First builds of Mac OS X 10.5.1 pack over two dozen fixes



  • Reply 81 of 111
    sjksjk Posts: 603member
    Originally Posted by elroth View Post

    Folder Glance - I didn't like it much when I tried it in Tiger.

    What didn't you like about it simply as an alternative to browsable Dock folders, ignoring its other features?
  • Reply 82 of 111
    elrothelroth Posts: 1,201member
    Originally Posted by sjk View Post

    What didn't you like about it simply as an alternative to browsable Dock folders, ignoring its other features?

    Good question. I never really used it for that purpose, so it's probably worth checking into.
  • Reply 83 of 111
    bwikbwik Posts: 565member
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    Your brain is ill-founded. You are the perfect example of the worst kind of "Apple-can-do-no-wrong-fanboy".

    Apple is the best OS maker. They have made a new OS to the best standard humanly possible.

    What is your problem with the human race? Do you think Michael Johnson is a slow runner? Do you make a habit of complaining about the best efforts of the human race? Screw that. Apple is doing a great job. You want stability, I suggest a great product called OS X 10.4. You want an experimental new release with some bugs, try 10.5. They are both the best in the world at what they do.

    Are you the best at what you do?
  • Reply 84 of 111
    bwikbwik Posts: 565member
    Originally Posted by TerrinB View Post

    Finally, you sound like one of those US politicians who always respond to criticism by saying, the US is the best Country in the World. Even if that were true, does that mean it cannot be better and that we shouldn't strive to make it better?

    Absolutely, but we should not belly-ache about a 1 week old OS lacking 1 feature, and go around insulting the best efforts of aapl OS engineers generally.

    But no matter. They will correct these issues and even the most fervent complainers will be happy. 10.4 made us all happy, I am willing to bet.
  • Reply 85 of 111
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by buddha View Post

    Why would you want to replace these superior GUI qualities with those of an inferior one?

    The fugly blue speckled recycled folders that pollute my computer landscape are superior?
  • Reply 86 of 111
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    These forums should be filled with complaints about the dock.

    The loss of hierarchical folder access has made a lot of users' workflows horribly inefficient. There is simply no justification for the loss of such highly relied upon functionality. Stacks can be useful. But it is obvious that apple made a number of interface blunders in implementing them.

    One of the reasons that the mac platform has maintained a superior GUI is the culture of mac users. We won't settle for merely "ok". When it is obvious that apple has screwed up, we will complain long and hard. We'll keep at it until apple corrects the problem.

    And whoever came up with "Stacks" should be #%^$^%@$!!!!!

    Just what I needed was a DR.SEUSS animation of my files. STUPID!
  • Reply 87 of 111
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    The fugly blue speckled recycled folders that pollute my computer landscape are superior?

    IMO, they are more professional and conservative than the tutti-fruity ones in 10.4 and lower. I like them better. And I don't see the big deal because they are easy to change.
  • Reply 88 of 111
    Originally Posted by TerrinB View Post

    He speaks for me. The loss of hierarchal menus in the Leopard Dock has made me postpone my intended purchase of a new laptop. Jobs demonstrated hierarchal menus in the Dock when OSX first came out. I use the feature quite a bit. Leopard's stacks might be fine for some, but for others this is a complete step backwards. Apple should know this, and should have provided users with an option to retain Tiger's Dock functionality.

    They don't have to provide an alternative. Your choice is to develop/buy an alternative, file a wish list bug report or switch platforms.

    If that makes or breaks a platform for you so be it.

    Bitching on this platform without filing a report is like clapping with one hand.
  • Reply 89 of 111
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    And whoever came up with "Stacks" should be #%^$^%@$!!!!!

    Just what I needed was a DR.SEUSS animation of my files. STUPID!

    You're a shill.

    Your entire listing is evident of this. I won't even waste the time in how one can be more productive when you organize stacks correctly.
  • Reply 90 of 111
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I am no whiner: I love Apple and Leopard ... This is my only really negative comment too. I suspect either Apple will restore this ability or there will be (maybe already is) a third party add on to give us this back.

