Why do I have this bad feeling that they are going to sacrifice the 3.5HDD for 2.5HDD in order to get the display as thin as possible. This would be the final component that keeps this desktop from being made out of all laptop parts..
I know the 2.5 drives are making big improvements in capacity and are available in 7200RPM models but they still trail 3.5 drives in terms of performance and cost. I have been patiently waiting for new iMacs but this would kill it for me. The only saving grace would be if they offered eSata so I could run the OS from an external drive. I hope my gut is wrong, do we really need the iMac to be thinner than it already is?
I don't know about the 3.5 inch drive limiting sliming of the machine. From what I can see more integration and repositioning of the guts of the machine could do wonders.
Then the reality sinks in that maybe they will use this platform to walk away from spinning disks altogether. Yep that is right flash based machines. With the sliding prices of LCD screens the price differential could be completely hidden in the current machine pricing.
It is has to say what Apple is up to other than to expect the all in one to stay around. The one thing that I've seen little on is the thought that maybe apple will go to some sort of touch screen technology. With a little of the technology from the iphone this could make for an interesting machine.
I think the new iMac's would be wonderful to have inbuilt TV tuners, and also have video input, so that you can plug a playstation or something in and play off the iMac screen. It could completely replace TVs.
It is interesting that everyone is expecting Santa RoSa in the new machines. I'm wondering how much grief it would be for Apple to go with Intel's new three series chipsets.
Yes a bit more heat when run flat out. On the other hand a considerable performance increase and a host of new features.
It's the old buttons images i noticed but I figured that they reverted to an older vBulletin in order to correct the issues at hand as I can't imagine changing a few GIFs will fix AI's forum problems.
Nope ... we updated to the newest version which overwrote some of the custom icons. A quick bit of FTPing and I had it sorted out.
The issues had nothing to do with vBulletin but were a problem with one of the 3 servers which house various parts of the forums.
I like the current BackRow interface for AppleTV. It works.
I think the Front row interface was introduced in autumn 2005 with the final update of the iMac G5 which saw the introduction of the Apple remote and Front Row. It did not change since then.
In Autumn 2006 Apple introduced Coverflow into iTunes. I was surprised they did not apply the Coverflow concept into Front Row. Even in Leopard, Coverflow is gonna be all over the place, but not in ? Front Row.
Hence the question, why not introducing the Coverflow and Quicklook concepts into Front Row? I haven't used the Front Row interface, but I am not temted to as of its linear structure. And the slowly passing movie/music pics are just plain annoying to me It ain't flowing man
Why do I have this bad feeling that they are going to sacrifice the 3.5HDD for 2.5HDD in order to get the display as thin as possible. This would be the final component that keeps this desktop from being made out of all laptop parts..
Sacrificing the desktop hard drive for style alone would make the sky fall on Apple's head. The drop in possible storage capacity will be terrible. And the iMac is meant to host home media (music, photos, videos) for the average consumer. We know very well how quickly storage is being eaten up by those.
I hope they leave it as is, offering the option of 1 TB disk before the end of the year.
I've always wondered why the damn remote hasn't had a click wheel. Seems like a step backwards to me.
Any why doesn't it fit in the express card slot?
Frankly, Apple's Input Devices department are morons.
Whilst they are making those changes they can design a mouse that fits in an adult's hand with a scroll device that doesn't stop after the first spec of dust hits it and how about putting a card reader and USB2.0 hub in the back of the keyboard. Don't worry Apple purists you'll not be able to see those ugly slots unless you need to use them.
Hence the question, why not introducing the Coverflow and Quicklook concepts into Front Row? I haven't used the Front Row interface, but I am not temted to as of its linear structure. And the slowly passing movie/music pics are just plain annoying to me It ain't flowing man
I see what you drive at now... and I like it. I thought you meant the Core Animation demo that Jobs demoed at the WWDC.
Now that we are on the same page and I've thought it I think it is a natural evolution of the software. iTunes has it, Leopard's Finder has it, the iPhone has it. Seems obvious that FrontRow and AppleTV's BackRow will eventually have it too.
a] i agree @ the remote for my laptop - it should fit in the expresscard slot - of course apple would have to redesign it instead of just packing the existing shape into the box.
b] what i meant by iCamera was a CAMCORDER. if i meant the camera in my laptop i woulda said iSight. if i meant a 12 year old piece of apple memorabilia i wouln't use the iPrefix. must be more specific i guess.
