I made a music video that expresses my feelings toward Public School.



  • Reply 61 of 145
    Originally Posted by thehellgate911 View Post

    I made that post mostly for the sake of those of you that were envisioning me as some failing lunatic who can't interact with people.

    Based on your experiences over at AN and your brief stay here, I'd have to say you've reaffirmed our "envision".
  • Reply 62 of 145
    709709 Posts: 2,016member
    Originally Posted by thehellgate911 View Post

    You know, the last time I was writing in this thread, I was on a computer in the lobby of a community college, taking classes that were really boring and pointless, and being accused of being stupid, retarded, or gay, by fellow classmates. Oddly resembling Einstien's experience in school.

    Einstein wasn't bad at school. That's an urban myth. I'm glad that homeschooling is working out for you so well.

    You need to stop trying to impress invisible people on the internet and go get a friend or get laid. Hopefully you can do at least one of those without involving your mother.
  • Reply 63 of 145
    Originally Posted by 709 View Post

    Einstein wasn't bad at school. That's an urban myth. I'm glad that homeschooling is working out for you so well.

    You need to stop trying to impress invisible people on the internet and go get a friend or get laid. Hopefully you can do at least one of those without involving your mother.

    I can do both those things without involving my mother.
  • Reply 64 of 145
    Originally Posted by 709 View Post

    Einstein wasn't bad at school. That's an urban myth. I'm glad that homeschooling is working out for you so well.

    You need to stop trying to impress invisible people on the internet and go get a friend or get laid. Hopefully you can do at least one of those without involving your mother.

    I wasn't bad at school either. I was told I was retarded by fellow classmates, because I was thinking differently than they were.
  • Reply 65 of 145
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    Originally Posted by thehellgate911 View Post

    I wasn't bad at school either. I was told I was retarded by fellow classmates, because I was thinking differently than they were.

    Alright, now you're just being petulant. Here's another piece of advice: nobody cares about your problems except you and your mom. If you can make good music, good for you. Get to it.
  • Reply 66 of 145
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,032member
    Originally Posted by thehellgate911 View Post

    Wow, this thread hasn't been active in a while.

    You know, the last time I was writing in this thread, I was on a computer in the lobby of a community college, taking classes that were really boring and pointless, and being accused of being stupid, retarded, or gay, by fellow classmates. Oddly resembling Einstien's experience in school.

    So you are Einstien[sic] now?


    I recently quit going there, because as a homeschooler I was never taught to drastically diminish my life goals in my mind in the name of "being realistic."

    And staying in school would have forced you to diminish your life goals?


    That's why school was implemented in this country you know. How many of you knew that? It was implemented so that the average American would be content with a very modest life, and not want anything more. The owners of this country don't want too many little people rising up out of the swamp of 9 to 5 jobs and slavery.

    That is totally unsupported. All of it. In fact, you just made it up.


    But anyways, in the three months since I've quit going to the college, i've been steadily earning more and more money each month, and i'm currently earning an income that will amount to about $15,000 a year. I'm not 18 yet. I've also been lined up to compose the score to a couple films, including a feature length film. My website is up, I got my business card printed, my first debut CD of Solo Piano is going to be released within the next month, and things are gonna take off from here.

    Look..good for you. But if you're going to be a film composer, you need to study with a film composer or go get a degree music theory/composition..unless you're name is Ludwig or Wolfgang.

    I also have to call some degree on bullshit on the film score thing. You mean to tell me that someone hired you to write the music for their film...and you're 17 with no experience, no credits and no references in terms of industry contacts? Right. Let me guess...these are "films" made by your friends with a camcorder, some sheet backdrops, and a large basement?


    I know it's a little early to point fingers at the guys who laughed at me when I declared my goals, but I have no doubt that my career will continue to take off in the manner that it has so far. I set goals, and I will achieve them.

    That is a good attitude. But dude...YOU ARE 17 YEARS OLD. Friggin chill already. Successful film composers spend years getting established. I find it hard to believe that you're been "discovered" at this point.

    Really achieving your goals is about more than saying "Fuck you guys...I'm determined and I'm going to do it no matter what you say." It's about taking time to learn what you need to learn, improve your skills, network professionally and develop your talents. You come off as impatient in the extreme. There is huge difference between determination to succeed and stubborn refusal to learn.
  • Reply 67 of 145
    I like that the google ad banner below are ads for public school listings...
  • Reply 68 of 145
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    That is totally unsupported. All of it. In fact, you just made it up.

