First builds of Mac OS X 10.5.1 pack over two dozen fixes



  • Reply 21 of 111
    Sorry to b*tch in my first ever post, but though you might be interested see a few of these, and maybe share tales of your own...

    1. Inconsistent finder functionality. Yeah, coverflow is fun for about 3 minutes. I just get fed up of finder loading all of my icon previews as I scroll down my photo folders (seriously...why not read ahead. I'm using a 2.16GHz 1st gen MBP btw). But most concerning of all - enter one of your folders set to icon view and click through to one set up for list view. Now click the back button - wow! they've all changed to list view, even if you get back to your icon view folder. Not good.

    2. Dock. Really rubbish. EyeTV used to minimise to a cool miniature live TV icon - now it's just a static image. Other folders minimised to the dock only freeze on the first picture and it's impossible to see what they're supposed to be. And no 2D/3D selection icon? Please... I was also hoping for the possibility to lose any background from the dock and just have icons 'hanging in space'.

    3. Safari. Why can't i choose to have safari in tabbed browsing view all the time like version 2? I really hate having my screen jump down when I first open a tab. If it ain't broke - why fix it? At least make it a user selectable option.

    4. Mail. Don't get me started. No option to download all my old mails from .mac, poor poor quality syncing. I can't even be bothered with the HTML eye-candy until all the rest of it's fixed.

    5. Spaces. What, no separate backgrounds for each space?

    6. Pretty much what everyone else has been saying.

    That's all for now - see if you find number 1 as annoying as I do.
  • Reply 22 of 111
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    I'll probably upgrade to Leo when .1 is released and after I see how it is received by users here. Recently I was at the Apple store in Orlando and was able to play around with some Macs with Leopard. Although I spent limited time on the machines I liked what I saw. As far as the dock and menu bar issues, they seem overdoene to me. I had no trouble 'seeing' and doing what I wanted to do.

    As soon as some bugs are worked out I ready.

    Does anyone know if there are any HP printer issues with Leopard? I've not read of any but all the printers I use with my MBP are HP.

    I have two Photosmart printers (a 7660 as the local printer on my girlfriend's mini and a 8450 networked on the AirPort) both are working beautifully.
  • Reply 23 of 111
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by skottichan View Post

    I have two Photosmart printers (a 7660 as the local printer on my girlfriend's mini and a 8450 networked on the AirPort) both are working beautifully.

    That's good to hear. Thanks.
  • Reply 24 of 111
    boazboaz Posts: 5member
    Almost 16,000 read the Airport thread on the Apple discussion board and almost 400 people posted issues with Airport under Leopard

    Does Apple choose to ignore it? Ever since I upgraded my MBP my Airport connection goes down periodically and the only way to restore it is rebooting. My iMac has been upgraded the same day and since then did not have any Airport issues...
  • Reply 25 of 111
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by Neruda View Post

    Can I make the Leopard Finder look like Tiger's?

    Wow you need help to get off your crack addiction. Who'd want that?
  • Reply 26 of 111
    Originally Posted by Neruda View Post

    Menu Bar Transparency: useless, makes the menu bar harder to see in certain circumstances (depending on your background).

    Finder: In Tiger, the categories (Networks, MacHD, Desktop) were clearly separated, the icons are much bigger and easier to see.

    Leopard Dock: Don't even get me started.


    Stick with Tiger if you dont like it.

    A lot of people like it and some thing just take time to get used to. How can you seriously pass judgment on something from only using it for such a short period of time. Of course when you use something that is the same for years and then switch its going to seem strange for a while. That doesn't mean its worse.
  • Reply 27 of 111
    That whole sentence made me shudder a little. I do not believe the loss of hierarchal folders in the dock is a good evolution, and i don't think stacks are superior. They're a neat toy, and a generally good idea, I do use them. I would however love a right click contextual menu (and of course a corresponding menu option), to disable and enable stacks on the fly. A "Make a Stack" checkbox so i can turn them off and on at will.

    Originally Posted by buddha View Post

    Why would you want to replace these superior GUI qualities with those of an inferior one?

  • Reply 28 of 111
    kcmackcmac Posts: 1,051member
    Leopard is awesome on both of our machines. Bring on the updates! Sweet.
  • Reply 29 of 111
    nerudaneruda Posts: 440member
    Originally Posted by MacSuperiority View Post


    Stick with Tiger if you dont like it.

    That was exactly my point. Perhaps you were too busy cursing and missed it. BTW, the GUI is not my only complaint. Leopard is considerably slower on my Macbook than Tiger was. So I won't install it on my MacBook Pro until I feel some of these issues are resolved.

    Originally Posted by MacSuperiority View Post

    A lot of people like it and some thing just take time to get used to. How can you seriously pass judgment on something from only using it for such a short period of time. Of course when you use something that is the same for years and then switch its going to seem strange for a while. That doesn't mean its worse.

    Um, for me it is. I realize that this is my opinion and that you obviously disagree, but that doesn't make your point of view the correct one. As you said, some people like it, others don't. I happen to think that freaking dock reflections, transparencies...etc are useless, perhaps you don't. Cool.

    You must LOVE Vista.
  • Reply 30 of 111
    nerudaneruda Posts: 440member
    Originally Posted by telusman View Post

    That whole sentence made me shudder a little. I do not believe the loss of hierarchal folders in the dock is a good evolution, and i don't think stacks are superior. They're a neat toy, and a generally good idea, I do use them. I would however love a right click contextual menu (and of course a corresponding menu option), to disable and enable stacks on the fly. A "Make a Stack" checkbox so i can turn them off and on at will.

    Exactly. This is a step backwards for some (and many of us will sorely miss this functionality).