People familiar with plans for the next-generation consumer desktops say Apple hopes to unveil the new systems sometime between the latter half of July and mid-August -- a timeframe well suited to garner sales from higher-education individuals and back-to-school shoppers in general. Those same people add that the Cupertino-based Mac maker may also have a few smaller surprises in store for fans of its Mac line around the same time
I'm sorry to say but the deeper we get into this timeframe, the *worse* it is for HiEd. And depending on your geographic location, it doesn't bode well for HiEd or back-to-school shoppers in places like Florida. Students in Broward County, for instance, are back to school August 14. This is not so convenient for anyone adding new desktops to teachers' desks or labs, nevermind students'.
Purchasing for education isn't as instantaneous as making a personal purchase. Pricing has to be negotiated in many cases, the vehicle in which the orders are placed have to be available to include the new hardware, config, and pricing, and then you have to keep your fingers crossed that your order will ship quickly. Then there's the wait for the hardware to arrive.
Those institutions who automate the set up and imaging of their hardware shave off the time needed to get working hardware out into the field. Still, such automation isn't always present. That leaves more time needed for installation and updates. (Have you given Adobe CS3 Updater a whirl lately? You could get half way through "War and Peace" by the time all the updates have been completed.)
The only thing worse than this: Leopard in October. Of course, if I get my iPhone on the 29th, I probably won't rant as much about the insanity of introducing a major OS upgrade one-to-two months after classes have started.
I'm sorry to say but the deeper we get into this timeframe, the *worse* it is for HiEd. And depending on your geographic location, it doesn't bode well for HiEd or back-to-school shoppers in places like Florida. Students in Broward County, for instance, are back to school August 14. This is not so convenient for anyone adding new desktops to teachers' desks or labs, nevermind students'.
Purchasing for education isn't as instantaneous as making a personal purchase. Pricing has to be negotiated in many cases, the vehicle in which the orders are placed have to be available to include the new hardware, config, and pricing, and then you have to keep your fingers crossed that your order will ship quickly. Then there's the wait for the hardware to arrive.
Those institutions who automate the set up and imaging of their hardware shave off the time needed to get working hardware out into the field. Still, such automation isn't always present. That leaves more time needed for installation and updates. (Have you given Adobe CS3 Updater a whirl lately? You could get half way through "War and Peace" by the time all the updates have been completed.)
The only thing worse than this: Leopard in October. Of course, if I get my iPhone on the 29th, I probably won't rant as much about the insanity of introducing a major OS upgrade one-to-two months after classes have started.
Everything you say is absolutely correct. Personally, I'm hoping that mid-July is closer to the release date.
So we're going to get a new computer a scant 2-odd months before a new OS? nice. Just getting broken in and we have to go through the hassle of a major OS upgrade..
So will the new imac make all our sales tax 'holidays'?
Just getting [a new Mac] broken in and we have to go through the hassle of a major OS upgrade..
You don't 'have' to do anything. There is no requirement to get Leopard immediately. Tiger will still be a viable OS for a long time to come. As for hassle, there is very little hassle when it comes to upgrading OS X. There isn't even the hassle of a serial key to input. If you feel that $129 is too much to pay then simply hold off making a purchase until October.
Sweet. I need something to replace my parents' iBook G4, we have a MacBook Core[1]Duo (well soon, once it gets back from the shop [it has been 3 weeks, long story]) ... an iMac 20" will do fine.
I'm done with the big heavy PC box.
iMac 20" Core[2]Duo 2.33ghz 2GB RAM, nVidia 8 series GPU, 256MB VRAM () ... Parallels 3.0 for Mac DirectX9.0c ... STARCRAFT 2!!!!! (I know, I know, just all a flight of fantasy for now).... Core Hard Disk Backup/ Media Center Server. August 2007. iMacs new. No free upgrade to Leopard though.
You don't 'have' to do anything. There is no requirement to get Leopard immediately. Tiger will still be a viable OS for a long time to come. As for hassle, there is very little hassle when it comes to upgrading OS X. There isn't even the hassle of a serial key to input. If you feel that $129 is too much to pay then simply hold off making a purchase until October.
I might buy the iMac in August 2007, (no iPhone yet here in Asia) and then Leopard for Christmas - Family Pack. Dance, guinea pigs, dance for me!! muah ha hah ah hah ahaha.
Friends, This update time frame makes no sense. Apple has a back to school deal going on right now. Buy a Mac get an iPod. They are set with all their products until that Promo is just about over. I bought a Core 2 duo upgraded model last September. It was in stores and overlapped the announcement by about a week and was not eligible for the iPod. I don't think they will release a new one now and anger every one by making the nano offer only good on old models. September 16th is the last day of the rebate, Look for your announcement on Sept. 4th and in stores by the 10th This way it will garner some last minute back to school sales for the discerning shopper and not take away from the bargain hunters who also want an ipod. It will probably take even more money from the true geeks as many will have gone in expecting the iPod deal but will be so taken with the new machine that they must have it and will probably buy the iPod also and at full price.
