Dell rumored to give MacBook Air a run for its money



  • Reply 81 of 172
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    I will buy it when I can install and run it without having to hack it. Until then, Apple will not get penny from me. They aren't giving me anything, so I won't give them anythiing.

    Whatever. You keep telling yourself that. You would have thought that even the most moronic of morons could work out that if Apple hadn't created OS X, you wouldn't be able to run a hacked version of OS X; apparently that's not the case.

    You claim you're willing to pay for OS X, but it's clearly a lie.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 82 of 172
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    Whatever. You keep telling yourself that. You would have thought that even the most moronic of morons could work out that if Apple hadn't created OS X, you wouldn't be able to run a hacked version of OS X; apparently that's not the case.

    You claim you're willing to pay for OS X, but it's clearly a lie.

    I'm not willing to pay for I don't.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 83 of 172
    Originally Posted by Archipellago View Post

    I'm not willing to pay for I don't.

    Good for you. If thats the case, why the hell are you even here?
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  • Reply 84 of 172
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    Whatever. You keep telling yourself that. You would have thought that even the most moronic of morons could work out that if Apple hadn't created OS X, you wouldn't be able to run a hacked version of OS X; apparently that's not the case.

    You claim you're willing to pay for OS X, but it's clearly a lie.

    So tell me, what does paying for it actually get me? Even if I pay for it I still have to hack it. So where is the incentive to actually pay for it? My choice is either...

    Don't pay for it and hack it

    Pay for it and hack it.

    Which do you think I'm gonna choose?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 85 of 172
    Originally Posted by MaynardJames View Post

    Good for you. If thats the case, why the hell are you even here?

    because I can be..??
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  • Reply 86 of 172
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    So tell me, what does paying for it actually get me? Even if I pay for it I still have to hack it. So where is the incentive to actually pay for it? My choice is either...

    Don't pay for it and hack it

    Pay for it and hack it.

    Which do you think I'm gonna choose?

    The problem is that you seem to say you're entitled to take it anyways despite the fact that it's not your work and really did nothing to earn it.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 87 of 172
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    So tell me, what does paying for it actually get me? Even if I pay for it I still have to hack it. So where is the incentive to actually pay for it? My choice is either...

    Don't pay for it and hack it

    Pay for it and hack it.

    Which do you think I'm gonna choose?

    At least we're closer to you admitting you're a thief. What's in it for you? If you pay Apple, you're not a thief, if you steal it, you are.

    I'd like "The Dark Knight" on DVD.

    My choice is either:

    Buy the DVD

    Shoplift it from HMV

    Torrent it

    Which do you think I'm gonna choose?

    Well, I'll choose buying the DVD because I'm not a thief. If you want to be a thief, hey, I can't stop you, but at least stop peddling this shit about you being willing to pay for OS X.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 88 of 172
    Originally Posted by Archipellago View Post

    because I can be..??

    The response I expected. Further proof of your 1st grade attitude. We all know why you're here, in case you think you're fooling anyone.
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  • Reply 89 of 172
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    The problem is that you seem to say you're entitled to take it anyways despite the fact that it's not your work and really did nothing to earn it.

    I am perfectly willing to pay for it IF and WHEN Apple offer it as a product I can install and use without having to hack it. Until then, it is their loss.


    My choice is either:

    Buy the DVD

    Shoplift it from HMV

    Torrent it

    The difference here is that you have a choice between paying £0 or about £12. The differece when it comes to OSX is between paying £0 or £391. £391 is hardly 'value for money' when it comes to an OS, especially as I have no interest or need in the hardware. I want the OS, and the OS only, and I am quite willing to pay the £83 Apple are asking for it, but ONLY if I can run that software on my current computer without having to hack it. Until then, Apple will have to live with £0 from me. I am the customer, I call the shots as to what I am and am not prepared to pay for. If the company won't provide me with what I am prepared to pay for, once again, it is their loss, not mine.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 90 of 172
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    At least we're closer to you admitting you're a thief. What's in it for you? If you pay Apple, you're not a thief, if you steal it, you are.

    I'd like "The Dark Knight" on DVD.

    My choice is either:

    Buy the DVD

    Shoplift it from HMV

    Torrent it

    Which do you think I'm gonna choose?

    Well, I'll choose buying the DVD because I'm not a thief. If you want to be a thief, hey, I can't stop you, but at least stop peddling this shit about you being willing to pay for OS X.

    I'm sure you could shoplift it from Zavvi... (joke)

    according to Mininova there are over 28k people seeding a torrent (of some kind) of the dark knight.

    so, whilst you are undoubtedly correct in your assertions, lots of people are happy (seemingly) being a thief.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 91 of 172
    If all Dell is trying to do is to compete with the MBA, obviously they are off the mark. If they succeed in bringing a compelling product to the market, good for them, but we can all be sure what the default OS will most likely be. "It's all about the OS, stupid!" to paraphrase the saying.
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  • Reply 92 of 172
    Originally Posted by MaynardJames View Post

    The response I expected. Further proof of your 1st grade attitude. We all know why you're here, in case you think you're fooling anyone.

    yeah, contributing...shoot me.

    now try it and stop stalking..\
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 93 of 172
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    I am perfectly willing to pay for it IF and WHEN Apple offer it as a product I can install and use without having to hack it. Until then, it is their loss.

