First builds of Mac OS X 10.5.1 pack over two dozen fixes



  • Reply 61 of 111
    rob05aurob05au Posts: 348member
    nothing about the repair permisson BS which takes 20+ minutes to do nothing but cause problems.
  • Reply 62 of 111
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    I thought super duper didn't work play nice with Leo. Have they released a version that is compatible with Leo? That's one of the things holding me back from Leo.

    Just talked with a good friend with Leopard, says his Super Duper clone of working Leopard drive worked perfectly. He has an Intel mac and i need to test on a Duel G5 to be 100% happy but it is good news so far.
  • Reply 63 of 111
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by rob05au View Post

    nothing about the repair permisson BS which takes 20+ minutes to do nothing but cause problems.

    Can you explain this? I can run repair permissions on any one of 5 Macs here all with Leo (ranging from G4.s G5s and Intel machines) and all run Repair Permissions without issues.

    Correction: I do see a difference, sorry. I never sat and watched before and must have assumed it was the same as Tiger. It does work just no progress bar. hard to say if it is slower for me.
  • Reply 64 of 111
    gustavgustav Posts: 828member
    Originally Posted by elroth View Post

    Come on, Apple, just fix the dock so you can use nested folders again and I'll put my name on a 24" 2.8GHz iMac...

    To all you dock whiners:

    Why don't you just download one of the half dozen freeware utilities that give you nested folders? They started appearing since the day Leopard was released. Then you can stop filling up forum threads that are not related to your preference on how the Dock should work.
  • Reply 65 of 111
    gustavgustav Posts: 828member
    Originally Posted by rob05au View Post

    nothing about the repair permisson BS which takes 20+ minutes to do nothing but cause problems.

    Repair permissions is nothing but a red herring. It's not like permissions on files spontanously change one day. Repair permissions is the biggest troubleshooting red herring since zapping your PRAM.
  • Reply 66 of 111
    elrothelroth Posts: 1,201member
    Originally Posted by Gustav View Post

    To all you dock whiners:

    Why don't you just download one of the half dozen freeware utilities that give you nested folders? They started appearing since the day Leopard was released. Then you can stop filling up forum threads that are not related to your preference on how the Dock should work.

    Could you please name such freeware utilities?
  • Reply 67 of 111
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by Gustav View Post

    To all you dock whiners:

    Why don't you just download one of the half dozen freeware utilities that give you nested folders? They started appearing since the day Leopard was released. Then you can stop filling up forum threads that are not related to your preference on how the Dock should work.

    1. Best to give feedback to Apple to get the job done correctly. I think Apple do get to read some of these comments ... I hope anyway.

    2. I avoid 3rd party Finder altering utilities as much as possible for such things due to future problems with OS conflicts. I will cave in on this one for productivity sake till Apple fix this. Please post link to your trove of utilities that fix this in Leopard.

    3. Constructive comments are not whining in my view. One comment may not have any impact, if a ton of experienced users write in it may have more credence.
  • Reply 68 of 111
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by Gustav View Post

    Repair permissions is nothing but a red herring. It's not like permissions on files spontanously change one day. Repair permissions is the biggest troubleshooting red herring since zapping your PRAM.

    I beg to differ on Zapping Pram, (I am open to input on permissions). It has got many Macs up and working after a kernel panic for users i support. I am not saying it fixed the initial cause but got them up again so we could trouble shoot the cause.
  • Reply 69 of 111
    He speaks for me. The loss of hierarchal menus in the Leopard Dock has made me postpone my intended purchase of a new laptop. Jobs demonstrated hierarchal menus in the Dock when OSX first came out. I use the feature quite a bit. Leopard's stacks might be fine for some, but for others this is a complete step backwards. Apple should know this, and should have provided users with an option to retain Tiger's Dock functionality.

    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Who is this us you speak for?

  • Reply 70 of 111
    First, why should I have to download a free utility. This is the kind of thing, Apple should have just know would piss off a lot of loyal users. Second, why do you not provide us for a link for one of these free utilities. I certainly am unaware of any. Third, I complain because I hope people will do like I did, and contact Apple's feedback site to also complain about this issue. I have done that and send Jobs an email.

    Originally Posted by Gustav View Post

    To all you dock whiners:

    Why don't you just download one of the half dozen freeware utilities that give you nested folders? They started appearing since the day Leopard was released. Then you can stop filling up forum threads that are not related to your preference on how the Dock should work.

  • Reply 71 of 111
    Wow, we get a free ticket straight to hell for complaining about a product that many bought, and that is from a public company that many people are part owners of.

    I suspect you probably would like things better in China, where people aren't allowed to complain and they just accept their lot in life and whatever is given to them by the powers that be. Yes, master, thank you master.

    Finally, you sound like one of those US politicians who always respond to criticism by saying, the US is the best Country in the World. Even if that were true, does that mean it cannot be better and that we shouldn't strive to make it better?

    Originally Posted by bwik View Post

    I am really enjoying Leopard. It looks really pretty and the new features look cool.

    OF COURSE IT HAS BUGS!!!.... it is a new architecture. It was ready for public release. That DOES NOT MEAN it is ready for mission-critical apps. Wait until 10.5.3 at minimum for mission critical apps. Until then, Lepoard will not match Tiger for stability. Obviously! But I still think it's a very promising new product.

