Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 4261 of 4650
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Has anybody actually gone throught the lists of all the movies offered by both formats to compare which one has most of your faves? I did and while HD DVD won handily in the quantity I am pretty ticked off that the Kill Bill series will probably be Blu Ray only. Ticked off enough that I haven't purchased a HD DVD player and won't yet until there's a final winner. And to all the dual format supporters: NO I will NOT buy two players. That is absurd. Now if ONE player played both I would buy it right now but then the price would proably be a turnoff. Bottom line for me is that I refuse to be limited in the selection of the movies--I'm not a movie holic. I have my select faves that I want and refuse to compromise with that-- I want to buy so I'm not investing my hard earned money until this stupid war is resolved. I have a nice dvd player that upconverts my old dvds that I received for free with my new plasma tv and I can watch the hd movies on my DISH network or through Xbox Live rentals. Anyway here's the article with the lists I found:

    For those who are about to pick one for the holidays, it really makes more sense to select the format by the amount of your favorite movies it has before any silly tech stat about the format. They both look the same.
  • Reply 4262 of 4650
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    Am I taking crazy pills, or does this quote not say they plan on continuing to remain format-neutral in 2008?

    And yet you insist that "(Warner) is likely to make an exclusivity decision some time next year..." is an accurate statement.

    And no, I don't think exclusively selling movies in a format whose install base is presently 80% composed of PS3 owners makes sense. Why would a neutral studio abandon HD DVD right when it reaches a price at which average consumers might actually purchase it, in favor of the format that 1.) won't reach affordable prices for another year and 2.) is still finalizing their standard? Hell, there's been over 20 million Sony PSP's sold; that's 10 times HD DVD and Blu-Ray players combined. Perhaps all of the studios should go PSP UMD exclusive in 2008? Would make about as much sense

    I'm just angry that everybody isn't releasing movies in both formats.
  • Reply 4263 of 4650
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    Psh COD4 owns em all.

    Cheers :P

    SO TRUE!!!!

    I'm selling my copy of Halo 3. I play COD4 obsessively since it came out.
  • Reply 4264 of 4650
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    Sorry, didn't mean to offend. I wasn't aware the PS3 had a whole lot to offer in terms of games yet. I only know one person who owns a PS3, and his Blu-Ray collection is twice that of his game collection.

    That's because PS3 still doesn't have as many exclusives or overall number of games as XBox 360 yet. That's just a simple fact, not Sony console bashing. I'm not into the whole console war thing since the console fanboy war seems to be more of a "boy" thing. The grownups just pick one or both (some have 3 with Wii) and get on with the gaming. If you have to pick one do just like the HD players: go for the one that has the most games you like. (Unless you like online play the most. In that case Xbox Live wins hands down.)
  • Reply 4265 of 4650
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    If the game's already over...

    SD-DVD is the winner.

  • Reply 4266 of 4650
    Originally Posted by 4metta View Post

    And to all the dual format supporters: NO I will NOT buy two players. That is absurd. Now if ONE player played both I would buy it right now but then the price would proably be a turnoff.

    A year from now I imagine you'll be able to purchase the Samsung BD-UP5000 combo player for what Blu-Ray players are selling for now. If you can afford a Blu-Ray player today, you can afford a combo player in a year

    Originally Posted by 4metta View Post

    For those who are about to pick one for the holidays, it really makes more sense to select the format by the amount of your favorite movies it has before any silly tech stat about the format. They both look the same.

    So true.
  • Reply 4267 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    4metta... there are players that play BOTH formats in 1 drive. Price is high right now because they are relatively new to the market. BUT you can get a dual format reader and dvd burner for under $300 (out of stock till 12/01/07).

    This tells me that the actual players themselves will be under $450 soon. Or you can even get that rom now... and build a media pc. I'm kinda considering it.
  • Reply 4268 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Something just occurred to me. Maybe Sony and Toshiba WANT this war to continue. Why else would both companies admit a stalemate within a week of each other. Maybe there is something we aren't seeing here.
  • Reply 4269 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    I'm telling you that Blu-Ray's players in North America (including PS3s) is 3.3 times that of HD DVD, but disc sales each weak are only twice that of HD DVD at their best, so there's obviously some truth to the notion that a large chunk of PS3 owners aren't using their Blu-Ray player.