    Just because he made it up doesn't mean he doesn't have a point. You might take a good look at this. Or maybe this guy. Or her work (the one about the hidden curriculum of work is especially good).
  • Reply 69 of 145
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,032member
    Originally Posted by midwinter View Post

    Just because he made it up doesn't mean he doesn't have a point. You might take a good look at this. Or maybe this guy. Or her work (the one about the hidden curriculum of work is especially good).

    That doesn't support what he said though.


    That's why school was implemented in this country you know. How many of you knew that? It was implemented so that the average American would be content with a very modest life, and not want anything more. The owners of this country don't want too many little people rising up out of the swamp of 9 to 5 jobs and slavery.

    I'll post all day about hidden curriculums and indoctrination, etc. But proving his statements above would be quite a feat.
  • Reply 70 of 145
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    That doesn't support what he said though.

    I'll post all day about hidden curriculums and indoctrination, etc. But proving his statements above would be quite a feat.

    Indeed! It's a good thing I didn't post a link to a Gatto essay in which he details the origins of the American educational system in the Prussian model, complete with quotations about why the Prussian system worked the way it did.

    Otherwise, I'd just be blowing smoke and BSing and only reading the titles of essays rather than the whole thing.
  • Reply 71 of 145
    He's just a drop out trying to excuse his ineptitude.

    The kid sounds extremely sheltered from the outside world. He does not have a good sense of how good he is academically - he never had anyone to compare himself to.

    I am sure mummy and daddy just told him he was such a smart boy and he actually believed it.

    Now, he finally went to school and realized that, after all, he is not better than most people. He is, of course, in denial.

    In any case, if I were in college and someone came to me and say: "Oh, look at me, I am so smartz, I play piano like diblassio since I was three"... "GET OUT OF MY FUCKING FACE"

    Who is he trying to impress?

    (Side note: I would personally love to think that the reason why I cannot get this fucking triplet representation Higgs mechanism problem right now is because "I am thinking differently")
  • Reply 72 of 145
    hardeeharharhardeeharhar Posts: 4,841member
    Originally Posted by thehellgate911 View Post

    I've only registered once here at appleinsider, and I plan to keep it that way. I haven't even been temporarily banned from this place, and i've never been annoying or rude here.

    When you fall on your face... you really fall on your face...

    Perhaps all these years, your parents, teachers and adult-cult members were all calling you a genius just so they could see you fall flat once again.

    This isn't just Caddy Shack level humor, no, this transcends the inability to breathe because you are laughing so hard...
  • Reply 73 of 145
    hardeeharharhardeeharhar Posts: 4,841member
    Originally Posted by soulcrusher View Post

    (Side note: I would personally love to think that the reason why I cannot get this fucking triplet representation Higgs mechanism problem right now is because "I am thinking differently")

    Have you considered all of the symmetry groups?

    (and no, I have only a vague notion of anything that has come in contact with the Standard Model...)
  • Reply 74 of 145
    Originally Posted by hardeeharhar View Post

    Have you considered all of the symmetry groups?

    (and no, I have only a vague notion of anything that has come in contact with the Standard Model...)

    Nah, it's stated in the problem that it only requires SU(2).

    I am stuck on the part where I have to calculate the mass of the scalar bosons -- the triplet has three Goldstone bosons but I believe you can do a gauge transformation to get rid of some, if not all, of them.

    What I can't/(don't want to) do is write the full Lagrangian density to look for the mass terms.

    I hate my life.
  • Reply 75 of 145
    Will you guys just please stop with the inept, inaccurate judgments about me? One guy says "This kid is sheltered and retarded" and the next poster posts based on that and not based on any form of truth. It causes the thread to quickly spiral downward in a landslide of false assumptions about me, that can only end in me losing my patience. I don't want to lose my patience, and I have no reason to. Just please, think about whether you can actually know that what you're saying has any truth to it, before you post it.

    @ soulcrusher. I'm not sheltered at all from the outside world. I have a very good idea of where I am academically, and my parents were far from the only people in the world who told me that i'm a genius throughout my life. I didn't "drop out" of college. I never went with the intention of getting a degree. I simply wanted to see what a form of public education is like. The classes were extremely limited in the small campus that I was attending, and the structure of the style of teaching didn't compliment or support the way I was used to learning things and progressing. I didn't find much value in it.

