Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 1541 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    There is the disconnect.

    Folks like Marzetta7 and hmurchison will only look at a couple of attributes...

    There, corrected it for you. Zealots on both sides.

  • Reply 1542 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Originally Posted by hmurchison

    There is the disconnect.

    Folks like Marzetta7 and hmurchison will only look at a couple of attributes...

    There, corrected it for you. Zealots on both sides.


    Well, hmurchison may be a HD-DVD zealot but Marzetta7 and Vinea are mere BD fanboys...
  • Reply 1543 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Yes Zealots rank higher than fanboys. I had to work hard to get up in this rarified air.

    Ahhhhhh things are looking rosey ...I must say.

    The penetration of HD DVD should be 3 million players by next March according to Toshiba. They are aiming for %60 of the HD playback share. I think they'll get there and when they do expect to see all studios but Sony shed their exclusive baggage.

    Life's good.
  • Reply 1544 of 4650
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Thanks for the replies to my question. I find the following analogy somewhat strage, but it's perhaps me.

    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Its like PC vs Mac vs Linux.

    PC = DVD, Mac = BluRay, Linux = HD-DVD


    I mean a computer has far more uses to create such a controversy. This is a just optical media to store and distribute content and data. Does it deserves tens of pages with flaming posts between the members? And this is already the second thread on the same topic if memory does not tricks me.
  • Reply 1545 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Ahhhhhh things are looking rosey ...I must say.

    The penetration of HD DVD should be 3 million players by next March according to Toshiba. They are aiming for %60 of the HD playback share. I think they'll get there and when they do expect to see all studios but Sony shed their exclusive baggage.

    Life's good.

    I don't think Toshiba's good at aiming.
  • Reply 1546 of 4650
    Originally Posted by PB View Post

    And this is already the second thread on the same topic if memory does not tricks me.

    3rd at least, 2005,2006,2007

    No doubt there will also be one in 2008, however by that time I would fail to see the point.
  • Reply 1547 of 4650
    perhaps someone can correct me about the initial launch dates, but the following seems interesting.

    Blu-ray Disc Sales Surpass One Million Mark Yahoo is reporting.

    Interesting in the sense that hmurchison is posting that Toshiba are aiming for 60% while Blu-ray (according to this news item) are already at 70%

    Also in terms of actual sales (as opposed to "sales ranks") HD-DVD has just passed its one year released anniversary, however Blu-ray (only about 10 months since released) has already reached the 1million discs sold milestone.

    So it seems that while the figure of 1 million discs sold is insignificant in comparison to SD-DVD sales, nevertheless it HAS been reached by Blu-ray in less time than HD-DVD.

    Make of that what you will zealots and fanboys alike.
  • Reply 1548 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Well, hmurchison may be a HD-DVD zealot but Marzetta7 and Vinea are mere BD fanboys...

    Heh...BluRay could disappear off the face of the earth tomorrow and I would cheer (as long as the PS3 had a HD-DVD drive).

    THEN I would by a HD-DVD player.

  • Reply 1549 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by PB View Post

    I mean a computer has far more uses to create such a controversy. This is a just optical media to store and distribute content and data. Does it deserves tens of pages with flaming posts between the members? And this is already the second thread on the same topic if memory does not tricks me.

    Do you really think that these is more "controversy" between BluRay vs DVD than PC vs Mac? Or that either one is all that important? XP, Vista, Linux, OSX all work just fine for most purposes. They are all more alike than different.

    The more trivial the topic the more potentially venemous the discussion IMHO.

  • Reply 1550 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    I don't think Toshiba's good at aiming.

    Apparently so, as Toshiba claimed it would have 500,000 players (which was echoed by the HD DVD fanatics here) by the end of 2006, and yet they're just getting to the 100,000 mark.

    In reality, individuals ought not to lend much credence into Toshiba's aim or claim.
  • Reply 1551 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    perhaps someone can correct me about the initial launch dates, but the following seems interesting.

    Blu-ray Disc Sales Surpass One Million Mark Yahoo is reporting.

    Interesting in the sense that hmurchison is posting that Toshiba are aiming for 60% while Blu-ray (according to this news item) are already at 70%

    Also in terms of actual sales (as opposed to "sales ranks") HD-DVD has just passed its one year released anniversary, however Blu-ray (only about 10 months since released) has already reached the 1million discs sold milestone.

    So it seems that while the figure of 1 million discs sold is insignificant in comparison to SD-DVD sales, nevertheless it HAS been reached by Blu-ray in less time than HD-DVD.

    Make of that what you will zealots and fanboys alike.

    Yes but the interesting think is that Toshiba announces 100k standalone players in the US sold and yet they are still in the ballpark in discs sales since inception. Blu-ray has what 2 million players in North America now? What's that equate to 1 disc sold per every two players? That's abysmal attach rate no matter how you look at it. Toshiba wants to gain %60 of all HD players by next year according to They plan for 3 million HD DVD players and clearly this means they plan for a large impact of lowcost Reference players being hinted at. The next 9 months are going to be very very interesting.

