It's official: Apple to Ship Mac OS X Leopard on October 26



  • Reply 61 of 115
    rokkenrokken Posts: 236member
    I know it's dumb to ask such a question coz I am new to Mac :s Plus there is no such 'Leopard Up-To-Date' outside US and Canada, so I just wanna be more sure about it
  • Reply 62 of 115
    Originally Posted by Zenga View Post

    Sarib! you're not thinking before posting this replies right?

    Here is the explanation for you:

    Apple sells millions of computers, thousands have been already sold since october 1st. every mac that comes out of Apple after october 26 will most likely have leopard installed, but all the others that have been sold from any reseller after oct 1st. will be eligible for the $9.99 upgrade. imagine having bought your new mac yesterday and today you get the news that leopard is out by the end of the month and you have to pay $129 more to get you new os..

    i hope you get this because appleinsider doesn't have a black board for me to draw it for you...

    btw. are you new to mac, if you are welcome to the macaddiction

    indeed i am sir. thank you for the warm welcome. i prefer Jack's though. n as a newbie excuse my question. im a lil paranoid right now coz i've waited a loooong time for buying a mac just coz of leopard so every minute thing seems huge. in any case uve been the biggest help. ill order one MBP 15" 2.4 on oct 26...n if it comes with tiger i know who to talk to .
  • Reply 63 of 115
    It will probably come with Tiger installed (which for me is a good thing...I want Leopard but am going to wait for christmas when I have some time to install it and the bugs have been ironed out) but it will probably include a set of discs for Leopard. I bought a Mac Mini last year and it came with 10.3 installed on it and I had to upgrade to Tiger with the discs which came with it.
  • Reply 64 of 115

    Pre-ordered mine. Can't wait till it it arrives.
  • Reply 65 of 115
    shadowshadow Posts: 373member
    Originally Posted by sarib View Post

    hi i want to buy macbook pro but its still selling with tiger. any idea when leopard will start coming preinstalled?

    All macs sold on or after Oct. 1 can get 10.5 for 9.95 or something ( shipping and handling costs ). If you want pre-installed - after a month at least.
  • Reply 66 of 115
    rolsrols Posts: 68member
    well I read the 300 new features list and was nonplussed. I'm confused by Apple's desire to interface with the site-o-the-day. I never understood why AppleTV had anything to do with youtube, which is a pretty bad site for videos not good enough for America's Home Videos and now they're integrating with Yahoo!. Sorry but when did an operating system have anything to do with random here-today-perhaps-gone-tomorrow websites?

    There's great stuff in there, Unix certification, threaded mounts, better RAW camera support, all good stuff, but it's packed up with some real rubbish worth of M$.

    I really want an operating system which works. Add features to the standard apps like safari and mail (as apple has), get the basics right, enhance file sharing and network compatibility and all that good stuff. Get it to 64bit, speed it up. But really, Yahoo! integration (and possibly find your photo on google maps) aren't OS features, they're gimmicks.

    Leopard will come on my next macbook, scheduled soon as poor G4 is getting pretty old now and I'll be happy to have it, but I do think Apple can do better with this stuff and not go down the M$ bells and whistles road.
  • Reply 67 of 115
    shadowshadow Posts: 373member
    Originally Posted by sarib View Post

    indeed i am sir. thank you for the warm welcome. i prefer Jack's though. n as a newbie excuse my question. im a lil paranoid right now coz i've waited a loooong time for buying a mac just coz of leopard so every minute thing seems huge. in any case uve been the biggest help. ill order one MBP 15" 2.4 on oct 26...n if it comes with tiger i know who to talk to .

    Ooops! Regarding my post above - did not notice there is a page 2 on this forum

    If you are buying from Apple Store you may get Leopard pre-installed pretty soon I guess, may be even if you order now, but it will be shipped with some delay in this case (current shipment estimates make me thing not yet, however). Buying from a dealer especially outside US will take longer than 1 month. But if you buy after Oct. 1 the dealer may install it for you I think (if not pre-installed of course).
  • Reply 68 of 115
    Originally Posted by kim kap sol View Post

    edit: pre-emptive message to UK folks... before some brit says that Apple is charging 20% in the's the VAT. VAT!!!! Stoooopid! You ah so stoooopid!

    Gosh you are a witty bugger aren't you! Yes it's just a 14.4% Apple UK supplement this time round, but please, stop, you're cracking me up. Really.

