Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 2381 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Don't expect a PS3 price drop any time soon which is pretty striking considering this monday will see the xbox 360 premium drop to $300 and core to around $225.

    I wonder how long individual blu-ray players will hover above $300 dollars?
  • Reply 2382 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    I stopped in to Best Buy yesterday and they were promoting an Insignia brand player for $299.
  • Reply 2383 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    anyone bought any BD movies recently?

    There are some great old Japanese kung-fu double-bills that I picked up; Sister Street Fighter/Sister Street Fighter II, and Shogun Ninja/Killing Machine. All star Sonny Chiba to a greater or lesser extent.

    Not for everyone, but at around eight dollars a disc, that's four dollars a movie! They have obviously been transferred from a source that is not too good, but the picture is still pretty clean and sharp.

    I actually have a DVD of one of these movies and the BR is about a million times better. I'm beginning to find older DVD's almost unwatchable, although remastered and new movies can still look OK.
  • Reply 2384 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    I stopped in to Best Buy yesterday and they were promoting an Insignia brand player for $299.

    yeah but is it decent? i want something good at around $200.
  • Reply 2385 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    anyone bought any BD movies recently?

    Is it OK to talk about BD movies in this thread now that gamers have taken it over?

    Seriously I'm waiting for The Hunt for Red October. I'm using Netflix for other July releases.
  • Reply 2386 of 2639
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    Is it OK to talk about BD movies in this thread now that gamers have taken it over?

    Seriously I'm waiting for The Hunt for Red October. I'm using Netflix for other July releases.

    thats kinda why I asked!

    I've ordered Batman Begins, yeah i KNOW its been out a little while now. but I'm waiting on that.

    The prices here have come down, just not quite enough for me yet. The oil prices going up have kind of put a damper on my spending, not that that stopped me ordering a ton of SD-DVDs (TV shows) just recently.

    I've done my 6 months without ordering anything stint, and it was fairly easy to be honest. I'll soon have 400 movies in iTunes (new TB discs help!) plus over 700 TV shows, so I'm kind of spoiled for stuff to watch at the moment.
  • Reply 2387 of 2639
    Walter, there are only a few movies that I buy when they first come out, The Hunt for Red October is an example, other titles that I'm interested in go on a "buy when on deep sale" list. Amazon typically has new releases at 30% off which is still high but bearable.

    There's no must have discs coming out in August but September and October looking to be expensive. September has the Godfather collection and L.A. Confidential, while October has Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, Sweeny Todd plus The Third Man and possibly the Last Emperor from Criterion.

    I also make a lot of use of Netflix.
  • Reply 2388 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Blu-ray Is Booming; Wall Street Analysts Are Blooming Idiots


    Consumers have spent $194 million on Blu-ray high-def discs in the first six months of 2008 -- a 350 percent over sales of both Blu-ray and HD DVD titles in the first six months of last year.

    That's according to an article by The Hollywood Reporter.

    The publication adds that Bluj-ray sales revenue alone should triple the amount of digital downloading revenue in 2008. One analyst says the high-def disc's advantage is evidence that Wall Street doesn't understand the tech industry.

    Many Wall Street analysts have said digital downloads -- downloading movies over the Net directly to your home TV -- will soon replace both Blu-ray and the standard-def DVD.

    "Most analysts are techno-geeks with plenty of money and not much time, while most Americans are not technically savvy, and they have plenty of time but not much money," said Tom Adams, president of Adams Media Research. "The fact is, despite what many on Wall Street seem to think, there is very little digital downloading going on. We're talking about $118 million in 2007 spending, and about $254 million this year -- so against a $24 billion packaged media market (Blu-ray and standard-def DVD) it's really not making much of a dent at this point."

    The Hollywood Reporter writes that unit sales of Blu-ray discs were up 340 percent in the first half of 2008, with the number of discs sold around 7.4 million.

    I Am Legend is the leading high-def disc seller with 305,000 unit sales, followed by National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets with 145,000.


    Tom Adams could not be more right. From DVRs to the Apple TV to Interactive TV to now Blu-ray, Wall Street analysts have been dead wrong on predicting the future of nearly every new TV technology.

    They have said millions of people would buy products from their TV screens using Interactive TV remote controls; they have said people would stop watching ads because of the DVR (they also said TiVo would conquer the world); they have said the Apple TV would become a cultural phenomenon; and now they are saying that digital downloads will take over the living room.

    Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

    Financial analysts, many of which are based in New York and have incomes that far exceed the average person, do not understand the average home viewer; they see the industry through their eyes only, and therefore, too often hype new tech products as the next big thing.

    Why? Because they think the products are "cool."

    But digital downloads is their latest mistake with the analysts saying millions of home viewers will soon connect their TVs to Net-capable devices.

    However, the analysts forget two things: most Americans are not tech-savvy and are confused by Internet TV devices. And two, it takes too damn long to download a high-def movie over the Net.

    It will still be a few years before Blu-ray becomes a mass audience product. But it will be years and years and years before digital downloads are ready for primetime.

    All I can say is that any investor who listens to a Wall Street analyst on TV technology issues should have his head examined because you're guaranteed to lose your money.

  • Reply 2389 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    And you have some facts? Or just tedious fanboyism.

    Why is it always tedious fanboys that trot out stuff like this?

