Apple announces new 13-inch MacBook



  • Reply 121 of 522
    Here is my prediction for the next few months until macworld (probably won't happen but I hope so because Apple deserves it).

    - Apple notebook sales decrease due to the obvious reasons. They are nice and there will always be people buying them, but due to the poor nature of the upgrade of specs and the big price hike I think a lot of people will be staying away. The economy will continue to tank and people will be even further pushed towards the sub $1000 dollar range of PC notebooks. And no, Apples $1150, low end, year old note book does NOT suffice for that category. Around Macbook time it would be great to then see either some real spec increases on the notebooks with no price increase, or a price cut.

    It would be nice if Apple suffered for it's stupid mistakes and then finally had to make them right, but knowing how the world works I doubt that will happen.
  • Reply 122 of 522
    I'm still having trouble understanding how Apple could remove target disk mode and, in doing so, cripple their migration manager.

    Buying a new Mac was always a joy because it was so easy to get back up and running with all your applications and files in the correct place. Now what are we supposed to do?

    I was going to buy my wife a new MacBook for Christmas. You just lost a sale.
  • Reply 123 of 522
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    No FireWire, no sale. What a mistake. When you go on vacation, you take your laptop. You also take your MiniDV camera too. Now with the new MacBook, you cannot import video while on vacation. Why waste money on two USB ports? There should have been one USB, one FireWire. If you want more devices, buy a damn hub!

    They always find ways to cut features that people still use! They learned their mistake when they cut the Audio In years ago, and that returned in a later model. So maybe Apple will realize their mistake once again.

    Panasonic HD cameras with USB port

    JVC HD cameras with USB port
  • Reply 124 of 522
    Originally Posted by Shaun, UK View Post

    I really can't see the point in making the MB and MBP look identical. Why not just introduce a 13" MBP instead and adopt a different styling for the MB - preferably with some colour options.

    I couldn't agree more. Apple should have just called the 13" MB a MBP because its price is darn high.

    Apple should have then kept the plastic MB and left it alone, except boosted its specs and lowered its prices from 899-1049 for different models.

    Also, I fully disagree that this is the "new 12" PowerBook." The size of this thing is still wider and deeper than the 12" PowerBook.
  • Reply 125 of 522
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by John F. View Post

    So it's true, the $1299 and $1599 MacBooks don't have any FireWire. That is a complete rip-off at that price-point. Many older Mac users who want to trade in their Apple notebook and who have FireWire peripherals won't be able to buy a cheap Mac notebook newer style.

    Exacly...what am I gonna do with my 2,5" firewire external harddisks? Block both USB ports with an Y-cable???

    The price and design show the new macbooks as Mac Book Pros - just with left out ports. Where's the Macbook for the masses, the world's most wanted cook Macbook?

    Ah, just buy the 999 plastic book?? At least it's got firewire...and..I'm sure a combo drive...

    Actually, Steve forgot to cock that one up somehow... the $999 MB comes with a SuperDrive now.

  • Reply 126 of 522
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    Apple is pedaling the MacBook as just like the Pro, but smaller and $700 cheaper. But it doesn't have Firewire, or the option for a 7200RPM drive, so even with that extra graphics power the machine still isn't suitable for multimedia work. Not to mention they actually downgraded the processor. And the $999 plastic MacBook should sell for $799.

    Based on the syntax of your composition, you ar saying that Apple "downgraded" the CPU on the new MB, and this is simply untrue.
  • Reply 127 of 522
    Originally Posted by Bregalad View Post

    I'm still having trouble understanding how Apple could remove target disk mode and, in doing so, cripple their migration manager.

    Supposedly with the AIR it works over ethernet. I assume with other machines with no FW it would work the same way.

    Originally Posted by applebook View Post

    Based on the syntax of your composition, you ar saying that Apple "downgraded" the CPU on the new MB, and this is simply untrue.

    It is a lower clock speed, isn't it? There's no question some people will consider that a downgrade.

    Is it a different chip architecture or does it have some other way of the CPU being faster at a lower clock?
  • Reply 128 of 522
    icibaquicibaqu Posts: 278member
    The backlit keyboard does show as an option to choose in the dropdown for purchasing the unit for the 1300 version of the macbook.

    that's all.
  • Reply 129 of 522
    well, if you don't want to call it downgrade...well....status quo? Cause it's definately no upgrade. The small macbook got a downgrade at 2.0 Ghz.

    And...status quo...IS a downgrade in IT industry, by the way...
  • Reply 130 of 522
    Originally Posted by applebook View Post

    Based on the syntax of your composition, you ar saying that Apple "downgraded" the CPU on the new MB, and this is simply untrue.

