iPods, MacBooks, iMacs up next on Apple's 2008 roadmap



  • Reply 21 of 204
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    Cause an iMac doesn't have a battery door?

    Yeah. I wonder if an enterprising third party could make an alternate rear backplate for the 24" imac?

    Is it even possible to access the HD if there was a 'back door' opening?
  • Reply 22 of 204
    Why the red text?? I saw that and I was thinking we actually got some official word or something. This is nothing more than just iterating more of the same stuff we've been seeing for the past two weeks. Oh wow, some un-named source agrees with what was already out there and all of a sudden it's red text worthy?

    Eh, I just want AlumiMB's - my 12" PB is need of replacement and I have little to no need for the power of a MBP (let alone the $800+ extra that I would end up spending on it)
  • Reply 23 of 204
    dm3dm3 Posts: 168member




    Everything else in a minor rehash. Do something, anything with the Mini. Its just painful to witness its slow tortured demise.
  • Reply 24 of 204
    yeahhh niggasss, thats thug.. will the mb's and ipod touches definitly be out sept 9 or whaaa maa fackaaaaaaaaasssssssssss
  • Reply 25 of 204
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    I still cannot understand why the 15" MacBook Pro can be easily engineered to allow consumer access to the hard drive, but the 24" iMac cannot.

    The MBP does not allow any easier access to the hard drive than the iMac. I think you confused it with the MacBook.

    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    Cause an iMac doesn't have a battery door?

    The first two or three revisions of the iMac G5 allowed pretty easy access to the hard drive, two screws and the back pops off. When they went to a curved back (iSight G5 and later), that was over.

    Originally Posted by StuBeck View Post

    Probably close to the $200 you can buy one for now from newegg. Apple will probably charge much more though.

    Those aren't the notebook drives. The original request was for it to be in an iMac:

    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    I'm waiting on an iMac with a quad core Montevina chipset in it, and a blu-ray writer.

    Originally Posted by bigmc6000 View Post

    Why the red text?? I saw that and I was thinking we actually got some official word or something.

    Red text is the site software's way of noting what stories are getting a lot of reader hits.
  • Reply 26 of 204
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by FuturePastNow View Post

    New processors, new chipset, and new graphics, but I bet they won't change the design at all. Intel has mobile quad-cores now, but they're very expensive.

    I'm hoping for a BD writer. The drives are cheap now and the movies are everywhere.

    There's no excuse not to offer it as an option.
  • Reply 27 of 204
    Any insight to a new Time Capsule? I don't want to spend the $500 on a 1TB for it to be updated a few weeks later.

    I also am hopeful of the new monitors this January. That's a long time coming and LED is the way I want to go.
  • Reply 28 of 204
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Yeah. I wonder if an enterprising third party could make an alternate rear backplate for the 24" imac?

    Is it even possible to access the HD if there was a 'back door' opening?

    You have to remove the screen to get to the guts of the aluminum iMac.
  • Reply 29 of 204
    bizlawbizlaw Posts: 13member
    There has to be something more than speed bumped iMacs and new cases for laptops. Apple said in their last quarter's results teleconference that profit margins would be down because they're coming out with technology in September which would be impossible for Apple's competitors to compete. That's not speed bumped iMacs or removable-battery laptops.

    The other telling factor is that no one can identify the agenda of the event. Usually keynote speeches have at least some idea of what's coming a couple of weeks ahead of time. Not here. Everything is strangely silent, like the calm before the storm.

    If Apple has something truly revolutionary, which competitors could not duplicate, then it would be under ultra-tight wraps deep inside Cupertino. I imagine Steve has some orders regarding leaks that involve a guillotine or some other slower, more painful mechanism.

    Something big is coming in Sept., and for once I hope it's a complete surprise to all of us. Let's pray for the return of "One More Thing . . . ".
  • Reply 30 of 204
    Originally Posted by FuturePastNow View Post

    You have to remove the screen to get to the guts of the aluminum iMac.

    A little off topic, but is there a 3rd party industry created yet for replacing the 24" iMac glossy screen with a mat screen? The screen just lifts off and could be replaced super easy. Personally I love my 24" glossy screen but I see so many people complaining about it, why doesn't somebody start selling replacement glass?