    I have So many apps I use daily for my multi-media work that the Dock is reserved for just a few main items like Mail and Safari. All Adobe CS3, all Apple Pro, Quicktime related, Server Admin, FTP stuff, etc. were in nested folders accessed from various pop up folders in the dock in Tiger.

    Now I am wasting way too much time accessing applications. I also need to drag documents onto application's icons as I often want to force open in an alternative application from the creator and again the previous spring loaded folders in the doc were for this perfect, alas now i have no simple way to do this.

    Anyone know a stable Leopard friendly third party dock add on to restore the Tiger method?

    After posting, I researched a few alternatives for pop-up folders in the dock. There a few extraneous one (in my small opinion), and then there looks like a simple one, here. It's called MoofMenu, and it looks fairly simple. Kind of remeniscent to the Apple Menu back in OS 9. I haven't tried this one yet (don't have Leopard yet), but it looks like a good possible replacement.

    I too hope that Apple will restore this capability, but if they don't, let me know if this works out for ya, or if you find a better solution.
  • Reply 91 of 111
    sjksjk Posts: 603member

    I too hope that Apple will restore this capability, but if they don't, let me know if this works out for ya, or if you find a better solution.

    Check "Macworld: Mac Gems: Leopard's first tweaks" for other suggestions.
  • Reply 92 of 111
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by bwik View Post

    Apple is the best OS maker.


    Originally Posted by bwik View Post

    They have made a new OS to the best standard humanly possible.

    Not true. Just because Apple is better than the others, it doesn't logically follow that they are doing the absolute best possible.

    Originally Posted by bwik View Post

    What is your problem with the human race?

    Now there's a non-sequitur if ever I saw one! But since you asked - my problem is that whilst it is capable of some seriously impressive stuff, it is also collectively massively stupid (i.e., taken as a whole, the human race is effectively behaving like bacteria on a petri-dish, endlessly reproducing and using up all available resources until they wipe themselves out through a combination of having no more resources and living with their own poisonous waste).

    Originally Posted by bwik View Post

    Are you the best at what you do?

    Again, since you asked: I got the top equal first in my Electrical and Electronic Engineering Masters degree. Referring back to my previous statement about Apple, just because I got the top first, it doesn't mean I did the best I could have. I had the capability to get overall marks, averaged over the four years, of over 90%, but I didn't actually get anywhere near that due to laziness.
  • Reply 93 of 111
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by MuncyWeb View Post

    After posting, I researched a few alternatives for pop-up folders in the dock. There a few extraneous one (in my small opinion), and then there looks like a simple one, here. It's called MoofMenu, and it looks fairly simple. Kind of remeniscent to the Apple Menu back in OS 9. I haven't tried this one yet (don't have Leopard yet), but it looks like a good possible replacement.

    I too hope that Apple will restore this capability, but if they don't, let me know if this works out for ya, or if you find a better solution.

    Thanks MuncyWeb, I will try this today.
  • Reply 94 of 111
    Originally Posted by sc_markt View Post

    IMO, they are more professional and conservative than the tutti-fruity ones in 10.4 and lower. I like them better. And I don't see the big deal because they are easy to change.

    If you have found any 512 X 512 icon sets for Leo... Please post the link.
  • Reply 95 of 111
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    Originally Posted by Gizmo-xl View Post

    If you have found any 512 X 512 icon sets for Leo... Please post the link.

    Unfortunately, I have not. I'm using icons made for 10.4

    But if you are willing to use these, a great site to get them (and background pics) is
  • Reply 96 of 111
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by MuncyWeb View Post

    After posting, I researched a few alternatives for pop-up folders in the dock. There a few extraneous one (in my small opinion), and then there looks like a simple one, here. It's called MoofMenu, and it looks fairly simple. Kind of remeniscent to the Apple Menu back in OS 9. I haven't tried this one yet (don't have Leopard yet), but it looks like a good possible replacement.

