Apple unveils iPod touch and iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store



  • Reply 221 of 311
    Many have been saying the iPod touch has a feature set that's nearly identical to the iPhone's, and that's not entirely the case.

    Here's a list off the top of my head of things the iPhone has that the iPod touch doesn't. Feel free to add anything I've missed...

    Phone App



    Stocks App

    Google Maps

    Weather App



    External Speaker

    Included Accessories:


    USB Power Adapter
  • Reply 222 of 311
    Originally Posted by scampercom View Post

    I don't see anything about video out. Does the iPod touch support it? How about the iPod Classic?

    Two things lead me to believe that the iPod nano, iPod classic, and iPod touch all support video out. They all have the following information listed in the connectivity section of their tech specs, "USB through dock connector; component and composite video through dock connector (with AV cables or kit, sold separately); audio through headphone jack" listed here,

    Also, Apple lists their AV cable as an available accessory for these iPod models.

    What I am trying to figure out is if I can use my iTalk pro with the new iPod touch. I can't figure out if it will record. Please let me know if you find out if the iPod touch will record.
  • Reply 223 of 311
    Originally Posted by stevemost View Post

    Does the Touch have the same "buried" headset port like the iPhone? Anyone know?

    No, the iPod touch does not have a buried headset port. At least not according these two sources,

  • Reply 224 of 311
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    I would assume the dock would be the same on both eventually.

    The iPhone's dock has got a grey mesh in the background, while the iPod Touch's dock is a shiny black floor
  • Reply 225 of 311
    xmsxms Posts: 12member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    I think the price drop means we'll see a 16GB iPhone soon.

    me too! I also think that the 28th september availability for US compared to 3 days in Europe means at IFA we will see 8gb and 16gb iphones.
  • Reply 226 of 311
    Originally Posted by xms View Post

    me too! I also think that the 28th september availability for US compared to 3 days in Europe means at IFA we will see 8gb and 16gb iphones.

    who's saying 3 days in europe? over here it'll be the 28th of september as well. at least according to apples german site.
  • Reply 227 of 311
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by m00nchild View Post

    I love how rude people are when confronted with frustration that someone might have. Instead of saying: Did you hear about x? or did you think about y? Then just launch full on into "shut up" or "get out" -- when the frustration wasn't even originally directed at them.

    I just found out about the Classics. That model was buried underneath all the other iPod announcements.

    Thanks for the person who told me I should check it out.

    I'm less frustrated by Apple now.

    I was both those people!
  • Reply 228 of 311
    xmsxms Posts: 12member
    Originally Posted by AtomicGarden View Post

    who's saying 3 days in europe? over here it'll be the 28th of september as well. at least according to apples german site.

    I've checked italy and england apple online stores this morning around 9 and it was 3 days.

    However I went back now and saw that they changed the day, its now 28th of september all over Europe.
  • Reply 229 of 311
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by britwithgoodteeth View Post

    I'm on AT&T's basic $49/month plan.

    I connect to the computer via bluetooth, and drag the MP3's to the phone's Audio folder. They then show up in the ring tone menu.

    That used to be possible here in canada, now it's not. We get stuck with the ringtone price bs now. Had an older SE phone bluetooth dragging galore, new SE phone, it tell me that media cannot be used as a ringtone.

    The same happened with my gf going from SE to Moto.

    Ringtones are not free on new model cellphones in north america, stop trying to insist they are.
  • Reply 230 of 311
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    That's why they're called idiomatic expressions.

    There is one I'm very familiar with: tube vs valve.

    I must say that I'm on the side of the British on this one.

    I often bemused by the fact that any Anglo/American forum often descends into this sort of banter. Especially as this is meant to be one discussing Apple products, there seems to be a love/hate relationship between the Americans and British, we support each others ill-conceived foreign policy initiatives but then bicker over whether it's spelt programme or program, get over it!
  • Reply 231 of 311
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I thought the Apple controller for the ATV was supposed to do that for you. That was the entire point. Control your computers video's and music from your living room. You shouldn't need an iPod to do that.

    If you do, then something is wrong.

    What you describe requires both an ATV and a TV. The TV is in a different room to the Hi-Fi so there would be no screen to look at. I don't see the point of the ATV and doubt I will ever get one.
  • Reply 232 of 311
    It's a good time to be an apple fan.

    I've got no money, so I'm not getting any of these products, but the iPod touch is a step in the right direction. Anyone know- is the screen optical quality glass like the iPhone?

    By the time I can afford a new computer, the iPod touch will have all of the missing features (email, chat, etc...) and have a much larger capacity. Plus it'll be cheaper, I'm sure. Basically it will be a the perfect tablet if the screen were upped to 5 inches; if it had mail, it could integrate with Leopard's new mail reminders thing, and that'd be great for getting down quick notes and stuff.

    I think the iPod touch is sort of a gamble. Not everyone will get one. I think the iPod classic, however, is a very solid, competitive product, and it certainly blows the zune out of the water with its new capacity.

    Ze nano is ze phatty!!!
  • Reply 233 of 311
    Originally Posted by jiggy05 View Post

    If some kind hackers would make a skype mod. or application I could throw away my mobile phone at last.

    How would you communicate without a mic?

    There was a way of recording brief snippets on the old iPods... or longer stretches. How is that done?

    I mean... if you had an iphone headphones+mic (or similar).... could that be used to provide skype via iPot over wifi? (though... I'm not sure that is much use).
  • Reply 234 of 311
    Originally Posted by trubol View Post

    the iPod nano, iPod classic, and iPod touch all support video out. They all have the following information listed in the connectivity section of their tech specs

    Yes, I read the same, I'm most pleased. In fact, that's something the iPod touch does that the iPhone doesn't.