    The low-end new macbook (or the middle range macbook now) has a 2.0ghz processor for $1350 or so. The OLD mid-range macbook had a 2.4ghz processor for $1250. His statement is therefore completely correct. What exactly are YOU referring to?
  • Reply 131 of 522
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by Mac Voyer View Post

    Confirmed!!! (Always wanted to do that)

    According to Apple, it only comes on the $1600 model.

    The store shows that both aluminum Macbook models ($1299 and $1599) get the backlit keyboard. (It's at odds with the tech specs page.)
  • Reply 132 of 522
    it's kind of the same C2D processor. So it's a downgrade. No matter if it got a faster graphics chip.

    First processor downgrade in history
  • Reply 133 of 522
    bwikbwik Posts: 565member
    Originally Posted by kaiser_soze View Post

    The more I look at this the more angry I get.

    I am really, really disgusted with Apple. I rue the day that I bought Apple stock, and if there were a shareholder vote on whether to fire Jobs, I would not hesitate to fire him. This is all screwed up. It should have been about the reduction of the manufacturing cost so that MacBooks could be cost competitive with other notebook computers, and instead what they did was to substantially increase the manufacturing cost by requireing the chassis to be cut out on ultra expensive CNC machinery. It is utterly asinine.

    I don't understand why BMW doesn't just use Kia components to become more cost competitive. BMW would be way cheaper if they used flimsy, outdated parts and ugly designs. Why don't we also fire BMW's management. Who cares if they are profitable, you and I know better. We can easily outsmart the management of BMW and Apple. Shall we start tomorrow?
  • Reply 134 of 522
    Originally Posted by cosmickd View Post

    Does anyone know if you can buy a 320 GB HD from toshiba for $75.00 and just install it yourself instead of spending $200.00 for it through the apple store?

    Yes you can, I just bought a 320 Gb drive for my Black MacBook (with Firewire ;-p ). It works great.

    What happened to all the Mac Fanboys? Apple can do no wrong, right?!

    That nice new Lenovo IdeaPad S10 at $399 looks better and better everyday. I have a nice powerful Mac desktop at home, don't need an overpriced laptop for traveling...

    Anyone want to buy my MacBook? $1300 firm
  • Reply 135 of 522
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by minderbinder View Post

    I did check the chart - at most AAPL was only down about 3% more than the dow, as I said a couple of points. I guess we just don't agree whether three percent is "quite a bit more".

    Sigh... don't know why you keep on minimizing this... incorrectly too.

    AAPL closed down 5.60% today. The market as a whole closed down 0.82%. The difference was close to 5%... not "3%"... and not a "couple of points". Another way to look at it is that AAPL dropped almost seven times more than the market as a whole, percentage-wise.

    So, let's just face it, the market did not like what they heard.


    People always try to insist that the stock price somehow "proves" that the market hates apple's new announcements, and today sure looks like one of the times there's no real evidence for it - apple generally went up when the market went up and down when the market went down.

    Except that AAPL went down quite a bit more than the market did, post-announcement. And 'people' are often right.

    Don't get me wrong, minder... I really wanted to love the new announcements, I really did. But Steve cocked it up. No FW, and only a token toe-dipping into the sub-$1K market via the old model. Kinda sad.

    At least they finally put SuperDrives in across the lineup.

  • Reply 136 of 522
    Originally Posted by Bancho View Post

    The store shows that both aluminum Macbook models ($1299 and $1599) get the backlit keyboard.

    There is conflicting info on different parts of Apple's website. I'll bet only the pricier model has backlit keys.
  • Reply 137 of 522
    bwikbwik Posts: 565member
    Originally Posted by Bancho View Post

    The store shows that both aluminum Macbook models ($1299 and $1599) get the backlit keyboard.

    According to the online spec sheets, there are separate keyboard descriptions for the 2.0ghz and 2.4ghz versions. One includes the word "illuminated" and one does not. There must be some truth to that.
  • Reply 138 of 522
    Originally Posted by Zauner View Post

    it's kind of the same C2D processor. So it's a downgrade. No matter if it got a faster graphics chip.

    First processor downgrade in history

    Nah, apple has done similar things before.
  • Reply 139 of 522
    when is rev b supposed to come out? these are not that enticing as of now. I'm not so sure what to do anymore\
  • Reply 140 of 522
    bwikbwik Posts: 565member
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    Sigh... don't know why you keep on minimizing this... incorrectly too.

    AAPL closed down 5.60% today. The market as a whole closed down 0.82%. The difference was close to 5%... not "3%"... and not a "couple of points".

    Just face it, the market did not like what they heard.


    You must have been born yesterday.

    For the last 20 product introductions (often of industry-leading, immensely profitable new produts) the AAPL stock price usually went down.

    AAPL still made money. Will they keep making large buckets of profits on the Macbook franchise, yes dear, they will.
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