I made a music video that expresses my feelings toward Public School.



  • Reply 121 of 145
    709709 Posts: 2,016member
    Originally Posted by thehellgate911 View Post

    Congratulations. I explained relativity to my uncle at age four, and completed large multiplication tables, without being taught how, at age five.

  • Reply 122 of 145
    I tell you something about myself.

    You don't believe me.

    I don't care.


    Why won't the mods close this thread?
  • Reply 123 of 145
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Because it's far too entertaining. That's why.

    Shockingly enough, the mods aren't going to close a thread simply because you want them to.
  • Reply 124 of 145
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member
    Where else would we get to see an elementary school band teacher talk about his girlfriend stripping in an attempt to ridicule a teenage aspie from a family of attention whores?
  • Reply 125 of 145
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,032member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    What am I supposed to say when you guys just tell me lies about myself and my life? It's insulting to me, and it shows stupidity and blindness on your end. You all like to just band together and agree on negative opinions of me. What's the point? They aren't true

    First, no one is lying. They are independently reacting to your hubris and displaced anger. No one is banding together, except in your mind...which I believe falls under "paranoia."


    No, I did not pay women to hand my business cards out.

    Then why did they do it?


    Yes, I played pieces by Bach and Mozart (and other composers), by ear on the piano at age three, with no lessons. Check my youtube channel for videos of it. I just put them up a few days ago. macgeek2005 is my channel.

    I saw it. You appear quite talented. I don't think anyone is disputing that. But the problem is you're immature and angry at the world. You're exaggerating your own talents and place in life for purposes of stroking your ego. You appear convinced that for you, there is a shortcut to success. "I don't need to study with a composer....I already did that for six months! I write film scores now! I can improvise at the piano and play in cocktail bars! I'm really going places...just you watch! I'm not going to follow the way of the world...I'm home schooled and better than all those public-ed slobs who think that it actually takes a long time to be successful! OMG they are so brainwashed!"

    But there are no shortcuts, especially in the field you are trying to break into.
  • Reply 126 of 145
    Originally Posted by thehellgate911 View Post

    First, no one is lying. They are independently reacting to your hubris and displaced anger. No one is banding together, except in your mind...which I believe falls under "paranoia."

    Then why did they do it?

    I saw it. You appear quite talented. I don't think anyone is disputing that. But the problem is you're immature and angry at the world. You're exaggerating your own talents and place in life for purposes of stroking your ego. You appear convinced that for you, there is a shortcut to success. "I don't need to study with a composer....I already did that for six months! I write film scores now! I can improvise at the piano and play in cocktail bars! I'm really going places...just you watch! I'm not going to follow the way of the world...I'm home schooled and better than all those public-ed slobs who think that it actually takes a long time to be successful! OMG they are so brainwashed!"

    But there are no shortcuts, especially in the field you are trying to break into.

    They handed out my business cards because they loved me and my playing, and they wanted to help publicize me. I know that may be hard to believe, but i'm a very lovable, charismatic person in reality. And I come across extremely humble.

    I am currently studying composition with a professor from the University of Victoria, BC. I know I have a lot to learn.. I never said i'm done studying.
  • Reply 127 of 145
    dudditsduddits Posts: 260member
    Hey Lennon,

    Just curious. Why did you start this thread?

    And what did you hope to get out of it?

  • Reply 128 of 145
    hardeeharharhardeeharhar Posts: 4,841member
    Originally Posted by thehellgate911 View Post

    They handed out my business cards because they loved me and my playing, and they wanted to help publicize me.


    They luuuuuved you.... right... how did they get the cards to begin with? you didn't just happen to hand them over and ask that they pass them out by any chance?


    I know that may be hard to believe, but i'm a very lovable, charismatic person in reality. And I come across extremely humble.

    oh, i am sure that your autistic sub-semi-coherent ramblings attract people all over the place. As for you coming across humble... well that's a mistaken interpretation on the part of those other people -- you should correct them on their ill-informed judgment, after all you wouldn't want THEM to think something about you that isn't true...

