Apple introduces compact wired keyboard with new iMacs

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in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Accompanying updates to Apple's line of desktops Tuesday is a new compact, wired keyboard with no numeric keypad. It's included with each new iMac by default, but can be swapped out for one that does include a numeric keypad at no additional cost when ordering online.

A rundown of Apple keyboards

Previously Apple offered just two keyboards: the wired version known as the Apple Keyboard and the Bluetooth-connected Apple Wireless Keyboard. Today's new compact keyboard adopts an appearance similar to its wireless counterpart as both lack a numeric keypad. Both wired keyboards are flanked by USB 2.0 ports on each side.

The move gives Apple customers three keyboards to choose from: a wireless model, a wired keyboard with numeric keypad or a wired "compact" keyboard sans numeric keypad.

The new iMac ships with the compact wired keyboard by default, but customers can still build to order with the numeric keypad version included for no extra charge. Meanwhile, Mac mini customers can also choose any of the three keyboards in a bundle with a Mighty Mouse. Both wired keyboards come with a Mighty Mouse for $98 while the wireless keyboard is joined by the Wireless Mighty Mouse for $129.

The full-size Apple Keyboard with Numeric Keypad comes standard with each new Mac Pro order, but the Cupertino-based Mac maker also offers the compact and wireless versions as swappable build-to-order options.

Owners of existing Macs can spring for any of the three available keyboards at the Apple Store, where the Apple Keyboard is $49, Apple Keyboard with Numeric Keypad is also $49, and the Apple Wireless Keyboard costs $79.

Apple Keyboard with Numeric Keypad ($49)

Apple Keyboard ($49)

Apple Wireless Keyboard ($79)



  • Reply 1 of 163
    leppoleppo Posts: 66member
    If they had black keys, I'd buy one. None of their hardware is white anymore (except the top of the mini), not sure why they think white and silver go together. Blech.
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  • Reply 2 of 163
    no wireless with a 10 key
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  • Reply 3 of 163
    I think this move to get rid of the num. pad and decrease the width of the keyboard is a good sign that Apple might be prepping a multi-touch glass trackpad for their desktop line. By have it be smaller, one could attach (via usb) a trackpad to either end of the keyboard (lefty or righty).

    Don't blow this off, I think its gonna happen in some manner. Multi-touch is still non-existent on their desktop line, a glaring signal to me.

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  • Reply 4 of 163
    jowie74jowie74 Posts: 540member
    Still no wireless with numberpad. New short keyboard exactly the same price as the longer one... huh?!

    More utter randomness from the new line-up of Apple products.
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  • Reply 5 of 163
    Who honestly asked for this keyboard option?

    No one.

    While a lot of us have been asking for a wireless keyboard with full extended functions.

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  • Reply 6 of 163
    Originally Posted by luke1robb View Post

    I think this move to get rid of the num. pad and decrease the width of the keyboard is a good sign that Apple might be prepping a multi-touch glass trackpad for their desktop line. By have it be smaller, one could attach (via usb) a trackpad to either end of the keyboard (lefty or righty).

    Don't blow this off, I think its gonna happen in some manner. Multi-touch is still non-existent on their desktop line, a glaring signal to me.


    I hadn't thought of that... as much as I hate compact keyboards, that would probably be an interesting move!
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  • Reply 7 of 163
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by luke1robb View Post

    I think this move to get rid of the num. pad and decrease the width of the keyboard is a good sign that Apple might be prepping a multi-touch glass trackpad for their desktop line. By have it be smaller, one could attach (via usb) a trackpad to either end of the keyboard (lefty or righty).

    Don't blow this off, I think its gonna happen in some manner. Multi-touch is still non-existent on their desktop line, a glaring signal to me.


    Not a bad point, actually. I can't see the interface between laptop and desktop staying this different, with laptops having the touch trackpad advantage to themselves.

    In addition, a trackpad on the side could easily display a 9-key input on demand that would satisfy all (or most) but full-time number crunchers.
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  • Reply 8 of 163
    joelsaltjoelsalt Posts: 827member
    Originally Posted by DyingSun View Post

    I hadn't thought of that... as much as I hate compact keyboards, that would probably be an interesting move!

    Me too.

    It probably doesn't make sense REALLY, but after having used a laptop for so long, when I'm on a desktop I actually miss not being able to use the trackpad.
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  • Reply 9 of 163
    bigdaddypbigdaddyp Posts: 811member
    Originally Posted by KindredMac View Post

    Who honestly asked for this keyboard option?