    Looking forward to the new products!!!!
  • Reply 31 of 204
    Just for the love of mock ups, and a little nice spam, I came across this one.

    PS: I already posted it in the other thread about Apple's next-gen MacBook Pro casing design revealed, but think this will be more frequented.
  • Reply 32 of 204
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Usually a good time to buy AAPL, the stock seems to dip prior to these events.

  • Reply 33 of 204
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Xxplosive View Post

    yeahhh niggasss, thats thug.. will the mb's and ipod touches definitly be out sept 9 or whaaa maa fackaaaaaaaaasssssssssss

    What the....?

    No Canadian gang signs, please.
  • Reply 34 of 204
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Red text is the site software's way of noting what stories are getting a lot of reader hits.

    Really? There must be something wrong with it then because the thing about the ad being pulled was never red (at least on my screen) and it got a boat load of comments on it VERY quickly as opposed to this article that's been out for hours and doesn't really have that many.
  • Reply 35 of 204
    Originally Posted by spinnerlys View Post

    Just for the love of mock ups, and a little nice spam, I came across this one.

    PS: I already posted it in the other thread about Apple's next-gen MacBook Pro casing design revealed, but think this will be more frequented.

    I like certain things about it, but it honestly just looks like a macbook air with black hues..infact in may be just that.... It doesnt feel MBPro-ey enough.
  • Reply 36 of 204
    I've been waiting (not long) for the imac refresh - a little bit better would be good, and I'm hoping for lower power consumption, a montevina CPU, a hybrid graphic chip that can drive Crysis at 25 - 30 fps (current macs can't) and a better keyboard - extra credit if they jam one of those new glass multipoint touch screens on it, i.e. the kind that will adorn the MB pro.
  • Reply 37 of 204
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    Originally Posted by nagromme View Post

    Black keys on the iMac please. Lighted like the Air (Even the wireless one could have that, with a sleep timer and an option to turn it off.)

    My guess is silver keys to match the silver frame of the keyboard. White is no longer in the colour scheme.

    These same keys will be used for the new aluminum MacBooks. Only one model colour...silver.

    MacBook Pro's will be now all black with black keys (same as MBA's)

    Just wild speculation.
  • Reply 38 of 204
    mcarlingmcarling Posts: 1,106member
    Originally Posted by calguy View Post

    And lets not forget the MBP

    Yea, Yea, Yea to Blu-ray!!!

    I hope that all Apple laptop optical drives will be external. Not having an internal optical drive is one of the things I like most about my MacBook Air. I wish Apple would sell an 11 inch 1920x1200 MPB with external only optical.
  • Reply 39 of 204
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by bigmc6000 View Post

    Really? There must be something wrong with it then because the thing about the ad being pulled was never red (at least on my screen) and it got a boat load of comments on it VERY quickly as opposed to this article that's been out for hours and doesn't really have that many.

    I'm just repeating what Kasper said. I have no reason to disbelieve him on this.

    A lot of replies don't necessarily mean that the story itself had more hits as a story with fewer replies.

    The problem with the ad story - if you look through that thread, I think you'll probably find it's mostly a handful of people arguing with each other, a long argument can jack up the length of a thread, but doesn't mean a lot of people are in it.
  • Reply 40 of 204
    Does anybody like the current MBP design?? I, for one, think the current overall appearance is great. Sure the aluminum-clad PB/MBP design has been around for quite some time...but it looks great. The picture one poster put on this thread looks too close to a PC. The thing I like about my sleek, thin MBP is that it stands out from the black, grey, and white plastic-clad PCs. If any changes are made to the design of the MBP, they should be:

    -user-accessible hard drive

    -thinner wouldn't be bad

    -a different keyboard (maybe like the MB's, but NOT black like the MacBook Air)

    -more scratch-resistant

    -stiffer screen(people like to point at things on my screen and I have two "bruises"...PC screens seem to be a stiff piece of plastic which would hold up to such touching)

    -bring back an S-video port (yeah DVI is better & there's an adapter, but it would be very convenient)

    -and a magnetic latch wouldn't be bad

    These are minor things, though, and I can hardly imagine a professional-looking MBP that is clad in aluminum & black.
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