  • Reply 129 of 145
    I've seen pianists at Nordstrom that are better than him. None of them ever had business cards either...
  • Reply 130 of 145
    Originally Posted by Duddits View Post

    Hey Lennon,

    Just curious. Why did you start this thread?

    And what did you hope to get out of it?


    I started it to draw some attention to my new music video.

    I guess I had hoped to push people's buttons. Keep in mind that I started this thread months ago, and i'd never start a thread like this now. I'm kind of a different person now. That's what i've been trying to explain to everybody.

    Originally Posted by hardeeharhar View Post


    They luuuuuved you.... right... how did they get the cards to begin with? you didn't just happen to hand them over and ask that they pass them out by any chance?

    oh, i am sure that your autistic sub-semi-coherent ramblings attract people all over the place. As for you coming across humble... well that's a mistaken interpretation on the part of those other people -- you should correct them on their ill-informed judgment, after all you wouldn't want THEM to think something about you that isn't true...

    I sent you a PM. I'd like to resolve this if you're willing.
  • Reply 131 of 145
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    I would like to chime in with my opinion for mr hellgate.

    As none of us know you personally, we can only go by the information you provide us with when we form an opinion. From what I can see thus far, you are a gifted musician. That much is not in doubt, and I dont think any reasonable assessment from anyone here would question that.

    Some people here are being a bit mean and a bit unfair - and it would be wise of those people to remember that you are not even an adult yet, and when they respond to you, it would be better if they remembered that given your age, they should cut you a bit of slack, and remember what we were all like at 17, when you are full of enthusiasm, the centre of the universe and full of youthful bravado.

    I would also agree with you on some of the more political points you raised at the start of this thread - to a degree.

    However, what will come for you in time, is that you have had a very different upbringing from most of the people you will ever meet in this world.

    You are to some degree right, that public education is a brainwashing machine, but theres a reason for that, just like there is a reason for every system and institution ever created.

    My take on this is that the systems are mediocre, because that isthe upmost best that 95% of people in the world will ever be. For the other 5%, the systems exist to show us what we dont want to be, some of us will rise above the common mediocrity, rebel against the system, become artist, leaders, influential etc. (But I would say that wouldn't I?) But few of us have the capability to do that - and if they tried would fall flat on their faces an become even less than mediocre. These systems exist because people generally are quite shit, and need guidance - any guidance, to perform daily functions, even if it means living a life not knowing of their brainwashing. In reality its better for them - and us - that they dont know. Those of us with natural questioning insight, will wake up, and become more conscious - and that will happen regardless of whether its home schooling, state schooling, or no schooling whatsoever.

    What I think you are falling down at the moment, is not realising that just because you recognise something, doesn't mean you are immune to it. You have been subject to the same cultivation, shaping, and dare I say it brainwashing - albeit from a different source, as the rest of us. That's not said in a demeaning sense.

    You have been somewhat lucky in that you have had 110% attention and commitment from your parents, who obviously wanted to do the best for you and give you the best start in life. There is no doubt that you are intelligent, and a gifted musician, and you may be all the things you claim - humble, charming etc.

    But while I think there are a few unfair and mean comments here, you really have been a bit naive in how you presented yourself. This is a mac forum, so by default, we are going to be a creative bunch in some way, and while there is always going to be a bit of playful competition between artists, I think most of us appreciate artistic talent and want to see like fellows do well.

    Perhaps it would be an idea to ponder the thought, that there can only be a very limited number of talented people in the world in any certain area. Obviously yours is musicianship, and its in your favour that everyone is not as wonderful as you, because then there would be no place for you.

    I know you have to be a pushy, in your face, determined, ambitious person to get on in this world, but there is a time and place for that, and it probably isn't in a relaxed liberal forum like this. If you want people to credit you for your skill, you could have done that without merging it with a political bias - you have to remember that 99% of the people you meet will have gone through state schooling, so in effect telling them they're brainwashed and expecting praise for your talent isn't going to get you anywhere.