Friends, This update time frame makes no sense. Apple has a back to school deal going on right now. Buy a Mac get an iPod. They are set with all their products until that Promo is just about over. I bought a Core 2 duo upgraded model last September. It was in stores and overlapped the announcement by about a week and was not eligible for the iPod. I don't think they will release a new one now and anger every one by making the nano offer only good on old models. September 16th is the last day of the rebate, Look for your announcement on Sept. 4th and in stores by the 10th This way it will garner some last minute back to school sales for the discerning shopper and not take away from the bargain hunters who also want an ipod. It will probably take even more money from the true geeks as many will have gone in expecting the iPod deal but will be so taken with the new machine that they must have it and will probably buy the iPod also and at full price.
Not everyone can afford $1300 for a new computer and for all we know the 20 inch will start at a higher price.
Sounds like a bad move to me. At least keep the 17 inch version.
Why do I have this bad feeling that they are going to sacrifice the 3.5HDD for 2.5HDD in order to get the display as thin as possible. This would be the final component that keeps this desktop from being made out of all laptop parts..
I know the 2.5 drives are making big improvements in capacity and are available in 7200RPM models but they still trail 3.5 drives in terms of performance and cost. I have been patiently waiting for new iMacs but this would kill it for me. The only saving grace would be if they offered eSata so I could run the OS from an external drive. I hope my gut is wrong, do we really need the iMac to be thinner than it already is?
I don't know about the 3.5 inch drive limiting sliming of the machine. From what I can see more integration and repositioning of the guts of the machine could do wonders.
Then the reality sinks in that maybe they will use this platform to walk away from spinning disks altogether. Yep that is right flash based machines. With the sliding prices of LCD screens the price differential could be completely hidden in the current machine pricing.
It is has to say what Apple is up to other than to expect the all in one to stay around. The one thing that I've seen little on is the thought that maybe apple will go to some sort of touch screen technology. With a little of the technology from the iphone this could make for an interesting machine.
Yes a bit more heat when run flat out. On the other hand a considerable performance increase and a host of new features.
It's the old buttons images i noticed but I figured that they reverted to an older vBulletin in order to correct the issues at hand as I can't imagine changing a few GIFs will fix AI's forum problems.
Nope ... we updated to the newest version which overwrote some of the custom icons. A quick bit of FTPing and I had it sorted out.
The issues had nothing to do with vBulletin but were a problem with one of the 3 servers which house various parts of the forums.
I like the current BackRow interface for AppleTV. It works.
I think the Front row interface was introduced in autumn 2005 with the final update of the iMac G5 which saw the introduction of the Apple remote and Front Row. It did not change since then.
In Autumn 2006 Apple introduced Coverflow into iTunes. I was surprised they did not apply the Coverflow concept into Front Row. Even in Leopard, Coverflow is gonna be all over the place, but not in ? Front Row.
Hence the question, why not introducing the Coverflow and Quicklook concepts into Front Row? I haven't used the Front Row interface, but I am not temted to as of its linear structure. And the slowly passing movie/music pics are just plain annoying to me
Why do I have this bad feeling that they are going to sacrifice the 3.5HDD for 2.5HDD in order to get the display as thin as possible. This would be the final component that keeps this desktop from being made out of all laptop parts..
Sacrificing the desktop hard drive for style alone would make the sky fall on Apple's head. The drop in possible storage capacity will be terrible. And the iMac is meant to host home media (music, photos, videos) for the average consumer. We know very well how quickly storage is being eaten up by those.
I hope they leave it as is, offering the option of 1 TB disk before the end of the year.
I've always wondered why the damn remote hasn't had a click wheel. Seems like a step backwards to me.
Any why doesn't it fit in the express card slot?
Frankly, Apple's Input Devices department are morons.
Whilst they are making those changes they can design a mouse that fits in an adult's hand with a scroll device that doesn't stop after the first spec of dust hits it and how about putting a card reader and USB2.0 hub in the back of the keyboard. Don't worry Apple purists you'll not be able to see those ugly slots unless you need to use them.
2.5" HDD would kill the iMac.
500GB @ 3.5" = $120
250GB @ 2.5" = $280 x 2 = $560
2.5" HDD would kill the iMac.