    @ hardeeharhar. I haven't fallen on my face. There's nothing wrong with the fact that people tell me i'm a genius, and that I then use that talent to succeed in the areas which i'd like to excel in.

    Several months ago, the general attitude in this thread was that I'm not going to achieve my goals. I simply came back here to give a brief update on how I was doing, so that those of you who were 100% certain that I was an incompetent retard, could have the opportunity to question your beliefs.


    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    So you are Einstien[sic] now?

    And staying in school would have forced you to diminish your life goals?

    That is totally unsupported. All of it. In fact, you just made it up.

    I also have to call some degree on bullshit on the film score thing. You mean to tell me that someone hired you to write the music for their film...and you're 17 with no experience, no credits and no references in terms of industry contacts? Right. Let me guess...these are "films" made by your friends with a camcorder, some sheet backdrops, and a large basement?

    Public school was designed to force people to diminish their life goals.

    No, I didn't make it up. The beginning of the American Education system was based on the Prussian model, which was designed to create obedient workers and obedient soldiers.

    And about the film thing.. well, there was one guy who contacted me via youtube, to score his short film. I did it long distance, by having him send me low resolution quicktime clips from the film, me recording music to them, and then sending him back a scored low resolution clip as well as a separate high quality audio file. I scored his 15 minute film in one day and he was very pleased.

    Then, I was at a screenwriters event in the Seattle area, and I introduced myself to this director who was about to start shooting a feature length independent film. I asked him if he had a composer, and he said no. So I emailed him some samples of my music a few days later, and he said he wanted me to write music for the film.

    In addition to orchestral and instrumental composition, I also do solo piano improvisation, and stuff like that has been used in meditative slideshows, and also has earned me up to $100 a day in tips in cafes and such. (4 hour days).

    I've studied violin, piano, theory, harmony, composition, and conducting in various music conservatories including the New England Conservatory in Boston.
  • Reply 76 of 145
    You have been 'sheltered'. Terribly, terribly sheltered, and your ability to socialise with others has suffered. We know this, all of us, because we read the things you write; it's as simple as that.

    You have problems with status, specifically. Your own self image, so to speak, seems to be of paramount importance to you, and consequently you irritate people.

    But the thing is, that's not really you. We're not what we tell people we are. As far as other people are concerned, we're the things we say or do. That's the way people construct their social identities. We've been doing it like that since we gained the use of complex language.

    You're not that special. No, you're not. The liberating thing for you should be that no one is that special. I have deeply flawed friends who are far more talented than either of us, and richer than you or I will ever be, or far more famous; I have very content, stable friends who don't have a great deal and can't cook but are hilarious, and friends at all stage in between.

    Really the only thing that makes this planet tolerable sometimes is one's ability to speak to other human beings when other human beings are exactly what one needs.

    I think you should buy a plane ticket to somewhere they speak excellent English, like Berlin, and go, and stay in a hostel for three weeks, drinking coffee and not telling anyone about your plans. Go to Amsterdam for a couple of days and smoke one ritual spliff so you can say you've done it. Go as far north or south in the Americas as you can, by train. Tell yourself the whole way 'I'm no more or less special than any of these amazing and boring people I keep meeting.'
  • Reply 77 of 145
  • Reply 78 of 145
    hardeeharharhardeeharhar Posts: 4,841member
    Originally Posted by thehellgate911 View Post

    @ hardeeharhar. I haven't fallen on my face. There's nothing wrong with the fact that people tell me i'm a genius, and that I then use that talent to succeed in the areas which i'd like to excel in.

    Other than the awkward construction of the second sentence (give me a break, I have been editing prelims for my girlfriend and labmate...), the fact that you believe that people claiming you are a genius makes you one is quite telling... That particular brand of ego stroking is unhealthful.

    You need to follow the advice of Hassan and escape... otherwise you will be a broken little man within the decade...
  • Reply 79 of 145
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member
    Originally Posted by hardeeharhar View Post

    otherwise you will be a broken little man within the decade...

    or a broken, large, man.
  • Reply 80 of 145
    He's not talking about you, silly...
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