Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 1821 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    However that doesn't mean that I won't take a chance on HD DVD in the hopes that someday I get more studio access without the encumberances of Region Control/BD+

    This may sound silly, but I had not realized that HD-DVD had no region control.

    I always assumed both next-gen systems were just like DVD.

    If Mac portables no longer had to deal with the "5 region changes and you're done" scheme, that could only be a good thing.
  • Reply 1822 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    This may sound silly, but I had not realized that HD-DVD had no region control.

    I always assumed both next-gen systems were just like DVD.

    If Mac portables no longer had to deal with the "5 region changes and you're done" scheme, that could only be a good thing.

    I absolutely "DESPISE" Region Control. There are so many Euro or Asian movies that I want to have access to that will never be distributed in North America. Adding Region Control just to protect a few Big Budet flicks makes no sense when you consider that most movies aren't the megamillion generators and having a World Wide market helps the smaller studios.

    Studios can decide on DVD to enforce RC or not but I still think it'd be better to eschew the bad idea anyways. Luckily ..not all Blu-ray movies have RC
  • Reply 1823 of 4650
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Region Control's not a huge deal for me as the only country I can see myself importing movies from is Japan, and they're in the same code as the US anyhow. But the system is still annoying.
  • Reply 1824 of 4650
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    whisper quiet?

    Note the complete lack of any picture and remember this is a recording, which hardly gives you an accurate representation of what sound you get in a real environment across a room.

    PS3s run pretty darn quiet unless you are running something like Folding@Home for a while consistently. For movies you don't notice it.

    Until you actually own one you may want to forget about trying to make statements on something that you are completely ignorant about.
  • Reply 1825 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    oh no... don't report me to the press for my typo.... the corrected price at $599 is still too expensive. So, are you a fanboy or a rare PS3 enthusiast on this forum?

    Well you were going on about FACTS

    Please don't confuse the term fanboy with you winning an argument.

    If I can't stand the idea of giving microsoft money does that make me a fanboy? Probably yes.

    If I have chosen a format that is selling MORE hardware and software and has more titles released from more studios for a cheaper price per disc and THAT makes me a fanboy. then YES.

    But I dont think of people in terms of fanboys, I think of things in terms of "informed choice" I've made mine, you've made yours and hmurchison has made his, on the one hand he will spout that he intends to "go blu/universal in late 2007-early 2008" and I believe he made comments a while back about getting a PS3 {I could be wrong, but I really don't care enough to check} and then he makes a very bad choice in terms of supporting his "argument" of posting a link to youtube that amounts to a BLANK screen and any random fan noise you could care to pick as "EVIDENCE" that the PS3 has a loud fan. Apparently JUST to score points against a format, after a player of that format recieves a firmware update. This is the same hmuchison who was delighted at the fact that his beloved Toshiba player could recieve updates, again he was pointing out that a BD player DIDN'T have this feature {I forget which player this was, possibly because its in the 2006 thread somewhere}

    So it would seem that as far as he is concerned its a selling point if the format player of your choice can recieve firmware upgrades AS LONG AS its the format player HE bought, but it is a minus point if your format player of choice THAT HE DID'NT BUY can be upgraded via firmware.

    THAT IS THE MARK OF A FANBOY IMO. wheather you disagree or not is entirely up to you, although I do have a feeling that as what I have written does not support your point of view, you will resort to name calling (ie "fanboy") which to be honest is very dull and uninteresting as a form of argument.

    NOW! happier things

    I have made my considered choice, but due to the relatively small market share of hi-def formats in relation to SD-DVD I also consider myself an early adopter, although not as early as some on this thread. as an early adopter in a format war perhaps we all want to feel good about our choice of format, but cant we do this without stabbing at the other format? marzetta7s posts that detail news items about BDs progression are at least, enlightening and celebratory, and when hmurchison or yourself choose to post similar about HD-DVD it is also good to hear, but the bickering and mistruths from both sides are irritating to say the least. It would be really cool if both sides could see this whole thing as less of a personal attack. Perhaps "corrections" could be posted instead of warrior like calls to war over the dreaded FUD LORDS. But, whatever floats peoples boats

    I have enjoyed this thread on different levels over the last 18-24 or so months, but feel that some topics have been done to death, I would love to hear therefore, from any of the Hi-def USERS, the people who have made a choice and put their money where their mouth is and actually WATCH the hi-def format of their choice. Viewing experiances, bad discs, exellent discs* etc. and anyone who is thinking of firmly planting their feet in one format camp or another (or both ) And the pros and cons of Apple HAVING to MAKE A CHOICE. I realize that some of the titles won't be on both formats, but that doesn't matter to "me".

