Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 2221 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    For freaks sake...

    It's the same comment over and over.

    Elixir, you keep saying the same stuff over and over. It's not making anyone think otherwise, yet you keep saying the same stuff. You're not accomplishing anything, just let it go.

    i'm replying to other peoples comments. if they want to make false claims i will propose a challenge, it is all.

    a lot earlier in this thread people were claiming true HD was only had on the ps3 and that the ps3's games were in 1080p, which is absolutely false. now, we don't see things like that do we? soon enough people will have realized the whole "bluray is needed for gaming" was utter crap spewing out of sony's mouth in order to increase bluray adoption. ironic you're telling me i'm repeating something in a thread that has been arguing the same points for the last 2 years.

    edit: and walter i don't know why you spent an entire post on the wishy washy attitude of MGS's developer when i already stated he is like that. odd, but ok.
  • Reply 2222 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Look guys, this thread isn't about gaming. You're all losers. It doesn't matter if you're on an Xbox or a PS3.
  • Reply 2223 of 2639
    bg_nycbg_nyc Posts: 189member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    i agree with what you're saying about development costs but i think you need to catch up on your information regarding the PS3.

    I will defer... Thanks.
  • Reply 2224 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    i'm replying to other peoples comments. if they want to make false claims i will propose a challenge, it is all.

    a lot earlier in this thread people were claiming true HD was only had on the ps3 and that the ps3's games were in 1080p, which is absolutely false. now, we don't see things like that do we? soon enough people will have realized the whole "bluray is needed for gaming" was utter crap spewing out of sony's mouth in order to increase bluray adoption. ironic you're telling me i'm repeating something in a thread that has been arguing the same points for the last 2 years.

    edit: and walter i don't know why you spent an entire post on the wishy washy attitude of MGS's developer when i already stated he is like that. odd, but ok.

    you are one trollistic minded IQ depleted specimen arnt you?

    equally I dont know why YOU bother either, but there we are, from the guy who was FINNISHED many pages back.

    show me who was making these claims for BD being "true HD" I seen a lot of talk about 1080P being "true" but not BD, I know *I* certainly never made such a remark, barring of course the possibility of a sarcastic remark that I might have forgotten about, but even THAT is doubtful.

    basically BACK IT UP with something other than your opinion.
  • Reply 2225 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Look guys, this thread isn't about gaming. You're all losers. It doesn't matter if you're on an Xbox or a PS3.

    WOW, at last Frank, something we can agree on


    I still havent gotten round to ordering any movies off aTV, I just dont have the time at the moment, but I did mooch about on iTunes and discovered that there seems to be no HiDef movies available in the store which irks me a little, i guess i'll have to switch on my aTV and check after all.

    when, is an entirely different matter!
  • Reply 2226 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    you are one trollistic minded IQ depleted specimen arnt you?

    equally I dont know why YOU bother either, but there we are, from the guy who was FINNISHED many pages back.

    show me who was making these claims for BD being "true HD" I seen a lot of talk about 1080P being "true" but not BD, I know *I* certainly never made such a remark, barring of course the possibility of a sarcastic remark that I might have forgotten about, but even THAT is doubtful.

    basically BACK IT UP with something other than your opinion.

    once again with the personal insults.

    sony claimed it, that is whom i was referring to and then it was brought up in here a good while ago. you make personal insults and then expect me to go digging old quotes for you... which i always pull through with anyways. funny. an opinion void of anything solid is the one i replied to.

    he states that the ps3 is being held back by the 360 but there is no evidence of that. on the contrary you see exclusives and cross platform games being far superior on the other console, so where does the reasoning come from? it isn't so much the development costs (it does play a factor) as it is the complexities of the Cell and the desire to fill up a BD disk (at the push of sony) with endless extra content.

    if you weren't such a M$ hating apple sheep you'd be able to comprehend a little better. you see the word microsoft and automatically dismiss everything.

    you prob don't even own a ps3 nor a bluray player lol
  • Reply 2227 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    WOW, at last Frank, something we can agree on


    I still havent gotten round to ordering any movies off aTV, I just dont have the time at the moment, but I did mooch about on iTunes and discovered that there seems to be no HiDef movies available in the store which irks me a little, i guess i'll have to switch on my aTV and check after all.

    when, is an entirely different matter!

    Are you Canadian as well? I noticed zero HD movies or rentals at all on iTunes. Why is this?
  • Reply 2228 of 2639
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    We're just marking time until the 2009 thread appears with a better title.

    Just start a thread that includes Blu-Ray, evolution, multi-touch, Bush or "sub-$2,000" Mac in the title and you're golden.
  • Reply 2229 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    once again with the personal insults.

    sony claimed it, that is whom i was referring to and then it was brought up in here a good while ago. you make personal insults and then expect me to go digging old quotes for you... which i always pull through with anyways. funny. an opinion void of anything solid is the one i replied to.

    he states that the ps3 is being held back by the 360 but there is no evidence of that. on the contrary you see exclusives and cross platform games being far superior on the other console, so where does the reasoning come from? it isn't so much the development costs (it does play a factor) as it is the complexities of the Cell and the desire to fill up a BD disk (at the push of sony) with endless extra content.

    if you weren't such a M$ hating apple sheep you'd be able to comprehend a little better. you see the word microsoft and automatically dismiss everything.

    you prob don't even own a ps3 nor a bluray player lol

    now your making even less sense, oh well, theres always the ignore button i guess
  • Reply 2230 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    now your making even less sense, oh well, theres always the ignore button i guess

    What you are supposed to do is reply to others, such as myself, when we have questions and add new info on Blu-Ray. But, most importantly STOP RESPONDING TO HIM!
  • Reply 2231 of 2639
    As long as no one mentions anything PS3 related, he won't talk.

