Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 2401 of 2639
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    You PS3 owners will love the movie streaming. Trust me on this. You have to try it.
  • Reply 2402 of 2639
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Countless reports vs. Countless reports. 360 VS. PS3 is just like Apple vs. Microsoft. In one hand you have people that swear by one, and in the other there are haters.

    No. That just happens amongst the teen boys. The serious gamers already know that the Xbox360 is a superior gaming platform because of the ease of developing games on it. But we still want Sony to keep fighting with Microsoft so they keep trying to oneup each other by making better consoles in the future.
  • Reply 2403 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by 4metta View Post

    No. That just happens amongst the teen boys. The serious gamers already know that the Xbox360 is a superior gaming platform because of the ease of developing games on it. But we still want Sony to keep fighting with Microsoft so they keep trying to oneup each other by making better consoles in the future.

    Agreed. If left to compete with a gimmicky little toy like the Wii who knows what would happen to the industry.

    I'll go out on a limb here and say after the sub-par showing from Sony this E3 if Killzone 2 doesn't deliver on the hype and become a massive triple AAA seller for the PS3 I think Sony's console is dead as a gaming platform this generation.
  • Reply 2404 of 2639
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    I'll go out on a limb here and say after the sub-par showing from Sony this E3 if Killzone 2 doesn't deliver on the hype and become a massive triple AAA seller for the PS3 I think Sony's console is dead as a gaming platform this generation.

    What exactly do you predict is going to happen, divine intervention? That's about what's necessary to kill either the PS3 or the 360 as a gaming platform at this point. 14m installed base with lead position in Europe and Japan for the PS3, 20m installed base with lead position in the US for the 360. Also note that the PS3 snagged the lead in Europe despite being priced outrageously and launching 16 months after the 360.
  • Reply 2405 of 2639
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Originally Posted by Gon View Post

    What exactly do you predict is going to happen, divine intervention? That's about what's necessary to kill either the PS3 or the 360 as a gaming platform at this point. 14m installed base with lead position in Europe and Japan for the PS3, 20m installed base with lead position in the US for the 360. Also note that the PS3 snagged the lead in Europe despite being priced outrageously and launching 16 months after the 360.

    You forget that the PS3 is being used more as a well priced Blu Ray player rather than a gaming machine. So a "numbers sold" comparo doesn't tell the whole story.

    FWIW I doubt Sony will throw in the towel on gaming myself.
  • Reply 2406 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Gon View Post

    What exactly do you predict is going to happen, divine intervention? That's about what's necessary to kill either the PS3 or the 360 as a gaming platform at this point. 14m installed base with lead position in Europe and Japan for the PS3, 20m installed base with lead position in the US for the 360. Also note that the PS3 snagged the lead in Europe despite being priced outrageously and launching 16 months after the 360.

    Yes, read above. Oh, and there is no indication that the PS3 is ahead in Europe. It's close, but the PS3 is definitely not beating the 360. And please try to understand the argument here first. The cost in developing games for the PS3 is much higher than the 360 and the return is much less.

    Only a few titles have made profit on that machine. It's a risky venture. That's why i'm saying if Killzone 2 bombs a lot of publishers are definitely releasing for the 360 (i'm looking at MGS4 already coming) and maybe even completely jumping ship.
  • Reply 2407 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    Agreed. If left to compete with a gimmicky little toy like the Wii who knows what would happen to the industry.

    I'll go out on a limb here and say after the sub-par showing from Sony this E3 if Killzone 2 doesn't deliver on the hype and become a massive triple AAA seller for the PS3 I think Sony's console is dead as a gaming platform this generation.

    Resistance looks more awesome than Killzone.

    Did anyone see the fight with Leviathan?


    I thought Sony did a great job with their conference.

    TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY SIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Reply 2408 of 2639
    Watched Batman Begins last night Brilliant movie! great transfer I thought easily on a par with casino royal despite the Bat being almost all shades of black!

    but the IMAX prologue for dark knight just ROCKED! really could just sit and watch 2 hours of the exploits of the joker without the big bat getting in the way

    I don't know what the latest thinking is on a ledger replacement, but judging from all I've heard and that brief trailer it looks like it would be damn near unpossible!

    Might do something I haven't done in years and go DK on opening night.

    it will certainly be a purchase on BD.
  • Reply 2409 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    Resistance looks more awesome than Killzone.

    Did anyone see the fight with Leviathan?


    I thought Sony did a great job with their conference.

    TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY SIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I try not to do this but... anyone apart from PS3 owners and die hard Sony fans would say that monster battle was probably the most scripted, lamest, 300ft monster battle ever shown and resentments around the other sections of the gaming web (such as NeoGaf) are echoing the same. I think that vid did worse for the game than good.

    And two hundred and fifty six? I'll believe it when i see it. Not to mention most games beyond 8v8 are a mess.
  • Reply 2410 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    You must mean Hollywood, who were so wrong about VCRs they tried to sue the technology out of existence.

    So your point is that Blu-Ray will take off a few years from now, but you think Downloads have to take off now or lose the battle completely? That's insane.

    You obviously have no idea how the financial world works.

    Millions certainly will by this Christmas. More such devices are being announced every week.

    Exactly what the music industry said ten years ago.

    Wishful thinking. BR is the future for the collector market only. Rentals have largely moved to digital distribution (video-on-demand). As such, BR will not benefit from the economies of scale that DVD has.

    Both systems will co-exist, but Blu-Ray will never become the force in the market that DVD did in its time.

    Dude, you need to chill. That's not my commentary. Simply posted an article. As far as whether Blu-ray will become the force in the market that DVD did in its time, we'll see, but it is well on its way.
  • Reply 2411 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    I tried renting a HD movie on my AppleTV. I pressed the button and the movie was ready to start playing in five minutes.

