Dell rumored to give MacBook Air a run for its money



  • Reply 121 of 172
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    It's a pity that the only mention of me using OSX on my PC is when Mr H suggested that I 'implied' that that was the case. This unfortunately isn't proof of anything.

    I quite agree I don't deserve to use it, that doesn't mean I can't! But once again, that's Apple's loss.

    Once again, apparently I'm a thief without any proof at all! The mind boggles.

    By the tenor of all of your posts, IT IS your implied objective to run OS X on non-Apple hardware, which is of course a violation of Apple EULA. Many individuals have already done just that, but that does not make it legal. If you truly desire the experience of using OS X, why then would you break the law and violate the EULA to settle for a half-baked option? There is no guarantee that OS X would even run on your hardware.

    Whether stated or not, skirting the issue as you have here, reveals your intentions despite your fervent denials. It appears that, if given the opportunity, you would obtain OS X (legally or otherwise) with the intent to run it on non-Apple hardware. If you really want to find out if it runs on your Dell (it won't), then just buy it. To be honest however to really experience OS X properly, scrape together your pennies and get a real Mac and learn the truth. I guarantee your overclocked, overstuffed and tired PC would be headed for the dustbin.

    When a person rants and raves, as you have here, they are usually trying to justify themselves or their actions and they need an audience to do that. Apparently you have found something of an audience here, but unfortunately, for you, your rants make you look foolish and misinformed. This forum is for those of us with a common interest and the sharing of knowledge of the Apple Macintosh computer and obviously you do NOT own one, so please explain, what is your point for posting here? Otherwise, I'm sure there is some other forum out there where you would fit right in.
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  • Reply 122 of 172
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Still pushing on something that's just not selling, I see.

    May I suggest going to the gym and then you'll maybe be able to lift something a trifle heavier yet much more powerful and portable?

    The MBA is plenty powerful for my needs, thanks, and yes, I know what I'm talking about. I have (and need) a tricked-out MacPro at the office and iMacs at home, and have a 15" MBP and a MacBook. I prefer the MBA for weight and size considerations. Don't worry, chap, I regularly climb mountains as a group leader and usually have a bag weighing in at over 20 kg (the same as a MacPro) on my back (or sometimes somebody's kid), so I can handle the weight; I still prefer the MBA for its lightness. Much of my preference is also not personal, but in consideration of others: I often have lunch meetings and need to pass the computer around; the lighter, the better.

    In short, I know what I want and need in a portable computer and have made my choice and am very happy with it. If the MBA doesn't suit your needs, don't buy it, but please stop bashing it the way you do, and stop transferring your attack on to the people who own it and use it.

    Oh, and about "not selling", you might want to look back through some of Apple's financial reports and check out the online store top-seller list (the MBA is still at #5 or higher in many countries; in Japan, where I live, it's #2, ahead of the MBP, and in Mexico the MBA pulls in at #1). A little research goes a long way. While you're at it, enjoy joining my ignore list.
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  • Reply 123 of 172
    mcarlingmcarling Posts: 1,106member
    I would be happy if Dell were to introduce a laptop thinner than the MacBook Air by dropping the HDD altogether and mounting the flash on the motherboard. Apple might then respond with a redesign that, hopefully, would be lighter weight. I don't care about thinner, but lighter would be an improvement. The biggest change I want in the MacBook Air is 4GB of ram.

    ps: Could we please stop arguing about whether or not it's ok to steal MacOS X??? I think we all know that stealing is not good.
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  • Reply 124 of 172
    Originally Posted by imacmadman22 View Post

    By the tenor of all of your posts, IT IS your implied objective to run OS X on non-Apple hardware, which is of course a violation of Apple EULA. Many individuals have already done just that, but that does not make it legal. If you truly desire the experience of using OS X, why then would you break the law and violate the EULA to settle for a half-baked option? There is no guarantee that OS X would even run on your hardware.

    Whether stated or not, skirting the issue as you have here, reveals your intentions despite your fervent denials. It appears that, if given the opportunity, you would obtain OS X (legally or otherwise) with the intent to run it on non-Apple hardware. If you really want to find out if it runs on your Dell (it won't), then just buy it. To be honest however to really experience OS X properly, scrape together your pennies and get a real Mac and learn the truth. I guarantee your overclocked, overstuffed and tired PC would be headed for the dustbin.

    When a person rants and raves, as you have here, they are usually trying to justify themselves or their actions and they need an audience to do that. Apparently you have found something of an audience here, but unfortunately, for you, your rants make you look foolish and misinformed. This forum is for those of us with a common interest and the sharing of knowledge of the Apple Macintosh computer and obviously you do NOT own one, so please explain, what is your point for posting here? Otherwise, I'm sure there is some other forum out there where you would fit right in.