    I think this Christmas will tell us the real attach rate for PS3. You get a console for the games but BR movies are cheaper than games as gifts.

    I'm more likely to spring for a $25 BR movie for a Christmas gift than $60 on a PS3 game.
  • Reply 4270 of 4650
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    Something just occurred to me. Maybe Sony and Toshiba WANT this war to continue. Why else would both companies admit a stalemate within a week of each other. Maybe there is something we aren't seeing here.

    I hate big companies..
  • Reply 4271 of 4650
    bg_nycbg_nyc Posts: 189member
    Which format will get the Star Wars Saga? That alone will allow me to run and purchase a Toshiba or a PS3 today.
  • Reply 4272 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by bg_nyc View Post

    Which format will get the Star Wars Saga? That alone will allow me to run and purchase a Toshiba or a PS3 today.

    I believe Fox has the distribution rights to these and other LucasFilm content. They will be Blu-ray exclusive, but won't see the light of day until this ridiculous format war is over.
  • Reply 4273 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    Something just occurred to me. Maybe Sony and Toshiba WANT this war to continue. Why else would both companies admit a stalemate within a week of each other. Maybe there is something we aren't seeing here.

    More FUD. No one in the BDA admitted a stalemate. This has been discussed and "debunked"...twice.
  • Reply 4274 of 4650

    "Lucasfilm Ltd. has no plans to release any of the Star Wars movies on Blu-ray or HD DVD. Listings on or any other Web site are purely speculative and erroneous."
  • Reply 4275 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    Am I taking crazy pills, or does this quote not say they plan on continuing to remain format-neutral in 2008?

    And yet you insist that "(Warner) is likely to make an exclusivity decision some time next year..." is an accurate statement.

    And no, I don't think exclusively selling movies in a format whose install base is presently 80% composed of PS3 owners makes sense. Why would a neutral studio abandon HD DVD right when it reaches a price at which average consumers might actually purchase it, in favor of the format that 1.) won't reach affordable prices for another year and 2.) is still finalizing their standard? Hell, there's been over 20 million Sony PSP's sold; that's 10 times HD DVD and Blu-Ray players combined. Perhaps all of the studios should go PSP UMD exclusive in 2008? Would make about as much sense

    You must be.

    Because in the links YOU provided, there is some eye-raising statements that lend credence to Warner making a decision in 2008 in regards to exclusivity...


    "But right now, Warner Bros. has made no decision to change course. We are still onboard with both formats, and will continue in 2008 with a strong line-up of new releases and catalog titles, just as we have in the past in supporting HD DVD and Blu-ray."

    Yes, "right now." And we know they'll continue with releases in 2008, but will it be for the entire year in 2008? Hmm? When you take into account Sanders and Silverberg's statements, one would tend to think not.

    Also, with this quote YOU provided...


    He said that the company always evaluated its business models and also did this with HD support, and that he believed the fourth quarter would be important for both sides. The result will be another piece of information on where things are going, but for now the studio will support both HD DVD and Blu-ray.

    So, yeah, I'd say you're taking crazy pills, as even with the links you provided, it appears WB will be evauluating something "important for both sides." What would be important do you think? C'mon, think about it logistically...yup, the answer is there, you simply need to read. Is it important because they want to support both in 2008? To keep their production costs up by supporting both? Or make the high def market possibly niche by supporting both?

    We all know that for "right now" they'll support both, but make no mistake, WB will be looking at the fourth quarter for their strategic plans come 2008.
  • Reply 4276 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    They say there are 750,000 dedicated HD DVD players sold now, which includes set top and the xBox add-on. Blu-Ray has about 400,000-500,000 dedicated players, plus about 2 million PS3 owners; what's that statistic, than only 40% of PS3 owners realize they own a Blu-Ray player? That'd be 800,000 PS3 owners potentially buying Blu-Ray discs. So it's 750,000 HD DVD players vs. 1.3 million Blu-Ray players conceivably in use. Seems about in line with how the Nielsen/VideoScan reported disc sales shake down, although Blu-Ray's disc sales should actually outnumber HD DVD even more considering they give half of their movies away every other week.

