First builds of Mac OS X 10.5.1 pack over two dozen fixes



  • Reply 41 of 111
    bwikbwik Posts: 565member
    I am really enjoying Leopard. It looks really pretty and the new features look cool.

    OF COURSE IT HAS BUGS!!!.... it is a new architecture. It was ready for public release. That DOES NOT MEAN it is ready for mission-critical apps. Wait until 10.5.3 at minimum for mission critical apps. Until then, Lepoard will not match Tiger for stability. Obviously! But I still think it's a very promising new product.

    All you whiners who complain about the methods of the WORLD'S BEST OS MAKER can just go straight to hell. Your complaints are ill founded. It's the best in the world, deal with it. Surely you have worse problems. 10.5 is a toy for now, a very nice and pretty toy. Don't be so quick to complain about the world's OS master. Dock folders or whatever are an easy add-on and not a strong or lasting criticism of 10.5.
  • Reply 42 of 111
    just mentioning it, goodness, sorry for having an opinion..
  • Reply 43 of 111
    [QUOTE= 3. Safari. Why can't i choose to have safari in tabbed browsing view all the time like version 2? I really hate having my screen jump down when I first open a tab. If it ain't broke - why fix it? At least make it a user selectable option.[/QUOTE]

    Just so you know, you can still do this. Open up a single window, then go to the View Menu, and select "show tab bar". From now on, even after restarting safari, you'll have your cherished tab bar, even when you only have one window open.
  • Reply 44 of 111
    [QUOTE= 3. Safari. Why can't i choose to have safari in tabbed browsing view all the time like version 2? I really hate having my screen jump down when I first open a tab. If it ain't broke - why fix it? At least make it a user selectable option.[/QUOTE]

    Just so you know, you can still do this. Open up a single window, then go to the View Menu, and select "show tab bar". From now on, even after restarting safari, you'll have your cherished tab bar, even when you only have one window open.
  • Reply 45 of 111
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Although there are some valid points in this thread, someone has to do it:

  • Reply 46 of 111
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by Squozen View Post

    Spaces works just fine with the 10.4-style (and superior) dock.

    They do? You have copied the Dock application from 10.4 and replaced the 10.5 Dock application with it? And Spaces still work? I think not.

    Originally Posted by Wellinator View Post

    I can't believe how many complainers there on here. There are always going to be problems with a new OS release. It is time to stand up and embrace change. Without change life would be boring. Change is the only thing constant in this Universe. Apple will take care of the problems. Out of all Apple's OS releases this is the best upgrade I have ever experienced.

    Change for changes sake is not helpful. There are plenty of legitimate complaints about the 3-D dock. At least you can easily make it 2-D with a terminal command. But why not expose that option in the GUI?

    And stacks - nice idea for some things, but why did they replace the normal hierarchical folder view? Why can't the user choose? Sometimes stacks will be best, sometimes the old way.

    For the record, I don't even use folders in my dock, but at least I'm not so blinkered I can't understand other people's legitimate complaints.

    Originally Posted by bwik View Post

    All you whiners who complain about the methods of the WORLD'S BEST OS MAKER can just go straight to hell. Your complaints are ill founded.

    Your brain is ill-founded. You are the perfect example of the worst kind of "Apple-can-do-no-wrong-fanboy".
  • Reply 47 of 111
    ikirikir Posts: 130member
    Originally Posted by scotty321 View Post

    It's a real shame that Apple has chosen to ignore the SERIOUS problems with the "folder side" of the dock in Leopard, and has chosen not to fix any of these dock problems. Namely, the loss of hierarchical navigation in folders, the loss of folders' abilities to display custom icons (without a tedious workaround), and the ability to turn OFF stacks. Horrible changes which have made Leopard completely unusable for us and many others... yet Apple refuses to ignore these issues.

    Not to mention the fact that all the "special folders" in the Finder now look exactly the same. Absolutely horrendous decisions from somebody at Apple... most likely Steve Jobs, who is not a power user of Mac OS X and is now catering the operating system to beginners by stripping away features from advanced users.

