Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 461 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    If anyone, Toshiba would make a great combo player for sure. The HD-XA2 is still considered the best video player out there on the market under $2k budget.

    As for the Blu-ray standalone players, I believe only the profile 1.1 is a mandated spec since end of Nov. 2007. The profile 2.0 (BD Live) will take longer time to be implemented as a mandated blu-ray hardware spec. I guess this is one way to make consumers upgrade their hardwares or force feed BD supporters with PS3.

    Do you think anyone is going to care enough to upgrade from 1.1 to 2.0 just so they can link to the internet. OMG I can go directly to a website where I can buy stuff from the movie! Wowee! Most people don't care about PiP to go 1.1 let alone go 2.0 for internet bonuses.
  • Reply 462 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    Do you think anyone is going to care enough to upgrade from 1.1 to 2.0 just so they can link to the internet. OMG I can go directly to a website where I can buy stuff from the movie! Wowee! Most people don't care about PiP to go 1.1 let alone go 2.0 for internet bonuses.

    Obviously, the studios and the BDA do care about profile 1.0/1.1/2.0, hence the mandated hardware spec. Your personal preference to use it or not to use it is your own decision, though.
  • Reply 463 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    HBO goes Blu-ray exclusive


    10 January 2008 17:52 GMT - HBO, the makers of Sex in the City, The Sopranos, Six Feet Under and Curb Your Ethusiasm has announced that it will be going Blu-ray exclusive.

    The move, which won't come as too much of a surprise to industry pundits as it follows its parent company Time Warner announcing earlier this month that Warner Bros. was ditching HD DVD.

    HBO Video president Henry McGee has been reported as saying that HBO will be ?following the same policy as Warner Home Video.?

    HBO has recently released season six of one of the most popular TV DVD sellers of all time, ?The Sopranos,? on both Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD.

    No word as to whether the rest of the seasons will be available on HD DVD, but our expectations would be that Sopranos fans are going to have to buy into Blu-ray if they want a HD experience.

    First Warner, then New Line, and now HBO. HD DVD is finished if it doesn't have Lord of the Rings...totally looking forward to that one.
  • Reply 464 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Obviously, the studios and the BDA do care about profile 1.0/1.1/2.0, hence the mandated hardware spec. Your personal preference to use it or not to use it is your own decision, though.

    Panasonic already will have a 2.0 player on the market in the coming months. Did you and Corey miss that post? So, your obvious complaints are somewhat moot, as 2.0 players will have what you are looking for.
  • Reply 465 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Universal's Commitment to Backing HD DVD Exclusively has Ended


    The two remaining studios backing HD DVD could switch sides soon, ending the high-def format war instantly.

    Daily Variety has confirmed that Universal's commitment to backing HD DVD exclusively has ended. And Paramount has an escape clause in its HD DVD contract allowing it to release pics on Blu-ray after Warner Bros.' decision to back that format exclusively.

    Neither studio is ready to throw in the towel immediately, however. Universal is committed to a series of promotions for the high-def format in coming months, and Par has said its current plans are to keep supporting HD DVD, which it backed exclusively in August.

    Should Toshiba concede defeat on the format, the decision to drop HD DVD would be made for both studios. But Toshiba doesn't appear ready to do that. At the Consumer Electronics Show, the manufacturer reaffirmed its commitment to the format, noting strong sales during the fourth quarter and indicating it would continue marketing its hardware through 2008.

    But retailers may force the HD DVD camp's hand: They're unlikely to keep devoting premium shelf space to a dying format, and at this point, the odds are not in HD DVD's favor. With Warners' defection, only Par and U remain in the HD DVD camp; Sony, Disney, Fox, Lionsgate remain ardent Blu-ray backers. Warner sister companies New Line and HBO are also shifting allegiance to Blu-ray.

    Last summer, Blockbuster also threw its weight behind Blu-ray, though some HD DVD discs remain in stores.