    Be aware that 95% of the 99% dont even know that state schooling is paramount to a degree of conformist, mediocre brainwashing - and that they would rather not know anyway even if its totally true. Look up 'cognitive dissonance', go on. Understand?

    You might have rightly or wrongly discovered what most people dont want to know. Something I've found valuable to me, is after discovering certain knowledge, analysing my life and seeing if I can spot the influences and areas of my life where I was subject to, and subconsciously accepted all the things I rally against.

    Perhaps look upon your life and upbringing and see if you can identify the areas where you are subject to the same things you rally against. If you cant identify anything, you are completely lying, because every single one of us develops mistruths about reality and has a false sense of what the truth is.

    This thread has gone horribly wrong for you, though I suspect you will say its all our fault for not knowing, being quick to misjudge etc etc - but you have to shoulder some of the blame for this too. Where did you go wrong? Why did it go wrong? And if you still think that everyone else is to blame, I would suggest you formulate a strategy of how to relate too, and deal with ordinary people, in an ordinary world, because 99% of the people you'll ever meet will be, probably worse than us. Remember - you are, and have been in a pretty protective bubble all your life. Things will get completely different for you soon, and if you've no insight into how ordinary people respond - everything you try to do will be 10 times harder for you.
  • Reply 132 of 145
    Originally Posted by MarcUK View Post

    I would like to chime in with my opinion for mr hellgate.

    As none of us know you personally, we can only go by the information you provide us with when we form an opinion. From what I can see thus far, you are a gifted musician. That much is not in doubt, and I dont think any reasonable assessment from anyone here would question that.

    Some people here are being a bit mean and a bit unfair - and it would be wise of those people to remember that you are not even an adult yet, and when they respond to you, it would be better if they remembered that given your age, they should cut you a bit of slack, and remember what we were all like at 17, when you are full of enthusiasm, the centre of the universe and full of youthful bravado.

    I would also agree with you on some of the more political points you raised at the start of this thread - to a degree.

    However, what will come for you in time, is that you have had a very different upbringing from most of the people you will ever meet in this world.

    You are to some degree right, that public education is a brainwashing machine, but theres a reason for that, just like there is a reason for every system and institution ever created.

    What I think you are falling down at the moment, is not realising that just because you recognise something, doesn't mean you are immune to it. You have been subject to the same cultivation, shaping, and dare I say it brainwashing - albeit from a different source, as the rest of us. That's not said in a demeaning sense.

    You have been somewhat lucky in that you have had 110% attention and commitment from your parents, who obviously wanted to do the best for you and give you the best start in life. There is no doubt that you are intelligent, and a gifted musician, and you may be all the things you claim - humble, charming etc.

    But while I think there are a few unfair and mean comments here, you really have been a bit naive in how you presented yourself. This is a mac forum, so by default, we are going to be a creative bunch in some way, and while there is always going to be a bit of playful competition between artists, I think most of us appreciate artistic talent and want to see like fellows do well.

    Perhaps it would be an idea to ponder the thought, that there can only be a very limited number of talented people in the world in any certain area. Obviously yours is musicianship, and its in your favour that everyone is not as wonderful as you, because then there would be no place for you.

    I know you have to be a pushy, in your face, determined, ambitious person to get on in this world, but there is a time and place for that, and it probably isn't in a relaxed liberal forum like this. If you want people to credit you for your skill, you could have done that without merging it with a political bias - you have to remember that 99% of the people you meet will have gone through state schooling, so in effect telling them they're brainwashed and expecting praise for your talent isn't going to get you anywhere.

    Be aware that 95% of the 99% dont even know that state schooling is paramount to a degree of conformist, mediocre brainwashing - and that they would rather not know anyway even if its totally true. Look up 'cognitive dissonance', go on. Understand?