    What are the problems about the dock? I'm just asking, for me stacks are are perfect since i can open the directory if i want.
  • Reply 48 of 111
    ikirikir Posts: 130member
    Originally Posted by Jeremy Brown View Post

    Just so you know, you can still do this. Open up a single window, then go to the View Menu, and select "show tab bar". From now on, even after restarting safari, you'll have your cherished tab bar, even when you only have one window open.

    Indeed. Guys, use the program before whine.
  • Reply 49 of 111
    ikirikir Posts: 130member
    Originally Posted by starrius View Post

    Call me cynical but I am so happy that there are those people who will jump on the first version of anything that rolls out of Cupertino. They get to do my troubleshooting and "beta" testing for me. Saves me the trouble. I had said from the time Leopard was announced that I would wait for 10.5.2 at least before buying. Looks like I was right.

    It depends, i didn't have a single problem but even if i did, Leoapard is a great experience, on my machine is evene faster than Tiger and i love some of the new features.

    Guys Apple don't do miracles, leoaprd is incredibly stable and complete but some bugs are in for sure.
  • Reply 50 of 111
    ikirikir Posts: 130member
    Originally Posted by bwik View Post

    I am really enjoying Leopard. It looks really pretty and the new features look cool.

    OF COURSE IT HAS BUGS!!!.... it is a new architecture. It was ready for public release. That DOES NOT MEAN it is ready for mission-critical apps. Wait until 10.5.3 at minimum for mission critical apps. Until then, Lepoard will not match Tiger for stability. Obviously! But I still think it's a very promising new product.

    All you whiners who complain about the methods of the WORLD'S BEST OS MAKER can just go straight to hell. Your complaints are ill founded. It's the best in the world, deal with it. Surely you have worse problems. 10.5 is a toy for now, a very nice and pretty toy. Don't be so quick to complain about the world's OS master. Dock folders or whatever are an easy add-on and not a strong or lasting criticism of 10.5.

    I totally agree. Nice to see someone misquote you to let you appear like a a fanboy. Mac users are whiners :-)
  • Reply 51 of 111
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by ikir View Post

    I totally agree. Nice to see someone misquote you to let you appear like a a fanboy. Mac users are whiners :-)

    I did not misquote him. Perhaps you cannot read. I quoted two full sentences from his post, unedited.

    Here they are again:

    Originally Posted by bwik View Post

    All you whiners who complain about the methods of the WORLD'S BEST OS MAKER can just go straight to hell. Your complaints are ill founded.

    Now, you can go back and forth between this and his own post, and verify that it is an exact quote, not a misquote.

    Perhaps you would like to explain what you think those two sentences mean? Because for me, the first sentence says "don't question Apple", i.e., they can do no wrong, and the second one states that the complaints are ill-founded.

    There is one ill-founded complaint in this thread. That is that Safari 3 doesn't have the ability to show the tab bar at all times; this has been shown to not be true. The other complaints - transparent menu bar, 3-D dock, stacks have replaced hierarchical folders in the dock, are well-founded, legitimate complaints. These three things have demonstrably reduced the efficiency of OS X's UI for some people.
  • Reply 52 of 111
    I've read the solution to my 'bug' number 3 (tabs in Safari) and offer a big thanks to Jeremy Brown who solved it. I guess it just wasn't in the place I was expecting (like Preferences>Tabs...who'da thunk it eh?).

    My other 4 'bugs' still stand though as do many of the others as you mention.

    And a number 6 from me - Shutting down my MBP now takes an extra 10 seconds before the chip whine dies down until I know it's truly died. If i close the lid any time before this, it goes into 'standby' mode with the slowly flashing power light...even though i selected 'shutdown' from the menu. Annoying.
  • Reply 53 of 111
    Originally Posted by elroth View Post

    You obviously don't have thousands of folders nested eight or more levels deep and need to get in and out of them all the time. How would you do it?

    Column view in the Finder?

    Selecting from 8 level nested hierarchical menus with thousands of items in them would drive me potty. Using folders in the dock has honestly never occurred to me as something even vaguely useful.

    Incidentally, for those of you that don't like the transparent menu bar, the answer is to use a Mac with an Nvidia 5200FX card in. It's solid grey on that. One would suspect there is a setting somewhere for that to be found.
  • Reply 54 of 111
    [QUOTE=MacSuperiority;1169717]THEN DON'T FUCKING USE IT!

