Apple unveils iPod touch and iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store



  • Reply 141 of 311
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by Takeo View Post

    My issue is this...

    All I want is an iPod with a massive amount of storage and the ability to stream it's music to an airport connected to my stereo. I want all of my music... all of it... on an iPod... in Apple Lossless (or 320 AAC)... in my hand... streaming to my stereo. I've been waiting for this for years. I've tried FM transmitters and they are useless. And besides... what's the point of having CD quality files on your iPod and then feeding them over a crappy FM signal. So I was quite exited about the WiFi rumors... but it didn't pan out Now I have a choice...

    1. WiFi but barely any storage space (iPod Touch)

    2. Huge storage space, but no WiFi (iPod Classic)

    Shitty The wait continues.

    BTW... can you use the WiFi in the 'touch' to stream your music to an airport base station????

    p.s. I could care less about safari and games and events and buying music over the air (I will only buy real CD's until iTunes offers better quality) and the touch interface... etc. I mean... it's all super cool... but again... all I want is an iPod with a HUGE hard drive and the ability to stream. Is that so hard?! :-(

    I don't understand your need at all. It doesn't seem to make sense.

    Let's see if I understand this. You have a computer with all of your video and music on it, but you NEED to stream from your iPod instead?

    Why on earth would you want to do that?
  • Reply 142 of 311
    Does anyone know if I have a T-Mobile total internet package would I be able to use iPod touch wifi anywhere I have a T-Mobile signal?

    Also is the T-Mobile total internet package any good?
  • Reply 143 of 311
    pmjoepmjoe Posts: 565member
    Originally Posted by Haggar View Post

    Do you need an iTunes store account to activate these new iPods, even if you don't intend to purchase anything from iTunes?

    Good question. I'd like to know the answer to this one too. It's probably much like using iTunes on the Mac, you need an iTunes account to do things like automatically get album covers for CoverFlow (though this probably gets done through iTunes anyhow).
  • Reply 144 of 311
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    Do we know this, or are we assuming this? What's the mAh rating on each battery?

    Remember, they made the Classic thin too. The 80GB is only 10.5mm thick. While the batt is still likely bigger than the Touch's, there's not necessarily a huge honkin' battery in there anymore. \.

    There may not be honkin big battery in the Classic 80gb but there almost certainly must be one in the 160gb version to get 40hrs.

    We don't know the battery capacities until someone dissects these devices but going from a 2.5" LCD screen to a 3.5" one shouldn't result in a huge increase in power consumption.
  • Reply 145 of 311
    does anybody here know if the iPod Touch can run instant chat messaging like MSN or AIM? Thanks
  • Reply 146 of 311
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I don't see it as a big price. The songs are licensed for play as songs, not rigntomes. That's the right of the copyright holder. They are allowed to maximize their earnings, as is everyone else.

    Elsewhere, if you buy a song, and decide you like it enough to use as a ringtone, you have to buy it again as a ringtone for $2.00 - $3.00.

    This is a bargain at $0.99.

    What are you talking about?

    I have a Sony Ericsson K750i and I can put any MP3s I want on to it and I can nominate any MP3 as my ring tone - I don't have to pay anyone anything extra.
  • Reply 147 of 311

    I am from London but will be buying the 16GB iPod Touch from New York next month as prices here in the UK are way more expensive!

    Check out the Facebook group dedicated to the new iPod Touch:

  • Reply 148 of 311
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by mr O View Post

    The new iPod touch's dock is looking amazing compared to the iPhone's dock!

    I am also intruiged why Apple has put the iPhone next to the recently announced iPods on their front page ( The iPhone really looks like a dinosaur.

    Heh...the iPod Touch appears to be a mockup while the iPhone appear to be a photo. I would assume the dock would be the same on both eventually.

    Oh camera in the touch? That makes sense but is kinda a shame.
  • Reply 149 of 311
    mydomydo Posts: 1,888member
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    Then what you need is a smart phone, not an iPod

    RIGHT But we have wireless everywhere in my building and you can't get a cell signal. So why do I need a smart phone to check my email while I'm at work?
  • Reply 150 of 311
    mydomydo Posts: 1,888member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I can't believe it when I read posts like this!

