Apple's next-gen Mac mini to get dual display support



  • Reply 181 of 249
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by BradMacPro View Post

    Sorry, when you said analog projector, I assumed a data projector, not a TV projector. I'm familiar with data projectors with DVI or VGA inputs.

    I don't blame you, I thought that VGA was a standard feature on projectors, like effectively forever.
  • Reply 182 of 249
    doroteadorotea Posts: 323member
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    I couldn't find that on the site. Where did you find it?


    Found it in a web article. Hoping it is accurate since Monoprice does so many other quality items.
  • Reply 183 of 249
    joelsaltjoelsalt Posts: 827member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    A clip of some sort to make sure the Magsafe is secure? That is just nonsense. We don't have the necessary clip technology to achieve such a monumentap feat. Besides that, you're overlooking the fact that having a big ass external brick sitting on your desktop or floor when you have a power cable sitting right behind your Mac Mini it the other two LED-CD cables plugged in is a status symbol. Think Different, not logically.

    Personally, even without a clip, I would prefer that, if someone kicked my power cord, that my mac shut down rather then went crashing the floor (potentially).

    Magsafe snap in hard enough and your desktop setup should be good enough that magsafe should easily work with desktops.

    In years and years of desktop use i've never once had the power cord positioned that it could possibly cause a problem.

    I agree though: apple's aesthetic fetish seems to disagree with some sort of "clip" method. Jobs would be more likely to stick in a small power capacitor and automatically put your mini into sleep mode for 10 minutes until you can reconnect it or something.
  • Reply 184 of 249
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    I had a flash of inspiration. There will be two ports. MiniDP because of LED Cinema Display etc and it is "the future".

    DVI because of HDMI ... Mac Mini is also some sort of Media Server. Apple TV to the next level, and Mac Mini as well, Mac Mini.

    There is no good MiniDP to HDMI solution out there right now, or MiniDP to component as someone says...

    AWW YEAH. This is how it's going to play out.

    Play your PC or Mac games on your HDTV as well.

    There will be software for Mac Mini to make it more "Apple TV" like.

    HD Movies and TV Shows on your Mac Mini...?
  • Reply 185 of 249
    wobegonwobegon Posts: 764member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    There is no good MiniDP to HDMI solution out there right now

    Let's see...a Mini DisplayPort-to-DVI adapter? That exists. A DVI-to-HDMI adapter? That exists too!

    Problem solved.
  • Reply 186 of 249
    doh123doh123 Posts: 323member
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    How many of you people actually own a Mac mini? Why get excited over a Mac that you wouldn't even consider buying?

    I need good graphics.. i never needed a new computer when the G4 mini was out.. and since then the intel minis have all sucked majorly on the graphics processor front.... I'm already planning on buying a new mini, cuz the 9400 is definitely good enough.... the intel video currently used is majorly a piece of junk for what i need to do.
  • Reply 187 of 249
    areseearesee Posts: 776member
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    The ease with which a magsafe connector can become disconnected is also a strike against it for desktop use. There have been times that I've picked up my MBP not realizing it was plugged in. I didn't even feel the magsafe come loose until I heard it hit the floor (the end of the connector, that is). The notion that Apple would "rig a clip" is just silly and un-Apple-like.

    Wiggin, you made some pretty good arguments but you are wrong in your assumption that the mini power cord is a stronger connection than magsafe. It's not. Damn near every time I slide the mini forward to get at the back the mini power cord becomes disconnected. Whereas the magsafe on my Air stays connected during a lot of movement. It only disconnects when I move beyond the reach of the magsafe cord. Overall I would say that the mini and magsafe power connectors are equally reliable. The magsafe power connector would be acceptable in a desktop usage.
  • Reply 188 of 249
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by aresee View Post

    Wiggin, you made some pretty good arguments but you are wrong in your assumption that the mini power cord is a stronger connection than magsafe. It's not. Damn near every time I slide the mini forward to get at the back the mini power cord becomes disconnected. Whereas the magsafe on my Air stays connected during a lot of movement. It only disconnects when I move beyond the reach of the magsafe cord. Overall I would say that the mini and magsafe power connectors are equally reliable. The magsafe power connector would be acceptable in a desktop usage.

    Fair point. I've never had a problem with my mini's connector, but you're right that it's not the strongest I've seen. But just because they don't use the magsafe, that doesn't mean they won't improve the existing connector, either.
  • Reply 189 of 249
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    One simple little fact tells me that the mini will not use magsafe. Look at the picture here:

    The connector is L shaped. How exactly would that work? Apple isn't going to put the port on the side of the mini, so it will be on the back. But in what orientation? They could put it along an edge, but then the cord is going to stick out from behind the mini, which would look ridiculous. So Apple won't do that. If they put it in the middle or oriented so the cable doesn't stick out like a rooster tail, it's going to block other ports on the back of the mini.

    Excellent point. I hadn't considered the angled nature of the MagSafe connector on the new LED cable. It is designed to lie flush along the side of the new laptops and would present all kinds of problems on the back of a mini.


    So I suspect Apple will do one of two things. First, it could sell a cable that only has mDP and USB, no power. This would allow you to use the new display with a desktop Mac without an unused power connector dangling around. You could even even use it as a 2nd monitor for an iMac, for which there is no way the Cinema Display puts out enough power to run an iMac (or a Mac Pro, for that matter). In this case you would use the power adaptor that came with your mini to power it. The 2nd option is that Apple sells a cable that includes power for the mini, but with different connector on the mini end.