    The difference here is that you have a choice between paying £0 or about £12. The differece when it comes to OSX is between paying £0 or £391. £391 is hardly 'value for money' when it comes to an OS, especially as I have no interest or need in the hardware. I want the OS, and the OS only, and I am quite willing to pay the £83 Apple are asking for it, but ONLY if I can run that software on my current computer without having to hack it. Until then, Apple will have to live with £0 from me. I am the customer, I call the shots as to what I am and am not prepared to pay for. If the company won't provide me with what I am prepared to pay for, once again, it is their loss, not mine.

    sorry, I've been with you on some of the points but this is flat out wrong.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 94 of 172
    Originally Posted by Archipellago View Post

    sorry, I've been with you on some of the points but this is flat out wrong.

    It's not as far as I'm concerned. The customer is king! If Microsoft would only sell me Windows with their own very expensive hardware then I would not buy it. If I wanted to use it, I would use it all the same, it would be MSs loss for not selling me the product I demanded.
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  • Reply 95 of 172
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    The differece when it comes to OSX is between paying £0 or £391.

    £391? No, you can buy OS X for £83.

    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    I am quite willing to pay the £83 Apple are asking for it, but ONLY if I can run that software on my current computer without having to hack it.

    This is just semantics. You could hack your PC so that stock OS X runs on it. You're just claiming to be willing to pay £83 because you know Apple will never release OS X for non-Mac hardware, so it's safe to tell yourself you'd spend the money when you know you never will have to.

    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    I am the customer

    No, when you steal something you aren't the customer.

    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    I call the shots as to what I am and am not prepared to pay for. If the company won't provide me with what I am prepared to pay for, once again, it is their loss, not mine.

    This is all true, but in my book (no, not the f*ing bible if that's what you're thinking) none of this excuses thievery. If you're not prepared to pay for OS X, you shouldn't use it.
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  • Reply 96 of 172
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Archipellago View Post

    yeah, contributing...shoot me.

    now try it and stop stalking..\

    I didn't know being part of a conversation on a public forum was considered stalking.
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  • Reply 97 of 172
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    £391? No, you can buy OS X for £83.

    This is just semantics. You could hack your PC so that stock OS X runs on it. You're just claiming to be willing to pay £83 because you know Apple will never release OS X for non-Mac hardware, so it's safe to tell yourself you'd spend the money when you know you never will have to.

    No, when you steal something you aren't the customer.

    This is all true, but in my book (no, not the f*ing bible if that's what you're thinking) none of this excuses thievery. If you're not prepared to pay for OS X, you shouldn't use it.

    So I go to Apple, pay £83 take my DVD home and install and use OSX without any issues or hacking at all? I don't think so. It sounds far more likely that when I try to install OSX that I have just paid £83, I would get a message telling me that I am not running Apple hardware and can therefore not install OSX.

    Heck, I even paid £75 for Windows Vista. It might not be the best OS, but it sure as hell beats paying £391 for OSX running on crappy MacMini hardware. Paying £316 MORE for the Mac machine would get me OSX but far far slower hardware. As nice as OSX is, it's certainly not worth £316 more, PLUS the difference in cost of hardware.

    £83 is a perfectly reasonable price I am willing to pay for the OS, but ONLY if I can install it without having to hack. It should just work, as Apple is apparently all about.
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  • Reply 98 of 172
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    I would, but I can't run that on my PC.

    It's obvious you don't really like Macs.

    Then don't buy them.

    Lots of people here love them and use them happily every day.

    Peace on Earth.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 99 of 172
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    It's obvious you don't really like Macs.

    Then don't buy them.

    Lots of people here love them and use them happily every day.

    Peace on Earth.

    Yes I'm happy to agree with that. No complaints then when people hack OSX since Apple have no intention of selling it stand alone anyway

    Basically the whole philosophy is the same as those who say they will only buy from the iTunes music store when certain conditions they want are met. The net result from this is this...

    The conditions are met and the customer pays for the product.

    The conditions aren't met and the customer doesn't acquire the product.

    The conditions aren't met and the customer does acquire the product, but without paying.

    So if the customers conditions aren't met, the customer hasn't really lost much, as they can probably still acquire the product. The biggest loser is the body that is selling the product, as they have missed a potential sale.

    So, if Apple don't sell me the product I want, I can quite easily still acquire and use it without having paid a penny for it. Who loses? Apple.
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  • Reply 100 of 172
    Originally Posted by Archipellago View Post

    yeah, contributing...shoot me.

    Yes, because these posts...

    Originally Posted by Archipellago View Post

    as has been said lower down this thread....

    a rip off is a rip off.

    If you are happy with that, cool....

    millions aren't.

    Originally Posted by Archipellago View Post

    apple devotees don't always tell the truth.

    the chief high priest of the church of apple allows no blasphemy.

    ...are contributing what exactly?

    Originally Posted by Archipellago View Post

    now try it and stop stalking..\

    Originally Posted by MaynardJames View Post

    Further proof of your 1st grade attitude.

    Keep digging.

    As for Dell, I hope they do come out with something half decent, as it will only get the Apple wheels rolling faster.
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