Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 1501 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Samung announces a movie to neutrality and says they'd make HD DVD only players.

    They didn't say that. They said that they will make HD DVD players if and when there is a market for it. There obviously isn't right now in their opinion.

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Blu-ray loses it's lead in movies in April yet regains it back slightly despite having at least a 4x surplus in total players.

    Again, sales ranks does not say a single thing about actual sales.

    And it's funny that you say that low HD DVD sales is because of no releases, but you don't say that lower BD sales in April is because of no releases. There aren't many BD releases at the moment and it's still outselling HD DVD.

    It took a combined effort from the HD DVD fanboys to raise the Amazon sales rank

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    HD DVD is still much cheaper than Blu-ray and doesn't require changes to the specification that will obsolete 1st gen units

    I really look forward to the day that Toshiba announces the 51GB HD DVD.
  • Reply 1502 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,432member
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    No you can't!!!

    You simply don't understand the meaning of a sales rank, do you?

    A few posts up you said that the Amazon sales rank was bad for HD DVD in March because of o releases. You can't trust that either then

    No, cuz the concept of Sales Rank is soooo tough <sarcasm>.

    March had a dearth of new HD DVD releases which caused many to proclaim the death knell for

    HD DVD. Once new titles came online the HD DVD consumers that were waiting pre-ordered and bought the new desired titles. Amazon rankings are good data for 1 large retailer but I realize the weakness of "all eggs in one basket"

    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    They didn't say that. They said that they will make HD DVD players if and when there is a market for it. There obviously isn't right now in their opinion.

    Again, sales ranks does not say a single thing about actual sales.

    And it's funny that you say that low HD DVD sales is because of no releases, but you don't say that lower BD sales in April is because of no releases. There aren't many BD releases at the moment and it's still outselling HD DVD.

    It took a combined effort from the HD DVD fanboys to raise the Amazon sales rank

    I really look forward to the day that Toshiba announces the 51GB HD DVD.

    Yup...Fox moved a bunch of titles creating a chasm. Hey it happens. You don't see me calling for Blu-ray's death. I've been saying that this battle will end in a stalemate for a while now. I'm making plans to move to a Universal 2nd generation player next year so the war effectively ends for me then.

    I'm just wondering if the Walmart deal is true. Getting HD player penetration is good for us all regardless of format because it means hopefully cheaper media someday.
  • Reply 1503 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Well... bunch of BD zealots over AVS and some PS3forum had a organized BD movie buy day today to answer HD-DVD B-Day event on the 15th of April. The BD zealots were able to raise the ranking above the BD ranking trend, but didn't quite pass the HD zealots' efforts on the 15th. The top ranking of BD title (Planet Earth) hit #9 from about 20's where HD-DVD version of Planet Earth still remained at #6 on the top DVD ranking on Amazon.

    Anyway, it was a good solid effort to promote HiDef movie sales, even if it was from the BD fans. I guess some may still think this is pathetic to artificially manipulate rankings, but I still think this all for fun and it will be more fun if more people can experience and enjoy them at home. The lips service support can only go so far from the fanboys. Unless one's still on the fence, it's also important to support your chosen hidef format with your wallet.
  • Reply 1504 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    No, cuz the concept of Sales Rank is soooo tough <sarcasm>.

    With comments like "The graph clearly shows that Blu-ray isn't maintaining anything close to a 2:1 ratio." it obviously is too tough for you to comprehend.

    You can't deduct sales numbers from sales rank.

    The rank says absolutely nothing about the actually number of sold copies - you don't know how many copies separate number 10 from number 200.
  • Reply 1505 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,432member
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    With comments like "The graph clearly shows that Blu-ray isn't maintaining anything close to a 2:1 ratio." it obviously is too tough for you to comprehend.

    You can't deduct sales numbers from sales rank.

    The rank says absolutely nothing about the actually number of sold copies - you don't know how many copies separate number 10 from number 200.

    We're both in agreement. While my premise cannot be proven without actual numbers Marzetta7's premise fails on the same accord. That was my point opinion is that Blu-ray isn't selling at anything close to a 2:1 ratio right now. The reason why is simple...Circuit City has been advertising HD DVD heavily in NA and they've had a "Buy a $399 A2...get 4 free discs and the 5 free disc mail in form" which likely means the 4 discs are coming from store stock which may be counted in sales numbers.
  • Reply 1506 of 4650
    kupan787kupan787 Posts: 586member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    We're both in agreement. While my premise cannot be proven without actual numbers Marzetta7's premise fails on the same accord. That was my point opinion is that Blu-ray isn't selling at anything close to a 2:1 ratio right now. The reason why is simple...Circuit City has been advertising HD DVD heavily in NA and they've had a "Buy a $399 A2...get 4 free discs and the 5 free disc mail in form" which likely means the 4 discs are coming from store stock which may be counted in sales numbers.

    Don't forget that Walmart's sales aren't counted by anyone either (VideoScan, Amazon, etc). Right now we have NO way of determining the real landscape at all. And honestly, does it matter? At this point, if a small group can change some charts for a day, we are way to early in the game to be calling for winners. Lets see at the end of the year (or whenever it is) when studios are releasing sales numbers what the game looks like.
  • Reply 1507 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    HD-DVD picking up momentum with hardware vendors. Samsung and Microsoft sign agreement:

    and many will follow as cost effective solution is available:

    Microsoft and Broadcom Deliver Combined Hardware and Software Platform for More Cost-Efficient HD DVD Players.
  • Reply 1508 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Doesn't mean a thing when Planet Earth is still selling as a Top 10 title for HD DVD.

    With 100.000 North American standalone players and good traction in Europe and recent info about China-Walmart-2 Million players.

    I think the writing is on the wall. Blu-ray isn't going to die but we certainly aren't going to get a victor in this battle. Samsung is only the first to bail from exclusivity.

