Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 701 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    ok, so the NPD numbers came out. And well, not to club the ps3 crowd over the head but here goes anyways..

    actually, its more like a bat over the head

    and here are the top ten best selling games of 2007 in the US (remember some of these games came out in the later half of 07)

    So, Whos PR spin is that again?
  • Reply 702 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    no, i dont. i wanted hd-dvd to just take over since it was cheaper and it wasn't owned by a shady company like sony. however, i figured it wouldn't since the bluray group was throwing insane amounts of money to supporters.

    i want this war to be over but i'll wait it out a bit longer before i decide to purchase a bluray player.

    oh, and here are some more numbers for ya.

    so much for timeshift huh? let me ask you a serious question sony fanboys. i'm only doing this because i really want to know....when will we see developers take the plunge and start fitting insane amounts of stuff onto the bluray? you know since bluray was really needed for "next gen gaming"

    hmm? when will we see those developers drop 20million + on a game for that system? eh? cuz they gotta be pretty damn ballsy after they look at some of these numbers.

    Can't answer that question because I am NOT a "fanboy"

    but I believe I have already posted information about Games for the PS3 about the amount of data sitting on BD discs that are already out and on sale and exist.. which you either missed or refuse to acknowledge, if its the latter, then I can't really help you.

    In case you didn't know, which seems possible, due to the fact that you come across as someone obsessed. The 360 has been out a full year longer than the PS3, yet current sales figures are around 10mil for the PS3 and only 16mil for the 360. Now, either the PS3 is selling better than the 360 in its first year, or the sales for the 360 have slowed.

    Either way there are more 360 users, meaning there are more potential customers for a given software title, so it will be much easier for a 360 game to outsell a PS3 game by volume of numbers.

    It might be more interesting if you have percentage of ownership figures, however I doubt you would bother, because it might not look as overpowering.

    Also take into account "attachment rates" the 360, as has been pointed out many times, NEEDS a HDD, NEEDS the wireless module and NEEDS the HD-DVD add-on to bring it up to a similar spec to the PS3.

    The effect of this is that attachment rates of peripherals will be higher on the 360 by default, when compared to the PS3 because it has all that stuff AS STANDARD.

    but strangely you don't mention the Wii and the fact that despite the 360 being out a year earlier, its only sold 16mil units, but the Wii is already at 20mil units.

    Probably because it doesn't fit with your obsession in regard to the 360.

    P.S. here's a question for you, what happened to you "ending" this discussion?
  • Reply 703 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Bancho View Post

    TW is a big company. To assume that the portion that handles broadband access is closely tied to the studio is naive. It may as well be a completely unrelated company.

    The fact is, that as bandwidth usage increases (VOD is the future as we've heard many times here already) broadband utilization will increase, and costs to support it will increase. They are trying to impose soft caps now and make the ones using the most bandwidth pay more. It's only a matter of time before they start adjusting that limit as bandwidth usage averages go up. Sure, unlimited is unlimited...until they say otherwise. What will you do? Most broadband providers already enjoy monopoly status in the areas they provide service. They may be the only ones doing it this time, but just wait. If it's not slapped down then other companies *will* take notice and start adjusting their plans as well. They'll either charge you more or throttle your connection (and the connection throttling has already been found to be going on).

    {SIGH} I asked "do I smell monopoly"

    I hope you weren't calling me "naive" the beginnings of "caps" on "unlimited" services would appear to be the thin end of the wedge, would it not? if then, that same ISP controls other aspects of a media distribution system. then one could see how it might be, unintentionally of not "become" a monopoly of sorts.

    microsoft are a big company too remember

    If VOD over the web is the future it would be wise to consider all aspects of that possible future, a company that generates movie product, licenses the distribution of that product (either itself, as wee see with the TV studios, or) via, lets say Apple/iTunes and THEN is able to charge AGAIN for the delivery system (ISP) then that seems like a potential monopoly to me. at the very least one in the making.

    theres no point in hiding under a rock about these things.

    My current provider supplies "unlimited" services and they are, if in the future they become "capped" I will consider switching, I don't, for example, believe that a 1 or 2 terabyte cap would effect me in the medium term but I'm realistic enough to know that my usage will likely go up.
  • Reply 704 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Guartho View Post

    So Marz, are you finally confident enough in an eventual all-out Blu-ray victory to actually buy a player now?

    That depends, are you humble enough to realize you've wasted money on HD DVD and finally buy a Blu-ray player yourself?

    I've been confident enough for 2 years to buy a Blu-ray simply isn't in the cards at this point.
  • Reply 705 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    That depends, are you humble enough to realize you've wasted money on HD DVD and finally buy a Blu-ray player yourself?

    I've been confident enough for 2 years to buy a Blu-ray simply isn't in the cards at this point.

    Spoken with elegance.
  • Reply 706 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    That depends, are you humble enough to realize you've wasted money on HD DVD and finally buy a Blu-ray player yourself?

    I've been confident enough for 2 years to buy a Blu-ray simply isn't in the cards at this point.

    For some, siding with one or the other or both optical format would have not been waste of money when HDM's can be enjoyed at home, now. It would have been waste of money independent of your choice of HDM optical format, in your case. Unless you're desperately waiting to backup massive storage HDD archives on one of the optical disc format?
  • Reply 707 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    P.S. here's a question for you, what happened to you "ending" this discussion?

    Haha Is he still rambling on about this??