    And Warner will continue to release HD DVD discs for the next few months to honor its previous commitment to Toshiba, which extends through May 31. Paramount's HD DVD deal, which covers DreamWorks releases, was to run through this year.

    Ohh, this sum's it up nicely...

  • Reply 466 of 2639
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    You know Marz, I'm not a huge fan of most of the pics you insert in some of these threads but that one got me LOL'ing.
  • Reply 467 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Cake View Post

    $400 is a good price for that machine and all that's it is capable of.

    It's a good and relevant item for your living room for at least 5 years.

    umm no, not really. you're basically paying $400 for a bluray player. the ps3 as a gaming machine is a piece of poo.

    the 360 is a true gaming machine, now if it decides to incorporate future bluray players internal or external then thats a great deal for $400.

    bluray players need to drop to $150 for me to purchase one.
  • Reply 468 of 2639
    julesjules Posts: 149member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    umm no, not really. you're basically paying $400 for a bluray player. the ps3 as a gaming machine is a piece of poo.

    the 360 is a true gaming machine, now if it decides to incorporate future bluray players internal or external then thats a great deal for $400.

    bluray players need to drop to $150 for me to purchase one.

    How can you say that the 360 is a better gaming machine than the PS3?

    Is there a new game that involves eliminating the red ring of death?

    At least the remote doesn't end up embedded in the TV like with the Wii. I still think the Wii is very gimmicky, but I have of course been proven conclusively wrong by about half the planet by now.

    The PS3 is the console that will last the distance, the 360 is looking decidedly second rate these days - no HD, major reliability problems, tacky design. They do at least have the odd ok game.
  • Reply 469 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    umm no, not really. you're basically paying $400 for a bluray player. the ps3 as a gaming machine is a piece of poo.

    the 360 is a true gaming machine, now if it decides to incorporate future bluray players internal or external then thats a great deal for $400.

    bluray players need to drop to $150 for me to purchase one.

    That is such bull shit. The PS3 is a better system, and the gameplay proves it. UT3 can not even fit on an 360 Disk. When and if the 360 version comes out the game is going to be smaller than the PS3 version, Lower resolution, less Maps, less content. Confirmed!, Uncharted on the 360... Not a chance. All the texture Maps in full HD resolution, and take up over 20GB of disk. Not going to happen. TimeShift on the 360... Plays like shit. That's what everybody says. The System can not handle the game. PS3.. Flawless. So don't give me that PS3 is a bogus system nonsense.
  • Reply 470 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    More from Bill Hunt...


    The big high-def news so far this morning is that Daily Variety has confirmed that Paramount has an escape clause on their contract with HD-DVD, and that Universal's contractual period for exclusivity has ended. This means both studios are free to decide to go neutral or Blu-ray only at any time. The piece says that while these studios aren't quite ready to throw in the towel yet, and neither is Toshiba, retailers are likely to force their hand based on sales.

    On that note, Reuters spoke with a number of retailers at CES who, contrary to Toshiba's claims of being supportive, seem afraid of the format war continuing to drag on. Says Wal-Mart's senior vice president in charge of electronics, Gary Severson: "It would be our hope that by this Christmas there would be a clearer choice for the customer, instead of battling back and forth." Best Buy CEO Brad Anderson adds that Warner's decision makes it "a lot easier to see the likelihood that we get to one format, and it makes it easier for us as retailers to help push it to that one format." None of these retailers are likely to immediately remove HD-DVD from their store shelves, for fear of angering those consumers who just purchased the format over the holidays. However, you can be certain that they'll be watching sales figures and will react accordingly.

    In order to better assess retailers' possible next moves, we contacted a variety of local Orange County, CA retail locations yesterday (including Best Buy and Circuit City stores, as well as Frys Electronics and a couple of specialty retailers) for an informal poll, and have learned that since Warner's decision on Friday, Blu-ray Disc hardware has begun outselling HD-DVD hardware dramatically, jumping from 3 to 1 early last week to a factor of roughly 20 to 1 (on average) over the weekend. Sales people are now more confidently recommending Blu-ray to their customers as the preferred of the two formats, and there have apparently been returns of HD-DVD decks. Said one Best Buy employee yesterday of HD-DVD: "We'll keep it around until it goes on clearance, but in a couple months, it probably won't be there anymore."