  • Reply 1509 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Yes that's true but one can still infer from the data present that a 2:1 sales ratio does not exist at this date.

    Frankly I'm not all that big on sales numbers of the discs. They fluctuate wildly with regard to what titles have been announced.

    Unline Marzetta7 I "do" plan to own both formats if I must so I'm not as wedded to proving my point. I've reached a point where I realize that the survivability of HD DVD is probable. The inertia will sustain the format.

    Now I need only wait for the perfect Universal player for me.

    Once again....

    You only believe it's probably because you're deluded. There is no good reason to think it will surive at this point. Oh, it may...who knows? But I wouldn't feel to comfy about it at the moment.
  • Reply 1510 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    Another thought:

    Listening to you HD-DVD fans is kind of like listening to that guy who's either addicted to gambling or always waiting on that smash hit investment to get him out of hock.

    "When this happens, I'll be set!"

    "As soon as players drop below X, HD-DVD will outsell Blu-Ray"

    "We've got momentum now!"

  • Reply 1511 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,432member

    Toshiba was first to 100k standalone players. Even at a surplus of 4 studios and millions of players, Blu-ray barely eeks out a slim margin of sales.

    It's pretty easy to add a bunch of in lieu of a real argument. If you believe you have insight into how this battle will turn out all means inform us. We're all ears.
  • Reply 1512 of 4650
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Once again....

    You only believe it's probably because you're deluded. There is no good reason to think it will surive at this point. Oh, it may...who knows? But I wouldn't feel to comfy about it at the moment.

    With neither format having a title even pretending to approach 1 million copies sold, I think it's pretty laughable to declare anything either way. If I owned a high-def player of either format I wouldn't feel too comfy about it at the moment. Since I don't, I do feel comfy as I enjoy the technology fan boys of either side.
  • Reply 1513 of 4650
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Just because it's fun to throw a bone to the lions once in a while.

  • Reply 1514 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,432member
    Originally Posted by gloss View Post

    Just because it's fun to throw a bone to the lions once in a while.


    I don't think the sane argument is against this. I don't expect anyone to follow this battle as closely as I have but it's clear to many HD DVD fans why this disparity happened.

    In decemember there was a rise of new title announcements and deliveries for Blu-ray and a baffling decrease in HD DVD titles. This could have been because of piracy concerns who knows. I know many people were pissed that CES came and went with no title releases. In fact March was the absolute worst month for HD DVD titles. I think there were less than 5 titles release the whole month.

    I'd love to credit to Blu-ray but they were competing against a format that had gone to sleep effectively.
  • Reply 1515 of 4650
    spindriftspindrift Posts: 674member
    I don't know about other parts of the world, but in the UK Blockbuster are renting and selling Blu-ray movies. They don't have any HDDVD rentals or movies for sale. Blockbuster are probably the biggest movie rental chain in the UK, so I suspect that this will have some influence over here. That's not saying that they won't offer HDDVD in the future, but at the moment it looks like they have sided with BD technology.
  • Reply 1516 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    HD-DVD picking up momentum with hardware vendors. Samsung and Microsoft sign agreement:

    There is nothing about HD DVD in that press release.

    Now everything that MS does is related to HD DVD or what?
  • Reply 1517 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    With 100.000 North American standalone players and good traction in Europe and recent info about China-Walmart-2 Million players.

    What good traction? According to your beloved Amazon top 10 ratings Blu-ray is killing HD DVD:


    BD: 804.6

    HD DVD: 2217.8


    BD: 515

    HD DVD: 2140.7

    And the 2 million Walmart players haven't been confirmed.
  • Reply 1518 of 4650
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    I guess some may still think this is pathetic to artificially manipulate rankings...

    That's because it is pathetic.
  • Reply 1519 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    We're both in agreement. While my premise cannot be proven without actual numbers Marzetta7's premise fails on the same accord. That was my point opinion is that Blu-ray isn't selling at anything close to a 2:1 ratio right now. The reason why is simple...Circuit City has been advertising HD DVD heavily in NA and they've had a "Buy a $399 A2...get 4 free discs and the 5 free disc mail in form" which likely means the 4 discs are coming from store stock which may be counted in sales numbers.

    I don't agree...and I've proven in many, many previous posts that Nielsen's numbers DO NOT include discs via a promo with any given player sold. Nielsen's numbers are discs that are actually SOLD (seperately) via a B&M or online distributor.

    Also, just to add, here are some more numbers...


    Between Jan. 1 and March 31, consumers bought nearly 1.2 million high-definition discs, 832,530 Blu-ray units and 359,300 HD DVDs, according to Home Media Magazine market research.

    Since inception, 1.2 million Blu-ray discs have been sold ( So yeah, I stand by my statement that Blu-ray is outselling HD DVD by a ratio of over 2:1 for this year. Again, I don't really see this changing given the larger Blu-ray player base along with more content--especially with POTC and Spidey coming very, very soon. I think this statement by Bob Chapek, president of BVHE, sums it up pretty well...


    With such beloved titles as Pirates of the Caribbean on the horizon, these numbers will only do one thing: grow."

    or from Mike Dunn, president of 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment...


    Practically, Blu-ray launched this past November, and in just over one business quarter has rocketed to a significant lead...Consumers are clearly choosing Blu-ray as their high-def format of choice, and telling us so at retail cash registers.

    nuff said.
  • Reply 1520 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by wilco View Post

    That's because it is pathetic.

    Well, desparate times call for desparate measures. With both hidef format supporters taking turns to do this is kinda amusing to watch. These zealots are actually helping with buffering newer techologies until it becomes accepted by the consumers. Just don't forget that without such zealots of new technologies, we probably wouldn't have had the pleasure of having DVD's right now.
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