    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Apparently so, as Toshiba claimed it would have 500,000 players (which was echoed by the HD DVD fanatics here) by the end of 2006, and yet they're just getting to the 100,000 mark.

    In reality, individuals ought not to lend much credence into Toshiba's aim or claim.

    Yet we should trust "your" claims? Whatever happened to "shock and awe"? Don't make go digging up some of your old posts.

  • Reply 1552 of 4650
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Do you really think that these is more "controversy" between BluRay vs DVD than PC vs Mac?

    Not in absolute terms.

    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    The more trivial the topic the more potentially venemous the discussion IMHO.

    Perhaps you are right.
  • Reply 1553 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Onkyo May Back Out of HD DVD


    At a press conference yesterday, held at it?s New Jersey headquarters, Onkyo seemed to back track a bit from it?s plans to sell an HD DVD player in 2007. Keith Haas, director of sales, said the company is ?looking at both [the HD DVD and Blu-ray] formats? and rethinking it?s decision of which format to back, even possibly a dual-format unit. If there is an introduction, look for it ?in the fourth quarter.?

    Back at January?s CES show, Onkyo announced plans to sell and HD DVD player, rather than the rival Blu-ray format.

    So far the best thing about this format war is all the fodder it give me to write about.

    Great news for HD DVD! My guess is that Onkyo will be looking at the formats after POTC, Cars, and Spiderman hit the public...I envision Blu-ray most likely sustaining their 70% market dominance, and it may well reach 80% if Warner is to get on the ball and release Batman Begins, Troy, V for Vendetta, etc. With percentages like the aforementioned that we'll probably see, I wouldn't be the least bit suprised if Onkyo simply goes Blu.
  • Reply 1554 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Yet we should trust "your" claims? Whatever happened to "shock and awe"? Don't make go digging up some of your old posts.


    Oh, I'm sorry if HD DVD getting surpassed in hardware sales, getting surpassed in disc sales, not reaching the 1,000,000 disc sold milestone, and getting surpassed in available content all in a matter of months is not shock and awe enough for you. The shock and awe is happening, you've just got your head in the sand. Look for the shock and awe to continue with HUGE blockbusters in POTC, Spiderman, Cars, etc to be released in about a month or so along with cheaper 2nd gen players from all the major Blu-ray players.

  • Reply 1555 of 4650
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by Telomar View Post

    Frankly I'd say $299 in 2008 for an HD-DVD player is kind of expensive for Wal-Mart's clientele so I wouldn't be buy the story. Look at where prices are now for the entry level and do you really believe they'll only be $299? Even Sony has said they expect Blu-Ray players near that price by year end.

    Wal-mart sells PS3s and $900 standalone Blu-ray players.

    Don't automatically assume that everyone who shops at Wal-mart is a cheap-ass.
  • Reply 1556 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Onkyo May Back Out of HD DVD

    Great news for HD DVD! My guess is that Onkyo will be looking at the formats after POTC, Cars, and Spiderman hit the public...I envision Blu-ray most likely sustaining their 70% market dominance, and it may well reach 80% if Warner is to get on the ball and release Batman Begins, Troy, V for Vendetta, etc. With percentages like the aforementioned that we'll probably see, I wouldn't be the least bit suprised if Onkyo simply goes Blu.

    The aticle says Onkyo may go dual format (universal player) path instead of HD-DVD exclusive... which I think would be a good decision if the price is right.

    BTW, I can't wait until POTC & Spiderman series come out in HD-DVD.... not to mention that Batman, Troy, V4V is already out in HD-DVd format............ along with harry potter.... etc.....
  • Reply 1557 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    BTW, I can't wait until POTC & Spiderman series come out in HD-DVD....

    Tell me you're kidding. You do know that Spider-Man is produced by Columbia Pictures? A wholly-owned division of Sony? I don't think you'll see the Spider-Man films on HD DVD anytime in the foreseeable future. As for POTC, it's Buena Vista, AKA Disney, and while rumors have been rampant since over a year ago that they might go neutral, nothing has ever come of them.

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Yet we should trust "your" claims? Whatever happened to "shock and awe"? Don't make go digging up some of your old posts.

    Speaking of old posts, how about not so old:

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Woooosh. Did you hear that? That's HD DVD accelerating past Blu-ray.

    I LOVE this battle! It's like watching a sports game complete with the ups and downs and tense moments.

    You gotta love it when people hot-link graphics to support their argument. Then the graphic changes! That second whoosh you heard was HD DVD going into a power dive around the 22nd.
  • Reply 1558 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    I'm ok with the vicissitudinal nature of this battle. Nothing is absolute.

