iPhone 3G S faster than Palm Pre; 500K sales "conservative"



  • Reply 281 of 366
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post


    I like this site:


  • Reply 282 of 366
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I like this site:


    I?ve seen you post from there before. I like the smiley face puking the smiley faces, but I felt the Snoopy dance was in highly in order this time.
  • Reply 283 of 366
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I like this site:


    As I posted to a private reply to GLOBERATOR.

    Snoopy is copyrighted by the Charles Schultz Family. I've reported this site and Sloppyism to their website.

    Here's hoping Sloppyism and AI are slammed with the same 2M that the music industry doled out this week to 1 person for sharing 20 songs.

    Edit. With a link to this Forum and a screen shot of both Globerator and Sloppyism's original post.
  • Reply 284 of 366
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I?ve seen you post from there before. I like the smiley face puking the smiley faces, but I felt the Snoopy dance was in highly in order this time.

    So many smileys, so little time to link to them.
  • Reply 285 of 366
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    You forgot to add the hash glyph between the ampersand and eight.

    iPhone 3G S⃣

    I deleted that post pretty fast, but you caught it!

    Is there any way to control the spacing better? Numerals come out nicely, but letters are bulged.

    3⃣ G⃣ S⃣
  • Reply 286 of 366
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    I deleted that post pretty fast, but you caught it!

    Is there any way to control the spacing better? Numerals come out nicely, but letters are bulged.

    3⃣ G⃣ S⃣

    I don?t think so. I had to play around with sizing and spacing to get the results I got. Even the Preview feature in forum doesn?t address it every I test it so I?m wondering if it?s still a very new unicode feature that browsers, even WebKit, aren?t fully supporting.. It certainly is unusual. Was there even a particular reason for this character setup?
  • Reply 287 of 366
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I like this site:


    "Last edited by JeffDM; Today at 10:56 PM.. Reason: Took out trademarked image."

    A tad late to change the forum posting. I already sent the screen shot to 6 sites all dealing with the Charles Schutz copyright laws and their foundation.

    And I have the screen shot saved to my computer. You've already broken the law for downloading it and a second time by posting it.


    So many smileys, so little time to link to them.
  • Reply 288 of 366
    Sloppyism and AI are going down for their postings of Snoopy dancing.

    I've had 3 auto responses back from the 6 I posted and I am not going to stop with the 6.

    I'll hit CNN, Cnet, CNBC in the morning. Getting a little tired tonight. Long day with the family.

    It was Fathers Day and all.

    So many Smiley Faces and So Little Time to Post them.
  • Reply 289 of 366
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    3⃣ G⃣ S⃣

    Note that mobile Safari doesn't have the capability to display that level of Unicode. Is this an OS-level feature? I know nothing of fonts though I'm sure we have some experts here if memory serves... Which apparently it hasn't recently.

    PS: Anyone from the UK ever been to Coventry? I here it's good place to get away from it all.
  • Reply 290 of 366
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    That poll still may not be indicative of the Pre market as a whole.

    Really ?

  • Reply 291 of 366
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Well, let's see what comes of this:-


    No doubt this small number of issues will probably spread like wildfire.

    Wow this is serious !

    The cracked pre screen topic is over 30 pages long and there are many topics to boot about cracked pre screens . Your example ran 4 quotes by 2 ppi .

    Yes .
  • Reply 292 of 366
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    Really ?

    I can never tell if you are serious.

    Okay, Top Gear premier is on. Have fun without me.
  • Reply 293 of 366
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I can never tell if you are serious.

    Okay, Top Gear premier is on. Have fun without me.

    Really ?


    Sorry couldn't help myself

    The poll is as bad as you can get anywhere and is in-accurate as you can get.

    Yet if it hold's to this avg iI would start to sell my palm stock .
  • Reply 294 of 366
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post



    " No - still in good condition\t 71.....\t 79.78%

    Yes - but I dropped or bumped it\t 2........\t2.25%

    Yes - but I was careful with it\t 16......\t17.98%[/SIZE]

    so almost 20 percent cracked un usable pre phones



    View Poll Results: Did your PRE screen crack.

    No - still in good condition\t 87\t80.56%

    Yes - but I dropped or bumped it\t 2\t1.85%

    Yes - but I was careful with it\t 19\t17.59%

    2 am MONDAY MORN 2AM more votes

    View Poll Results: Did your PRE screen crack.

    No - still in good condition\t\t110\t83.33%

    Yes - but I dropped or bumped it\t\t2\t1.52%

    Yes - but I was careful with it\t\t20\t15.15%

    Voters: 132. You may not vote on this poll

  • Reply 295 of 366
    legend79legend79 Posts: 32member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    According to my timeline the Newton (1993) predated the Pilot (1996) by 3 years. The term PDA is also reportedly coined by then-Apple CEO John Sculley before his sex change and joining of the FBI?s X-Files division. My memory is infallible.

    DAMN; You're right o_O. I'm the one who should check my sources. I did after you told me. Turn out that neither company invented the touch screens; it was here since '74. Wild. Though it's no big surprise to me that most inventions were done out of research labs or by small companies founded on the idea :/. Most big companies these days mainly assemble products more so than they actually create new stuff. Just aren't any research groups anymore.
  • Reply 296 of 366
    legend79legend79 Posts: 32member
    Originally Posted by donlphi View Post

    I don't want to take away from your comment, as I think it's a true statement, but I am really curious about what everybody wants to multitask.