    The number of HD-DVD players available for sale on eBay appears to have spiked over the weekend as well.

    It gets worse for HD-DVD today. Constantin Film AG (one of Germany's top indie film companies) has announced that it too will go all Blu-ray in the wake of Warner's move, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

    Finally, research firm Understanding and Solutions is now predicting that Blu-ray will win the high-def format war by the end of 2008. We suspect it won't take nearly that long.

    Back with more in a bit. Stay tuned...

    So what do you guys think? Early/late February, we'll have Paramount and Universal capitulating?
  • Reply 471 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Panasonic already will have a 2.0 player on the market in the coming months. Did you and Corey miss that post? So, your obvious complaints are somewhat moot, as 2.0 players will have what you are looking for.

    Panasonic profile 2.0 player is not on the market. It was shown at CES without the release date and price. You may quote me again when it's really on the market.

    I'll probably will not spend more than $400 on a panasonic profile 2.0 player, unless it comes packed with Combo drive, Reon VX video processor, Sharc DSP, and Bur Brown DAC for multi-channel analog out. Of course, HDMI 1.3 would be given.

    I'm sure my HTPC with a future $99 combo drive will perform well as future panasonic profile 2.0 blu-ray player at much higher price.
  • Reply 472 of 2639
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    HBO goes Blu-ray exclusive

    First Warner, then New Line, and now HBO. HD DVD is finished if it doesn't have Lord of the Rings...totally looking forward to that one.

    I agree HD-DVD is toast now. But, HBO and New Line are either wholly owned or partially owned by Warner Bros. So it's not like they made their own decisions as to which format to support.
  • Reply 474 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    That is such bull shit. The PS3 is a better system, and the gameplay proves it. UT3 can not even fit on an 360 Disk. When and if the 360 version comes out the game is going to be smaller than the PS3 version, Lower resolution, less Maps, less content. Confirmed!, Uncharted on the 360... Not a chance. All the texture Maps in full HD resolution, and take up over 20GB of disk. Not going to happen. TimeShift on the 360... Plays like shit. That's what everybody says. The System can not handle the game. PS3.. Flawless. So don't give me that PS3 is a bogus system nonsense.

    oh wow, bring your fanboy a55 over to any other neutral gaming forum and watch this paragraph get torn to shreds.

    the 360 has already proven it has better graphical capabilities. the ps3's cell is a b/tch to program for and you constantly see cross platform games look and even play better on the 360. i mean for god sakes i know this is an apple forum and its usually anti-microsoft everything but seriously all it takes is a quick peak around any gaming blog, magazine, or site to see how the ps3 has been received.

    the best games of this generation have been on the 360. UT didn't even sell well on the ps3, i'm sure its a decent game and the online will be infinitely better on the 360 but thats all you have? UT and Uncharted? sad.

    the whole disk storage hoopla has already been deflated. also, the higher resolution myth has been debunked and with added insult (360 games are known to have higher frame rates).

    honestly, where have you been man? you need a serious update.

    AAA 360 titles

    Halo 3 (best selling game of 2007)

    Bioshock (game of the year 2007)

    Gears of War (game of the year 2006)

    Mass Effect

    Forza 2


    Dead or Alive 5

    Saints Row

    Dead Rising

    Project Gotham Racing 3

    just to name a few.
  • Reply 475 of 2639
    julesjules Posts: 149member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    oh wow, bring your fanboy a55 over to any other neutral gaming forum and watch this paragraph get torn to shreds.

    the 360 has already proven it has better graphical capabilities. the ps3's cell is a b/tch to program for and you constantly see cross platform games look and even play better on the 360. i mean for god sakes i know this is an apple forum and its usually anti-microsoft everything but seriously all it takes is a quick peak around any gaming blog, magazine, or site to see how the ps3 has been received.

    the best games of this generation have been on the 360. UT didn't even sell well on the ps3, i'm sure its a decent game and the online will be infinitely better on the 360 but thats all you have? UT and Uncharted? sad.

    the whole disk storage hoopla has already been deflated. also, the higher resolution myth has been debunked and with added insult (360 games are known to have higher frame rates).

    honestly, where have you been man? you need a serious update.