    On a related note - while the old iPod used to play video to the TV, it didn't present any kind of TV interface to users. I wonder if the new iPods provide a frontrow interface when connected to your TV??
  • Reply 235 of 311
    Originally Posted by Stink Different View Post

    Incredible! The perfect replacement for Palm? but it has no Bluetooth!

    People said the same sort of things about the original iPods. No tuner! No voice recorder! It'll never sell!

    Apple has the ability to pick the minimum core feature set that the vast majority of people will be satisfied with - and wrap it in a great UI. People are now used to the iPod interface, and videos on the iPod. Apple has taken one more step: How about some Wi-fi with that?

    In a year or six months perhaps they'll add Bluetooth. Then as component prices come down and battery power goes up, they'll add wireless USB.

    - Jasen.
  • Reply 236 of 311
    pmjoepmjoe Posts: 565member
    Originally Posted by jasenj1 View Post

    Regardless of what Apple does, there will soon be a good sized developer community for these OS X derived products. It will soon be as easy as going to VersionTracker and downloading a package to install new software on the Touch and iPhone. IMHO, that will make these things fly off the shelves.


    Missing apps on the Touch? Wait a month or two and they will appear. There's a lot of space there to be filled with icons.

    Doubtful. I've been around the block a few times on devices like this, and quality development communities never sustain themselves around closed systems like this. An OS update and Poof! all your development efforts could be wasted. Sure, a few hackers will do some very nice things with this device, BUT without Apple's blessing your user community will be small and the motivation won't be there.


    AT&T may force Apple's hand to lock out the third party developers - can't have "wild" software messing with the cell network. But the Touch has no such compulsion. Apple has already shown with the Apple TV that they are willing to turn a blind eye to the hacker community. The Touch brings the same thing with it.

    Bah! This has little to do with AT&T. A decent security model can sandbox most any app, as long as the user takes minimal discretion in what to install. If OS X isn't that secure/stable, we shouldn't be using it.

    What I'm guessing is more likely is that Jobs sees $$$ in licensing access to developers, much like they have done with games on the other iPods and other video game console companies do. Personally I expect this will be a bad approach for the iPhone/iPod touch, and eventually Apple will have to make an SDK available. "Killer apps" for PDA-like devices have typically come from the ground up, a small developer sees a need and writes the app him/herself. Developers like that would never get an audience with Apple to have a shot at the license (plus they wouldn't have the up-front capital). Apps that come from the big software houses will be re-hashes of uninnovative stuff. Apple would be better off making an SDK available and then charging for premiere spots on their downloads site to vendors.

    Of course, my guess at Apple's intentions could be wrong. Apple may be rushing along at finishing up their public SDK, cleaning up code in the iPhone/iPod touch to safely handle 3rd party apps, and this will all show up in Xcode 3 when Leopard is released.

    Apple turns a blind eye because there is currently little profit to be lost in most of the hacking/development efforts. They've already sold you the device, maybe other hackers will buy one too. If you break it in the process, they could refuse warranty coverage. How much would they sue you for anyhow?
  • Reply 237 of 311
    I think it sucks that they don't recalculate the prices here in Belgium! It's $399 in the US for a 16gb model, and ?399 here for the same one. If I recalculate with the latest currencies, I get ?292 as result!

    I think I'm going to have it sent to me by a US friend..

    Does anyone know if it would be possible to ad iPhone widgets such as notes, games, etc. to the iPod touch?
  • Reply 238 of 311
    Originally Posted by GregAlexander View Post

    There was a way of recording brief snippets on the old iPods... or longer stretches. How is that done?

    I mean... if you had an iphone headphones+mic (or similar).... could that be used to provide skype via iPot over wifi? (though... I'm not sure that is much use).

    With appropriate firmware, it was possible to use the headphone jack in reverse as a microphone input to record audio on older (pre 5G) iPods.

    With the 5G iPod, the dock connector has dedicated line-in pins (assuming you have an accessory attached to the connector which makes use of the correct pins, and assuming you have software on the iPod capable of using it).

    So it's not inconceivable that microphone inputs might be possible (and maybe not all that hard to do) for the iPod Touch too. Add to that a Skype application, and pervasive "free" WiFi (which is not entirely unheard of some urban or collegiate settings) and you've got all the communication capability you could want.
  • Reply 239 of 311
    pmjoepmjoe Posts: 565member
    Originally Posted by Kman7607 View Post

    Would I be able to go to my Colleges website and access my email by logging in through the site? Also the entire campus is wireless so would browsing cost me anything ($$$) on the Touch?

    Apple doesn't charge you to use WiFi, so it'd depend on your WiFi provider (most campuses I've been around it's free to students/faculty/staff).

    If it'd work depends on how your campus authorizes/authenticates wireless. It certainly won't work where I'm at, but I suspect this place is the exception and not typical. If you just log in over a standard web page, or if your campus validates on your device's hardware Internet address, then it should work fine. If your campus requires some kind of 3rd party software to be installed, then it is unlikely to work.
  • Reply 240 of 311
    So 6 generations and they still haven't figured out how to put an FM radio in? How many years will it take for them to add a feature that almost every other MP3 player has had for years?! What genius decided it should store contacts and calendar information (that is most likely already stored in the users phone, computer, work computer, email account, etc.) but not have a radio?
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