    Apple: FTFD! The D stands for Dock.
  • Reply 31 of 111
    nerudaneruda Posts: 440member
    Originally Posted by ecking View Post

    Wow you need help to get off your crack addiction. Who'd want that?

    I'll get off the crack when you get off the Kool Aid.

    Can people actually have a cogent discussion on the pro/cons of an issue without resorting to cursing and ad hominem attacks? I don't like certain things about Leopard so I must be smoking crack. So anyone that disagrees with you is smoking crack then, right? If you really believe that than guess who's the one doing drugs. It ain't me.
  • Reply 32 of 111
    kaiwaikaiwai Posts: 246member
    Originally Posted by scotty321 View Post

    Horrible changes which have made Leopard completely unusable for us and many others... yet Apple refuses to ignore these issues.

    So what you're actually saying there is that Apple isn't ignoring the issues, and instead, addressing them.
  • Reply 33 of 111
    chris vchris v Posts: 460member
    Originally Posted by MacSuperiority View Post


    Stick with Tiger if you dont like it.

    Sounds like a plan! I've been checking out the app incompatibility list, and it's pretty damn major, too. Use Adobe CS products? Then don't bother with 10.5, from what I've read. Quark 6? Ditto.

    I don't have $1000.00 to shell out on app upgrades to make things work with the new

    OS, so I guess it's 10.4 for me for a good while.
  • Reply 34 of 111
    I can't believe how many complainers there on here. There are always going to be problems with a new OS release. It is time to stand up and embrace change. Without change life would be boring. Change is the only thing constant in this Universe. Apple will take care of the problems. Out of all Apple's OS releases this is the best upgrade I have ever experienced.

  • Reply 35 of 111
    Call me cynical but I am so happy that there are those people who will jump on the first version of anything that rolls out of Cupertino. They get to do my troubleshooting and "beta" testing for me. Saves me the trouble. I had said from the time Leopard was announced that I would wait for 10.5.2 at least before buying. Looks like I was right.
  • Reply 36 of 111
    areseearesee Posts: 776member
    Originally Posted by Wellinator View Post

    I can't believe how many complainers there on here. There are always going to be problems with a new OS release. It is time to stand up and embrace change. Without change life would be boring. Change is the only thing constant in this Universe. Apple will take care of the problems. Out of all Apple's OS releases this is the best upgrade I have ever experienced.

    Change, people just don't like changes. All you can do is sit back quietly and wait. In a couple of weeks the complainers will quiet down and start saying how great everything is.
  • Reply 37 of 111
    sjksjk Posts: 603member
    Originally Posted by telusman View Post

    I do not believe the loss of hierarchal folders in the dock is a good evolution, ?

    After getting used to accessing them from a Finder contextual menu with the FolderGlance plugin I wondered if they really ever belonged in the Dock at all.

    With FG it takes a slight bit of menu navigation after a right-click to reach a desired folder compared to being there immediately with the pre-10.5 Dock right-click, but having Finder Desktop and window backgrounds is a larger and easier right-click target (for me) than shuffling the mouse to Dock folders.

    Anyone bemoaning the loss of hierarchical Dock folders in Leopard should consider trying FG as an alternative. Took me about a day to get used to it (on Tiger; Leopard's not ready enough for me yet) and now the Dock access method seems obsolete (though still of value on systems without FG installed, of course).
  • Reply 38 of 111
    Originally Posted by charleski View Post


    I hope Apple ignores all the nonsensical hysteria over the dock and focuses on getting the far more serious networking/AirPort issues fixed.

    Exactly! Hey look! My folders are back!

    What's this big gaping security hole? Who cares?! My folders are back!
  • Reply 39 of 111
    elrothelroth Posts: 1,201member
    Originally Posted by aresee View Post

    Change, people just don't like changes. All you can do is sit back quietly and wait. In a couple of weeks the complainers will quiet down and start saying how great everything is.

    You obviously don't have thousands of folders nested eight or more levels deep and need to get in and out of them all the time. How would you do it? Let's see... click on a stack, then move the mouse and click on the first level, then move the mouse and double click on the second level, then move the mouse and double click... Get the point? Stacks are worthless for those of us who have this kind of workflow. (Spotlight isn't the answer either). And no, we will not "get used to it" in a couple of weeks. It's a non-starter, and why many of us who are wanting new computers now won't buy them until there is a fix (which could be as simple as Apple adding back in the old functionality).
  • Reply 40 of 111
    Originally Posted by telusman View Post

    That whole sentence made me shudder a little. I do not believe the loss of hierarchal folders in the dock is a good evolution, and i don't think stacks are superior. They're a neat toy, and a generally good idea, I do use them. I would however love a right click contextual menu (and of course a corresponding menu option), to disable and enable stacks on the fly. A "Make a Stack" checkbox so i can turn them off and on at will.

    Amen to this. Stacks is indeed an interesting function. I'm really looking forward to it. BUT, it is no replacement to hierarchical (contextual menu) folders. I used this functionality in OS 9 and OS X Tiger, and now they want to remove it in Leopard? Try to efficiently navigate 70+ nested folders from the dock using stacks. Heck, post a screen shot of how you do this. I'd be curious to see just how well this works.

    ...really, post a screen shot. Please?....\

    Oh, and P.S... To those who might label me as a complainer, I'm not complaining. Just voicing my opinion. I brag on Apple all the time, but I believe that through feedback, they can make even better products. Leopard is awesome! I can't wait! I am ready to 'embrace the change.' But I want to use Apple's super-fast turnaround time on improvements and updates to my advantage. Apple knows how to listen, and that's one of the reasons why I love them.
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