Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 2341 of 2639
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    Well I haven't been to this thread in awhile and here's some really good news for Blu-ray.

    Blu-ray Takes Bigger Piece of the Pie

    " The water the home-entertainment industry is treading is getting Blu-er.

    That?s the news that came out of an Entertainment Merchants Association report this week about U.S. consumer spending on DVDs.

    Studios celebrating Sony?s Blu-ray victory in the high-definition DVD format war in February were validated by an EMA estimate that spending on Blu-ray discs will overtake standard-disc sales by 2012. EMA said Blu-ray disc revenue will surge to $9.5 billion by then, up from $260 million last year. "

    So it really sounds like BR has caught on!

    And fast!
  • Reply 2342 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Yeah. Thank you, Warner!!
  • Reply 2343 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    But apparently, Sony now believes in the future of downloads. Interesting.
  • Reply 2344 of 2639
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    I hope Blu-Ray starts to save the PS3 soon for the gamers' sake. Xbox360 is still a better option for gaming but competition keeps things going for us.

    From Yahoo News:



    In the company's fiscal 2008 annual report, Sony revealed that they've now lost roughly $3.3 billion (that's billion with a B) on the Playstation 3 since its launch. That breaks down to $2.16 billion in 2007, followed by a notably smaller but equally daunting $1.16 billion loss in 2008.

    The reason? Pricing the console below its production cost. That's right - that hefty $599 you paid for the PS3 back when it first launched was significantly cheaper than the cost of producing it in the first place, and while the retail price has come down some, the losses keep piling up.
  • Reply 2345 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by 4metta View Post

    I hope Blu-Ray starts to save the PS3 soon for the gamers' sake. Xbox360 is still a better option for gaming but competition keeps things going for us.

    From Yahoo News:



    In the company's fiscal 2008 annual report, Sony revealed that they've now lost roughly $3.3 billion (that's billion with a B) on the Playstation 3 since its launch. That breaks down to $2.16 billion in 2007, followed by a notably smaller but equally daunting $1.16 billion loss in 2008.

    The reason? Pricing the console below its production cost. That's right - that hefty $599 you paid for the PS3 back when it first launched was significantly cheaper than the cost of producing it in the first place, and while the retail price has come down some, the losses keep piling up.

    it's funny isn't it? sony threw everything into the PS3 but somehow forgot to include great games

    the cell- crap for gaming, blu-ray-crap for gaming, online-crap for gaming

    but hell they'll continue to introduce things like "Sony Life" so you can check the weather when you turn on your console
  • Reply 2346 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Oh yeah. That's not filled with fanboyism or anything.

    No, that's not fanboyism. That's just idiotic.
  • Reply 2347 of 2639
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Here is ID Software's John Carmack explaining the development scenario for the PS3 vs the 360:

    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    it's funny isn't it? sony threw everything into the PS3 but somehow forgot to include great games

    the cell- crap for gaming, blu-ray-crap for gaming, online-crap for gaming

    but hell they'll continue to introduce things like "Sony Life" so you can check the weather when you turn on your console

    Well, it looks good on paper though. I'm still confused why they would develop the system that way without consulting game developers. But as it stands now for most games is that they are developed for the 360 then ported to PS3. There is more money to be had when it is a cross platform venture.
  • Reply 2348 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    Oh yeah. That's not filled with fanboyism or anything.

    No, that's not fanboyism. That's just idiotic.

    no, not at all, what you talking about? ::runs away giggling::

  • Reply 2349 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    ::throws a PS3 at him which knocks him unconscious::

    See? It IS good for somethign!
  • Reply 2350 of 2639
    lets not forget the folding at home "crap" as well
  • Reply 2351 of 2639
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by 4metta View Post

    [ooks good on paper[/I] though. I'm still confused why they would develop the system that way without consulting game developers. But as it stands now for most games is that they are developed for the 360 then ported to PS3. There is more money to be had when it is a cross platform venture.

    Sony made the same dumb decision with the PS2. It was a crappy platform for writing games.

    But with the PS2, the decision worked. Companies had to bite the bullet and spend money to develop on PS2. There wasn't a credible alternative platform.

    This time round, the 360 was a credible alternative. It takes longer and costs more to create a PS3 version. So naturally developers favor the 360.

  • Reply 2352 of 2639
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    MCE Tech has an internal Blu-Ray recorder designed specifically for MacPros.

  • Reply 2353 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by Northgate View Post

    MCE Tech has an internal Blu-Ray recorder designed specifically for MacPros...