    You might have rightly or wrongly discovered what most people dont want to know. Something I've found valuable to me, is after discovering certain knowledge, analysing my life and seeing if I can spot the influences and areas of my life where I was subject to, and subconsciously accepted all the things I rally against.

    Perhaps look upon your life and upbringing and see if you can identify the areas where you are subject to the same things you rally against. If you cant identify anything, you are completely lying, because every single one of us develops mistruths about reality and has a false sense of what the truth is.

    This thread has gone horribly wrong for you, though I suspect you will say its all our fault for not knowing, being quick to misjudge etc etc - but you have to shoulder some of the blame for this too. Where did you go wrong? Why did it go wrong? And if you still think that everyone else is to blame, I would suggest you formulate a strategy of how to relate too, and deal with ordinary people, in an ordinary world, because 99% of the people you'll ever meet will be, probably worse than us. Remember - you are, and have been in a pretty protective bubble all your life. Things will get completely different for you soon, and if you've no insight into how ordinary people respond - everything you try to do will be 10 times harder for you.

    Thank you. You are so right on in everything that you said. I don't really have anything to say in response. Just.. thank you. I myself was quoted a few months ago saying "When you are noticing how easily others fall victim to brainwash, always consider the possibility that you are being outsmarted too." So what you said about that really resonated with me. A post like yours can really make the difference between success and failure in my upcoming endeavors.

    Thank you.
  • Reply 133 of 145
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    Originally Posted by thehellgate911 View Post

    Thank you. You are so right on in everything that you said. I don't really have anything to say in response. Just.. thank you. I myself was quoted a few months ago saying "When you are noticing how easily others fall victim to brainwash, always consider the possibility that you are being outsmarted too." So what you said about that really resonated with me. A post like yours can really make the difference between success and failure in my upcoming endeavors.

    Thank you.

    no probs. Now stop fucking around in a stupid forum and go out and become the person you are meant to be.

  • Reply 134 of 145
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member
    Originally Posted by 709 View Post

    You need to stop trying to impress invisible people on the internet and go get a friend or get laid. Hopefully you can do at least one of those without involving your mother.

    I'm a little late to this reply, but..


  • Reply 135 of 145
    Originally Posted by thehellgate911 View Post

    A post like yours can really make the difference between success and failure in my upcoming endeavors.

    Thank you.

    Are you mad? There should be NO mechanism by which an anonymous post on the internet can make any difference in the path your life takes.

  • Reply 136 of 145
    Originally Posted by hardeeharhar View Post

    Are you mad? There should be NO mechanism by which an anonymous post on the internet can make any difference in the path your life takes.


    Thank you. That's a valuable reminder as well. I will stop caring. It doesn't mean that I can't find some value in MarcUK's post.
  • Reply 137 of 145
    Originally Posted by 709 View Post

    What does that picture mean?
  • Reply 138 of 145
    Your newfound "enlightenment" and self-realization carries as much weight as a death row inmate finding salvation through Jesus.

    The fact is, whether you know it or not, your behavior has repeated itself over and over. You make an outlandish post, people respond negatively, you defend yourself for awhile, then threaten to leave, then come to a "realization", and soon after, VOILA! You're a new man!

    This isn't the first time you've done something like this, and I seriously doubt it will be your last.
  • Reply 139 of 145
    dudditsduddits Posts: 260member
    Originally Posted by thehellgate911 View Post

    I started it to draw some attention to my new music video.

    I guess I had hoped to push people's buttons. Keep in mind that I started this thread months ago, and i'd never start a thread like this now. I'm kind of a different person now. That's what i've been trying to explain to everybody.

    If true, good for you! Live and learn! Better to take risks and have them backfire and grow from that than to live a boring and safe existence! Seriously. Also, I think when you presented yourself and your video, you misjudged the responders and therefore the response. This is not a hotel lobby full of tipsy ladies pocketing your card. That certainly doesn’t describe me.