  • Reply 69 of 115
    Originally Posted by Rokken View Post

    I know it's dumb to ask such a question coz I am new to Mac :s Plus there is no such 'Leopard Up-To-Date' outside US and Canada, so I just wanna be more sure about it

    I'm fairly certain that I've read that such a program will be available in other jurisdictions too. Specifically, I read about it in Australia. Maybe you should check the Apple Store website for your area to confirm the specifics in your locale.
  • Reply 70 of 115
    I'm new to apple, well not quite yet, been waiting for leopard to come out to buy a macbook pro for the last 6 months.

    Not being familiar with the base of Apple OS's and only used to windows... I am wondering what the effects of getting the laptop now and then upgrading to leopard when I can get my $10 copy in 10 days. That is to say will there be remnants of the old OS leftover after the upgrade wasting hard drive space and using resources. In your past experience what kind of problems does this cause and should I just wait 10 days and get leopard installed cleanly is my question?

    thanks, I'm really excited about my switch just getting really tired of waiting
  • Reply 71 of 115
    shadowshadow Posts: 373member
    Originally Posted by rols View Post

    I'll be happy to have it, but I do think Apple can do better with this stuff and not go down the M$ bells and whistles road.

    Hey, but M$ road worked well for them, right?

    The marketing people are trying to pull off the top of their heads some consumer oriented stuff. I don't really care what features are listed there. There was enough info on the web about Leopard, both from Apple and from hands on reports. It is worth upgrading IMO. 10.5.0 or 10.5.1/2 is up to one's temperament. There are tons of under-the-hood features which will need time to be fully utilized by the mainstream applications.
  • Reply 72 of 115
    You may still be able to get the old $69 educational discount price for Leopard, but you *need* to call your local Apple educational sales representative. I just did, and got it pre-ordered for $69. The woman I spoke with didn't even know about the $116 pricing for individual students and educators.

    In speaking with my Apple rep, I told her I wouldn't mind the price increase so much...if the *retail* price had also jumped up $47. Then I would understand. This is just a $13 savings over retail...big deal. You can get a better price break buying it retail from for $109 and free shipping right now.

    From my perspective, it just sounded like students and educators were taking somewhat of a hit, regardless of how "great" 10.5 is supposed to be. Let's face it: every OS upgrade has had a lot of time and expense put into it. Again, I wouldn't mind the $116 price tag, if the regular retail price had increased by the same rate proportionally. But it didn't, and that's what didn't sit right with me. Or, just come out and say "no more educator discounts" and be honest about it from the get go.

    Anyway, if you're an educator or a student, call your Apple Education rep directly and express your feelings about this. You may just get Leopard for $69 after all. Or just go to MacMall and save yourself some bucks there!
  • Reply 73 of 115
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,687member
    Originally Posted by rols View Post

    they're gimmicks.

    Unfortunately, it's the gimmicks that make the sale. And let's not forget, what's important to you, may not be important to someone else. Besides, what's the big deal if some fluff is thrown in to win over the simple minded? Just avoid those features.
  • Reply 74 of 115
    rokkenrokken Posts: 236member
    Originally Posted by lfmorrison View Post

    I'm fairly certain that I've read that such a program will be available in other jurisdictions too. Specifically, I read about it in Australia. Maybe you should check the Apple Store website for your area to confirm the specifics in your locale.

    Did you read it in the Apple Australian Store? I haven't found any related news on either Australian Store or Norwegian Store or any European Store :S
  • Reply 75 of 115
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member
    Nice, but I'm withholding judgment until I see reviews of how it purrs on a 1Ghz G4 system. Awful close to min specs. I don't know about OSX, but I've tried to run XP on low spec systems, and it was not pleasant.

  • Reply 76 of 115
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member
    Originally Posted by mjtomlin View Post

    Unfortunately, it's the gimmicks that make the sale. And let's not forget, what's important to you, may not be important to someone else. Besides, what's the big deal if some fluff is thrown in to win over the simple minded? Just avoid those features.

    The problem is the time wasted adding useless fluff that could've been spent actually making sure the OS is as bug and crash free as possible. We're already been told to wait for the 6th version of OS X in hopes of getting a decently performing finder. But thank god we've got youtube!
  • Reply 77 of 115
    Originally Posted by Boss Angeles View Post

    For the first time I'm NOT falling for the 1984 hype. After getting hozed by all the malware in iLife 08, and getting high-fived opening night for paying 200 bucks too much for my iPhone, I'll leave the lines and 1.0 kernel panics for others to enjoy. I'm wary of Leopard not changing it's "rush anything to market" spots. The new "quarter to quarter" Wall Street Apple.

