Why I dislike Apple



  • Reply 141 of 156
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by AjayBot View Post

    Oh wait, I remember that fish now! It was a cartoon.... But that IQ of 12 is real

  • Reply 142 of 156
    Hey now. PC gaming is NOT dead. It is now and always willl be better than consoles. The graphics on consoles are obsolete a few months after they come out. PCs can be upgraded and modded. Plus they have freeware games, and MMOs.

    As for Airsoft4Life, he should fall down a well.
  • Reply 143 of 156
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by turnwrite View Post

    Hey now. PC gaming is NOT dead. It is now and always willl be better than consoles. The graphics on consoles are obsolete a few months after they come out. PCs can be upgraded and modded. Plus they have freeware games, and MMOs.

    As for Airsoft4Life, he should fall down a well.

    So You'd rather drop $600 (being Generous by not factoring in other components) every 6 Months rather then every 6 years for better Graphics?

    I'm not against (entirely) PC Gaming, it drives the rest of the market to higher standards in Video Cards, Displays, Keyboard Design, Processors, pretty much everything you can think of, but it's a pain in the A$$ to deal with, for all, except the most die hard. I'm not one of the die hard gamers out there, but many games are being ported to the Xbox 360 and the PS3 anyways, so I see little reason to bother with PC Gaming anymore.

  • Reply 144 of 156
    This thread is indeed proof as to why computers will never take over planet earth.
  • Reply 145 of 156
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by Timeline View Post

    This thread is indeed proof as to why computers will never take over planet earth.

    You mean because they can say a whole lot of nothing in 10 Paragraphs?

  • Reply 146 of 156
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post

    You mean because they can say a whole lot of nothing in 10 Paragraphs?


    Slewis you still wasting time on this crap thread???
  • Reply 147 of 156
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman View Post

    Slewis you still wasting time on this crap thread???

    Hmmm, with Airsoft4Life on my Ignore list, I have all the time in the world to waste

  • Reply 148 of 156
    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post

    So You'd rather drop $600 (being Generous by not factoring in other components) every 6 Months rather then every 6 years for better Graphics?

    I'm not against (entirely) PC Gaming, it drives the rest of the market to higher standards in Video Cards, Displays, Keyboard Design, Processors, pretty much everything you can think of, but it's a pain in the A$$ to deal with, for all, except the most die hard. I'm not one of the die hard gamers out there, but many games are being ported to the Xbox 360 and the PS3 anyways, so I see little reason to bother with PC Gaming anymore.


    There are way more titles for PCs than any console. I find the WASD way easier to handle than any controller. PCs have insanely better graphics and can take advantage of new emerging technologies much faster than consoles. You can find plenty of decent games on a PC for free, which is more than you can say for a console. PCs do more than consoles. I can spend $1000 or so on a PC, or I can spend $400 on a console to play games, $100 on a DVD player, and then another $500 or so for a computer which I will need anyway to use the intarweb and Office. May as well just do it all on one machine, that does it better anyway.
  • Reply 149 of 156
    this thread is boring and unproductive, ADMIN--please remove
  • Reply 150 of 156
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by turnwrite View Post

    I can spend $1000 or so on a PC, or I can spend $400 on a console to play games, $100 on a DVD player, and then another $500 or so for a computer which I will need anyway to use the intarweb and Office. May as well just do it all on one machine, that does it better anyway.

    Breaking them out into separate functions do have their advantages though. I really haven't seen a good computer remote that handles media playback all that well. Two of the three current consoles offer DVD playback, though maybe not as good as a stand-alone player in terms of playback quality and remote useability. You might also spend less money on the console route because outside of gaming and media work, a computer can now easily be useable for six years. For gaming and media use, it seems like it needs a significant upgrade every two or three years.
  • Reply 151 of 156
    Originally Posted by fatcatdj View Post

    this thread is boring and unproductive, ADMIN--please remove

    Thanks for continuing that trend!

    (And, also, for reminding me to look into limiting the ability of users to produce posts in large red type.)
  • Reply 152 of 156
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Breaking them out into separate functions do have their advantages though. I really haven't seen a good computer remote that handles media playback all that well. Two of the three current consoles offer DVD playback, though maybe not as good as a stand-alone player in terms of playback quality and remote useability. You might also spend less money on the console route because outside of gaming and media work, a computer can now easily be useable for six years. For gaming and media use, it seems like it needs a significant upgrade every two or three years.

    Well, that is just a matter of personal preference I suppose. I prefer to have everything in one device, and I like to be able to customize it, which is easiest on a PC. I also like all the free content for PCs. I am willing to spend a bit more for that, but I can see how someone else might disagree.
  • Reply 153 of 156
    Originally Posted by fatcatdj View Post

    this thread is boring and unproductive

    So is your existence.
  • Reply 154 of 156
    bwhalerbwhaler Posts: 260member
    I am not a dumb sh#t, and it makes no sense. Author is verbose and writes from a thesaurus.

    He may have a point, but what it is is beyond understanding. The main problem is one could replace "Apple" with any other noun and the article would work.

    Examples would help. A specific point or two would be helpful.
  • Reply 155 of 156
    Originally Posted by BWhaler View Post

    I am not a dumb sh#t, and it makes no sense. Author is verbose and writes from a thesaurus.

    He may have a point, but what it is is beyond understanding. The main problem is one could replace "Apple" with any other noun and the article would work.

    Examples would help. A specific point or two would be helpful.

    He used a website which creates random rants.
  • Reply 156 of 156
    With that, I close this thread.
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