    I’m a musician. I wish I could disclose more about my background in this forum, but I can’t. For the moment, please give me the benefit of the doubt (although you’re free to believe whatever you like… I have no stake in convincing anyone of anything, but just want to give the following comments context). By the way, I’d also be happy to discuss any musical issue that you like.

    I’m very familiar with the sort of things young talented musicians do as part of their advancement and I have a pretty good basis to compare you with others. Also, I often work with and hire other musicians and sometimes unpaid interns as assistants. I get requests from high school dropouts to graduates of prestigious universities, to musicians with established careers.

    Without question, you’re not at the level that I would accept even as an unpaid intern. You’re not advanced enough, musically or technically.

    Technologically (since this is a tech forum after all), I’m not sure how familiar you are with music software (Logic, ProTools, Sibelius, Finale), but there is always a need for musical elves fluent in them. I think you’ll find that in the film world of L.A., for example, there are a variety of opportunities for aspiring composers to work in the stables of experienced composers, and work with these applications… arranging and preparing scores and parts, proofreading, recording, etc. This isn’t a bad way to go, and many assistants work their way up from these positions. You don’t sound easy to work with in this thread, but as you said, that may not represent who you are. If you are genuinely charming and humble, finding these kind of opportunities in L.A. is not a bad way to begin. You might want to start getting proficient with these tools… really proficient, whether for your own music production or for assisting others.

    Beyond the tools – which anyone can learn and are ultimately not all that important – I also look for people with a more developed musical skill set than you have. Whether it’s someone who produces music in popular styles, or creates notated scores for acoustic ensembles, your music is not (yet) at the level that makes you musically interesting to me or helpful in my work.

    There are many talented young composers who can ape classical styles like you do (and better) and impress friends, relatives, and crowds in hotel lobbies. But beyond that, while it shows you have a good ear, it's just the beginning. That’s why I’ve repeatedly advocated you consider the type of environments that would allow you to develop your talent. This is where your mother’s philosophy, as attractive as it may be, and ingrained in your very being to the core, can work against your self-interest. If you are happy doing what you are doing, then there is no need to change a thing. But if you want to gain access to higher level projects, work with great musicians, ensembles, recording artists, directors… you have to improve, and there are places that exist to help you do just that. Many are called "schools."

    Your brother, for example, is studying with exactly the right teacher. But I’m not sure if the same is true with you. It doesn’t sound like you have an equivalent champion helping you advance. I get that your parents are nurturing and supportive, but if you are serious about a musical career, you need an environment in which you interact with other talented young musicians (at higher levels than you're used to), great teachers, and get involved in interesting projects. You shouldn’t be playing schlock in a hotel lobby or fooled by the response. There's just something about you that sounds like you're slipping through the cracks.

    Finally, there’s the whole genius complex. Please loose that once and for all! I swear it gets in your way more than you can imagine. I know some musicians with genius complexes who deserve it (musicians who are truly world-renowned), and even with them it’s like an ugly wart on their face. On the other hand, almost every musician I know who I would consider a genius, musicians who have won the top accolades the field has to offer and are truly extraordinary, would never in a million years present themselves with the sort of braggadocio that you have. Again, as MarkUK said, perhaps that’s youthful exuberance. But someone who presents themselves as a genius is more often than not telling others that they are not. Apple Store "Genius Bars" notwithstanding, even the word has ugly overtones!

    And... you're not a genius! You're not! But who cares? You're talented and if you develop your talent and work hard, you have a shot at the kind of career you want and maybe, just maybe, create something that others find worthwhile. Often less talented artists surpass their more talented peers by virtue of hard work. But without perspective, training, and hard work, impeded by the self-inflicted wound of a genius complex, you may find yourself handing out cards in hotel lobbies more than you anticipated.

    Again, good luck. All of this is meant to be helpful, not harsh!
  • Reply 140 of 145
    709709 Posts: 2,016member
    Originally Posted by thehellgate911 View Post

    What does that picture mean?

    Penelope Aldort.
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