    I too hope that Apple will restore this capability, but if they don't, let me know if this works out for ya, or if you find a better solution.


    Well the app is nice in works well for selecting an app in a nested folder. However, it doesn't spring open as Tiger dock folder did so one cannot drag a document so as to force open in an alternative app (such as a jpg in Photoshop CS2 instead of CS3 etc.).

    Given this is part of my normal work flow I am back to square one, but I appreciate the link and for just opening apps it is very nice and easy to use.
  • Reply 97 of 111
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member

    It's a real shame that Apple has chosen to ignore the SERIOUS problems with the "folder side" of the dock in Leopard, and has chosen not to fix any of these dock problems. Namely, the loss of hierarchical navigation in folders, the loss of folders' abilities to display custom icons (without a tedious workaround), and the ability to turn OFF stacks. Horrible changes which have made Leopard completely unusable for us and many others... yet Apple refuses to ignore these issues.

    There aren't hierchical folders on the 10.5 Dock? You're kidding me. I'm not upgrading until they fix that. Unless the 10.4 Dock works flawlessly and doesn't mess anything up?

    I'm writing to them now. I urge everyone else to use Feedback on this. It's a serious, serious workflow problem. And it seems other words, unless people write to Apple they won't fix this. This is nuts. The first thing I do for new Mac users is put the hard drive in the Dock "See, it's your Start menu". And of course for myself. I go through a dozen+ levels daily and even hourly.
  • Reply 98 of 111
    sjksjk Posts: 603member
    Originally Posted by Aquatic View Post

    There aren't hierchical folders on the 10.5 Dock?

    Where've you been? There's hardly any discussion of Leopard that doesn't eventually mention that!

  • Reply 99 of 111
    matt_smatt_s Posts: 300member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    And whoever came up with "Stacks" should be #%^$^%@$!!!!!

    Just what I needed was a DR.SEUSS animation of my files. STUPID!

    Yes, the jutting "penis-curve" of Stacks is remarkably annoying and is little if any help in navigating folders containing many hundreds of other folders.

    Clicking on a Dock ? means being force-fed icon view in one damned ugly pinkish window. What is that all about?
  • Reply 100 of 111
    Changes I would make in 10.5.1 include...

    1. A slider in the Appearance pain of System Preferences that let you adjust the opacity of the menu bar, along with a check box that offers a user to have the menu bar solid (from transparent) when the mouse is using the menu bar. I don't mind the semi-transparent look. What bugs me is that when I mouse into the menu bar, I feel that the menu bar should become solid. I think Office does this with some palettes.

    2. In the Dock preference pain of System Preferences, there should be an option to disable/enable the 3D dock no matter whether the dock is placed on the left, right, or bottom of the screen. But more importantly I think the dock should have an option to allow hierarchical folders to be placed in the dock and display with the speed that stacks presents information. In Tiger and before this wasn't always fast if you had a lot of items in that folder.

    3. There needs to be a way to adjust the order that those sections appear in the Finder sidebar, and there absolutely should be a way to adjust the font size on them too.

    4. I like the idea of the poster above who said that we should be able to define a different desktop background picture for each space, and we should be able to adjust the animation involved used to change that space. I can see how the animation might get in some people's way.

    5. The style of the 10.4 firewall was a little better and more straightforward. I would regress the Firewall setup to adopt the Tiger's ease of use.

    6. The Finder show path bar option is lacking very important functionality in my opinion: It does not allow you to click on any of the items in the path! It requires more mousing if you want to get to a certain spot in the path in the Finder. Putting the path bar icon in the toolbar of Finder windows is good, but not as good as it would be to just click the folder in the path.

    7. I dislike the keyboard shortcut to move between tabbed conversations in iChat. It's awkward. Whatever solution Apple comes up with would be an improvement. And it should also be implemented in Safari too.
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