Dell rumored to give MacBook Air a run for its money



  • Reply 141 of 172
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Still pushing on something that's just not selling, I see.

    May I suggest going to the gym and then you'll maybe be able to lift something a trifle heavier yet much more powerful and portable?

    How do you know it's not selling, give us some proof son.
  • Reply 142 of 172
    Originally Posted by alex2016g View Post

    They didn't leave it for windows to release a new version of windows for apple,

    no such thing. if you are running windows, even on the same hardware specs, it's not an apple. it's a PC.


    but instead they release boot camp

    and what is boot camp. it is an utility program that allows you to perform a non-destructive partitioning of your hard drive and a conversion of the new partition into a windows drive which you then install some version of windows into. it is also a utility that allows you to select which OS you are booting into when you start up or restart your computer.

    apple only offers the most basic of support for boot camp. they were nice enough to put it on the restore disks with windows drivers for the isight etc. they offer some information likely because if you don't set it up correctly you could screw up the mac side of things. but they won't set it up for you, they don't sell Windows in the store or on the site etc.

    the likely reason they have parallels and fusion on the shelves is that the companies paid them to put them up there. but again, apple offers no support for such programs or for the windows side of your computer. if you use any of the three you are on your own


    and changed there hardware to fit windows better (intel) (although that wasn't so much to let people run windows better, but it fitted in with windows).

    first you say they did it just for windows then you say they didn't but it was a happy bonus, so which was it.
  • Reply 143 of 172
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by doh123 View Post

    thats fantastic... I spent more than your 6 years working as a tech doing repairs including warranty work on many brands, including Dell and Apple. I've worked on some large contracts with MANY Dell machines, it took a few full time techs to do nothing but repair broken Dells all day every day onsite, but there were many many thousands of machines, and it was to be expected. I've worked on more than I ever cared to work on, and probably still will... I have met many who really don't like their job much, but they do it, so they somehow relate their negative feelings onto something else, such as the computer brand. Dell makes some awesome computers, but yes I admitted a lot of their "cheap" stuff is made poorly, but that's not all of their systems. Many of their higher end desktops, workstations, and servers are awesome machines all over, and Apple hasn't gotten even close to competing with single solutions...

    I just like how your post assumes, the way you wrote it, that I just was saying things and had no experience in the matter... And you site the mac Pro as easy to take apart? holy crap... easy to remove a side panel maybe... but I can strip out and replace every single part in the case in most every Dell twice as fast as a Mac Pro... they are made to be much easier to work on. If you go back to some of their older designs (and a few current ones) its even faster... that's not even getting into laptops... one of our best mac techs (who is faster than me) changed out a motherboard in a single Macbook Pro in the same time I got 3 switched out in Dell laptops...

    As for customer support, sadly for the all over, Apple is no better. People rate them higher, because they are happier overall, not because their support is actually better. You have to take into account everything, not just if the tech on the phone couldn't help you. How about Apple not being able to help, so they make you mail your computer off for 2 weeks, or drive 300 miles one way to get to an Apple Store, whereas Dell sends out a person to your house/business the next day or two...

    Last time I checked the point of customer support is to make the customer happy or no?
  • Reply 144 of 172
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    the notion is NOT a failure. what failed is the lack of real power. and price.

    So I guess all the other ultra portables which cost more than the Air and have less power are also failures, I mean all the other ultra portables must also be failures.
  • Reply 145 of 172
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    we should be calling on Apple to release their OS as a standalone package.

    I, and a lot of people, disagree. We recognize that Apple has every right to control what hardware is used with their software.

    So what WE are calling on Apple to is is not to make Apple so that it can work on every crappy hardware set up in the world, but to take measures to make their computers as cost effective as possible, as green as possible and to increase support availability by either opening more stores or certifying more 3rd party shops so they actually know what they are doing when they are repairing a Mac and aren't just tinkering around until they get something to work.
  • Reply 146 of 172
    Originally Posted by matt_s View Post

    Yeah but I'll bet the Dell unit has more than one cheap USB port!

    and a slow ass firewire 400 port. just so they can say they are 'better' than the new mac books and the air
  • Reply 147 of 172
    I think Dell does need some iconic products to jazz up its line of products. No doubt that their current line is so bad that it does not even suck.

    The real reason I buy Apple is the OS not the hardware. Allegedly one can run Windows on a Mac (why would I do that) but no one buys Mac Hardware to run Windows.

    Dell's real challenge will be their horrible poor hardware quality and even worse Windows.
  • Reply 148 of 172
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    Last time I checked the point of customer support is to make the customer happy or no?

    to a point yes.