    The point I'm making is that there is absolutely no point in discussing how product X compares to Apple product Y around here, as product X is always going to be 'inferior' because it cannot easily and legally run OSX. And the reason it cannot do that is because of Apple. There are thousands of people who have fallen for the marketting and paid over the odds for their hardware, thus lining Apple's pockets. This gives Apple the impression that it's OK to pass off low-midrange hardware at high end prices. The same thing happened with the iPhone, where so many people fell for the marketing and sleek appearance that they pretty much emptied their pockets for Apple, which in turn was setting a very dangerous precedent for other mobile manufacturers. Thankfully, that did fizzle out, as people in the UK at least knew that there were far better deals out there, and the iPhone 3G had to switch to a standard subsidized model.

    So at the end of the day, it's Apple who are holding back all of these other computers from being great. Perhaps instead of calling on Microsoft to rewrite their OS, or Dell to write one from scratch, we should be calling on Apple to release their OS as a standalone package. And my other point was that even if Apple choose not to sell it as a standalone package, people can still use it anyway, which means Apple isn't rewarded for its efforts. If it wants to get paid for its hard word, it should offer the product that potential customers are demanding.


    ps: Could we please stop arguing about whether or not it's ok to steal MacOS X??? I think we all know that stealing is not good.

    I would certainly agree that stealing it is bad, but to my mind that's Apples fault for not selling it at a reasonable price to anyone who wants it, who can install it on whatever hardware they want without having to hack it.
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  • Reply 125 of 172
    Oh man. Knowing what Dell's build quality is like on their laptops, if they made a laptop as thin as the Air, it would snap clean in half.

    A challenger to the Air? No. It'll be like all of Dell's other laptops - a cheaper, lower quality alternative to Apple's notebooks.
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  • Reply 126 of 172
    Dell, the Yugo of computers. If you really must buy a PC, get a Sony Viao. If you can aim high, always go for a Mac.
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  • Reply 127 of 172
    mcarlingmcarling Posts: 1,106member
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    I would certainly agree that stealing it is bad, but to my mind that's Apples fault for not selling it at a reasonable price to anyone who wants it, who can install it on whatever hardware they want without having to hack it.

    By your logic, if I steal your car because you wouldn't sell it to me at a price that I judged to be reasonable, then it would be your fault.
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  • Reply 128 of 172
    Originally Posted by mcarling View Post

    By your logic, if I steal your car because you wouldn't sell it to me at a price that I judged to be reasonable, then it would be your fault.

    That's different though as by taking my car I can no longer use it. But someone stealing OSX doesn't stop you being able to run it. Basically when it comes to software, it's the consumers who have the power.
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  • Reply 129 of 172
    matt_smatt_s Posts: 300member
    Originally Posted by mcarling View Post

    It's perfectly obvious how Dell can make a laptop thinner than the MacBook Air. Just drop the HDD and mount the flash directly on the motherboard.

    Yeah but I'll bet the Dell unit has more than one cheap USB port!

    Speaking of which, I bought one of those new unibody MacBooks, and man oh man, I really miss 1394...
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  • Reply 130 of 172
    MacPromacpro Posts: 19,864member
    Originally Posted by matt_s View Post

    Yeah but I'll bet the Dell unit has more than one cheap USB port!

    Speaking of which, I bought one of those new unibody MacBooks, and man oh man, I really miss 1394...

    I have one wrapped under the tree for my wife, not used it yet. Tell me, have they allowed 'Target Mode' using the USB by any chance? Also given USB2 is pretty fast are there any FW400 - USB2 converter cable/ boxes available? Just curious. Thnx.
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  • Reply 131 of 172
    MacPromacpro Posts: 19,864member
    Originally Posted by veloboldie View Post

    Dell, the Yugo of computers. If you really must buy a PC, get a Sony Viao. If you can aim high, always go for a Mac.

    This made me chuckle and I had a thought ... As a Christmas stocking fillers for Mac users someone should make a utility that lets you have fun with Parallels or VMware so that you can change the looks. Instead of 'Select XP Pro' or 'Vista' it could say 'Yugo Mode' or 'Lada' ...
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  • Reply 132 of 172
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    I thought the Air was a failure according to some but yet we see more and more companies lining up to make similar computers.

    the notion is NOT a failure. what failed is the lack of real power. and price.
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  • Reply 133 of 172
    Originally Posted by mklos View Post

    I don't think Apple is concerned about what Dell does anyways.