    Stick with Tiger if you dont like it.

    I don't post often but this comment got me to log on again.

    In my opinion, Leopard wasn't quite ripe. I've been through lots of OS upgrades and seriously, this one surprised me.

    Can't sync iDisk. Disk Utility crashes (after it nearly toasts the processor). Firewire disks can't always mount. Icon stacking on dock folders is pretty lame.

    But hey, we bought the upgrade and the sum of all the Leopard headaches wouldn't come close to what a Vista user had to handle.
  • Reply 55 of 111
    guestguest Posts: 112member
    in replay to an earlier comment/several comments along this line.

    >>>1. Inconsistent finder functionality.

    This comes under the longstanding FTFF heading and things related to it - subsection finder metadata not being stored and/or honored at the directly level.

    things are alot better in Leopard but still not perfect - problem is Apple chooses not to "complicate" the user interface if you will with all the options/configuration settings needed to make everyone happy on this front, myself included -- this issue is considered at a zero priority level as the decision always comes down to simplicity over complexity (if and when apple finds a way to do both elegantly they add it to the OS - or at least that is the ideal).

    Personally I almost never use icon view so I mainly want my list view or column view windows & columns to stay the way I leave them or to be able to universally set them a certain way once and for all... yeah good luck

    >>> 2. Dock. Really rubbish.

    yup it is different than before yet with many of the same or similar deficiencies as the old dock, if you want to be a power user may I suggest trying DragThing out for size as even with hidden options enabled the dock is never going to please a small but vocal crowd of longtime mac users.

    Personally I would settle for more configuration preferences for the dock but then usability suffers when person B doesn't know how to operate person A's mac setup etc [Apple likes this kind of enforced consistency as they believe its in the best interest of the Brand]. It's the same thing whenever Apple chooses to "innovate" with the GUI and self consistency, certain nichés (some quite sizable) are emotionally/viscerally affected (but no one is about to switch back to windoze just yet are they?) -- purity is not about to happen nor should it, could it be better yes, it could always be better and I wish it was.

    >>>3. Safari. Why can't i choose to have safari in tabbed browsing view all the time like version 2?

    Here I have some relief for you, yes the preference is indeed gone but alas the last used setting (of the "Hide/Show Tab Bar" or CMD+Shift+T) is persistent so turn this on once and you should be set -- Apple decided this was a simplification if you will... Yes it is not exactly the same but logically if you want tab bars (as hopefully most do these days) you pretty much always want tab bars or you never want them if you follow that.

    4. Mail. Don't get me started. No option to download all my old mails from .mac, poor poor quality syncing. I can't even be bothered with the HTML eye-candy until all the rest of it's fixed.

    Mail is getting better incrementally, but you need to remember Apple likes to find ways to keep things relatively simple for the average user, mail is actually very advanced in many ways but some of its more advanced features (such as Rules) are not still not well exposed in the GUI at this point. Subtle things like Encryption and Signing has been built in for years, but relatively hard to get working as apple choose not to focus on these things. "downloading all your old mails from .mac" is actually possible assuming you have been leaving them on the server (it is IMAP) after all -- .Mac for me has always been slow but I suffer with it for the convience and integration/unique feature advantages -- iDisks access is always going to be hindered because the webdav protocol is far too interactive so any latency in your connection really hurts the real world performance which is not good to begin with.

    >>>5. Spaces. What, no separate backgrounds for each space?

    There are many options Apple could have implemented for spaces (perhaps some are available via the command line/plist settings?) but the main problem here is it is already a difficult concept that can be very confusing to use for many users (consider using spaces with 2 or more monitors for instance) .. [For instance try a newbie use spaces without its menu bar extra showing and watch the confusion]

    As a side note may I offer the suggestion of disabling spring loaded folders when using spaces and exposé - so that you have 100% manual control with the spacebar so that the user has time to think - just the way I like to configure it...