    Customer Support is about standing behind your product. When you have a working product but the customer is just being demanding, it's not customer support to make the customer happy, it is giving into a bully

    take for example the iphone. if the phone is defective, it is a good customer support to replace it at no cost. if the customer drops it and breaks it, there's nothing to support. the customer is not going to be happy but it is his fault he dropped the phone and broke it. not Apple who gave him a working phone.
  • Reply 149 of 172
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    Last time I checked the point of customer support is to make the customer happy or no?

    somewhat. What i really meant was the customer is overall happier, with their entire experience, not just from support.. including sales, use, value... everything including support.

    if support is equal or slightly less than Dell, with the rest of the Mac experience, the overall satisfaction will be higher, the customer is happier, and they rate anything asked about as higher.... the opposite is true. Even if someone has good experience with Dell support, but really was having problems with Vista and it agitated them, they could rate Dell and/or their support lower, just cuz of their negative feelings.
  • Reply 150 of 172
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,123member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Still pushing on something that's just not selling, I see.

    May I suggest going to the gym and then you'll maybe be able to lift something a trifle heavier yet much more powerful and portable?

    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    YOu must be ultra clumsy if the "Mag safe connector " is the reason to own it.

    Next time your video stalls during an Ichat or webcast - do tell us about it.

    And sorry but it is still to large to fit in any case - unless you're circa 2005.

    Of course you'all who bought, paid bid cu'ching for them, love them- would you admit otherwise?

    I'm so glad it was built for you but unfortunately the sales have STALLED and no ones else is buying it -TOO BAD.

    People who also bought the Edsel love it and also had a collector's item. Good for you.

    For everyone else: MBA=YAWN.

    Actually, I go to the gym four to five times per week but even with that, there is no amount of lifting I can do to bench-press that juvenile ego of yours.

    You believe the MBA was a failure and I personally claimed otherwise yet for some reason your remarks are all that matter? Apple's own financial statements has the MBA as one of the top sellers. Show us some proof.

    If the MBA is a failure and stalled, what indicators are you using to come to that conclusion? I have not found any proof of that. When I am walking around the city, airports, etc, I see many strangers in their cafes or lounge seats using MBA's. Sure they are not as commonplace as Dell laptops but usually those users are leaning over to check out the machine. I walk into an Apple store and see quite a bit of interest in it and people walking out with one.

    For mobile users, wires are bad. I love the MagSafe connector because having a laptop, being mobile, and having wires of any kind is a recipe for disaster. Clumsiness has nothing to do with it.

    You seem to display a fair amount of hatred toward this particular product. That's fine with me and all the other countless people that have bought one and very satisfied with it. While this is a public forum and everyone is encouraged to contribute, bashing users the way you do is a good start to getting you banned from this site. Keep up the good work!

    It's unfortunate that you decided to take low-road with your juvenile behavior instead of contributing to a healthy discussion about the topic at hand. You display very troll-like behavior. It seems your parents need a bigger padlock to keep you from escaping their basement.
  • Reply 151 of 172
    Good lord, I read through all 4 pages and man did this thread get off track. Mr. H & MaynardJames, stopping acting like 2 year olds and grow up. mrochester made a hypothetical point, so stop accusing (him?) of being a thief. Has mrochester actually gone and hacked his PC to run OSX? No, so stop berating him over it.

    Turning back to the topic, lets stop inserting the OSX vs. Windows debate, because it really has nothing to do with Dell's Adamo or Apple's MBA. These are hardware and should be judged from the basis of hardware criteria, not software. I'm anxious to see what Dell has up its sleeves. Any move that injects competition is a good thing.
  • Reply 152 of 172
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    This isn't true at certain times and it is true at certain times.

    When Apple refreshes its machines, the major components of the machine are premium and sometimes exclusive.

    - Apple was the first to use Yonah processors and the Napa chipset in its notebooks.

    - Apple was the first computer manufacturer to use the new Woodcrest processors from Intel in the Mac Pro.

    - Apple was to get Intel to design the low voltage Merom and the first to use in the Mac Book Air.

    - Apple got Intel to over clock Penryn processor used in its high end iMac.

    - Apple was the first to use 15" and 17" LED backlit LCD panels in notebooks.

    - Apple has gotten Nvidia to design motherboards than incorporate the GPU.

    At the time of the introduction of these technologies they were newest and premium components of the time. Its true that by the end of the computers refresh cycle, everyone else is using these components and they are no longer new or premium.

    Originally Posted by winterspan View Post

    Apple certainly spends a lot of resources designing and engineering the shells and internal structure, but the vast majority of the internal components in a Macbook or Macbook Pro are not exclusive to Apple and not even premium parts. Not just the CPU, I'm talking about the motherboard, supporting chipsets like the cypress USB Controllers, Realtek Audio, 3rd party bluetooth and WiFi , the SDRAM, the harddrives, the display panel, etc.

  • Reply 153 of 172
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by Archipellago View Post

    Apple's sales have risen on the back of iPod, a stable economy, the bad job MS did with least initially and a tremendously clever and 'cool' ad campaign.

    even now we speak about Apple and the cult of Mac and this amazing success when in truth they likely have less than 10% marketshare. It won't last unless Apple change.The opportunity was there and Apple took it fair play to them.

    You also leave out the fact that Apple makes good products. They would not be able to stay in business if they did not.

    This is essentially how any company succeeds. More often than not its a mix of both proper execution of strategy as well taking advantage of the failure of your competitor.


    it has been documented on a thread on here or maybe at MR that Dell operate in the 6-8%range.