    As long as it's not violating their legal rights, I doubt Apple really worries about what anyone does.

    I mean think about it. all the other companies are screaming that computers just gotta have a Blu-ray drive, but Apple says that downloads are the way to go. So no Blu-ray drives in their computers. They didn't even make an external, they let a 3rd party company deal with that and another one deal with burning software.
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  • Reply 134 of 172
    MacPromacpro Posts: 19,864member
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    As long as it's not violating their legal rights, I doubt Apple really worries about what anyone does.

    I mean think about it. all the other companies are screaming that computers just gotta have a Blu-ray drive, but Apple says that downloads are the way to go. So no Blu-ray drives in their computers. They didn't even make an external, they let a 3rd party company deal with that and another one deal with burning software.

    Yup. "Think Different" for sure and usually two to three years ahead of everyone else. I guess the lag behind Apple for others is retooling and the reverse engineering time.
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  • Reply 135 of 172
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    It seems that unless a product is running OSX, it is dismissed outright in these parts.

    check the url. this is APPLEinsider. not computerinsider. of course a fair majority of folks will be apple peeps.


    But did you ever stop to consider that it's the company you're praising and defending that's causing all of these problems by refusing to allow it's OS to run on anything other than Apple hardware?

    and did you ever consider that the relative lack of problems is because they don't allow it.

    so long as Apple is within their legal rights, and so far the courts say they are, then they can do what they want. if you don't like it, go build your own OS that will work the way you want on the hardware you want.
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  • Reply 136 of 172
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    A pig wearing lipstick is still a pig.

    The interesting thing is that regardless what Dell has up its sleeve, it seems the bigger players are realizing that the MBA is a goal to reach. So much for those critics and whiners predicting that the MBA is a failure.

    Unlike the critics, I'm a proud MBA owner. I come from owning Dells, Toshibas, and Sony's. My MBA is by far the best notebook I've ever owned.

    At $1,799+, the MacBook Air is a major failure. Sorry you bought one.
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  • Reply 137 of 172
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    So I go to Apple, pay £83 take my DVD home and install and use OSX without any issues or hacking at all? I don't think so. It sounds far more likely that when I try to install OSX that I have just paid £83, I would get a message telling me that I am not running Apple hardware and can therefore not install OSX.

    You have already said you won't buy it because you can't run it on whatever you want.

    So you aren't using MacOS anything.

    and this is a board for Apple products, in particular the computers.

    so if you aren't using it, won't use it etc. why are you here. seems like the only reason is to troll and piss folks off.

    Apple has every legal right, at this point in time, to control the hardware. if you can't handle that, it's your problem. but the growing market share is a pretty clear sign that enough folks are willing to take what they are given without a fuss.
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  • Reply 138 of 172
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    I thought the Air was a failure according to some but yet we see more and more companies lining up to make similar computers.

    That's of course just sour grapes from companies without the innovation or wherewithal to have produced one first.

    Unfortunately for Apple, the Air came out before it was very clear to everyone that the economy was about to explode. The Air's sales aren't doing so well in the personal sector, though in business I still see it very often. The sort of people who seem to be buying the Air right now (at least in NYC where I live) are the kind of people who want a suped-up netbook and have the money to pay for it. This is the market that Dell is about to enter, during the detonation of the US economy, and I think they're going to fail, no matter how good the product is, which is unfortunate. Apple's innovation is responsive to its competition. It's in everyone's best interest that Apple's competition produce very good, innovative products of their own so that Apple has an even higher bar to reach.

    But when Dell's little experiment gets released and everyone sees that Vista Green, I think there's going to be some disappointment.
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  • Reply 139 of 172
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    Why pay for anything when you can get it for free by stealing it?

    as much as I don't like this guy, as much as I think he's nothing but a troll and wish he would leave

    he never said he did or would steal it.

    he said he won't buy it until he can put it on anything he wants without having to bother with hacking it.
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  • Reply 140 of 172
    mcarlingmcarling Posts: 1,106member
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    That's different though as by taking my car I can no longer use it. But someone stealing OSX doesn't stop you being able to run it. Basically when it comes to software, it's the consumers who have the power.

    Ok, then I'll take your car after you go to sleep and promise to return it before you wake up. Please post your address, the car's make, model, colour, and plate number. If you leave the keys above the visor, then I can promise not to damage anything. If you don't leave the keys above the visor, then any damage is your fault, by your own logic. Alternatively, if you trade me your car for a licensed copy of OS X (which I consider a fair price for your car), then I would no longer have the right, according to your logic, to steal it.
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