    All you whiners who complain about the methods of the WORLD'S BEST OS MAKER can just go straight to hell. Your complaints are ill founded. It's the best in the world, deal with it. Surely you have worse problems. 10.5 is a toy for now, a very nice and pretty toy. Don't be so quick to complain about the world's OS master. Dock folders or whatever are an easy add-on and not a strong or lasting criticism of 10.5.

  • Reply 72 of 111
    Originally Posted by elroth View Post

    Could you please name such freeware utilities?

    check this out....

    XMenu - 1.8

    Product Description:

    This program brings back the Apple Menu to Mac OS X and includes also a complete application launcher. By adding one or more global menus to the right side of the menu bar you can easily access your preferred applications, folders (and subfolders), documents and files. Furthermore there's no explicit need for a configuration (e.g. creating lots of folders and aliases or adding items to user-defined setups) - just activate the menus you like. All menus and submenus update themselves automatically just like the good old Apple Menu so it's not necessary to refresh them manually. In addition, XMenu optionally displays small or large icons and follows aliases and symbolic links. Finally, please note that contrary to most other solutions, this is neither a hack ("haxie") nor an unofficial menu extra.
  • Reply 73 of 111
    Originally Posted by elroth View Post

    Could you please name such freeware utilities?


    Product Description:

    FolderGlance is a small Contextual Menu Plugin for the Finder. When it is installed, it allows you to control-click or right-click on folders to see and open their contents, as well as examine the contents of sub-folders down an unlimited number of levels. FolderGlance also has the following features:

    Adding your own custom folders to the contextual menu, enabling FolderGlance to act as a very versatile launcher

    Moving, copying and making aliases of the currently selected files in a folder you browse to

    Control-free popups: Open the contextual menu without holding down the control-key or using a two-button mouse

    Drag-and-drop of files and folders

    In-menu preview of arbitrary files

    Opening files with an application different than the default by using an "Open with..." menu you can tailor to suit your own taste

    Changing the font size used in contextual menus

    Disable the menu fade effect, for a more speedy menu experience

    Browsing into package contents

    Optional display of custom file and folder icons

    Customizable sorting and customizable display of hidden files and folders

    Trash files directly from the contextual menu by typing Command-Backspace or Command-T

    Localized to Japanese, French, Polish, Italian and Norwegian.

    Universal: Runs on both PowerPC and Intel-based Macs!
  • Reply 74 of 111
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    If you are not planning on using Spaces, you can replace the 10.5 dock with the one from 10.4

    I tried that but it doesn't really work. You can't quit applications from the Dock because it doesn't seem to know they're open and the icons keep bouncing even after an application is open.
  • Reply 75 of 111
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by mallen View Post

    I tried that but it doesn't really work. You can't quit applications from the Dock because it doesn't seem to know they're open and the icons keep bouncing even after an application is open.

    I knew it was a bit "quirky", but I didn't realise it was that bad. Guess that's a non-starter, then - sorry
  • Reply 76 of 111
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Originally Posted by Gustav View Post

    To all you dock whiners:

    Why don't you just download one of the half dozen freeware utilities that give you nested folders? They started appearing since the day Leopard was released. Then you can stop filling up forum threads that are not related to your preference on how the Dock should work.

    These forums should be filled with complaints about the dock.

    The loss of hierarchical folder access has made a lot of users' workflows horribly inefficient. There is simply no justification for the loss of such highly relied upon functionality. Stacks can be useful. But it is obvious that apple made a number of interface blunders in implementing them.

    One of the reasons that the mac platform has maintained a superior GUI is the culture of mac users. We won't settle for merely "ok". When it is obvious that apple has screwed up, we will complain long and hard. We'll keep at it until apple corrects the problem.
  • Reply 77 of 111
    Whilst I believe there a few 'needed' things before people calm down (read: shut up temporarily), saying that everyone should complain here to cause Apple to act is silly. Apple has tools for which your feedback goes directly to them. And also stops the asinine "They should!" "They shouldn't!" arguments from crapping up threads.
  • Reply 78 of 111
    elrothelroth Posts: 1,201member
    [QUOTE=Gizmo-xl;1170006]check this out....

    XMenu looks like a possibility, though not quite as convenient as Dock folders (more awkward place on the top right), and it's unclear if it works with Leopard (site doesn't say, but it probably does). Definitely worth a try if Apple doesn't update.

    Folder Glance - I didn't like it much when I tried it in Tiger.

    Thanks for sharing...
  • Reply 79 of 111
    sjksjk Posts: 603member
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    I thought super duper didn't work play nice with Leo. Have they released a version that is compatible with Leo? That's one of the things holding me back from Leo.

    You do know "Leo" is commonly associated with a Lion, short for Leonard(o), etc.? Using it as an abbreviation for Leopard is just wrong, especially if Apple decides to use Lion for a future OS X big cat marketing name.
  • Reply 80 of 111
    sjksjk Posts: 603member
    Originally Posted by Gizmo-xl View Post


    ? which I already mentioned/suggested earlier but people were apparently too preoccupied to notice.
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