    AAA 360 titles

    Halo 3 (best selling game of 2007)

    Bioshock (game of the year 2007)

    Gears of War (game of the year 2006)

    Mass Effect

    Forza 2


    Dead or Alive 5

    Saints Row

    Dead Rising

    Project Gotham Racing 3

    just to name a few.

    360 refers of course to the number of minutes the console lasts before you need to take it in for repairs.
  • Reply 476 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    hey,i never said the console was flawless. the failure rate is a bit ridiculous but they have resolved it (thank god). at least the console has amazing content and the best online service (with the best arcade and retro games available). coincidently the only thing saving the ps3 from utter failure is the bluray functionality.

    oh, and i dont normally do this but hell just to stick it to the blind faithfuls in here

    According to

    Xbox 360 games Ratings


    2\tOrange Box, The\t96

    3\tGears of War\t94

    4\tElder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, The\t94

    5\tCall of Duty 4: Modern Warfare\t94

    6\tHalo 3\t94

    7\tRock Band\t93

    8\tGuitar Hero II\t92

    9\tMass Effect\t91

    10\tTom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter\t90

    11\tForza Motorsport 2\t90

    12\tCall of Duty 2\t89

    13\tCastlevania: Symphony of the Night\t89

    14\tTom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas\t89

    15\tBurnout Revenge\t89

    16\tVirtua Fighter 5\t88

    17\tProject Gotham Racing 3\t88

    18\tPuzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords\t87

    19\tElder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles, The\t86

    20\tGeometry Wars: Retro Evolved\t86

    PS3 games Ratings

    1\tCall of Duty 4: Modern Warfare\t94

    2\tElder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, The\t93

    3\tRock Band\t92

    4\tBurnout Paradise\t90

    5\tRatchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction\t88

    6\tNinja Gaiden Sigma\t88

    7\tUncharted: Drake's Fortune\t88

    8\tOrange Box, The\t88

    9\tResistance: Fall of Man\t86

    10\tUnreal Tournament 3\t86

    11\tNHL 08\t86

    12\tTom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas\t86

    13\tEveryday Shooter\t85

    14\tVirtua Fighter 5\t85

    15\tTom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2\t84


    17\tMotorStorm (JPN Import Version)\t84



    20\tSuper Stardust HD\t84

    notice the hilarity of the majority of the ps3's highest scoring games.
  • Reply 477 of 2639
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member

    "At an end this format war is."
  • Reply 478 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    but hell just to stick it to the blind faithfuls in here

    Hey, pot, scream at many black kettles?
  • Reply 479 of 2639
    More on the Constantin news.

    Kind of inevitable given the ratio of sales in Europe.
  • Reply 480 of 2639
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    Do you think anyone is going to care enough to upgrade from 1.1 to 2.0 just so they can link to the internet. OMG I can go directly to a website where I can buy stuff from the movie! Wowee! Most people don't care about PiP to go 1.1 let alone go 2.0 for internet bonuses.

    That's not what it's for. Content providers can keep adding new features to their films for as long as they please, like new ways to view the film or additional behind the scenes material. Is it gimmicky? Yeah, sort of. Do I want to drop $400 on a player that won't ever be able to use internet-based features? No. Do I want to manually apply firmware upgrades to my player on a regular basis for compatibility with current titles because my player has no ethernet port? Hell no.

    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Panasonic already will have a 2.0 player on the market in the coming months. Did you and Corey miss that post? So, your obvious complaints are somewhat moot, as 2.0 players will have what you are looking for.

    What's the price, Marz, and when will it be available?
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