    I look at the potential of an Onkyo Univeral player as being a "good" thing. Onkyo isn't going to deliver a cheap player and with the XA2 at $600 or a stellar HD DVD/Upscaling DVD player you don't have much room if you want to build in margin. A $999 Universal player with SACD/DVDA support would sell very well.

    I gotta laugh at Marzetta7's post. Bragging about being first to a million disc sales is pretty ridiculous when you have 3 million players in the wild. That's 1 disc per 3 players. Luuuuuuucy've got some 'splainin to do.

    Wow...Blu-ray has sold 2000 more discs than HD DVD thus far. Wow I'm impressed..way to bend that 4 studio advantage to your favor </sarcasm>
  • Reply 1559 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I'm ok with the vicissitudinal nature of this battle. Nothing is absolute.

    I look at the potential of an Onkyo Univeral player as being a "good" thing. Onkyo isn't going to deliver a cheap player and with the XA2 at $600 or a stellar HD DVD/Upscaling DVD player you don't have much room if you want to build in margin. A $999 Universal player with SACD/DVDA support would sell very well.

    I gotta laugh at Marzetta7's post. Bragging about being first to a million disc sales is pretty ridiculous when you have 3 million players in the wild. That's 1 disc per 3 players. Luuuuuuucy've got some 'splainin to do.

    Wow...Blu-ray has sold 2000 more discs than HD DVD thus far. Wow I'm impressed..way to bend that 4 studio advantage to your favor </sarcasm>

    Actually, what is ridiculous is that you source this 2,000 disc number directly from the HD DVD promotional group. Seems to me that they-- the HD DVD PR group--are the ones that have some "splanin to do," as according to the independent number of Nielsen Videoscan, Blu-ray has outsold HD DVD by 262,500. This is quite impressive when you consider the fact that...

    1) HD DVD got the first to market head start on Blu-ray.

    2) Blu-ray really didn't start their launch until November of 2006.


    3) Blu-ray hasn't seen the same treatment from neutral studios like Warner with HUGE sellers like Batman Begins, V for Vendetta, Troy, and Harry Potter. the gap would even be that much more significant than 262,500. But, who knew that 1,200,000 Blu-ray discs minus 937,500 HD DVD discs equaled 2,000! Ok, maybe in your HD DVD bizarro world, but not here in reality.

    In addition, what is laughable is your attempt at refuting hard overall sales data with Amazon sales rank (which Kolchak has shown to go the way of Blu once again), attach rate guesses, and prognostications of what Toshiba hopes to sell in terms of hardware. This doesn't quite cut it you see, and it just makes your format of choice appear as if it is hemoraging with you sitting around making excuses for it.
  • Reply 1560 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Doesn't anyone find it interesting that Wal-Mart hasn't immediately shot these rumors down?

    Engadget isn't Cnet but a rumor like this that was blatantly false would indeed be shut down by a player like Wal-Mart.

    Their silence in this matter is deafening.

    What's deafening is this little gem...

    Wal-Mart Shoots Down Cheap HD DVD Rumor,1895,2122715,00.asp


    Wal-Mart denied rumors that it had placed a substantial order with a Taiwan supplier for ultra-cheap HD DVD players that could swing the format wars in that direction.

    "The article? was full of inaccuracies and we had no participation in it," the spokesman said in an e-mail to PC Magazine. "Most of the facts, including the purchase, were untrue," she added. "Not sure how it originated."

    When asked to comment specifically on a statement appearing on Fuh Yuan's site, which implies the retailer is at least interested in ordering the players, the spokesperson said she could not comment on or disclose Wal-Mart's internal business with suppliers and our orders. However, the supplier said that no deal was imminent.

    On Thursday, the following statement appeared on Fuh Yuan's site:

    "We are sorry to correct the statement that we have two million HD-DVD players order from Wal-Mart and manufactured by China Great Wall Group," Fuh Yuan said. "The actuality is that we had not received yet. We are asked to provide the schedule to Wal-Mart and cost to determine the quantity even more than two million, if the cost is good enough and timing is correct. So the capacity is under consideration. Any qualified manufactured base group will be welcome."

    While Wal-Mart denied that any orders had been placed, the company did say that it plans to sell both Blu-ray and HD-DVD components in its stores and online, at least until a definitive winner in the format war is declared.

    Currently, the retailer sells both HD-DVD and Blu-ray players, including Philips' $900 Blu-ray BDP900/37 player and Toshiba's $350 HD-D1 HD-DVD player.

    "Today, we sell both Blu-ray and HD DVD in our stores nationwide (approx. 750 stores). As with all new technologies, we are committed to providing the best value on products that customers choose as most relevant to them. With new industry developments, we will make shifts in our selections as customer preferences evolve and they vote with their purchase," the company said in a statement.

    The spokesperson added: "We expect that as prices decrease and new elements are added in the coming months that consumers will choose which format will dominate, and that could happen by the end of this year."

    Sorry Murch, keep the dream alive over at AVS though....mmmkay.
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