    Now for sure, that is five minutes too long...

    ...But then again, most stupid DVDs are cluttered with slow menus, non-standard interfaces, and a short "Reefer Madness" style documentaries on the moral dangers of piracy.

    So once you go to the shelf, get out the disk, load it into the machine, navigate the mess of trailers and warnings and finally get it on the screen. I bet the best part of 5 minutes have passed.

    Thank goodness that Sony is stalwart in its support of disk-based distribution.

    And while only techno-geeks and first adopters will bother with all the direct network download stuff.... I am not sure the tobacco-chewing yokels that are left behind will make a bee-line for blu-ray. Isn't DVD good enough for folks watching on a 12" black and white Philco?


    Nice try, the link you provided states clearly that the download is standard definition, and also states that broadband is not up to snuff. Thanks for proving my point. It'll be a while before downloads for movies will catch on.
  • Reply 2412 of 2639
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Nice try, the link you provided states clearly that the download is standard definition, and also states that broadband is not up to snuff. Thanks for proving my point. It'll be a while before downloads for movies will catch on.

    Can you not read?

    I press "rent" on the AppleTV. HD movie ready to watch in 5 minutes.

    How exactly does that prove your point?

    I included the link to show that Sony, masters of the BlooRae are also hedging their bets.


    Yesterday Sony announced they would be launching a movie downloading store. HD and SD.



    Edison launches "Wax-Cyl" a new format for high definition audio distribution.
  • Reply 2413 of 2639
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    Yes, read above. Oh, and there is no indication that the PS3 is ahead in Europe. It's close, but the PS3 is definitely not beating the 360. And please try to understand the argument here first. The cost in developing games for the PS3 is much higher than the 360 and the return is much less.

    How much higher? How much less? Is this based on actual industry data, sources you have real trust in, or rumors and gamer forum yammer?

    At the low end of the pool, it's obvious that Microsoft does a lot better, being able to offer a really low barrier of entry due to Windows-360 integration and XNA. But when it comes to larger projects, I'd like to see proof before accepting that cost is "much higher".

    I know a handful of PS3 developers personally, and haven't heard bitching about the development facilities. One of them, engaged in low-level engine development, seemed quite positive about the Cell for the simple reason that it had enough power to do what he needed for the particular project. Naturally he was still GPU bound, but had up to 70% SPU utilization. This means a data mass that's beyond the ability of other consoles to deal with.

    You can bet that bad coders will complain, but the truth is you can't afford to doze off at CS classes and expect to be an engine developer for a major title anymore.

    Only a few titles have made profit on that machine. It's a risky venture. That's why i'm saying if Killzone 2 bombs a lot of publishers are definitely releasing for the 360 (i'm looking at MGS4 already coming)

    So? Less artificial exclusives = good. It doesn't do any good to a gamer that another gamer is denied access to a particular game. Segregation of games and peripherals is a cancer on the industry.

    and maybe even completely jumping ship.

    Now why would they do that? 14m installed base is 14m installed base. It's a lot of room to sell a quality game.
  • Reply 2414 of 2639
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Watched Batman Begins last night Brilliant movie! great transfer I thought easily on a par with casino royal despite the Bat being almost all shades of black!

    but the IMAX prologue for dark knight just ROCKED! really could just sit and watch 2 hours of the exploits of the joker without the big bat getting in the way

    I don't know what the latest thinking is on a ledger replacement, but judging from all I've heard and that brief trailer it looks like it would be damn near unpossible!

    Might do something I haven't done in years and go DK on opening night.

    it will certainly be a purchase on BD.

    Batman Begins is a very strong film. I think Heath Ledger just set the standard for The Joker. I think Nicholson will always be the favorite Joker for the "comic book" versions of Batman. Ledger will be the high water mark for the "graphic novel" version of Batman.
  • Reply 2415 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Gon View Post

    You can bet that bad coders will complain, but the truth is you can't afford to doze off at CS classes and expect to be an engine developer for a major title anymore.

    John Carmack? Rockstar? Harmonix? Bethesda? Capcom?

    How many developers, publishers, and individuals in the industry do you want me to name that has either come out and personally blasted the platform, delayed their games, or put out an inferior port?

    Would you say those guys are "bad coders" ? I never said a good game can't be done on the PS3 but it takes more effort, more money, and more time than what is required on the 360.

    That's just the truth, and it's been the truth since the PS2. Difference is this gen they have a competitor with enough install base and momentum to go toe to toe.
  • Reply 2416 of 2639
    Am I missing something?

    can the xbox 360 deliver HD movies on an optical format?


    why are people talking about it then?

    anyone know when Taxidermia is likely to be released?
  • Reply 2417 of 2639
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Am I missing something?

    can the xbox 360 deliver HD movies on an optical format?


    why are people talking about it then?

    Because part of the thread turned into what a disaster the PS3 has been.

    Might I suggest that the "PS3 is rubbish" discussion move into this thread....

    Leaving this thread to discussing the merits of Wax-Cyl.

  • Reply 2418 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    I've discovered I'm much more pleased with Blu-ray being my choice as opposed to downloading.

    Downloading an HD movie takes ages.

  • Reply 2419 of 2639
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    Downloading an HD movie takes ages.

    With a typical 7mb ADSL line....

    Press "RENT" on AppleTV and you can press PLAY a few minutes later.

    You can watch as the movie is being downloaded.

    It can take 5 minutes to navigate all the crap at the front of most DVDs.

  • Reply 2420 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    With a typical 7mb ADSL line....

    Press "RENT" on AppleTV and you can press PLAY a few minutes later.

    You can watch as the movie is being downloaded.

    It can take 5 minutes to navigate all the crap at the front of most DVDs.


    Try hitting menu.
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