    On that note, those of you with PS3s should PM me, if you have MGS4. I just.. want to freak out about it.

    And THAT being said, you should check out the new IGN review. The conclusion/second opinion to be precise.

  • Reply 2232 of 2639
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Awesome. This thread is approaching some kind of platonic ideal of internet discussion-- the original contention long gone, it's becoming entirely about itself, pure and unsullied by the world.
  • Reply 2233 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    What you are supposed to do is reply to others, such as myself, when we have questions and add new info on Blu-Ray. But, most importantly STOP RESPONDING TO HIM!

    mm, exactly my own advice earlier in the thread.

    Ironic that I've just read the following news


    During the month of May, SCEA sold 22,106 units in the US over its primary competitor, Microsoft. The PlayStation 3 sold a total of 208,709 units while the 360 moved a lesser 186,603 units.

    Which means we have gotten to the stage where the US is catching up to the rest of the world.

    I fully realise this is one month, but then it was "only" one month when this started happening in other parts of the world as well, but now its just a fact, the PS3 is outselling the 360 every month. its only a matter of time before the install base matches and then exceeds.


    I managed to update my aTV but it seems to be over heating and shutting down, a fact im not happy about (really?) and ive got a few weeks before its 1 year old, so I think I'm gonna have to contact Apple.

    Like the new interface despite worrying that I wouldnt, think the selection is fairly broad and "fun" the real question is however am I willing to part with the money for a rental? at the equivalent of $5 for the SD rental, you tell me?

    I WOULD have been interested in seeing Vincent Price in "The Fly" as its been a while since I've seen it, except that I managed to record it off the TV about a week ago!!

    shouts of PRICE TOO HIGH..??

    There was a lot of shouting about MP3s and then the Apple stores, per song pricing, devaluing music. its odd how we put a one off value on music and then assume it to be there "forever" but movies are a slightly different proposition so the studios would have us believe, yet the reality for a lot of us is that (FEW) older movies have any real value once we have seen them. we have seen the story and "know how it ends" while with music we want to hear the start again, I guess this is likely a lot to do with the old adage about radio "the pictures are better"
  • Reply 2234 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by bg_nyc View Post

    Sorry for commenting to an older post, but I thought it was a very interesting observation.

    M$FT beat Sony to the punch big-time with the 360. They set the barometer on how much time, energy and money would go into a next-gen game. They set the price, and thereby set the development budget per game. Studios that make both PS3 and 360 games will never spend more time or money taking advantage of the 50GB of space when they can't sell their game for any more than the 360 version which is selling for 59.99. Its simple marketing.

    So Sony can only expect to see a noticeable difference on those games that are exclusive to PS3, which of course can not be compared to a 360 version of the same game. And even if Sony did set the trend, how many would be ok with paying 89.99 (or more) for a game with 1080p video throughout, lossless TrueHD audio, and 'just ok' gameplay?

    I think M$FT outplayed Sony in this round. But that doesnt mean that consumers are losers when it comes to gaming. I think XBOX has released incredible games, and PS3 is giving me my blu-ray fix, along with MSG4. I can't complain!

    Yet MGS4 takes all the 50GB dislk, and Kojima says it's not enough room.


    Kojima: For us, we're not still not satisfied with the quality we can do. You know, there's not capacity space.

    Interviewer: Wait, wait a sec. Saying there's not enough capacity, are you talking about Blu-ray?

    Kojima: That's correct. There's not enough space at all. (laughs) ...There's not enough space. We always talked about where to cut and what to compress.

  • Reply 2235 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    awesome. This Thread Is Approaching Some Kind Of Platonic Ideal Of Internet Discussion-- The Original Contention Long Gone, It's Becoming Entirely About Itself, Pure And Unsullied By The World.

  • Reply 2236 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    WOW! MGS4 is much bigger, longer, and better than I had even imagined. I started playing yesterday and I have about 15 hours into the game, and I'm still in the first chapter of 5. It's pretty intense.
  • Reply 2237 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    WOW! MGS4 is much bigger, longer, and better than I had even imagined. I started playing yesterday and I have about 15 hours into the game, and I'm still in the first chapter of 5. It's pretty intense.

    Yeah. The great thing about this game, is you still want to play it again as soon as you've beaten it. I beat it last night and can't WAIT to play it again!

    It's truly amazing, and it's... better than I could have imagined.


  • Reply 2238 of 2639
    Guys! Guys! Stop this!

    Can't you all see that this 2 year old obsolete hardware thread is tearing us APART?!


    ... Carry on.
  • Reply 2239 of 2639
    only ordered it on friday, should be fun

    "what was that noise"
  • Reply 2240 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    only ordered it on friday, should be fun

    "what was that noise"

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