    It was actually hmurchisons delight at the quality of HD-DVD and hi-def in general that sparked an interest in me to "make a choice"

    So, what say we drop the name calling and ENJOY our choices? it shouldnt be hard, we keep "defending" our formats of choice! which isnt so far from actually ENJOYING it


    *I have never found nature programmes that interesting so its hard for me to justify buying the BBC Planet Earth set, so go on, convince me
  • Reply 1826 of 4650
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    How on God's green Earth would HD DVD hope to maintain a lead with a deficit of 4 studios in content?

    That is what some have been saying here all along

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Naturally the price for HD DVD discs will be higher because the 3 out of the Top 10 discs are multi disc packages (Two Matrix bundles and Planet Earth) in addition to the slightly higher combo.

    Thats the problem with "Nomalized averages" which is what I was hoping to point out.

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    But if you want to talk about price ....lets take this to anecdotes.

    My HD DVD player cost me $249.99 plust %8.6 tax. I have 5 free movies coming my way.

    anecdotally is that the cost of your first player or your second clarity my good man CLARITY

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    What did you PS3 cost you?

    touche but then I also intend to play games on it, use it to stream (SD) movies etc. can your Tosh do that? Like you I knew the "risks" involved in getting my specific player of choice, and I MADE that choice.

    see my somewhat longer post above.

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    HD DVD for the win.

    well anythings possible I do like an underdog.

    any chance you can put those fast typing fingers to good use with some info on your favorite disc/s so far? be delighted to hear it.
  • Reply 1827 of 4650
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I absolutely "DESPISE" Region Control. There are so many Euro or Asian movies that I want to have access to that will never be distributed in North America. Adding Region Control just to protect a few Big Budet flicks makes no sense when you consider that most movies aren't the megamillion generators and having a World Wide market helps the smaller studios.

    Studios can decide on DVD to enforce RC or not but I still think it'd be better to eschew the bad idea anyways. Luckily ..not all Blu-ray movies have RC

    So This news will be of interest to you then.
  • Reply 1828 of 4650
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    I have enjoyed this thread on different levels over the last 18-24 or so months, but feel that some topics have been done to death, I would love to hear therefore, from any of the Hi-def USERS, the people who have made a choice and put their money where their mouth is and actually WATCH the hi-def format of their choice. Viewing experiances, bad discs, exellent discs* etc. and anyone who is thinking of firmly planting their feet in one format camp or another (or both ) And the pros and cons of Apple HAVING to MAKE A CHOICE. I realize that some of the titles won't be on both formats, but that doesn't matter to "me".

    It was actually hmurchisons delight at the quality of HD-DVD and hi-def in general that sparked an interest in me to "make a choice"

    *I have never found nature programmes that interesting so its hard for me to justify buying the BBC Planet Earth set, so go on, convince me

    I've been mostly happy, a bit irritated with Blu-ray in my experience with it thus far. The selection of films is still fairly anemic, and Sony isn't releasing any 'real' animation at the moment, even though they've released a couple of Ghost in the Shell films and Satoshi Kon's Paprika on the format in Japan. Considering how much of their market is PS3 owners and how many gamers watch anime, this seems like an oversight.

    Nearly every Blu-ray disc you get is going to be missing extras compared to the DVD version. You learn to get over this, but I was disappointed to discover that my 'Superior' copy of Planet Earth didn't include 'Planet Earth - The Future' (an additional 3 hour documentary that DVD owners received) or even the little 10 minute snippets at the end of each episode describing filming (which DVD owners also received). Again, it seems pretty shortsighted to advertise the format as a True Viewing Experience if you're not only making those users pay more to enjoy it, but you're robbing them of extras they could get by just buying the cheaper format.

    That said, the PQ is very nice (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, while still just a decent movie, has fantastic picture quality). The PS3's an excellent Blu-ray player, and the recently added upscaling is icing on the cake.

    Studios just need to get on the ball in terms of releasing more of their movies in high def, and not shorting us on the bonus material. The Pirates of the Caribbean sets are 2-disc, and include all the original DVD extras, so we seem to be moving in the right direction.

    Oh, and most of my purchases thus far, besides Planet Earth, are really just Big Summer Movies (Casino Royale, The Prestige, Potc 1&2). Also picked up The Fountain but haven't watched it yet. The Queen was very good, and I've also got Volver queued on NetFlix.
  • Reply 1829 of 4650
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Oh, and most of my purchases thus far, besides Planet Earth, are really just Big Summer Movies (Casino Royale, The Prestige, Potc 1&2). Also picked up The Fountain but haven't watched it yet. The Queen was very good, and I've also got Volver queued on NetFlix.