    6. Pretty much what everyone else has been saying.

    many of these issues will be patched in the next two point releases and some usability issues will be addressed by third parties as well - whether it be the translucent menu bar (already some hack jobs for this) or dock functionality -- for all those wishing the hierarchical menus come back in the dock I don't see that as likely unless apple chooses to abandon its fans and stacks which i see as really unlikely -- my suggestion would be to try using the dock from tiger to see if you can live with it instead -- /System/Library/CoreServices/ is where you will find -- I realize this is a sucky option but if the dock is you main issue with Leopard I think you might just want to try to adapt/change or suffer with this hackjob until something in leopard 10.5.7 breaks it - leopard has so much goodness that its worth putting up with a few "unnecessary changes" I guess you would call it.
  • Reply 56 of 111
    guestguest Posts: 112member
    Originally Posted by NanoAkron View Post

    I've read the solution to my 'bug' number 3 (tabs in Safari) and offer a big thanks to Jeremy Brown who solved it. I guess it just wasn't in the place I was expecting (like Preferences>Tabs...who'da thunk it eh?).

    My other 4 'bugs' still stand though as do many of the others as you mention.

    And a number 6 from me - Shutting down my MBP now takes an extra 10 seconds before the chip whine dies down until I know it's truly died. If i close the lid any time before this, it goes into 'standby' mode with the slowly flashing power light...even though i selected 'shutdown' from the menu. Annoying.

    whoops i forgot to submit my reply for about 5 hours but none the less there you have it..

    as for your new number 6 I can't say for sure exactly what is happening on you mac but i beleive any time you give up at shutdown has likely been more than won back at startup.

    For what it is worth have you gotten into a regular usage case with leopard yet so that startup/shutdown times have stabilized and spotlight is fully up to date index wise (there is a bug fix coming in 10.5.1 that related to spotlight indexing and disk utility in particular if your wondering why permissions repair is so sluggish)
  • Reply 57 of 111
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by hypoluxa View Post

    yea! I think I will wait just for a few more dot releases before I convert over fulltime... I did enjoy using 10.5 momentarily though.

    That was my plan too. I have a 'Super Duper, clone of my Tiger drive prior to update and have had to boot off this a couple of times to run something that won't work in Leopard. However, after Leopard, going back to Tiger seemed like going back to OS 9! It seems antiquated and so much slower. So now I am staying with 10.5.0, bugs and all.

    The main problem I have experienced with Leo is the Finder hanging up on occasions and a failure to be able to quit even with Force Quit. This after running certain FTP related apps I think but it is hard to say as I multi-task all the time. The OS has so far recovered from a few hard shut downs ok but it is a worry. Now I write this I realize I better try a Super Duper clone of my current Leopard boot drive immediately! I assume it will clone?
  • Reply 58 of 111
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Now I write this I realize I better try a Super Duper clone of my current Leopard boot drive immediately! I assume it will clone?

    I thought super duper didn't work play nice with Leo. Have they released a version that is compatible with Leo? That's one of the things holding me back from Leo.
  • Reply 59 of 111
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by MuncyWeb View Post

    Amen to this. Stacks is indeed an interesting function. I'm really looking forward to it. BUT, it is no replacement to hierarchical (contextual menu) folders. I used this functionality in OS 9 and OS X Tiger, and now they want to remove it in Leopard? Try to efficiently navigate 70+ nested folders from the dock using stacks..

    I am no whiner: I love Apple and Leopard ... This is my only really negative comment too. I suspect either Apple will restore this ability or there will be (maybe already is) a third party add on to give us this back.

    I have So many apps I use daily for my multi-media work that the Dock is reserved for just a few main items like Mail and Safari. All Adobe CS3, all Apple Pro, Quicktime related, Server Admin, FTP stuff, etc. were in nested folders accessed from various pop up folders in the dock in Tiger.

    Now I am wasting way too much time accessing applications. I also need to drag documents onto application's icons as I often want to force open in an alternative application from the creator and again the previous spring loaded folders in the doc were for this perfect, alas now i have no simple way to do this.

    Anyone know a stable Leopard friendly third party dock add on to restore the Tiger method?
  • Reply 60 of 111
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    I thought super duper didn't work play nice with Leo. Have they released a version that is compatible with Leo? That's one of the things holding me back from Leo.

    I do know Super duper won't look at a Time Machine drive but I have not tried a straight forward clone of the boot drive yet (I am ashamed to admit!). I will try now unless anyone knows for sure...? (also Carbon Copy Cloner too worth trying if SD fails).
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