500GB @ 3.5" = $120
250GB @ 2.5" = $280 x 2 = $560
Quite so, I forgot to mention price in my previous post.
Hence the question, why not introducing the Coverflow and Quicklook concepts into Front Row? I haven't used the Front Row interface, but I am not temted to as of its linear structure. And the slowly passing movie/music pics are just plain annoying to me
I see what you drive at now... and I like it. I thought you meant the Core Animation demo that Jobs demoed at the WWDC.
Now that we are on the same page and I've thought it I think it is a natural evolution of the software. iTunes has it, Leopard's Finder has it, the iPhone has it. Seems obvious that FrontRow and AppleTV's BackRow will eventually have it too.
b] what i meant by iCamera was a CAMCORDER. if i meant the camera in my laptop i woulda said iSight. if i meant a 12 year old piece of apple memorabilia i wouln't use the iPrefix. must be more specific i guess.
People familiar with plans for the next-generation consumer desktops say Apple hopes to unveil the new systems sometime between the latter half of July and mid-August -- a timeframe well suited to garner sales from higher-education individuals and back-to-school shoppers in general. Those same people add that the Cupertino-based Mac maker may also have a few smaller surprises in store for fans of its Mac line around the same time
I'm sorry to say but the deeper we get into this timeframe, the *worse* it is for HiEd. And depending on your geographic location, it doesn't bode well for HiEd or back-to-school shoppers in places like Florida. Students in Broward County, for instance, are back to school August 14. This is not so convenient for anyone adding new desktops to teachers' desks or labs, nevermind students'.
Purchasing for education isn't as instantaneous as making a personal purchase. Pricing has to be negotiated in many cases, the vehicle in which the orders are placed have to be available to include the new hardware, config, and pricing, and then you have to keep your fingers crossed that your order will ship quickly. Then there's the wait for the hardware to arrive.
Those institutions who automate the set up and imaging of their hardware shave off the time needed to get working hardware out into the field. Still, such automation isn't always present. That leaves more time needed for installation and updates. (Have you given Adobe CS3 Updater a whirl lately? You could get half way through "War and Peace" by the time all the updates have been completed.)
The only thing worse than this: Leopard in October. Of course, if I get my iPhone on the 29th, I probably won't rant as much about the insanity of introducing a major OS upgrade one-to-two months after classes have started.
I'm sorry to say but the deeper we get into this timeframe, the *worse* it is for HiEd. And depending on your geographic location, it doesn't bode well for HiEd or back-to-school shoppers in places like Florida. Students in Broward County, for instance, are back to school August 14. This is not so convenient for anyone adding new desktops to teachers' desks or labs, nevermind students'.
Purchasing for education isn't as instantaneous as making a personal purchase. Pricing has to be negotiated in many cases, the vehicle in which the orders are placed have to be available to include the new hardware, config, and pricing, and then you have to keep your fingers crossed that your order will ship quickly. Then there's the wait for the hardware to arrive.
Those institutions who automate the set up and imaging of their hardware shave off the time needed to get working hardware out into the field. Still, such automation isn't always present. That leaves more time needed for installation and updates. (Have you given Adobe CS3 Updater a whirl lately? You could get half way through "War and Peace" by the time all the updates have been completed.)
The only thing worse than this: Leopard in October. Of course, if I get my iPhone on the 29th, I probably won't rant as much about the insanity of introducing a major OS upgrade one-to-two months after classes have started.
Everything you say is absolutely correct. Personally, I'm hoping that mid-July is closer to the release date.
So will the new imac make all our sales tax 'holidays'?
Just getting [a new Mac] broken in and we have to go through the hassle of a major OS upgrade..
You don't 'have' to do anything. There is no requirement to get Leopard immediately. Tiger will still be a viable OS for a long time to come. As for hassle, there is very little hassle when it comes to upgrading OS X. There isn't even the hassle of a serial key to input. If you feel that $129 is too much to pay then simply hold off making a purchase until October.
I'm done with the big heavy PC box.
iMac 20" Core[2]Duo 2.33ghz 2GB RAM, nVidia 8 series GPU, 256MB VRAM (
You don't 'have' to do anything. There is no requirement to get Leopard immediately. Tiger will still be a viable OS for a long time to come. As for hassle, there is very little hassle when it comes to upgrading OS X. There isn't even the hassle of a serial key to input. If you feel that $129 is too much to pay then simply hold off making a purchase until October.
I might buy the iMac in August 2007, (no iPhone yet here in Asia) and then Leopard for Christmas - Family Pack.
It is nice to know that a update a close - and that its not a poncy one, but a real, proper, update.
This article has made my day.