    Volver is pretty good but the fountain sucks ass.
  • Reply 1830 of 4650
    -df-df Posts: 136member
    The Fountain was amazing.
  • Reply 1831 of 4650
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Volver is pretty good but the fountain sucks ass.

    Originally Posted by -dF View Post

    The Fountain was amazing.

    I see similar disagreements all over the place. For my part, I was disappointed. I felt that the ideas were ambitious but the movie was subtle where it needed to be lucid and heavy-handed where it needed to be subtle. The ridiculously convoluted progression didn't do it any favors, either. Some gorgeous visuals, though.

    I'll probably watch it again some time to see what subtleties I've overlooked, but I'm in no hurry.
  • Reply 1832 of 4650
    Originally Posted by gloss View Post

    I see similar disagreements all over the place. For my part, I was disappointed. I felt that the ideas were ambitious but the movie was subtle where it needed to be lucid and heavy-handed where it needed to be subtle. The ridiculously convoluted progression didn't do it any favors, either. Some gorgeous visuals, though.

    I'll probably watch it again some time to see what subtleties I've overlooked, but I'm in no hurry.

    Thanks for the clarification! I nearly popped it in my virtual basket yesterday, instead I've opted for Layer Cake and Dead Mans Chest neither of which I have seen yet.
  • Reply 1833 of 4650
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Thanks for the clarification! I nearly popped it in my virtual basket yesterday, instead I've opted for Layer Cake and Dead Mans Chest neither of which I have seen yet.

    I'd give it a shot sometime. People seem to either love it or loathe it. Even the reviews on Rottentomatoes were split 50/50. As far as the Blu-ray PQ goes, the black levels are atrocious, but the brighter scenes look great.

    Dead Man's Chest is good fun, but don't expect many resolutions. It's really just the setup for At World's End, and they're best considered in conjunction with one another.
  • Reply 1834 of 4650
    Originally Posted by gloss View Post

    I'd give it a shot sometime. People seem to either love it or loathe it. Even the reviews on Rottentomatoes were split 50/50. As far as the Blu-ray PQ goes, the black levels are atrocious, but the brighter scenes look great.

    Dead Man's Chest is good fun, but don't expect many resolutions. It's really just the setup for At World's End, and they're best considered in conjunction with one another.

    Haven't seen Worlds End yet either, which is what spurred me on to grab DMC plan on going to see World End ASAP.
  • Reply 1835 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    whisper quiet?

    According to people owning the PS3 and the European HD-E1 HD DVD player, the Toshiba is not any quiter - and the HD-XE1 is even louder.
  • Reply 1836 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by gloss View Post

    Dude, you're totally right. I'll take a YouTube link over personal experience any day. I must own a defective unit.

    I should return it for one that reaches the proper decibel levels.

    The PS3 averages under 55-60db playing Blu-Ray movies. At idle, it's silent. The only time the fans kick into overdrive (as in that YouTube link) is under heavy load during gameplay or Folding@Home, at which point you're unlikely to notice anyhow.

    And by the way, those measurements are taken directly at the vents at the rear of the machine, so the noise is actually directed away from the user.

    For correct measurement you're supposed to measure from a 1 meter distance.
  • Reply 1837 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    So This news will be of interest to you then.

    CSS has nothing to do with RC.
  • Reply 1838 of 4650
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    CSS has nothing to do with RC.

    Ah yes correct it was however my intention to point out how the European court had ruled that CSS was more or less ineffective, thus implying a possible path to all forms of DRM, (of which region codeing is one "type" of managment) being deemed illegal, wishful thinking though that may seem at the present time.
  • Reply 1839 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member

    Salesrank of Top 10:

    HD DVD- 167.5

    Blu-ray- 191.7

    HD DVD leads

    Salesrank of Top 25:

    HD DVD- 546.76

    Blu-ray- 735.4

    HD DVD leads

    Salesrank of Top 100:

    HD DVD- 3922.22

    Blu-ray- 3781.35

    Blu-ray leads
  • Reply 1840 of 4650
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Thanks for the clarification! I nearly popped it in my virtual basket yesterday, instead I've opted for Layer Cake and Dead Mans Chest neither of which I have seen yet.

    Layer Cake was one of the best movies I saw last year. I loved it.

    After you watch Dead Mans chest go straight to the theater and see At Worlds End. That is probably the best one, but it is a two part movie DMC , and AWE. AWE ads a lot in more into the plot and it's really fascinating; it's a must see. I originally thought that DMC let me down compared to Black Pearl, but once you know the rest of the plot that they never got into you'll see how necessary it was.
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