    No one.

    While a lot of us have been asking for a wireless keyboard with full extended functions.


    I second that one. I have been forced to go on flea bay and hunt the older white wireless keyboards for exactly that reason. Sad really.
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  • Reply 10 of 163
    oneaburnsoneaburns Posts: 354member
    Originally Posted by KindredMac View Post

    Who honestly asked for this keyboard option?

    No one.

    While a lot of us have been asking for a wireless keyboard with full extended functions.


    I'm with you there. Wireless WITH numeric keypad has been a request for sometime so they introduce the opposite. Oy. Heck, even if you don't use your Mac for business you still may want to create a spreadsheet or pay some bills online now and then. And it's not much fun to try to shop online and use the top row of numbers to enter your credit card number.
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  • Reply 11 of 163
    macshackmacshack Posts: 103member
    I can understand having a little footprint for a keyboard is important when integrated in a laptop or used for a media center. When you want to type something whilst sitting on the couch. But a little keyboard for a desktop computer doesn't make any sense. I want nummeric keys. I want to have space to type properly and not a tiny keyboard like that.

    I think Apple is making lots of mistakes with these recent updates.
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  • Reply 12 of 163
    hdasmithhdasmith Posts: 145member
    I reckon this will just annoy customers. People are going to order the new iMac with shorter keyboard, and not realise that it's missing the number pad. Who on earth goes out of their way to remove the number pad?? Are there really people out there that don't type numbers longer than 3 digits?
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  • Reply 13 of 163
    galleygalley Posts: 971member
    Why is the keyboard without the number pad not cheaper? There's less to manufacture.
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  • Reply 14 of 163
    filburtfilburt Posts: 398member
    This sounds like a scheme to get people to order from Apple, instead of more affordable outlets such as Otherwise, Apple would've bundled wired keyboard WITH numeric keypad as the default option, with keypadless as BTO.
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  • Reply 15 of 163
    fraklincfraklinc Posts: 244member
    Originally Posted by hdasmith View Post

    I reckon this will just annoy customers. People are going to order the new iMac with shorter keyboard, and not realise that it's missing the number pad. Who on earth goes out of their way to remove the number pad?? Are there really people out there that don't type numbers longer than 3 digits?

    Agreed, i'll be mad as hell if i walk into a best buy and buy a iMac and it came with a keyboard with the number pad missing. This really is a bad idea, the Apple online store gives you a option when ordering a new machine but i wonder how stores like best buy are going to handle this.
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  • Reply 16 of 163
    Originally Posted by oneaburns View Post

    I'm with you there. Wireless WITH numeric keypad has been a request for sometime so they introduce the opposite. Oy. Heck, even if you don't use your Mac for business you still may want to create a spreadsheet or pay some bills online now and then. And it's not much fun to try to shop online and use the top row of numbers to enter your credit card number.

    Not to mention passwords. I don't know about anyone else, but I use the num pad daily for passwords (in conjunction with some letter keys). And it is usually a pattern based on the number pad that sticks out when I try to remember my passwords.
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  • Reply 17 of 163
    Originally Posted by cygnusrk727 View Post

    Not to mention passwords. I don't know about anyone else, but I use the num pad daily for passwords (in conjunction with some letter keys). And it is usually a pattern based on the number pad that sticks out when I try to remember my passwords.


    I can't tell you how many times, even phone numbers, are remembered solely on pattern for me. Some one asks me for my work number I find myself using my right hand and motioning out the numbers to give it to them.

    Apple is usually right on with giving us technology changes but I really think they have fumbled big time on this kind of change.
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  • Reply 18 of 163
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by KindredMac View Post

    Who honestly asked for this keyboard option?

    No one.

    I wish there was an option for no keyboard or mouse because I don't much care for any of the Apple input devices.
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  • Reply 19 of 163
    dstranathandstranathan Posts: 1,717member
    Originally Posted by KindredMac View Post

    Who honestly asked for this keyboard option?

    No one.

    I did. Buying one today. Great for servers too!

    I agree with those of you who want black keys!
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  • Reply 20 of 163
    minderbinderminderbinder Posts: 1,703member
    Originally Posted by hdasmith View Post

    I reckon this will just annoy customers. People are going to order the new iMac with shorter keyboard, and not realise that it's missing the number pad. Who on earth goes out of their way to remove the number pad?? Are there really people out there that don't type numbers longer than 3 digits?

    Yeah, I wonder how many irate customers ending up with the shorties without expecting it, it will take to get apple to change the default on this one.
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