    I can only think of a couple but I don't see a "super necessity" for it:

    Listen to Pandora (some other radio app) while doing something else (checking e-mail, browsing the web, etc.).

    How many other things can you do at the same time on a phone?

    I agree. To some extent; it's rather over-rated. Just like when Apple claims to have 50'000 apps; It's all true; but at the end of the day; I may download a few apps; sure; but I only really end up using 2-3 of them. So if an app store had the mere 5-10 apps I like to use (which are pretty common apps; stocks; calendar; etc), then I really wouldn't care about additional apps. The same could be said for Palm. Multitasking has a few use-cases like fetching a phone number while someone is calling you; or playing music while you check out some other thing.

    I agree that Push is a power-efficient way to work with the radio; but at the same time multitasking doesn't slow you down; so in a way; Apple's claim is more of a technical mistake in the design than it is a real issue. Phones have been multitasking for ages already. Fact is; I wouldn't be surprised if they did add it at some point ; why not?
  • Reply 297 of 366
    legend79legend79 Posts: 32member
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    Well seeing as many people aren't willing to switch to Sprint for this so called 3rd part multitasking on a small screen, I say most people don't really give a damn. Apple has sold 40 million plus devices without 3rd party multitasking so it's not as big a deal as most of you want us to believe.

    Yah; at the end of the day; buying a phone is like buying a car. Everyone will like a certain brand and ultimately they're really all the same because they all get what you want done; it's really a mater of choice in style
  • Reply 298 of 366
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    In loading a series of complex websites over Wi-Fi, AnandTech has found that the 3G S is about 54 percent faster on average than the 3G and, in a few cases, is about three times faster. But it's also about 11 percent faster than the Palm Pre, which shares WebKit as a rendering engine, and is only slower in two out of nine tests. That lead only grows wider with the T-Mobile G1: as it's slower than the iPhone 3G, it's often twice as fast or more.

    Maybe they should try some websites that don't have lower bandwidth versions when the browser's user agent string is "mobile safari"? Slashdot & facebook can generate different pages depending on the agent string. Doesn't the W3C have a set of benchmark/test pages or something? True, this test gauges what a user would see if they only used those pages, but there's got to be a better way to really benchmark these machines. It's also too bad that the tester didn't wait a couple days to try out v1.0.3 of the Pre's OS which apparently has some speed & battery improvements.

    IMHO, some of the people on PreCentral need to HTFU. That 'lcd light leakage' photo was pathetic. I guess their parents' basement was really dark for them to see that little speck. Seriously though, I hope Palm can resolve whatever issues they are having, get the SDK released soon, and provide Apple some real competition. All people in the market for a smartphone will 'win' if there is healthy competition. The "there can only be one" mindset ends up leading to stagnation and customers' wallets getting raped.
  • Reply 299 of 366
    legend79legend79 Posts: 32member
    Originally Posted by Wolfman View Post

    I agree with your on lame video cards, but that is also due to Mac's requiring larger ROM's on their cards. Looks like Nvidia and ATI weren't willing to spend another 50 cents to make all their cards potentially Mac/PC compatible.

    That said, Apple had never pursued the gaming market until very recently. It was simply never core to their business model.

    Very true; Steve didn't care for games until it raked enough cash on the iPhones. Even back in the iPod days; he used to have the whole idea and had to be convinced of it. Let's face it; he gets *A LOT* of things right; more so than any other CEO; but gaming and IM really isn't his turf. It's the teenage hip crow he doesn't understand. Where the hell are my smileys?! If he only took a second to talk to his teens; he's realize how HUGE things like these are!
  • Reply 300 of 366
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by legend79 View Post

    I agree. To some extent; it's rather over-rated. Just like when Apple claims to have 50'000 apps; It's all true; but at the end of the day; I may download a few apps; sure; but I only really end up using 2-3 of them. So if an app store had the mere 5-10 apps I like to use (which are pretty common apps; stocks; calendar; etc), then I really wouldn't care about additional apps. The same could be said for Palm. Multitasking has a few use-cases like fetching a phone number while someone is calling you; or playing music while you check out some other thing.

    You might only want one app from any one mobile App Store, but the point of stating how many apps are there does help to signify which store has the greatest likelihood of having your app. The point is simply selection options, not an expectation to download them all.


    I agree that Push is a power-efficient way to work with the radio; but at the same time multitasking doesn't slow you down; so in a way; Apple's claim is more of a technical mistake in the design than it is a real issue. Phones have been multitasking for ages already. Fact is; I wouldn't be surprised if they did add it at some point ; why not?

    Multi-tasking certainly can slow you down and whether you notice it or not each new task takes RAM and CPU cycles away from the pool that the foreground could potentially use. This can be an issue and if you have an original or 3G iPhone you know this is an issue with just having the iPod running and trying to do other tasks. EVen Palm sees the long term benefits of have push notifications as they are developing their own system, despite having background apps.

    We need to keep to mind that what other phones can do is not what the iPhone can do. It might be powerful HW compared to other phones but it?s also a very resource unfriendly OS. It?s a desktop OS made to run on mobile HW while maintaining complex and robust frameworks. The new device s really the first iPhone that actually runs smoothly though all operations. No more lagging, even when running the iPod app and multitasking.

    As for future multitasking, I?m sure they will, but it won?t be available to the older iPhones. They simply don?t have the resources for it. The new one seems to have plenty of RAM for a couple background apps, though for that to work correctly that will have to be governed as to not affect the foreground app?s ability to run within normal parameters.
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