    Cool. Now those wedding videographers can stop whining.

    So did MCE write their own drivers, or did Leopard silently add BR capabilities?
  • Reply 2354 of 2639
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Cool. Now those wedding videographers can stop whining.

    No we can't. I've had a Blu-ray burner in my Mac Pro for 2 months now. This is nothing new. We still have no authoring tools. I have to jump through hoops using parallels and Windows to put anything out on Blu-ray, or shell out $750 for Premiere just for Encore. Apple has yet to offer us anything. Believe me, we can keep whining. We can whine and gripe to an extent that will put the biggest HDDVD Zealots of old to shame. [/frustrated rant]
  • Reply 2355 of 2639
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    But apparently, Sony now believes in the future of downloads. Interesting.

    Well here's what Sony is saying about the future of entertainment.

    Sony's Stan Glasgow talks TVs, Blu-ray


    The big problem in the United States is we don't have enough bandwidth to really drive content through the Internet and our pipes. Japan has much better pipes, so does Korea, so does Europe. So it's still experimental. we hope to do more in the future, and it's the first one. We're going to try and see what happens.


    Looking ahead, you're only just getting into Blu-ray. How do you see the future penetration of the format compared with DVD?

    Glasgow: That's a good question. DVD took 10 years to really penetrate. We're now in the second year of Blu-ray. My guess is it will probably happen a little quicker in terms of penetration. The pricing is already coming down more quickly than DVD came down. I don't think it will take as long as 10 years, but I don't think it will penetrate to the same percentage because there's a couple of conflicting forces. Certainly, people that want the best picture are going to want it, without a doubt. People that are OK with upconverting DVD players, which is somewhere close to 600, 650, maybe 700 (lines of resolution)--that's not a bad picture either. So a lot of people may be happy with an upconverting DVD player. And (Blu-ray) may not turn over, it may not penetrate to the same extent, because (DVD) was such a big medium change from tape.

    But I see it being the major format. It's won the war, that's done. Now it's a matter of: Can we provide an exceptional experience? Can we provide a social part? And can we involve the overall community in, let's say, designing applets and coming up with new things that we can't even think of today?

  • Reply 2356 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by 4metta View Post

    Here is ID Software's John Carmack explaining the development scenario for the PS3 vs the 360:


    That clip is from before the systems were even released. The suggested Carmack Scenario is merely a guy who didn't want to learn something new. Boo Hoo.
  • Reply 2357 of 2639
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    That clip is from before the systems were even released. The suggested Carmack Scenario is merely a guy who didn't want to learn something new. Boo Hoo.

    It has nothing to do with how hard it is to learn.

    It's about cost of development and the speed of development.

    The PS3 costs more to make the same game as a 360.

    The PS3 takes longer to make the same game as the 360.

    It's especially bad for companies who roll their own technology.

    We saw GTA4 delayed because the PS3 version was trailing the 360 version by 6 months. **corrected** GT4 -> GTA4

    Game development is a business. You spend money to create a game. And then hopefully earn that money back. The PS3 is bad for that business because it costs more to make a PS3 game than it can earn back.

  • Reply 2358 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    It has nothing to do with how hard it is to learn.

    It's about cost of development and the speed of development.

    The PS3 costs more to make the same game as a 360.

    The PS3 takes longer to make the same game as the 360.

    It's especially bad for companies who roll their own technology.

    We saw GT4 delayed because the PS3 version was trailing the 360 version by 6 months.

    Game development is a business. You spend money to create a game. And then hopefully earn that money back. The PS3 is bad for that business because it costs more to make a PS3 game than it can earn back.


    Careful, people here don't like to learn the truth about their $600 investment.
  • Reply 2359 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    It has nothing to do with how hard it is to learn.

    It's about cost of development and the speed of development.

    The PS3 costs more to make the same game as a 360.

    The PS3 takes longer to make the same game as the 360.

    It's especially bad for companies who roll their own technology.

    We saw GT4 delayed because the PS3 version was trailing the 360 version by 6 months.

    Game development is a business. You spend money to create a game. And then hopefully earn that money back. The PS3 is bad for that business because it costs more to make a PS3 game than it can earn back.


    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    Careful, people here don't like to learn the truth about their $600 investment.

    Your both diluted.
  • Reply 2360 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    We saw GT4 delayed because the PS3 version was trailing the 360 version by 6 months.

    GT4? when was Gran Turismo 4 EVER going to come out for the xbox, it's a PS2 game anyway. please TRY and get your facts straight.
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