    750,000 HD-DVD players... with the assumption that they are unique owners????

    but we know from this board alone that murch bought two players and i think bite has as well, or at the very least was talking about it.

    so that means that the holy grail of "attach rate" starts to fall away.


    as a side issue, how can someone say that "only xx% of PS3 owners know use them as BD players" and then crib about the free discs given away with the machine? i mean if you get free discs with the machine, you will more than likely play them in it.. right? so then if EVERYONE who buys a PS3 gets a free disc(s) then it stands to reason that ALL the PS3 owners know it plays BD discs!!

    BUT as has been pointed out numerous times on this thread already THE FREE DISCS GIVEN AWAY on HD-DVD AND BLU-RAY ARE NOT COUNTED IN THE WEEKLY FIGURES.

  • Reply 4277 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    "Lucasfilm Ltd. has no plans to release any of the Star Wars movies on Blu-ray or HD DVD. Listings on or any other Web site are purely speculative and erroneous."

    Which is what I just said. But this doesn't take away the fact of whom has been distributing movies for Lucasfilms...Fox, a Blu-ray exclusive studio. You think they'd (LucasFilms) would switch distribution companies simply to release on a format that is losing handily in the format war? Nope.

    If anything, Star Wars will most likely be on Blu-ray exclusively...but not for a loooooong time. Most likely, years from Blu-ray winning the format war.
  • Reply 4278 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    Counting PS3s, Blu-Ray has 2.5 million players in the world ? compared to HD DVD's 750,000 ? and yet Blu-Rays disc sales are only double that of HD DVD on a regular week. Whether the 40% statistic is true or not of PS3 owners who realize they own a Blu-Ray player, only about that many are actually buying Blu-Ray discs. Either that, or HD DVD player owners have a significantly higher purchase rate for discs.

    where the hell do you get your misinformation from? out of your ass?

    the PS3 has sold over 5 million world wide.

    the US (and I make the assumption you are from the US) is NOT the entire globe!
  • Reply 4279 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    750,000 HD-DVD players... with the assumption that they are unique owners????

    but we know from this board alone that murch bought two players and i think bite has as well, or at the very least was talking about it.

    so that means that the holy grail of "attach rate" starts to fall away.


    as a side issue, how can someone say that "only xx% of PS3 owners know use them as BD players" and then crib about the free discs given away with the machine? i mean if you get free discs with the machine, you will more than likely play them in it.. right? so then if EVERYONE who buys a PS3 gets a free disc(s) then it stands to reason that ALL the PS3 owners know it plays BD discs!!

    BUT as has been pointed out numerous times on this thread already THE FREE DISCS GIVEN AWAY on HD-DVD AND BLU-RAY ARE NOT COUNTED IN THE WEEKLY FIGURES.


    Your logic can't be any more clear.
  • Reply 4280 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    More Misleading Data from HD DVD Propaganda Group


    Are you kidding me with this latest misleading headline from the HD DVD Propaganda Group?:

    "HD DVD Surpasses 750,000 Dedicated Players"

    And your definition of "dedicated player" has now expanded -- we learn further down in the press release -- to include Xbox 360 add-on HD DVD drives? There were a little more than 200,000 of those prior to Black Friday, compared to 2 million PS3 machines with Blu-ray Disc capability (even if only 20% use them for movies, that's still 400,000). Now, maybe 300,000 or so Xbox 360 HD DVD add-on drives are in the market.

    So, at best, there are 450,000 honest-to-goodness stand-alone HD DVD players in the market. Hey, that's an OK number at this stage, but call it what it is -- 450,000 (or fewer) "dedicated players," not 750,000*

    * including Xbox 360 HD drives.

    This is the same group that would be jumping up and down screaming if Blu-ray suddenly started counting PS3 machines in its total number of "dedicated Blu-ray players." If they did, that number would be close to 2.5 million versus the 750,000 number being trumpeted today for HD DVD, if you want to compare apples to apples. But, of course, the HD DVD Propaganda Group never wants to make accurate comparisons.

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