD DVD leading narrowly, again despite Blu-ray standalone's being much more in price all year long.

    I think last monthly or weekly hardware sales number in the states showed:

    xbox360: 135K units (8 million total)

    Wii: 120K units (5 million total)

    PS3: 25K units (2 million total)

    If you're interested, I can provide the link when I get home.

    In any rate, US gaming console market shows clear loser in the comptetition.

    BTW, I saw stacks of 60GB PS3 at BestBuy priced at $499 last Saturday, then visited on Sunday again with no units being removed from the stacks. Looks like even the consumers know.
  • Reply 3858 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Question for you, Frank, and bitemymac...if HD DVD had won the Transformer's week in sales, would it have mattered? I don't think for one second that you all wouldn't be on the boards here trumpeting HD DVD's "comeback" as a format.

    The reason you think that way is that you have lost all sense of proportion in this war.

    As I have said before, you are the only one on the board who even mentioned the Transformers sales figures in advance. Arguing that one of the disc platforms had a "comeback" because of one single product release is really only something only you would do.
  • Reply 3859 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    I'm still leaning towards dual-format players. I don't care what Sony or Panasonic thinks. If we're at this point next year, or hell.... even 6 months from now, hd-dvd will be here to stay. This war is dragging on so long and there are still proprietary studios... I don't see it changing any time soon. I think we'll continue to see the 2/3 vs 1/3 through next year. If the holidays doesn't decide... plan on dual format or a new format...

    k Marzetta..... ready..... set........ go! (attack)
  • Reply 3860 of 4650
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    is this the looooongest thread ever?
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