    I think the idea of manufacturing and selling a separate cable for those who simply don't want the power lead to dangle is not at all cost effective for Apple.

    Perhaps a simple plastic clip included with the mini that affixes to the USB lead with a metal receptor for the MagSafe connector. Kind of like the clip on the laptop power supply cable that keeps the cable from unspooling after being wrapped around the plastic wings. That would at least keep the power lead from flopping around behind the mini/iMac/Mac Pro.
  • Reply 190 of 249
    Originally Posted by MacJello View Post

    If the Mini update offers two full size drives, Nvidia graphics and a quad core processor, then this is truly the long awaited arrival of the xMac. And I predict it will sell even more units than the MacBook. It will be wildly popular.

    Yes it would be wildly popular, which is precisely why Apple has not and never will release such a machine. The LAST thing they want is their #1 selling model to cost $600.
  • Reply 191 of 249
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    The AppleTV is designed to be a media extended, not a PC. While the Mac Mini is designed to be a PC, not a media extender.

    Except that the latter can do and be both.

    And the former has evolved into an iTunes Digital Jukebox- great at providing a stream of unending income for Apple but not great at extending the consumer's personal media.
  • Reply 192 of 249
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member

    The new model is widely expected to bow at Macworld and may be accompanied by a new iMac at the same time.

    Again AI states new iMac.

    Does that mean a refresh or a whole new design? I pray for a new design.
  • Reply 193 of 249
    Originally Posted by MacJello View Post

    Just for kicks, allow me to fantasize about a feature that the Mini almost certainly won't include, but which would be awesomely cool. How exciting would it be, if you could interconnect multiple Minis to act as a single computer? With Snow Leopard on the horizon, it seems that Apple would have the software to make this worthwhile. I don't know enough about the technologies to undersand the obstacles or the costs, but I haven't seen this idea mentioned, so I'm throwing it out there. Again, I'm not saying I think this will happen, I'm fantasizing about cool possibilities.

    Originally Posted by BradMacPro View Post


    Not a consumer client software function, but it is out there.

    I've heard that Grand Central will be able to use spare processor cycles of other Macs on the network. Like XGrid, but without the user doing anything. I can't find the link where I read that, though.
  • Reply 194 of 249
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Again AI states new iMac.

    Does that mean a refresh or a whole new design? I pray for a new design.

    There will NOT be a new design for at least 3 years, get over it.
  • Reply 195 of 249
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    How many of you people actually own a Mac mini? Why get excited over a Mac that you wouldn't even consider buying?

    I own two, one under a TV running as a TV/Movie server to the TV and to an AppleTV in another room. as upgrade paths, Firewire is important to me.

    I run the second mini for music, my Firewire audio box means that if the new minis don't have firewire, I either have to upgrade my Audio box (something I'm not happy with) or else wait for a quadcore iMac, which is another expensive addition. {been holding off on a quad iMac for so long now }

    I am also interested in a mini for at least two relations.

    but quite frankly I don''t give a flying fart WHAT power cable the new mini has, just as long as I can continue to use the monitors I already have.


    oh yes and I'll add the apparently almost obligatory monoprice advert to my post
  • Reply 196 of 249
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    oh yes and I'll add the apparently almost obligatory monoprice advert to my post

    OK, so we get maybe one in twenty posts in this thread where they are mentioned, and you're suggesting it's almost obligatory? It sounds like you're complaining, and I don't understand why.
  • Reply 197 of 249
    Originally Posted by BradMacPro View Post


    Not a consumer client software function, but it is out there.

    Some university did xgrid with a bunch of iMacs to build like the worlds second fastest supercomputer (at the time). This was some time ago, I forget who did it. Xgrid rocks!
  • Reply 198 of 249
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    I had a flash of inspiration. There will be two ports. MiniDP because of LED Cinema Display etc and it is "the future".

    DVI because of HDMI ... Mac Mini is also some sort of Media Server. Apple TV to the next level, and Mac Mini as well, Mac Mini.

    There is no good MiniDP to HDMI solution out there right now, or MiniDP to component as someone says...

    AWW YEAH. This is how it's going to play out.

    Play your PC or Mac games on your HDTV as well.

    There will be software for Mac Mini to make it more "Apple TV" like.

    HD Movies and TV Shows on your Mac Mini...?

    That would take up too much space. Not that I expect Apple to do this, but if they did, they would have to switch to mini-DVI with mini-DisplayPort in order to fit things into the space of the existing full size DVI-I port.
  • Reply 199 of 249
    Originally Posted by wobegon View Post

    Let's see...a Mini DisplayPort-to-DVI adapter? That exists. A DVI-to-HDMI adapter? That exists too!

    Problem solved.

    Physically yes, but apparently functionality is lost in that HDCP doesn't make it through based on feedback from people who have tried this. Not to mention audio is lost in translation and has to be cabled separately.
  • Reply 200 of 249
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Again AI states new iMac.

    Does that mean a refresh or a whole new design? I pray for a new design.

    First I doubt that even if they introduce a new iMac optionally featuring a quad-core processor, it won't be available for a month, as Intel only started shipping new processors that COULD be used in the iMac as of Dec. 28, and it takes about 6 weeks for new Macs to be manufactured with any new chips. As these new chips have a similar power usage as the older chips, then I don't see the iMac getting a new design. There have been patents for new cooling systems which could require a minor design change, perhaps slightly fatter and that could be across the whole back or just a bulge. Maybe Apple will introduce a 25th Anniversary iMac with a translucent enclosure to reflect the first iMac and maybe pay homage to the G5 Cube.
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