Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 761 of 2639
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    What consumer would buy a player that only plays 25% of the high def movies available?

    The same ones that bought HDDVD discs thinking they'd play in their regular DVD players. The average consumer has never been described as tech savvy. The average consumer thinks they'll get good advice from the blue-shirts at Best Buy after all.
  • Reply 762 of 2639
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    The Ratio (or %) of 10:1 can be 10 unit to 1 or 10 million to 1 million.... but what are the actual units being moved? Are you that naive not knowing what unit ratio means vs. the real unit volumes? How does your stats show there is increase in demand of unit volume for HDM(Blu-Ray) players?

    The numbers are (from The Digital Bits):

    Blu-ray Disc - 15,257 units

    HD-DVD - 14,558 units

    That was prior to the Warner announcement, which came on 1/4. Now here's how the January Week 2 unit sales data for each format looked AFTER the announcement (for the week ending 1/12)...

    Blu-ray Disc - 21,770 units

    HD-DVD - 1,758 units
  • Reply 763 of 2639
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    The numbers are (from The Digital Bits):

    Blu-ray Disc - 15,257 units

    HD-DVD - 14,558 units

    That was prior to the Warner announcement, which came on 1/4. Now here's how the January Week 2 unit sales data for each format looked AFTER the announcement (for the week ending 1/12)...

    Blu-ray Disc - 21,770 units

    HD-DVD - 1,758 units

    Tis but a scratch.
  • Reply 764 of 2639
    from Bite

    the J6P may take the bait

    So Tosh are trying to catch some fish/animal.. only to EAT them later, hardly an encouraging turn of phrase, oh EVIL Tosh, what a meanie corporation they are peddling their proprietary format, truly the next UMD cos, hey, it only works in their players right? re-brands a go-go.

    If all the people who bought BD players and or believe the figures, be they ratio or cold hard numbers (as JLL has kindly provided) are what you would term "fanboys"

    What does that make someone like you still shouting "LA LA LA, I'm not listening" fingers proudly in ears as you dance around the falling HD tent with a notice stuck on your back that reads "I will buy a BD player once its reached $400, scratch that $300, scratch that $200, scratch that $100.. scra...."

    You are very funny sometimes, but if you buy shares in something, I'd be very wise to SELL
  • Reply 765 of 2639
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    The numbers are (from The Digital Bits):

    Blu-ray Disc - 15,257 units

    HD-DVD - 14,558 units

    That was prior to the Warner announcement, which came on 1/4. Now here's how the January Week 2 unit sales data for each format looked AFTER the announcement (for the week ending 1/12)...

    Blu-ray Disc - 21,770 units

    HD-DVD - 1,758 units

    Thanks, good reading.

    I now await the "AHH!!! but Amazon sales ranks show the opposite"

    I wonder will you get called a "fanboy" as well?
  • Reply 766 of 2639
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    I wonder will you get called a "fanboy" as well?


    Fanboy is AI's own personal F-bomb lately.
  • Reply 767 of 2639
    ^ Haha

    So true.
  • Reply 768 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    The numbers are (from The Digital Bits):

    Blu-ray Disc - 15,257 units

    HD-DVD - 14,558 units

    So... 30K HDM units moved before Warner announcement. (Even smaller niche than I thought)

    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    That was prior to the Warner announcement, which came on 1/4. Now here's how the January Week 2 unit sales data for each format looked AFTER the announcement (for the week ending 1/12)...

    Blu-ray Disc - 21,770 units

    HD-DVD - 1,758 units

    23K HDM units moved after Warner announcement. So, HDM market is now a shrinking niche?

    before: 30k units

    after: 23k units

    What happened to all the HDM sideliners jumping in? So, who won what, again?

    If you were to predict the HDM market with this one time event, then the HDM market is doomed because it shrunk about 30% after the Warner announcement. So, HDM market is shrinking for rest of the year?.....

    But the reality is that the HDM niche market is so small that almost no one cares other than few PS3 gamers and AV enthusiasts. So, your support of blu-ray will not make you or the HDM optical disc a winner, yet.
  • Reply 769 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    What consumer would buy a player that only plays 25% of the high def movies available?

    Another wrong information.

    Even when not counting what Warner has released on HD-DVD's, the actual number of exclusive catalog titles are about 45% HD-DVD to 55% Blu-Ray, since Paramount and Universal library is bigger than Warner and rest of the individual Blu-Ray exclusive studios.
  • Reply 770 of 2639
    yup, looks like I won't get an answer.

    before: 30k units

    after: 23k units

    yeah, before and after xmas
  • Reply 771 of 2639
    I really need an HDTV
  • Reply 772 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Okay, I'll jump back into the fire.

    As I've said before, the only way I can see for Toshiba to get back into the game is to have Microsoft and/or Nintendo publicly endorse the format for their next-gen consoles. That's the only way to end concerns about the discs becoming obsolete. Failing that, I believe HD-DVD is dead.

    However, the Blu-Rayers have spent so much time declaring victory and spewing FUD about Microsoft that they have yet to realize that Apple has declared war and is fighting them on another front.

    If 30,000 HD players were sold before Christmas and numbers are down to 25,000 or so for the next few months, the AppleTV/iTunes combo is going to beat those numbers handily.