    Well, you don't have to be iTard to use Apple products ... I am also looking forward to Leopard (mostly because of speed enhancement), but I will wait a few weeks - version 1 is never the best one in iWorld.

    BTW, about what malware are you talking about? iPhoto, iMovie, everything.... is better than previous version. If you don't count iWeb, because it is and it was not even the worst application from Apple, but maybe the worst application in mankind (was it even created by human being?) from the iLife 06.

    Originally Posted by troberts View Post

    9GB is not that bad when you realize it is including everything. I bet if you got rid of the development environment, all the drivers you do not need, and the localizations you could free 3-4GB of space easy.

    Noda, the deveoper tools are 2GB more (and 1GB of memory btw, which is little absurd)

    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    What's all this Aqua that's still present. I'm disappointed in you Apple.

    exactly, now I will have other scrollbars in iPhoto/iTunes and others in Finder/rest. Booo!

    Originally Posted by Eduardo View Post

    Umm, so what was the "secret" that Jobs spoke of when making the initial OS 10.5 announcement. All, but dropped?

    eeee..... COVERFLOW!!

    Originally Posted by TFrank2 View Post

    Anyone else notice that they wiped the OS X Tiger page off of the Apple website? Kinda sad haha.

    Yes, but you can sometimes find some older stuff on "local" sites - for example, sherlock 3.0 page here (btw, sherlock or automator are great examples of "looking-great-but-practically-useless-stuff") ... the same with Time Machine - yes, it will save all your data, but only on an external drive...

    Originally Posted by sarib View Post

    hi i want to buy macbook pro but its still selling with tiger. any idea when leopard will start coming preinstalled?

    I think almost immediately after Leopard release - it was the same with iLife08.
  • Reply 78 of 115
    I will be at the store at 6pm 10/26th.
  • Reply 79 of 115
    eduardoeduardo Posts: 181member
    Originally Posted by Boss Angeles View Post

    Exactly. iWeb erased my sites on upload and caused huge problems. I think the customers now know more than the employees in the stores too. Scary.


    I was able to prevent iWeb from completely ruining my website-thankfully I was able to save a copy of the file that iWeb '08 destroyed. If it wasn't for sites like this or the Apple forums I would have been in your predicament. Not everyone can do this---Apple should ship out software WHEN IT IS READY---they've released some buggy software ala Microsoft. We Apple users hold Apple Inc. to higher standards.
  • Reply 80 of 115
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Again, all that Steve originally said was, ?There?s some top features to Leopard that we are going to keep close to the vest and not going to show you today. I just want you to know that they are there. We don?t want our friends to start their photocopiers any sooner than they have to, and so we are going to keep a few things secret?? Nothing else.

    Actually, there was this TOP SECRET sign over the picture and everything.... and when ArsTechnica wrote there are NONE Top secret features (and I dont count QuickLook or Coverflow as something important).

    Don't get me wrong - I am looking forward to Leopard (it IS faster, TM is a good thing, ability to chose which folders could I share is must-have) and I will buy it after few weeks, after everything "settle down".

    Originally Posted by rols View Post

    well I read the 300 new features list and was nonplussed. I'm confused by Apple's desire to interface with the site-o-the-day. I never understood why AppleTV had anything to do with youtube, which is a pretty bad site for videos not good enough for America's Home Videos and now they're integrating with Yahoo!. Sorry but when did an operating system have anything to do with random here-today-perhaps-gone-tomorrow websites?

    There's great stuff in there, Unix certification, threaded mounts, better RAW camera support, all good stuff, but it's packed up with some real rubbish worth of M$.

    Well, it has always been in Mac OS. Remember Sherlock and it's eBay searching? And I don't care, because integration of these stuff cannot harm me - and seriously, it doesn't take much time from developers of Leopard, because it can be done on a few lines of code.

    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    The problem is the time wasted adding useless fluff that could've been spent actually making sure the OS is as bug and crash free as possible. We're already been told to wait for the 6th version of OS X in hopes of getting a decently performing finder. But thank god we've got youtube!

    I'm not really sure Finder in Leopard is so much better than in Tiger - it is still in Carbon I guess and it will have the same flaws .... if you want something more TotalCommander-like, I would reccomend you muCommander.

    It looks that I am skeptical, but well, there are more positive things in Leopard than negatives one (friend of friend of friend of mine has some IsoHunt beta version and it works great ).
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