  • Reply 708 of 2639
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    {SIGH} I asked "do I smell monopoly"

    And I answered that. In many areas there is a single broadband solution and if you don't like that "monopoly", you can use dialup if you like.

    When I lived in CT, my choice was tele-media for cable broadband or.....14.4 dialup since I was too far from a switch to qualify for any DSL package.

    Monopoly with regard to broadband is an absolute reality in many areas. So, yes, you DO in fact smell monopoly.

    BTW, Elixir, your statement about Sony being the sole shady company behind Blu Ray is patently false and established FUD. Just because the most prominent player is a Sony one doesn't alter that fact. I know, I know, it's fun to hate Sony and maybe even deserved in some cases but seriously...
  • Reply 709 of 2639
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    That depends, are you humble enough to realize you've wasted money on HD DVD and finally buy a Blu-ray player yourself?

    I've been confident enough for 2 years to buy a Blu-ray simply isn't in the cards at this point.

    I am humble enough to make such an admission but I think you'll only get half the admission you want. I wasted money on the HD DVD discs I bought, but not the player.

    About the time of the end of the 2006 thread I decided that if I got an HDTV I'd spend about $130 on an up-converter and sit out the war, if the silly thing was still going on. Just before buying my HDTV, behold an HD DVD player for $100 that also got great reviews as an up-converter. I spent less than I was planning on so no complaints here.

    Next month my HD DVD player will be in the window of my local chamber of commerce helping me to showcase my company's move to HD production. Burning HD content for the masses, still a PITA on both, but a free PITA on HD DVD and a $1400 PITA on Blu-ray.

    I do understand why you actually haven't bought a Blu-ray player though. I'm in the same bought. I just can't drop that kind of change for awhile yet.
  • Reply 710 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Guartho View Post

    I wasted money on the HD DVD discs I bought, but not the player.

    I guess this really depends on how you're looking at it, but did HD-DVD discs stopped playing all of a sudden?.. I think you can probably ebay those discs for some $ in return if you're really not happy with the HD-DVD HDM purchase. Ebay has been gold mind for some enthusiasts, thanks to Warner.

    In any rate, the whole HDM optical disc market seems to be heading to another niche technology path anyway, and neither choice of HDM optical format would have been a good investment at all. Just like many other consumables, the $ spent on Home Theather hobby is good for self entertainment value only.
  • Reply 711 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Bancho View Post

    And I answered that. In many areas there is a single broadband solution and if you don't like that "monopoly", you can use dialup if you like.

    When I lived in CT, my choice was tele-media for cable broadband or.....14.4 dialup since I was too far from a switch to qualify for any DSL package.

    Monopoly with regard to broadband is an absolute reality in many areas. So, yes, you DO in fact smell monopoly.

    Wow I didn't realise the situation was so bad in parts of the "technically advanced, first world country" America. {not bitching, just surprised}
  • Reply 712 of 2639

    even engadget see the irony of that poster

    I'm sure you can add your own caption, but HANG ON - for dear life! pretty much covers whats left of it.

    Jeez a busted robot or car?? {neither one thing or the other} a troll and a donkey.
  • Reply 713 of 2639
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Hey, those are 2 of the 3 movies I bought on HD DVD!
  • Reply 714 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Guartho View Post

    I am humble enough to make such an admission but I think you'll only get half the admission you want. I wasted money on the HD DVD discs I bought, but not the player.

    How was the purchase of HD DVD's any more wasteful than Blu-Ray dics? You were able to watch and hear the movies in High Definition, were you not? And wasn't that why you bought them?
  • Reply 715 of 2639
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Wow I didn't realise the situation was so bad in parts of the "technically advanced, first world country" America. {not bitching, just surprised}

    In some ways, we're way behind the rest of the world.
  • Reply 716 of 2639
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    the wii was out the same time ps3 was and its smashing it. so???

    dont get upset ,enjoy your system.

    Since you're being a real fanboi about this:

    Enjoys your long as it lasts anyway.
  • Reply 717 of 2639
    The old 360s have a failure rate of 33 percent. The new ones STILL have a 10 pecent failure rate. Better, but not enough.
  • Reply 718 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Since you're being a real fanboi about this:

    Enjoys your long as it lasts anyway.

    hey, i never said the system doesn't have flaws. i'm on my second one, which is working wonderfully (knock on wood).

    the argument wasn't about the actual system, i always said the ps3 was a nice piece of machinery. its about the multipurpose cell chip, the unneeded bluray space for gaming, and poor selection of content that i talk about.

    again, to reiterate- right now the 360 is the better system for games.
  • Reply 719 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    hey, i never said the system doesn't have flaws. i'm on my second one, which is working wonderfully (knock on wood).

    I'm happy for you, but you are still in denial, maybe by the 3rd or 4th system you will let reality sink in?

    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    the argument wasn't about the actual system

    whos arguing? you ended this a few posts back, apparently.

    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    its about the multipurpose cell chip,

    what about it? or do you just have processor envy?

    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    the unneeded bluray space for gaming,

    still with the FUD. how many people have pointed out that to you now? damn, thats right, you have your fingers firmly in both ears singing "la,la,la, I'm not listening"

    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    and poor selection of content that i talk about.

    yeah, you talk, but won't hear the other side or the discussion.

    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    again, to reiterate- right now the 360 is the better system for games.

    ...AND... STOP.. YOUR discussion is now over, congratulations.
  • Reply 720 of 2639
    ^ Haha good luck with getting him to shut up. He doesn't get it.
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