    Back on topic. Anyone got an external BR burner they're using for burning edited movies? Don't think I've got the patience, or hard disc space, to wait for Apple to fit BR burners.
  • Reply 2390 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    From DVRs to the Apple TV to Interactive TV to now Blu-ray, Wall Street analysts have been dead wrong on predicting the future of nearly every new TV technology.

    You must mean Hollywood, who were so wrong about VCRs they tried to sue the technology out of existence.

    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    They have said millions of people would buy products from their TV screens using Interactive TV remote controls; they have said people would stop watching ads because of the DVR (they also said TiVo would conquer the world); they have said the Apple TV would become a cultural phenomenon; and now they are saying that digital downloads will take over the living room.

    Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

    So your point is that Blu-Ray will take off a few years from now, but you think Downloads have to take off now or lose the battle completely? That's insane.

    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Financial analysts, many of which are based in New York and have incomes that far exceed the average person, do not understand the average home viewer; they see the industry through their eyes only, and therefore, too often hype new tech products as the next big thing.

    You obviously have no idea how the financial world works.

    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    But digital downloads is their latest mistake with the analysts saying millions of home viewers will soon connect their TVs to Net-capable devices.

    Millions certainly will by this Christmas. More such devices are being announced every week.

    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    However, the analysts forget two things: most Americans are not tech-savvy and are confused by Internet TV devices. And two, it takes too damn long to download a high-def movie over the Net.

    Exactly what the music industry said ten years ago.

    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    It will still be a few years before Blu-ray becomes a mass audience product. But it will be years and years and years before digital downloads are ready for primetime.

    Wishful thinking. BR is the future for the collector market only. Rentals have largely moved to digital distribution (video-on-demand). As such, BR will not benefit from the economies of scale that DVD has.

    Both systems will co-exist, but Blu-Ray will never become the force in the market that DVD did in its time.
  • Reply 2391 of 2639
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    And two, it takes too damn long to download a high-def movie over the Net.

    I tried renting a HD movie on my AppleTV. I pressed the button and the movie was ready to start playing in five minutes.

    Now for sure, that is five minutes too long...

    ...But then again, most stupid DVDs are cluttered with slow menus, non-standard interfaces, and a short "Reefer Madness" style documentaries on the moral dangers of piracy.

    So once you go to the shelf, get out the disk, load it into the machine, navigate the mess of trailers and warnings and finally get it on the screen. I bet the best part of 5 minutes have passed.

    Thank goodness that Sony is stalwart in its support of disk-based distribution.

    And while only techno-geeks and first adopters will bother with all the direct network download stuff.... I am not sure the tobacco-chewing yokels that are left behind will make a bee-line for blu-ray. Isn't DVD good enough for folks watching on a 12" black and white Philco?

  • Reply 2392 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Yeah this downloading thing will take years to become a reality.
  • Reply 2393 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    And the cries of millions of PS3 fanboys were heard this afternoon when one of Sony's major titles has now been announced for the Xbox 360.

    Final Fantasy Xlll

    what a blow, what a blow. Neogaf even crashed under the pressure
  • Reply 2394 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    And the cries of millions of PS3 fanboys were heard this afternoon when one of Sony's major titles has now been announced for the Xbox 360.

    Final Fantasy Xlll

    what a blow, what a blow. Neogaf even crashed under the pressure

    And this has what relevance to Apple, Blu-ray or HD-DVD discussion?

    Although I suppose any non Blu-ray version of FFXIII will have to come on about a dozen DVD's, so there is a possible angle I suppose.
  • Reply 2395 of 2639
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    anyone bought any BD movies recently?

    I recently purchased...


    The Signal

    No Country...

    Batman Begins

    Blade Runner

    I Am Legend

    There Will Be Blood

    Terminator 1 & 2

    Black Hawk Down

    Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy

    Casino Royale


    Ocean's Boxed Set

    Kingdom of Heaven

    Die Hard Boxed Set
  • Reply 2396 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by womblingfree View Post

    And this has what relevance to Apple, Blu-ray or HD-DVD discussion?

    Although I suppose any non Blu-ray version of FFXIII will have to come on about a dozen DVD's, so there is a possible angle I suppose.

    It has to do with Sony's platform failing as a gaming console and becoming more and more just a blue-ray player.
  • Reply 2397 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Northgate View Post

    I recently purchased...


    The Signal

    No Country...

    Batman Begins

    Blade Runner

    I Am Legend

    There Will Be Blood

    Terminator 1 & 2

    Black Hawk Down

    Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy

    Casino Royale


    Ocean's Boxed Set

    Kingdom of Heaven

    Die Hard Boxed Set

    Are T1 and T2 actually in HIgh def?
  • Reply 2398 of 2639
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    It has to do with Sony's platform failing as a gaming console and becoming more and more just a blue-ray player.

    Now that's just crap. I use mine to play videos off of the hard drive and download HD trailers too!
  • Reply 2399 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    FFXIII on 360. I called it.

    How about that Massive Action Game? 256 players in one huge epic fight?

    Yes please.

    Sony starts their PS3 TV/Movie download service tonight.

    And the 360 is doing Netflix
  • Reply 2400 of 2639
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Are T1 and T2 actually in HIgh def?

    Yes they are. They're older HD transfers. I think they were both transferred to HD in 2000 or 2001. I'm not sure if they're progressive transfers or 60i. But they sure as hell look pretty good.
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