    Apple gave us more than we expected, and now people are crawling out of the woodwork even before the product is available to complain that Apple didn't give us even MORE!

    At least wait a while to see what happens.

    They didn't give us what the could have done with a simple software install. Just install the software for the mail client. It costs Apple NOTHING to include mail.
  • Reply 151 of 311
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I don't understand your need at all. It doesn't seem to make sense.

    Let's see if I understand this. You have a computer with all of your video and music on it, but you NEED to stream from your iPod instead?

    Why on earth would you want to do that?

    Because you want to sit and listen to your hi-Fi from a comfortable listening position and you don't want to get up and leave the room and go to where your computer is just to change tracks. You want to be able to do all that from the comfort of your Le Corbusier Chaise Lounge

    You aren't, after all, going to keep your computer and Hi-Fi in the same room because the former is too noisy.
  • Reply 152 of 311
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Takeo View Post

    Very neat idea. If you could control the iTunes on your desktop computer... that would be even better... then you'd only need one iPod. That's how it should be really. You should have all of your stuff on a 'server'... every song and video etc. that you own... and be able to control it... visually (remote controls suck)... from small wireless devices like the iPod Touch.

    Should be doable with an Ajax web page and AppleScript.

    Here's what you can do on Windows:

    To make it work should be fairly easy. To make it secure and pretty is more work but doable.
  • Reply 153 of 311
    I'll be picking mine up this weekend. Can't wait.

    I'm glad I held out ... it was hard to wait a few extra months but it was well worth the wait.
  • Reply 154 of 311
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Here... php example of controlling itunes.

    Here's windows version:

    See? Simple to control via iPod touch. Making it pretty and not a gaping security hole takes more effort.

    For Windows folks with $30:
  • Reply 155 of 311
    buddhabuddha Posts: 386member
    I came home and checked the apple website immediately, my pants are wet and my ballsack is empty.

    Anyone who is complaining needs to be hit by a bus.
  • Reply 156 of 311
    mydomydo Posts: 1,888member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    There's this new thing called a bookmark in Safari. You tap it and amazingly your web based email page just pops up. It's very cool, you should try it.

    What would be cooler is if the bookmark automatically logged in for me and check the email automatically and then sent me a signal to indicated I have email to check. Oh wait that's called an email client.
  • Reply 157 of 311
    Originally Posted by desarc View Post

    it's super cool that i only have to pay another buck to hear a song i already have on my iPhone play when someone calls me. that's awesome... does anyone know why licensing rights are different for listening to a song vs. listening to a song when your phone rings? why does this cost more money [in general, i'm not complaining @ apple, just pay-for ringtones in general]

    i'm glad i still buy my music on CD's. it won't cost me more money to re-encode them at a higher bit-rate, or DRM free - but if i want to use one as a ringtone, it looks like i'm out 2 bucks even though i own the music on disc. AND as an added bonus to ripping songs from disc: i have the Beatles on my iPhone :P

    I don't even care about the ringtones feature, I don't see myself using it, I've had the same ringtone since 7/29. I would pay 99 cents each for message alert tones for mail, voicemail, and sms messages that are actually audible when the phone is more than two feet away.
  • Reply 158 of 311
    Originally Posted by G-News View Post

    "I'm not buying any of that crap until Apple releases an iPhone with 1TB of storage, 100h of battery life (fuelcell), a 30" foldable screen, UMTS, EDGE, GPRS, GPS navigation system, satellite uplink, DVB-T receiver, Wi-Fi 802.11m, FireWire 800, a solar panel, independent network selection, the ability to boot OS X and Windows and free calls worldwide and all that for 1.99$"

    Me, I don't want a solar panel, but a solar powered dock. That would be keen.

    Skype too. and I like your pricing too.
  • Reply 159 of 311
    Originally Posted by mydo View Post

    Yea but no I'm away from my desk at work a lot and would like to receive email and reply to it as it comes in. I don't want to have to log in via the web over and over to see if I have anything new.

    That's a good point. Don't you suppose they'll add mail capacity shortly via firmware update?
  • Reply 160 of 311
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member

    I could care less

    What is it with Americans? Why do they all say this?

    It's "I could NOT care less". Think about it!
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