    As for the "people want to collect their movies with discs and real artwork" nonsense, that's exactly what was said before Napster appeared and altered the course of the music industry forever.
  • Reply 773 of 2639
    Originally Posted by gloss View Post

    Tis but a scratch.

    That's a great punch line for The Princess Bride, but get over it already.

    HD-DVD has lost.
  • Reply 774 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    yup, looks like I won't get an answer.

    before: 30k units

    after: 23k units

    yeah, before and after xmas

    You just don't get what this format war means in a niche of the niche market. It's like being in a special olympic.

    30k units is just a sad number no mater how you spin it. I'm sure SACD & DVD-A did better than that when the universal players were getting popular.

    I also own two universal players for SACD & DVD-A playback.. I'm just a sucker for a niche product.
  • Reply 775 of 2639
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    That's a great punch line for The Princess Bride, but get over it already.

    HD-DVD has lost.

    #1 - I think it is from Monty Python's search for the holy grail

    #2 - he was being sarcastic
  • Reply 776 of 2639
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    You just don't get what this format war means in a niche of the niche market. It's like being in a special olympic.

    30k units is just a sad number no mater how you spin it. I'm sure SACD & DVD-A did better than that when the universal players were getting popular.

    I also own two universal players for SACD & DVD-A playback.. I'm just a sucker for a niche product.

    30K/week + PS3 sales of 110K/week = 140K/week. Once you count the run up to Christmas, this amounts to probably 10 million units a year. Not a niche market.
  • Reply 777 of 2639
    Isn't that "Tis only a flesh wound!!"

  • Reply 778 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Okay, I'll jump back into the fire.

    As I've said before, the only way I can see for Toshiba to get back into the game is to have Microsoft and/or Nintendo publicly endorse the format for their next-gen consoles. That's the only way to end concerns about the discs becoming obsolete. Failing that, I believe HD-DVD is dead.

    However, the Blu-Rayers have spent so much time declaring victory and spewing FUD about Microsoft that they have yet to realize that Apple has declared war and is fighting them on another front.

    If 30,000 HD players were sold before Christmas and numbers are down to 25,000 or so for the next few months, the AppleTV/iTunes combo is going to beat those numbers handily.

    As for the "people want to collect their movies with discs and real artwork" nonsense, that's exactly what was said before Napster appeared and altered the course of the music industry forever.

    Okay, I'll jump in.

    Napster is a bad analogy.

    MP3 Players are portable and thus functional with you feeling you 'own' your files. We accept a degraded audio track to save space and money.

    DVD and especially HD video doesn't save space nor do we want a degraded copy. We also aren't walking/jogging [exercising in general], driving in our cars and more watching movies and maintaining our awareness of our surroundings.

    Movies aren't an on-the-go industry.

    On demand content will always have a market. It won't surpass the market of collecting movies/tv series shows in HD Format.

    People will most certainly download to the AppleTV and buy a rental session to watch a movie.

    The movies they love will see them going and purchasing a BD hardcopy for their collection.

    It's done today in both the audio and video markets.

    Most people still rip their music to their iPod. They aren't buying ten thousand songs off of the iTunes store.
  • Reply 779 of 2639
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member

    I command you, as King of the Britons, to stand aside!


    I move for no man.


    So be it!


    Aaah!, hiyaah!, etc.

    [ARTHUR chops the BLACK KNIGHT's left arm off]


    Now stand aside, worthy adversary.


    'Tis but a scratch.


    A scratch? Your arm's off!


    No, it isn't.


    Well, what's that, then?


    I've had worse.


    You liar!


    Come on, you pansy!







    [ARTHUR chops the BLACK KNIGHT's right arm off]


    Victory is mine!


    We thank Thee Lord, that in Thy mer--




    Come on, then.




    Have at you!



    Eh. You are indeed brave, Sir Knight, but the fight is mine.


    Oh, had enough, eh?


    Look, you stupid bastard. You've got no arms left.


    Yes, I have.




    Just a flesh wound.



    Look, stop that.






    Look, I'll have your leg.




    [ARTHUR chops the BLACK KNIGHT's right leg off]


    Right. I'll do you for that!


    You'll what?


    Come here!


    What are you going to do, bleed on me?


    I'm invincible!


    You're a looney.


    The Black Knight always triumphs! Have at you! Come on, then.


    [ARTHUR chops the BLACK KNIGHT's last leg off]


    Oh? All right, we'll call it a draw.


    Come, Patsy.


    Oh. Oh, I see. Running away, eh? You yellow bastards! Come back here and take what's coming to you. I'll bite your legs off!
  • Reply 780 of 2639
    Originally Posted by e1618978 View Post

    #1 - I think it is from Monty Python's search for the holy grail

    #2 - he was being sarcastic

    More than one movie and the battle with the Black Knight is more impressive when you quote the entire line that includes the counter line about cutting his leg clean off.

    BD is that counter line. In fact, that entire scene is reminiscent of the BD vs. HD-DVD battle.

    Arthur [BD] wins and the Black Knight [HD-DVD] is left incapable of moving and countering Arthur leaving nothing but a sarcastic, bloody stump left to bleed to death.
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