    Apple computers are in the 30-35% range, iPhone at 55% and ipod in the mid 40's.

    I've never seen Apple's margins listed that high. Apple's margins are generally listed at around 20% - 22%.

    The reason Dell margins are so low is because the majority of their sales are crappy cheap computers.
  • Reply 154 of 172
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    If the Air wasn't selling Dell would not be looking to make a competitor to it.

    Strength isn't the problem. Carrying around too much weight adds a cumulative strain on your body. Its not good for your shoulders and back. It has nothing to do with strength.

    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Still pushing on something that's just not selling, I see.

    May I suggest going to the gym and then you'll maybe be able to lift something a trifle heavier yet much more powerful and portable?

  • Reply 155 of 172
    noirdesirnoirdesir Posts: 1,027member
    Originally Posted by winterspan View Post

    Apple certainly spends a lot of resources designing and engineering the shells and internal structure, but the vast majority of the internal components in a Macbook or Macbook Pro are not exclusive to Apple and not even premium parts. Not just the CPU, I'm talking about the motherboard, supporting chipsets like the cypress USB Controllers, Realtek Audio, 3rd party bluetooth and WiFi , the SDRAM, the harddrives, the display panel, etc. And I'm not sure what you mean by "special capabilities" considering the Macbook doesn't even have FW400, eSATA, Expresscard, SD/CF card reader, built-in 3G broadband, and other standard items on upscale Dell or Sony laptops.

    When you are attempting to compare laptops from the manufacturers, you need to make sure you are comparing models at similar price points. I can't speak for the $500 bargain bin, but decently priced Dell XPS and Precision laptops use top-shelf components like 1920x1200 LED screens (even in 15"), quad-core processors, eSATA, etc.

    I agree with you general statements but once you get specific I have to disagree in that most *thin* 13" laptops from all manufacturers at most have one or two of these features: FW400, eSATA, ExpressCard, SD/CF card, 3G (still one or two is better then none).

    Having a 1920x2000 in a 15" model is not something that all people will find better than a more standard resolution. Apple offers the 1920x1200 (or something close) in the 17" model as an *option*, if it where such a success, why would they not offering it as an option in 15" as well?
  • Reply 156 of 172
    rokkenrokken Posts: 236member
    Well, even if Dell intends to build this Adamo as their icon, it's still someone else's icon(Apple) since they simply copied the others' idea rather than building it all on their own. It is at least a good thing for consumers though, as it will somehow push Apple to better MBA, which is already an excellent machine if you ask me.
  • Reply 157 of 172
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by iReality85 View Post

    Turning back to the topic, lets stop inserting the OSX vs. Windows debate, because it really has nothing to do with Dell's Adamo or Apple's MBA. These are hardware and should be judged from the basis of hardware criteria, not software. I'm anxious to see what Dell has up its sleeves. Any move that injects competition is a good thing.

    What total rubbish. Since when can any discussion of Apple v Dell be based on hardware alone?
  • Reply 158 of 172
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    You also leave out the fact that Apple makes good products. They would not be able to stay in business if they did not.

    This is essentially how any company succeeds. More often than not its a mix of both proper execution of strategy as well taking advantage of the failure of your competitor.

    I've never seen Apple's margins listed that high. Apple's margins are generally listed at around 20% - 22%.

    The reason Dell margins are so low is because the majority of their sales are crappy cheap computers.

    whilst I understand your point, I would disagree.

    Apple are perceived to make 'better' products than other windows based manufacturers. I think consumers in general can't differentiate between good and poor quality 'PC' hardware as it all runs Windows and the negative press Windows gets is hardware non specific.

    Cheap hardware will have problems whatever OS it runs, the fact that 99% of the time, it runs windows somehow only damages MS not the actual hw manufacturer. Apple has clearly leveraged this point but in the real world the slightly savvy buyer knows the truth.

    I would never nor could never recommend an Apple computer purely from a cost point of view. I would much rather build a PC for someone and stick Ubu or Fed on it if Windows was the issue.

    Vista hasn't failed per se it has had more issues than any other MS os before which the press have jumped on and Apple has jumped on. The truth is that its now actually quite good, in my experience as stable as leopard and much more productive.

    Apple is 'cool' some point that will change. I'm sure this is just a short term phenomonen.
  • Reply 159 of 172
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Hehehe, I'm sure you can't wait for thendqy that happens.
  • Reply 160 of 172
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by Archipellago View Post

    whilst I understand your point, I would disagree. Apple are perceived to make 'better' products than other windows based manufacturers. I think consumers in general can't differentiate between good and poor quality 'PC' hardware as it all runs Windows and the negative press Windows gets is hardware non specific.

    I said Apple makes great products. I did not compare them to Windows makers. I would leave that up for people to decide for themselves.


    I would never nor could never recommend an Apple computer purely from a cost point of view. I would much rather build a PC for someone and stick Ubu or Fed on it if Windows was the issue.

    Yes we all understand this as it is the crux of every post you make.
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